Haunted House - Peko x Mikan

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  Welcome to Spook-tober everyone! I just found out that this month was October and that I could write lots of fanfictions for this month. However, because my discovery was so late, I can only write five but I'll make them extra long for you all! In this fanfiction no one has died yet and all the islands are open to the students. Enjoy!


  Peko and Mikan had both been persuaded by Ibuki and the other girls to go to a Haunted House that was being set up by Monokuma. Some of the guys were also going to be there, however, almost everyone had a date to go with. Hajime and Nagito were a pair, Mahiru and Hiyoko, Gundham and Sonia, Ibuki and Chiaki, and Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi where all going together too. Akane, Mikan, and Peko were the only ones who didn't have someone to go with.

  Peko didn't care too much, she was only going to keep her young master safe, along with his boyfriend. However when the group entered the haunted house, Mikan was taking up most of her attention. Whether it be screaming in fear, jumping nearly twenty feet in the air, or clinging to her with enough force to break bones, Mikan was always Peko's first priority.

  Peko found these traits somewhat adorable, it gave her another person to protect. The taller would sometimes wrap her arm around Mikan's shoulder or brandish her sword at fake ghosts that dangled from the ceiling in order to assure Mikan that weren't real. However, as the pair progressed further, Peko's attention drifted further from Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi and more towards Mikan. Meaning the silver haired girl was failing to notice the looks everyone was giving her and the nurse.

  Towards the end of the house, Mikan was gripping Peko's hand in both of hers. It was a wonder how Peko's hand had maintained blood flow. Fuyuhiko walked by her side, lowering his voice to prevent Mikan from hearing their conversation.

  "You've seemed... preoccupied." He noted, nodding slightly at the purple haired nurse who screamed as a fake head popped out of the wall.

  Peko felt a slight heat rise to her face, "Sorry, young master, I shouldn't have been distracted--"

  "No, it's fine. Maybe you'll end up protecting her more than me?" Peko looked uncertainly at the blonde, flickering her scarlet eyes to Mikan, who currently had her head buried in Peko's side.

  "Maybe?" Peko murmured softly as Kazuichi yanked Fuyuhiko away.

  Mikan pulled Peko after them, seeing the exit was close. In spite of that, the last jumpscare frightened Mikan so bad that she fainted against the swordswoman. Peko rolled her eyes as she picked Mikan up bridal style and exited the haunted house, not phased by the "creepy" decorations. The other pairs had abandoned them for other rides, leaving Peko alone with an unconscious Mikan. The Ultimate Swordswoman placed the Ultimate Nurse on a bench, sitting down next to her and placing Mikan's head in her lap.

  Peko watched everyone enjoying themselves as she guarded the unconscious girl with most of her attention on the purple haired girl laying in her lap. Mikan woke up a few minutes later and she immediately started apologizing for falling asleep on her as the nurse pulled away from Peko, her face turning red.

  "S-s-sorry!" Mikan cried, tears forming in her lavender eyes.

  "Your apologies aren't necessary, Mikan." Peko soothed, though to Mikan it must have sounded as if she were upset with the nurse.

  "T-then do y-you want me to take off my clothes?" Mikan stuttered, tears slipping from her eyes.

  "No." Peko said flatly, "You're okay, you don't have to do anything for me."

  "A-are you s-sure? I don't deserve your pity!" Mikan covered her face with her hands and she left Peko wondering what she did wrong.

  "Mikan, look at me." Peko gently moved the nurse's hand away from her face, laying them in her lap. Though, Peko never retracted her hands.

  Mikan glanced at the albino before averting her eyes shyly.

  "I don't mind, okay. Besides, it was me who laid you here." Peko explained softly, treating Mikan like a child rather than a teenager.

  "N-no, i-it wasn't you f-fault..." Mikan whispered, but was hushed by Peko who had pulled her into a hug. The swordswoman had her arms around the shorter, her chin resting peacefully on Mikan's head.

  "I-is it okay i-if I hug you b-back?" Mikan stuttered.

  Peko nodded, making the shorter wrap her bandaged arms around the taller. The albino gently moved her fingers through the shorter's hair as she hummed a soft melody. Mikan somehow recognized the tune and began humming along until the song came to an end.

  Peko continued this until the others arrived and agreed to return to their cottages. Peko and Mikan walked home behind the others, their fingers intertwined.

"You are my medicine~"

Danganronpa Oneshots {3rd Person}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora