Assassin of the Stars - Kaito x Maki

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Maki had managed escaped the surprised and fearful looks as she fled the trial grounds. Kirumi has just been executed and Kokichi has the audacity to reveal her talent at that moment. He had given her yet another reason to kill him. However, she knew that if she did make a move, the rest of her classmates would suspect her the most.

No one else was in the library when Maki entered. Maki acknowledged briefly that Rantaro's murder had been in this room. The assassin choose a book from the self at random and sat in the farthest corner of the room.

Just as Maki was beginning to get immersed in her book, Kaito burst into the library. He looked around, spotted Maki, and charged over to her.

"I've been looking everywhere for you, Miss Assassin." Kaito slammed his palms against the table Maki was sitting at.

"Need me to kill someone for you?" Maki asked coldly, keeping her eyes on the pages of her book.

"Nah. I came to ask—no demand, that you come train with Shuichi and me tonight." Kaito threw Maki a grin and a thumbs up.

"Do you wanna die?" Maki sighed, glaring at the purple haired boy over the edge of her book.

"Hey now, do you talk that way to all your friends?"

Maki rolled her eyes. Surely, if she ignored him  long enough he would leave her alone. That plan was skinned alive when Kaito removed her book from her view, forcing her to pay attention.

"Why don't you come and train with me and Shuichi?" Kaito asked again, giving Maki a determined look.

"Did you forget that I'm the Ultimate Assassin?" Maki growled.

"You must be really good at push-ups then." Kaito grinned.

For once Maki was shocked. Surely he had merely forgotten that she wasn't really the Ultime Child Care Giver? Or at the very least, he didn't understand the weight of that title. Didn't he understand that she could kill him anytime she liked and probably get away with it, too? Kaito would leave her alone soon enough when he realized she was a killer, just like everyone else.

"Just because you're an assassin doesn't mean that you're a bad person." Kaito said it with such a tone that nearly made her scoff. What did he know?

"I've killed people before. A lot of them." Maki threatened, glaring at the idiotic boy, who still didn't seem to get the point.

Maki was an assassin. She killed people because she was told to. Even if they had done nothing wrong, she killed them.

"You are the Ultimate Assassin, after all, I don't think you would earn that title if you didn't actually kill anyone."

Maki began to grow more agitated the more time she spent with Kaito. If this kept up, she would kill him right then and there, no questions asked. Maki stood up to leave before she had the chance to do something stupid. As she stood, Kaito grabbed her wrist. Maki stumbled and found herself leaning against the wall with Kaito above her. Her back pressed against it. Kaito's hand was on the wall above her head, his face only inches away from hers.

The pair could only stare wide-eyed at each other, Kaito's breath warming her face as he breathed. The situation caught up with her after a few seconds and she tensed. Her hand flashed out but, surprisingly, Kaito caught it before it made contact with his face. 

"Come on Maki Roll, come train with us. I won't ask again. If you refuse, I'll drag you."

"Don't call me 'Maki Roll.'"

Maki glared up at Kaito but he didn't even seem to notice. Maki knew that she would get nowhere with him. Kaito would probably just end up dragging her to practice if she declined anyway, like he threatened to do.

"Fine, let's get this over with." Maki muttered, avoiding Kaito's eyes.

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