Chapter 3 Part 11: A Motive for Getting Along?

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Your POV:

    "Ding dong, bong bing!"
    My eyes opened instantly when the sound of the monitor activated at 8:00 a.m.. I rubbed my eyes as the picture of the four Monokubs appeared on screen. They were carrying small drinks of whatever beverage they enjoyed.
    "This is an official announcement from the Ultimate Academy. It's 8 a.m.," Monotaro explained.
    "Oh, Monodam, you're really obsessed with this whole getting along-thing," Monotaro explained.
    Monodam was so serious about this getting along thing, he threatened to use the Exisals to peel off the others' faces like oranges. This caused Monophanie to puke. And, it was blue. They decided to mention that apparently it was good luck.
    I let out a small sigh. I was honestly still very tired. It was apparent to me that we all had to go to the gym this morning. I honestly wondered why they were wanting us to gather in the gym. There were a few ideas I had that could even amount to why they'd want us in the gym.
    'It might be another motive... or someone broke the rules...' I thought.
    I did my usual thing in the morning. I put on a new uniform this time, just brushing my hair because of the announcement. As I was brushing my hair, I heard my doorbell ring. I was looking towards the door.
    With a sigh, I walked up to the door and opened it. Almost instantly I was toppled on the ground once more. This was all I needed to pinpoint who was on top of me.
    "Nee-heehee, you remembered our little deal, right my beloved?" Kokichi asked.
    I let out a large wheeze and cough because this Supreme Leader knocked the air out of my lungs. It honestly was really painful.
    My facial expression obviously showed I was in pain. Kokochi saw this, and he instantly got off of me. He was giving me a mocking smile when he got off however. It was like he enjoyed seeing me in pain.
    I was still a wheezing mess as I got off of the floor. Kokichi usually came in at the worst possible time, but I had to deal with that today. I made a deal with him when I was investigating Ryoma's body. That deal was to spend the day with him because I was investigating with Rantaro and the others.
"Wooow, (y/n), you're reeeeally struggling to breath, aren't you?" Kokichi said mockingly.
    "That's because you knocked the wind out of me," I replied with gasps for air.
    "I certainly hope you won't die on me," Kokichi said with tears in his eyes, "I'd miss you so much...buuuut it could be a lie."
    'This is going to be a long day...' I thought to myself.
    I let out a sigh. Maybe I understand Kokichi more by today. It would be a good thing to do so.
    I smiled lightly at the purple haired Supreme Leader. This caused what looked like a little bit of red to dust his very pale face.
    "We should head to the gym," I told him, "we'll be punished if we don't."
    "Nee-heehee, good idea my beloved," Kokichi said in response, "maybe you are smarter than you look."
    "I'll take that as a compliment," I huffed in response.
    With that, Kokichi and I decided to make our way to the gym. I was delayed a bit of time because of Kokichi's appearance, but I did want to get closer with him. Sometimes, I got feelings of malice from him though.... like he could murder someone at moment.
    Maybe if I spent some time with him, he might be able to calm down a little bit. I couldn't handle another murder after Ryoma's. I could do nothing to save his life. I needed to step up my game and try to prevent another murder.
    "Uh, (y/n), are you alright?" Kokichi asked, snapping me out of my thoughts, "we are almost at the gym, and you haven't spoke a word since we left."
    "Yeah... I was just thinking about something," I replied with a small smile.
"Nee-heehee, what were you thinking about?" Kokichi asked with a smirk, "were you thinking about Rantaro or something."
When Kokichi asked me that, I noticed his voice sounding slightly angered at the mention of Rantaro. This was the malice I was facing. Maybe he was jealous or something. He kinda showed signs of being jealous these past few days.
"I wasn't thinking about Rantaro," I replied, "right now we need to get into the gym."
The gym door was about ten feet from where we were now. I knew whatever was going to happen, it wouldn't be good. It was probably some sort of killing motive. It happened from the First Blood Perk, the time limit, and the motive videos.
    Once I walked into the gym, I noticed something. The room was stripped of anything having to do with the trial. Ryoma's body was gone, the tank was gone... everything was gone.
    It was the same with what first happened with Rantaro. If I hadn't saved him.... he would've been long forgotten, like how it seems with Ryoma's now.
    This gave me a depressed feeling around the room. We witnessed so much, yet no one is looking for us. All we can do is suffer. To get the sorrow out of my head, I decided to walk over to the others.
    I saw Rantaro, and I waved at him with a small frown on my face. He noticed I was waving at him, but he gave me a concerned expression above everything else.
    Miu was tired because she spent all night looking at the computer we found on the fourth floor. Shuichi asked her what she thought of it, but Miu only started working on the computer. She didn't know that much about it yet. She was pretty amazed by it though. It was obvious with that blush on her face.
