Accidental Letters - Rantaro x Kokichi

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  Second fanfiction in a day! Let's do this! Enjoy!


  Kokichi stood in his dorm room, tension filling the room as the purple haired liar stared at Rantaro, who was reading a piece of paper.

~~~~Back Up A Bit~~~~

  Kokichi was sitting at his desk with a pencil in his hand and several wound up paper balls littering his desk. Kiibo was sitting on his best, trying to make helpful suggestions. The purple haired liar had asked the robot for help in confessing his feelings for Rantaro, the Ultimate Adventurer.

  "Maybe try starting with; 'Dear Rantaro' rather than; 'For my beloved avocado'." Kiibo put in, leaning over Kokichi to see a blank piece of paper.

  "Ugh! This is too hard!" Kokichi complained, crumpling the blank paper and throwing into the growing pile.

  "Maybe, just write whatever comes into your head that you want to tell him. You don't even have to show him!" Kiibo suggested, standing up, "I'm gonna leave you to it, I have to chaperone Miu and Kaede to insure they don't do anything flaky."

  "At least they're finally in a relationship." Kokichi muttered, blowing a stand of hair out of his face.

  "I heard that. Anyway, you'll be fine. If I see Rantaro, I'll send him over." Kibbo left the dorm before the shorter could respond.


  Kokichi began to write his letter and he honestly managed to finish it. Holding up the letter to re-read what he wrote, he felt proud that he was finally able to write a letter to the one he had a crush on.

  However, Kokichi would never allow the avocado head to actually read the letter, he knew Rantaro would probably reject him anyway. Kiibo must have made good on his promise because as soon as Kokichi put the paper down, there was a knock at the door.

  Kokichi skipped to the door, opening it to see Rantaro himself.

  "Avocado-kun~!" Kokichi teased, allowing the taller to enter his dorm.

  "Hey, Kokichi." The other greeted, chuckling at the nickname that Kokichi had adopted to calling him.

  "I have to use the bathroom, so if you could wait here for a second, that would be great. Kokichi skipped away to the bathroom, secretly hyperventilating.

  Upon reentering the room, Kokichi stood in his dorm room, tension filling the room as the purple haired liar stared at Rantaro, who was reading a piece of paper.

  "H-hey, that's personal!" Kokichi exclaimed as he snatched the paper from Rantaro, hiding it behind his back like a scolded child.

  "How much did you read?" Kokichi dared to ask.

  "A-all of it, pretty much." Rantaro responded, rubbing the back of his neck with a hand.

  "What do you think about it?"

  "I-I like you too..." Rantaro murmured softly.

  Kokichi eyes lit up as he jumped on Rantaro, knocking them both on the bed with Kokichi hovering over the other. Rantaro laughed and ruffled Kokichi's hair with his hand and pecked the liar on the lips.

  "I like you, Rantaro~!" Kokichi purred, burying his head in their chest.

  "I like you too, Kokichi." Rantaro chuckled, hugging the smaller.


  Welp, that's another ship done! I hope you enjoyed this one and I'm sorry it took so long to finish! I love you all, have a great day! Bye~onara! <3

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