Lies - Shuichi x Kokichi

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  Hey everyone, I'm going to write a fanfiction from 'Danganronpa V3'. The characters are Shuichi and Kokichi! Enjoy!

  It had been several minutes since the murder of Tenko Chabashira, right after Angie Yonaga's no less. After Shuichi had gathered as much evidence as he could with Maki in the middle room, he left the scene and went into the room next door. When Shuichi walked into the room he was greeted with a horrible sight, Kokichi was lying face down on the floor with blood running over his head. 

  "Kokichi! Are you okay?" Shuichi panicked as he crouched by Kokichi's side, placing a hand on his arm.

  "It's a lie!" He looked up with a large smile, "I got you didn't I, Shuichi?"

  Shuichi cocked his head in confusion, "Huh?"

  Shuichi signed with relief, he wasn't very concerned with the fact that he had been lying and that this was probably just a game to him. That was one of the things that Kokichi Ouma never understood, how could someone not think that he was a waste of time to try and get to know?

  "Aww, how sweet of you. Did you really think that I was dead? You flatter me!"

  "You shouldn't play around like that, Kokichi! What if you were actually hurt, or worse?" Shuichi snapped, his sudden concern silencing Kokichi.

  "Shuichi, are you okay?" Kokichi asked, pushing himself into a sitting position.

  "Huh? What do you mean?" Shuichi asked.

  "I've seen how you run around during the investigations. You're worried, aren't you."

  Shuichi's first thought was that Kokichi was playing around and faking his concern for him, but his face was blank. Which was something that he often did when he was telling the truth. Shuichi had learned this by watching Kokichi at the class trials. Did the purple haired boy really care about how Shuichi was feeling during the investigations and trials?

  "Shuichi? You okay, you're not going to pass out, are you?" Kokichi lifted a small hand to rest against Shuichi's forehead, "You seem fine. Or maybe that's your lie?"

  Kokichi had gone from being sincere and straight faced to the excited lair that he often portrayed himself to be. Kokichi's touch snapped Shuichi out of his thoughts as he turned his attention back to the injured boy in front of him.

  "Kokichi..." Shuichi trailed away, not knowing what he was going to say next, or that he would even like it.

  Shuichi pushed those thoughts away and took out a cloth and began to dab at the blood that ran down Kokichi face.

  "Saihara! I'm fine, really!" Kokichi complained but he made no attempt to move away from Shuichi's touch.

  Shuichi paused at the name, "Saihara?" He repeated, giving the bloody Kokichi a weird look.

  "Would you rather me call you Ouma?" Kokichi asked with a sly smile because Shuichi had a blush on his face.

  "What are you implying, Kokichi?" Shuichi blushed, pulling away his hand from Kokichi head.

  "What does it matter? It could be a lie." Kokichi giggled at the confused look Shuichi gave him as he continued to wipe the blood off his head. Shuichi soon gave up on talking to Kokichi and tended to the wound on his head, the cloth turning pink with his blood. Kokichi was quiet while Shuichi finished up with his wound.

  "There, you should be good to go about your lying." Shuichi said with a straight face, making Kokichi wonder whether he was being serious or not.

  Kokichi noticed faintly that he was leaning closer to the grey eyed detective. Shuichi was leaning closer too, both of them couldn't seem to pull away. When their lips were only inches apart. . .

  At that moment, Maki barged into the room, saying, "The class trial is starting, come on!" Before turning away from them and ran out the door again.

  Kokichi leaped to his feet, giving Shuichi a little peck on the cheek before running out of the room, laughing. Shuichi blushed madly as he stared after him. After a time, Shuichi stood up and followed the confusing supreme leader towards the Monokuma statue in the courtyard.

  Before everyone had gathered, Kokichi skipped over to Shuichi's side. Making the young detective blush at the obvious affection that Kokichi was showing towards him. For some reason, Shuichi was able to tell that Kokichi Ouma wasn't lying to him about these feelings.

  As further proof, Kokichi took Shuichi's hand. Shuichi looked down at the little liar, who was leaning his head against Shuichi's arm. There should have been doubt about Kokichi feelings, but he couldn't find a trace. Shuichi smiled as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Kokichi forehead, making both blush madly. Kokichi tightened his grip on Shuichi's hand, looking up with large grape eyes.

  No one noticed the pair as the Monokuma statue rumbled and the elevator appeared to take everyone down into the courtroom, and to never let someone see the light of day again. 

  Kokichi is my favorite character, and this is my favorite ship! I hope you all enjoyed! Bye~onara!  

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