Scars - Shuichi x Kokichi

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  Hello everyone! Another school AU. One of my friends is writing a book and they had this topic in it, meaning I'm in a writing mood. Warning: This has sensitive topics such as cutting and mention of suicide. Don't read if you're uncomfortable with these topics. With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy!


  The Ultimate Supreme Leader was up to his normal pranks at the school of Hope's Peak Academy. While the leader was looking for a new target to prank, he came across Shuichi. The Ultimate Detective had always interested the leader, he was the only one he couldn't figure out. As a result, the pair had become fast friends.

  "Hey Shuichi~" Kokichi greeted as he stepped up to the shy detective.

  "Ah, hi Kokichi." Shuichi said as he covered his face with the hat he constantly wore.

  "We should hang out today." Kokichi smiled as he continued to walk beside the taller.

  "U-umm, sure... Wanna come over to my place?" Shuichi asked shyly.



  Kokichi had arrived early to Shuichi's house. His uncle was the one who had let him in, telling the liar to head up to Shuichi's room. Kokichi skipped up to the detective's bedroom, opening the door without knocking. Shuichi looked up, alarmed, as he threw his hands behind his back.

  "Hey Shuichi~" Kokichi smiled as he sat on the bed in front of the boy, "Whatcha hiding?"

  Kokichi asked as he pulled Shuichi's arm out from behind him. Dozens of clean cuts criss-crossed each other on his skin, some were white from time, others were scabbed over, and a couple were still leaking blood. There was one that was new, pink blood still seeming from the open wound.

  "How long?" Kokichi asked after a moment of silence. He never thought that Shuichi would hurt himself like this.

  "A while..." Shuichi admitted as Kokichi pulled his other arm out from behind him, a stained knife in his hand.

  Kokichi took the knife from his hand and placed it on the table, "I'm taking that with me when I leave." He promised with a grin, though it looked forced to both of them.

  Kokichi smiled and leaned his head down to kiss the newest cut. Shuichi blushed as Kokichi repeated the gesture for every cut along his arms, being careful not to hurt the taller boy.

  "K-Kokichi?" Shuichi stuttered as the liar pulled his head away, looking up to meet his gaze.

  He hummed in response.

  "W-what was that?"

  "I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore, okay? Never hurt yourself again." Kokichi eyes looked more serious than Shuichi had ever seen them.

  "I-I don't know if I can... It's the only way to relieve the pain without..." Shuichi trailed off, though Kokichi knew what he was hinting at. The leader didn't want Shuichi to commit suicide and leave him alone.

  Kokichi hugged the taller, which made the navy haired by blush. The pair stayed like that for a while until Kokichi offered to play video games.


  Sorry if it seems rushed, also tell me if you want to see a part 2! Bye-onara!

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