'Till Death Do Us Part - Shuichi x Kokichi

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  Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this fanfiction that totally wasn't in any way inspired by real life! Yay, enjoy!


  Should he just end it? Kokichi was contemplating suicide. He lied to people, always faking a smile, and pretending that he had no cares in the world. Then when people believed him, he blamed them for never being there for him.

  So should he just end it? No one was going to care. In reality, he was just one person in seven billion people. He didn't have anything to live for anymore. He was in a Killing Game, students died all the time here. It would only be a matter of time before someone killed him anyway.

  There was no one to stop him here, the trail would proceed as usual. It'd be shorter than normal, sure, but Shuichi and the others probably wouldn't even care when they found his body. Taking a deep breath, he faced the edge of the roof. Everyone inside the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles was asleep, and no one would see.

  However, before he could jump off the side, he felt someone grab his wrist and spin him around. Facing him was the Ultimate Detective, he hadn't noticed him come up behind him. The taller had wide eyes as he stared at the troublemaker who was always messing up the trails simply because he thought it was fun.

  "You know, if you commit suicide, it'd be a bit boring." He managed a small smile, knowing the other always hated to be seen as boring.

  "Why would you care, Mr. Detective? A boring death would mean a short trail, it might not even break twenty minutes~!" Kokichi tried to force a smile but it faltered, making both of them know he was lying.

  "I care because I don't want to solve another case." Shuichi smiled, gently pulling the liar away from the edge of the hundred foot drop.

  "You're a detective, though, solving cases is what you do!" Kokichi's voice began to get some of its structure back, sounding more like himself.

  "Do you wanna talk about it?" Shuichi asked, his smile vanishing as he addressed the topic that needed to be addressed, "Why were you trying to... die?"

  Kokichi sat down on the roof, pulling Shuichi down next to him.

  "I'll probably just lie about it anyways~" Kokichi chirped, in a last ditch attempt to shake the detective off his case. No pun intended.

  "I can try to pick out the truths from the lies." The taller promised.

  The violette took a deep breath, "I lie intentionally because I don't want people to see everything that's wrong with me. But because I'm lying, people don't see when I'm hurt and need help, so I blame them for not helping me when I need them because I've lied to them. I tell them I'm fine when I'm not." Kokichi gushed, not putting filter on his words like he normally does.

  Why was he telling the other this? Maybe because he was tired of hiding it and he wanted at least one person to talk to before he died? Maybe that was the reason.

  Shuichi pulled the smaller into a hug, something the navy head never did. Kokichi had never had this happen to them, allowing a few tears to make their way to his eyes without permission.

  "I'm here for you, okay?" Shuichi whispered, gently squeezing the other.

  "Never leave me, you can't ever leave me." Kokichi whispered, not meaning for the detective to hear his words.

  "I'm yours." Shuichi comforted.

  Both boys were blushing as they sat hugging while the sun rose over the school. The others would probably be looking for them in their dorms if they didn't come to breakfast. So Shuichi pulled Kokichi up with him. The lair apparently felt better now and kissed the taller's cheek before running off down the stairs towards the dorms.


  Holy Auta that was difficult to write for some reason. Normally I use Tenko and Himiko or Nagito and Hajime to write my emotions into. However I felt as if it would be more understandable coming from Shuichi and Kokichi. 

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