Hope - Nagito x Hajime

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Hello everyone, I hope your having a great day! I hope that you enjoy!

Nagito and Hajime were talking on the beach, a day after Gundam's execution. For a reason Hajime couldn't place, he wanted to spend more time with the white haired, hope enthusiast that often caused trouble in the Class Trails. However, after spending a few minutes with him, Hajime began to regret his life choices.

"Why would you want to spend time with me? Not only am I not worthy of anyone's time, but you're just a reserve course student." Nagito asked bitterly, walking down the sand not paying much attention to Hajime. The brunet bit back a cough.

"I'm beginning to think that you don't like me, Nagito." Hajime muttered as he caught up with the Ultimate Lucky student.

Nagito paused, glancing at him from the corner of his eye.

"For a Reserve Course student, you have a fair amount of hope. I wonder what you'll do for your hope." Nagito said as he continued the subject by going on another one of his tangents.

Hajime stopped listening to his classmate until he felt Nagito poking his cheek.

"Hey, Hajime? Are you listening?" Nagito asked, having stopped to question the brunet.

"What? Sorry." Hajime snapped his attention back to Nagito.

The silver-haired male shook his head in annoyance although Hajime caught the small smile he had on his lips.

"Hajime, I... love you—rrr hope." Nagito quickly changed what he was going to say.

"I thought I was only a Reserve Course student who didn't deserve to be in the presence of Ultimates." Hajime asked the green eyed boy, a mocking tint to his otherwise playful words.

"Maybe I take it back." Nagito muttered, turning his head away in a pout.

"You're not too terrible yourself."

"Oh?" Hajime glanced over at the Lucky Student, finding him with a smug expression.

The brunet rolled his eyes, "I..." He had been about to say I will take it back but realized that probably wouldn't be the smartest decision.

Nagito hummed, titling his head.

"Forget it. It's getting late, we should probably head back."

Nagito considered for a moment before giving a slight nod. The white-haired male leaned in abruptly, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of the other's mouth before pulling away.

"See you tomorrow." The Lucky Student waved as he walked back to the cabins as Hajime was standing bewildered on the shore.

What the hell was that?


I hope that you guys enjoyed this fanfiction, I know that the word hope was mentioned way too much but I was hoping it gave it that Nagito vibe to it. Anyway, I love you all, have a great day!

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