Criminal - Shuichi x Kokichi

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Detective Shuichi Saihara had been on the case of the notorious masked criminal, who was formally as Ko, for several weeks. One day, Shuichi was working in his office when he felt someone came up from behind him.

At first thinking it was Kaede, he asked, "Did you find any relevant information?"

"Sorry my beloved detective~ but I could only bring you their leader~" a childish voice purred in his ear as two slender arms slid over his shoulders.

Shuichi jumped, the paper he had been holding fluttering to the desk. Slowly pulling the criminal's arms off him, the taller turned in his chair to look uneasily at the violet haired boy.

Ko smirked at him, his white half mask complemented his features— though Shuichi refused to admit that much.

"Do I really scare you that much?" The criminal teased.

Shuichi wondered if he should yell for someone. I mean, the mastermind was right here. But then he decided against it, Ko wasn't stupid, he'd have backup plans of backup plans. In addition, all and his group never really hurt anyone during their heists. They were just thieves.

Shuichi sighed and turned back to his desk, deciding to ignore Ko for the time being. The criminal wondered around Shuichi's office, flipping through files with mild interest. The detective glanced at him from time to time, to insure he wasn't doing anything stupid.

Ko got bored and made his way over to Shuichi again. When the taller refused to give him attention, the criminal smirked as he leaned forward to leave a soft kiss on Shuichi's neck.

Shuichi glances at him from the corner of his eye, an eyebrow raised. Ko merely giggled as he did it again. The detective rolled his eyes, continuing on his case. The criminal continued to kiss around his neck, biting down when he heard the taller gasp.

"H-hey, would you stop that?" Shuichi leaned away from him with an embarrassed expression. Upon seeing Ko's prideful expression he demanded, "Did you mark me?"

"Perhaps I just wanted a claim a certain de~tec ~tive~"


"You don't seem all that concerned?" Ko questioned as he moved back to the navy-haired male's neck, trailing his tongue over his skin this time. Ko smirked when he heard a light gasp.

"T-that's cause I figured you aren't dangerous, you never harm anyone at your heists..."

Ko hummed.

Ko grazed his teeth over the detective's skin, leading a trail of kisses to his jaw. Shuichi was frozen under the criminal's touch.

Almost hesitantly, Ko cupped the other's face. Shuichi started wide-eyed at him as the shorter leaned closer to him. Just as their lips were about the touch, Ko jerked away.

"Not today, my beloved~ Though I am flattered~" Ko chuckled as he fled through an open window he probably entered from.

"And also," He stuck his back in through the window, his white mask just covering the blush on his cheeks, "leave the windows unlocked."

And then he was gone. 

A few weeks later, Ko was hidden in the detective's office. It was Ko's third visit, the last one was last week. Of course, Ko had stolen a kiss from Shuichi when he left, hopefully he'd be able to do so again.

Ko wanted to surprise his beloved detective when Shuichi came into his office. Shuichi walked into the room and sat down at his desk with his back to the window and Ko's hiding place. In Shuichi's hands was a thin, cream folder which probably had another case inside it. Shuichi typed in a few things into his computer and wrote down one thing on the file. Then he picked up the folder and placed it in an inbox outside his door. Then he sat back down at his desk, pulled out Ko's latest clue that he had given him and began working on it.

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