Tickles - Shuichi x Kokichi

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 Hello everyone! This story prompt won the vote and it was requested by @Neenobrae. I hope I did justice and that you enjoy it! <3


Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective, had been growing closer to Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader, for the past few days. The pair were currently talking in the shorter's room. The navy haired male was mostly listening to what Kokichi was babbling on about rather than talking himself. Kokichi was going on about a grand theft he and D.I.C.E. had pulled off before the Killing Game.

"You know I'm supposed to arrest people like that, right?" Shuichi said, cutting Kokichi off mid-sentence. The shorter pouted at this but grinned as he processed the question.

"You could never catch me~ Detectives, the world over have tried and failed." Kokichi winked at the taller, "Though I wouldn't mind being chased by you~"

Shuichi raised an eyebrow.

"Shumai could never catch a supreme leader like myself~"

"We'll see about that." Shuichi reached over and tickled the shorter. The purple-haired gremlin tried pushing his hand away but Shuichi kept attacking him with his other hand. After a moment of Kokichi's struggling the taller found himself on top of the shorter, tickling his sides as Kokichi giggled madly beneath him.

"I-I give--" He was interrupted by laughter, "Stooooop!"

Shuichi chuckled, pausing but not moving off the smaller boy. Kokichi intertwined his fingers with Shuichi's and pushed them up as a shield. Even though it was obvious Kokichi was only doing this to prevent Shuichi from tickling him, the taller still blushed.

"Aww, am I making Shuichi blush?" Kokichi giggled, earning a larger blush from the detective.

"Shut up, Ouma. Before I tickle you again."

"Nooo~" He whined. Shuichi let the shorter up. Kokichi almost immediately pounced on him, trying to get revenge. Shuichi allowed the leader to tickle him, feeling slightly smug as Kokichi realized he wasn't ticklish. His purple eyes widened in horror.

"He's immune to the poison!" And scurried out of the room as if Shuichi was about to kill him. The detective couldn't help laughing as he followed Kokichi out of the room. Why not amuse him for a little while? What else was he supposed to do in the Killing Game?

Kokichi looked behind him to see the detective jogging after him. The shorter yelped as he tried to dash away. But he wasn't fast enough. Shuichi grabbed his wrist and tugged him back. A little too hard, it seemed, since Kokichi stumbled into Shuichi and knocked them both to the floor.

Shuichi was positioned over the leader with an amused smile, "Caught~ You~" He paused between each word which caused slight chills to race down the leader's arms. This was the most fun he's had in a while. And he didn't even commit a crime!

"Shuuuu! Stop it!" Kokichi whined, trying to shove the other off him. Shuichi didn't move, mostly because Kokichi didn't seem to be trying very hard to get rid of him.

"Why? You asked for it."

"Please?" The leader said with tears in his eyes that threatened to fall. Shuichi's heart dropped for a moment before he got off the other, offering a hand to help him up.


"It was a lie~ Honestly, you're too easy."

Shuichi glared at the shorter, "I... screw you Ouma."

Kokichi giggled, "I take it back"

Shuichi hummed, tilting his head. The supreme leader stood on his toes, circling his arms around the teller's neck. He lifted his lips to the other's ear, completely aware of the heat emanating from Shuichi's face.

"Out of all the other detectives in the world," He breathed, "I would allow you to catch me~"


Awww! So cute! I surprise myself sometimes with how adorable it is. Sometimes I look back on my work and think "is this really my writing"? Anyway, I'm rambling, I hope you liked this one! Bye~onara~! <3

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