Window Shopping - Shuichi x Kokichi AU

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  Oh crap! I forgot I had this one in storage... I haven't been very responsible lately.... Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one!


It had been awhile since the Phantom Thief's latest escapade. Shuichi had been chasing the notorious criminal for months now, not getting any closer to unmasking his identity. It had been an exhausting day where Shuichi once again hadn't gotten anywhere. When was the thief going to slip up? Only once was all he needed. But he knew the thief knew that too.

As if this wasn't enough, the thief had found yet another way to tease him. The thief would come through the windows every now and then, scaring the shit out of him, and talk to the detective for a few hours before escaping through the window, not allowing Shuichi to any information about him.

Shuichi heard the window slide open with a soft thud. He didn't care to turn around, knowing the thief would be there. He merely continued his work until he heard a high pitched giggle behind him.

"Is Shuichi not paying attention to me~?" He asked, wrapping his arms over the taller's chest.

"W-would you please stop coming in through the windows, it scares the hell out of me every time." Shuichi muttered, earning a giggle from the criminal.

"Aww, do I scare my little detective?" He teased slyly.

"What are you doing here?" Shuichi sighed, pulling the masked criminal's arms away from him and turning around.

The thief smirked, "Oh? I'm just window shopping~" He flirted, running his eyes over the now flustered detective in front of him.

Shuichi huffed, turning his gaze away with an uncomfortable look on his face. The thief giggled at the taller, choosing to sit in their lap with the most smug expression Shuichi had ever seen.

"W-what are you doing?" Shuichi stuttered, a blush rising to his face due to embarrassment.

"I just wanted you to pay attention to me..." The thief pouted, blinking sadly at the taller.

"You can do that in different ways, you know."

"I can flirt with you in different ways, you know~"

"Shut up..." Shuichi muttered, blushing even harder.

"Is my darling detective having pervy thoughts about me?" Kokichi teased, "How dirty, Shuichi~"

"What? No, that's not what I--!"

The thief smirked before bursting out in giggles.

"You're too easy, Shuichi! No wonder I've gotten away from you for so long."

Shuichi got up and pinned the shorter to the bed, a hard emotion in his eyes. Anger maybe? The game had just gotten a lot more interesting, the thief thought. Shuichi's face flushed as he looked down at the boy below him.

"Oooh~ Looks like you're finally making a move! Where my looks too much for you~?" He teased, not in the least worried about the situation at hand.

"N-no!" Shuichi muttered, pulling away to sit on in the chair again. The masked thief sat up, slight disappointment on his features. Though the expression disappeared so fast that Shuichi couldn't be sure.

"Why don't I start then?" The thief asked slyly, as if he wanted to get the detective to do something.

"Start what?" He tilted his head uneasily.

"See, you're interested!" The thief chirped, sounding more like an excitable child, "Try not to push me away this time~ It hurts my feelings!"

Shuichi looked uncomfortable as the shorter crept forward and sat in his lap again. Shuichi felt his heart accelerate, pounding against his ribcage. The thief smiled down at him, leaning against the taller and pausing. The detective calmed somewhat when he noticed the thief was doing nothing but sitting on him.

"I like you, you know..." The thief's voice murmured, his breath warming Shuichi's ear and causing the taller to blush.

"Stop lying..."

"I'm not lying, Shu."

Shuichi sighed, leaning his head against the shorter's shoulder. It felt so conflicted, he wanted to be loyal to his job as a detective. But he also wanted to get to know this boy, somehow, Shuichi could tell he as hurting.

"Okay." He breathed, done arguing for the night. With a gentle push, Shuichi moved the criminal away from him and stood up, heading towards his bed.

The thief seemed to get the idea, smiled, and jumped on the bed. Shuichi, too tired to deal with his antics anymore, let the masked criminal stay for the night. The thief shifted around before laying down with him, hiding his face in his chest. The detective glanced at the side table, finding the criminal's childish mask laying face up.

Shuichi opened his mouth to say something but the thief beat him to it.

"Please don't say anything."

The criminal hesitantly wound his arms around the taller, making sure to keep his face hidden from him. It was unexpected, the thief almost never showed any shyness. Maybe having his mask removed was part of the problem. His actions reminded him of his friend, Kokichi.

"Good night~" He tried to sound like his normal, chipper self but his voice faltered. Did he think that Shuichi would kick him out or be mad at him? When did the thief ever care about his feelings?

"Are you okay?" The thief jerked his head up, his purple eyes flashing.

"Of course I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?" He demanded, glaring at Shuichi. After a moment, the smaller gasped and hid his face again as he realized he had just shown his face. Shuichi found himself chuckling, pulling his hand through the other's lilac hair.

"I should've known it was you, Kokichi." The detective said lightly, trying to comfort the distressed leader.

The shorter said nothing. Shuichi pulled his chin up to look at him, finding small tears in the corners of his eyes. Shuichi smiled at him, pulling Kokichi closer to embrace him.

"Why are you sad?" Shuichi murmured.

"Because, knowing you, you'll have me arrested... I won't get to see you anymore..."

Something warm and fuzzy was bubbling in his chest, a feeling he couldn't put a name on. He decided not to say anything. Shuichi wrapped a leg around the other, wrapping them in a warm cocoon. Kokichi nuzzled closer to them, never willing to admit how red his face was.

"I like you, Shuichi."

"I believe you, my thief." The detective pressed his lips to the shorter's forehead with affection. Kokichi nuzzled his face closer to the taller, an embarrassed blush covering his face.

When Shuichi woke up the next morning, both Kokichi and the criminal were gone. Was it a dream? Or did the thief leave before he woke up?


I was really tempted to turn this one into a lemon but I thought this was better. Tell me if you wanna see a part 2 where we discover if it was a dream! Bye~onara! 

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