In Need of Hugz - Tenko x Himiko

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  Hello everyone! I'm getting back into the groove of writing fanfiction! I hope you all enjoy this fanfiction that was once again based on real life, I hope you all enjoy it!


  Tenko was walking quietly through the hallways of the Academy for Gifted Juveniles. The Ultimate Nio-Aikido Master was looking for the girl that she had the biggest crush on in history, Himiko, the Ultimate Mage.

  Before long, Tenko heard Kokichi's voice yelling at someone and gentle crying. Poking her head into the dining area, Tenko saw Kokichi glaring at Himiko. The redheaded witch had small tears in her russet colored eyes. The ravenette shoved open the door, making Kokichi spin around with a sly smile on his face.

  "Tenko! What's a degenerate like yourself doing here?" Kokichi teased, running to the other side of the room while Tenko chased after him.

  "Leave Himiko alone, you lying male!" Tenko chased the purple imp out of the room.

  Turning back to the mage, Tenko wrapped her arms around the smaller. Tenko sat crisscross, pulling Himiko into her lap. The redhead tried to hide her face from the taller, embarrassed that Tenko had to see her like that.

  "Hey, hey, shh. It's okay, Himiko." Tenko soothed, rubbing her hands on her shoulders.

  Tenko could hear the other crying softly, nothing ever made Himiko upset, that was one of the things she loved about them. They were strong, curious, lovable, cute beyond measure, and they liked a lot of the same things she did.

  "What did that lying little degenerate say to you?" Tenko demanded, squeezing the other lightly.

  "N-nothing..." Himiko whispered, hiding her head in her hands.

  Tenko turned the other around so Himiko was facing her and gently pulled her small hands away from her face. Tenko saw that her crush's eyes were slightly red and brimmed with tears. It made her heart break, she was supposed to protect the innocent little witch. Tenko leaned forward and gently kissed the tears away from her eyes.

  When she pulled away, she saw that Himiko was blushing softly, a soft smile on her face. Tenko pulled the other close to her chest, wrapping her arms around the redhead's back. The ravenette rubbed circles on the other's back, humming a soft melody.

  After a while, Tenko noticed that Himiko had fallen asleep in her arms. Smiling, the taller picked her up and carried her to the dorms. Upon entering Tenko's dorm room, the taller placed Himiko on her bed and locked the door. 

  Tenko climbed in bed next to her and pulled them closer, "I'm yours forever, Himiko, and I'll protect you for just as long."


  That got sad real fast, don't hate me for villainizing Kokichi, I'm sorry! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! I love you all, have a great day! Bye~onara! <3 

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