    I took a look at Keebo. He seemed to have a jealous sort of look on his face.
    'Is he jealous of a computer?' I thought.
    It was possible for him to be jealous. It made sense because Miu did do "maintenance" on Keebo. She said many great things about him. Poor Keebo, being stood up by a computer.
    Soon enough... the conversation took a turn for the worst. It was started by none other than the purple haired boy standing next to me.
    "Hey guys, am I sleepwalking or something?" Kokichi asked, "what's she doing here?"
Kokichi said this as he was staring at Maki. Maki was obviously silent. I know that Maki might've just joined our training sessions, but I wasn't going to let anyone talk her down and make her feel worse about herself.
"Oh, I see! I'm hallucinating! After what Maki said before, there's no way she'd be here—OUCH!" Kokichi exclaimed as I elbowed him in his side, "(y/n), what was that for!?"
"All you're doing right now is making rude comments about someone you don't even know!" I exclaimed, "maybe you could get to know her better if you just talk to her. Making rude comments and ignoring her is stuff that I've had to deal with before. With the way you're acting Kokichi, you're just as bad as the people who have blamed their problems on me. But now... it's Maki you're targeting...."
Kokichi seemed shocked at those words. It was the truth. Kokichi seems to think it's ok to be rude. I didn't even know if he was joking or not. All I know was I needed to say something. I didn't want Maki to end up like someone like me.
Kokichi was now mentioning that maybe everyone would want to stay away from Maki. This caused me to elbow him once again in his side.
This was defiantly going to be a long day. Kokichi never knows when to stop talking. I let out a sigh as I continued to watch this scene unfold.
"He's right. Murder and death have no part in a peaceful academy," Angie explained.
"'s just like Angie said," Himiko spoke up.
"'s just like Angie said," Tsumugi said.
I had a puzzled look on my face. It seemed like Himiko and Tsumugi were agreeing with Angie. It was creeping me out slightly.
Gonta then ran in, saying there was an emergency. He said he was checking the courtyard before he went here. Before we could hear the rest of the story, the Monokubs popped up with their annoying catchphrase. This was getting old to me. I wanted that to stop.
"Thanks for bearing with us!" the Monokubs exclaimed.
"C'monnnnn, what is it?" Monotaro asked, "why'd you call us out all of a sudden!?"
"We're the ones who called them out! Did you forget that, too?" Monophanie asked.
    This made me nervous.... of course it was another motive. I had no idea what the motive was or how it would effect us. It could be something worse than the Motive Videos.
    "So it was a motive after all," Shuichi said.
    "Nyahahaha! It doesn't matter what the motive is, we will not do the killing game anymore," Angie said happily.
    "Th-That's right!" Tenko exclaimed, "we aren't afraid of anything anymore!"
    "...Because we have Atua," Keebo said with a smile.
    'Oh no..... please tell me I'm dreaming...' I thought.
    It was just as I thought. Angie was starting to spread her 'god's' influence to others. This could give Angie the power to create some kind of cult.
    "But it's no ordinary motive. This motive will inspire fear like never before," Monophanie said.
    "Fear like never before?" Kiyo asked in response.
    "...We'll present it together!" Monophanie and Monotaro exclaimed.
    "This time, the motive is a transfer student!" Monotaro exclaimed, "yep! A new student is transferring! And not just any transfer student..."
    "You get to resurrect one out of the only person who's died so far..." Monophanie explained, "...and welcome them back to the academy as a transfer student!"
    "...Welllll?" they asked.
    This was the motive? How could we bring anyone back to life that's just a pile of bones. How would that be possible? It was a shocking motive to even announce. Not even Monokuma would do something like this.
"A t-transfer student?" Tsumugi asked nervously.
The Monokubs brought out some sort of book that was said to bring people back from the dead. It was called the Necronomicon. That was the book that was said to be absurd. The Monokubs left, leaving Monotaro's punishment to Monophanie. It was confusing.
I was left with the fact that a book can bring people back. It was absurd.... what if it worked because I used my ability with the book. Then it could be possible.
I looked over at Rantaro and he seemed to be puzzled about what he heard as well. Maybe we should talk about this later. It was a bit weird to say the least.
'Maybe I can bring Ryoma back from using this book.... it's worth a try...' I thought.
I would defiantly examine the book a bit later. This book defiantly looks like it's witchcraft. It scared me slightly because I got a weird feeling from the book.
I needed to get that book out of my mind for now. Because, the thing that was going to happen... it's to say that Angie has an influence over some people. That was the truth...

This chapter is a bit short this time I'm sorry. I hope it's still good. Angie's takeover is next chapter, and this will lead to a big event later in the book. I still need the fan art for the competition. Please send that in when you guys can. I'll see you all next week! I'm getting a conch piercing! Ciao!- CRUSIFIXdroid

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