Christmas Lights - Hajime x Chiaki

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  Hajime and Chiaki are setting up Christmas lights together! This will be Day 1 of the Christmas themed one-shots. Ten more will follow this one. I hope you enjoy!


Hajime looked out the window of his dorm. It was December, nearly Christmas, and they were still inside the Killing Game being controlled by Monokuma and his motives. Three murders had happened already, the last one was only a few days ago. Mikan, Hiyoko, and Ibuki had all been killed.

Now, snow was falling. It piled up on the ground while the ocean water turned gray and threatening. Hajime put his chin in his hand as he gazed out the window dejectedly. The others were running around making snowmen or putting up decorations but he didn't feel the need to join them.

While he was lost in thought, someone suddenly fell from the roof of his cottage, landing face-first in the snow. Hajime just stared at them before what had happened processed. 'Someone was trying murder!' Startled, Hajime ran out of his house and to the fallen person's side, internally panicking.

"C-Chiaki?" He asked as he recognized her.

"I guess I didn't get enough sleep last night..." She yawned as she sat up. Hajime helped her up as she dusted the snow off her green jacket.

"Are you... really putting up Christmas lights?" He asked, looking up to find lights half string around his house. How had he not noticed?

"Yeah... I got the others to help too. The restaurant is already decorated, you should come see it!"

"You do understand we're in a Killing Game, right?"

"We should stay positive in a situation like this, right?"

Hajime sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets, "Fine. Can I help?"

Her eyes lit up, though Hajime remained uneasy. This seemed like the perfect setting for a murder to occur, everyone was split into pairs. Hajime shook his head, he shouldn't be thinking like this. Like Chiaki said, he needed to stay positive.

Chaiki led the brunette to a ladder leaned against the side of his cottage. She climbed up and started to pull at a mass of tangled lights sitting on the roof. Hajime noticed that Sonia, Gundham, and Kazuichi were all creating snowmen by the pool. Though, Sonia seemed to be dressing them up more than building them.

Akane and Nekumaru were stringing lights up along the other cottages while Nagito and Fuyuhiko directed them. Everyone looked to be having fun, maybe he should just relax and help everyone with the decorations. It'd be a lot less stressful.

"Oh!" Chiaki suddenly exclaimed, making Hajime look up at her, "We could put up a big tree in the restaurant. Or maybe little trees in everyone's cottages. What do you think, Hajime?"

"Umm, maybe we could decorate a big one together, in the restaurant?"

Chiaki nodded thoughtfully, "We could ask Monomi to get us a tree..."

Hajime climbed up the ladder, helping Chiaki string lights around the roof. When they were finished, Hajime helped the tired gamer down and put the ladder away. Chiaki had disappeared to find Monomi while Hajime gathered the other students in the dining area.

Mahiru's altar had been removed after the third trail, leaving space for a Christmas tree. Monomi appeared a few moments later with Chiaki and Monokuma, dragging a large tree behind her. There were also boxes of random ornaments, most were Monokuma themed, which were brought by Monokuma.

"I can be a good headmaster every once and awhile." He grumbled, later admitting that it was Monomi who forced him to be nice for Christmas.

"Ahem." Monomi growled, poking the bear.

"Fiiiine. I have a new motive for everyone!" The students looked uneasily at each other, "Oh stop giving me that look. It's nothing bad!"

"Anyway! If a murder occurs before Christmas, the students will have the ability to use the security cameras' footage as evidence. So I suggest you refrain from killing until then, however, nothing's stopping you if you want to get caught."

"So the motive is basically an instant death since we can use the cameras?" Kazuichi asked excitedly.

"Yep! So do your best to live peacefully for these next few weeks!" Monokuma added threateningly.

Hajime and the others were ecstatic about the new motive, no one would die for the next few weeks. Nekumaru and Monomi helped put up the tree so the others could begin adding lights and ornaments. It was a good day.

In the end, it didn't look good but at the same time it did. They'd done it together. Hajime poked Chiaki awake, who had fallen asleep. Nagito had managed to convince everyone to leave Chiaki to Hajime, making the brunette dislike the lucky student even more.

"The night time announcement is about to play."

"Really, it's that late already?" She yawned as she stumbled. Hajime reached out to steady her, making her lean into him, already sleeping again.

Heat rushed to Hajime's face as he stared down at the Ultimate Gamer. It was strange how Chiaki could fall asleep so easily. 'What if she-- No! Not going to think like that.' Hajime picked her up bridal style and walked back to the cottages.

"Hajime?" The brunette glanced down to see that Chiaki had woken up just as he got to her house.

"Ah, umm, sorry. You were asleep and I didn't want to wake you..." Hajime stumbled over her words as Chiaki giggled at him, causing him to gently set her down.


"It's fine, thanks for caring me." Chiaki stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek softly. Pulling away with a smile, she disappeared into her cottage.

Hajime made his way back to his dorm in a daze, why did she kiss him? Did she like him?

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