Kokichi's Despair Disease - Part 1?

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Hey everyone! I know that this is a popular topic for 'Danganronpa V3' fanfictions but I've rarely seen any where Kokichi is infected with the Despair Disease. This fanfiction came from a request. I hope that you all enjoy it! <3
Kokichi cursed Monokuma and his newest motive. For the past few days, Kokichi had not left his dorm room, making several of the remaining students believe he was infected with the Despair Disease. Kokichi felt terribly sick and weak. In addition, the disease was preventing him from spinning his endless stream of lies. Without the protective wall of his lies, he felt venerable and refused to talk to the other participants in the Killing Game.

Kokichi was disturbed from his train of thought by a soft knock at the door to his dorm room. The Panta-loving boy groaned, why couldn't the others just leave him alone?

"This motive will remain in effect until a murder has occurred!" Monokuma had said the day before Kokichi got infected with the disease.

"Kokichi? Are you alright in there?" A voice called from the other side of the door.

"Go away!" Kokichi shouted weakly as he curled up tighter under the covers of his bed.

"Please, let me in... it's Shuichi..." The voice called again.

Muttering crossly, Kokichi staggered out of bed and to the door. Upon opening it, he found Shuichi Saihara standing in the doorway with concern showing in his grey-green eyes.

"You look cute today, Shuichi~" Kokichi slapped his hand over his mouth too late, his eyes widening larger than Shuichi's at his comment. Curse this disease! And Monokuma! Kokichi thought bitterly, he wasn't able to lie...

"W-what?!" Shuichi stuttered as he began to blush from embarrassment.

"It's true..." Kokichi had meant to say 'It's a lie' but the sickness changed his words. Dammit.

"Umm... Goodbye!" Kokichi attempted to slam the door shut but Shuichi wedged his foot in the doorway, preventing the door from fully closing.

"Are you okay, Kokichi?" Shuichi asked gently.

"N-no..." Kokichi whispered, fighting back tears as he was forced, once again, to face the reality of the situation he was currently in. He hated the truth... but he didn't hate the detective...

Shuichi was silent for what felt like hours before he gently pushed the door open and stepped inside of Kokichi's messy dorm room. Kokichi found that at this point, he didn't even care to keep the detective out of his room. What is wrong with... me..? His thoughts were slowing down.

"Kokichi..? What's wrong?" Shuichi asked uneasily, he didn't particularly like the liar but he didn't want him to die either.

"Why do you care?" Kokichi snapped weakly, fighting to stay awake.

Shuichi paused, caught off guard by the question. It was a good one, why did he care?

"I... I don't know..." He finally admitted.

"You're no help..." Kokichi muttered, turning to his bed. However, he lost his balance and stumbled. Shuichi reached out to catch him before he hit the floor, one hand wrapped around the smaller's back. Kokichi felt the blood flush to his cheeks as he stared up at Shuichi, thinking of how cliche this was.

"Are you infected with the Despair Disease?" Shuichi asked, putting the pieces together and letting the other go once he could stand again.

"Maybe a little..." The purple headed lair admitted as he sat down dizzily on his bed.

"How can I be sure that you aren't lying?" Shuichi asked wearily, sitting beside the lair on the bed. Kokichi leaned again the navy haired boy beside him. Why is he so... warm? Kokichi thought.

"You're just cold, Kokichi." Shuichi answered.

"Did I say that out loud?!" Kokichi buried his face in his hands, fighting back sudden tears.

"Y-yeah kinda..." Shuichi murmured, placing the back of his hand to Kokichi's forehead, he was very warm.

"Anyway, I can't lie because of this damned disease." Kokichi cursed as his body grew heavier.

"You must have the Trust Disease - H-hey?!" Shuichi stuttered as Kokichi's head fell onto the detective's lap. Kokichi looked up at him with large violet eyes.

"Anything... wrong?" He asked drowsily.



Kokichi wrapped his arms around Shuichi's waist and nuzzled into his stomach. Shuichi was blushing hard as he found himself admitting to the fact that the boy was beyond cute.

"You look cute when you blush..." Kokichi whispered, just loud enough for the detective to catch his words.

"S-shhh, sleep, Kokichi." Shuichi ran his fingers through Kokichi's soft, purple hair as the smaller hummed tiredly. The lair didn't want to sleep, in fear he would wake up alone and this encounter was only a dream.

"Even if it's a dream, a lie... c-can you stay with me..?" Kokichi asked, hugging the taller tighter.

"S-sure..." Shuichi stammered.

Kokichi leaned up and placed a kiss to Shuichi's cheek before resting his head on the taller's shoulder. The navy haired boy pulled Kokichi closer by wrapping an arm around him. The taller laid down with Kokichi beside him, the smaller murmured something that the detective couldn't catch.

Shuichi discovered that the shorter boy was asleep, 'I'll keep you safe...' He silently promised.

Tell me if you guys would like to see a part 2 to this story. Please leave requests to fanfictions! I love you all, have a great day! Bye~onara! <3

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