Innocence of Panta - Shuichi x Kokichi

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  Hello everyone! I'm currently trying to get rid of all my prompts that I have in storage so expect a ton of fanfictions coming! This will be a AU, kinda. I hope you all enjoy!

  It was late in the night, memories of the killing game still haunted the survivors. Shuichi had managed to stop Tsumugi Shirogane before anyone else could die, before Miu could kill Kokichi. Maki and Kaito were living together, Himiko was touring around the world, sharing her magic. Kiibo was telling the story of the killing game all over the world.

  Kokichi, on the other hand, was a criminal in his free time and Shuichi was a detective that never touched his case or offered to help catch him. Why would he?
Shuichi walked out of his room, spotting his boyfriend, Kokichi Ouma, sitting at the table. He was staring blankly out the window, in front of him was a bottle of grape Panta. His head snapped toward Shuichi as he turned the corner.

  "You're drinking another one?" Shuichi asked with a smile as he walked over to the smaller male.

  "I love Panta!" Kokichi chirped, returning a smile.

  "You love me more, I hope." Shuichi chuckled, planting a gentle kiss to Kokichi's cheek, turning the other red.

  "Of course~" Kokichi said, "Or maybe that's a lie."

  The Panta loving liar stood up and reached out to hug Shuichi, who pulled him into a loving embrace. Kokichi pushed Shuichi onto a chair and sat on his lap, straddling him and making him blush. Kokichi smiled and rested his head on Shuichi's shoulder.

  "I love you, babe." Shuichi murmured, petting Kokichi's purple hair gently with one hand while the other was wrapped around them.

  "Awe, I love you too!" Kokichi mumbled, his voice muffled by Shuichi's shirt.

  Kokichi looked up at him with large grape eyes, making Shuichi blush at the cuteness overload. Why was his boyfriend so freaking adorable?

  "You know, I might get jealous if you keep loving Panta that much." Shuichi flirted, making Kokichi blush. It was rare that the detective flirted, even with his boyfriend.

  "I love you more than any amount of Panta in the world." Kokichi promised, nuzzling Shuichi's neck with his head.

  "I'm teasing Kokichi." Shuichi kissed his forehead, "But thanks."

  "Always..." Kokichi murmured before jerking away excitedly, "We should go to the fair that's going on in the park!"

  "Right now? Kokichi, it's 10 o'clock at night." Kokichi's mood deflated instantly.

  "Oh." He sighed.

  Shuichi chuckled, kissing his cheek, "You're such a child sometimes~"

  "You love me though!"

  "Forever. Come on, let's get some sleep." Shuichi stood up and steered the purple headed liar towards their shared bedroom, where they curled up together, spooning.

I hope that you all enjoyed that fanfiction! I love you all, have a great day! Bye-onara! 

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