Chapter 4 Epilogue: Part 2

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Your POV:

A lot of things were revealed during our conversation with Miu, after she tried to beat the living daylights out of Kokichi for being involved. Things that were touched up on when we were talking with Miu and Kokichi about their stories connected, but they were also different.
Miu's plan was to use the wall that objects could only go through to murder Kokichi on the rooftop. She placed poison on Kokichi's seat, planning to frame Kaito for the deed, but that wasn't what happened.
Kokichi however knew that Miu was planning to kill him, so he came up with his own plan, working with Monokuma to get his way. He used the motive of the outside world to lure us into the Virtual World. That was also how he said he was able to have Gonta carry out the murder. Kokichi came up with the whole idea, and Gonta was the one who carried it out.
That's what led us to where we were now. Gonta was saying that he didn't remember the Virtual World, and the erratic tone in his voice left no doubt in my mind that he was telling the truth. I knew Gonta was in the Virtual World, but the question was "how did he not remember?"
That's when Monotaro, who was sitting in Miu's lap explained that there was an avatar user error in the Virtual World. When Monotaro said that, a few thoughts went through my mind. If there was an avatar error, what would've caused it?
The fact of the matter right now was that both Kokichi and Miu were saying that Gonta was the one who committed the crime. That part of their stories were the same in that regard, so it must've been true. It had to be true even though I didn't want to believe it. If Kokichi was the one to say it, I wouldn't know whether to believe him or not, but Miu saying the same thing proved otherwise. She was the one who was killed, and I still didn't even know how she was brought back when I didn't do anything.
"So, there was an avatar user error, huh?" Miu asked, "one of you shit heads didn't follow my instructions! The cords, remember!?"
"Aren't those cords the only way someone could mess up?" Rantaro asked, "if that's what Miu is saying, it must be true."
"I told ya idiots how to put the god damn cords in!" Miu shouted, "which one of you messed it up? Because I explained it very fuckin' clearly to all of you, so there is no way, someone could've been confused about it!"
I knew Miu explained the cords clearly, but someone still could've been confused about it. If Gonta didn't remember, perhaps this error had something to do with him. If it was the cords like Miu said, something must've happened with the cords to make something like this to happen. That was the only possibility for this situation.
    "Miu, might I recall that you told us that if the wires were switched, you didn't know what would happen?" Kirumi asked, "if that's the case, then how would anyone know the wires were the cause?"
     "Because, there's no other possible way to cause the error!" Miu shouted in response, "I told you all specifically what to do! Whoever's avatar the error took control of, it's their own damn fault, not mine!"
    I couldn't help but let out a sigh in frustration in response to that. All I was hearing was Miu shouting her head off about how she explained everything to everyone, and how it was the person's fault for causing the error. The more I thought about it,
I realized something.
    Gonta was such a nice and caring soul, but academics wasn't his strong suit. From what I knew about him, he was mostly raised by animals in the forest, so he didn't know much about grammar, as well as other subjects. It's fair to reason that he would have been confused about what Miu was saying.
    "I think we should stop yelling and figure out what the error caused," Shuichi explained, "Gonta said he didn't remember the Virtual World, so somehow, he has lost his memory from the Virtual World. That much is obvious."
    "G-Gonta lose memory...?" Gonta asked in response, "like Gonta say, all Gonta remembers was falling asleep. Gonta had strange dream, and when he wake up.... He saw Miu dead."
    "It's alright Gonta," Kirumi stated, "we will figure this out, one way or another."
    "I already told you fuckin' idiots!" Miu shouted, "the only way Gonta could've lost his memory was if he messed up the wires! He forgot that he tried to fuckin' kill me!"
    "Kehehehe, it's not wise to scream and shout about this ordeal," Kiyo laughed.
    "Like you're one to fuckin' talk," Miu replied, "you almost murdered Angie, and the meddling Otaku bitch. Stay in your fuckin' place and just keep quiet!"
    Kiyo seemed to narrow his eyes as he turned away from the whole situation. I could feel myself grow nervous at that. I still never forgot what happened between him... I had to stay strong though. I had to figure out the main cause of Gonta's memory loss. I knew it had something to do with the wires, but we needed some sort of proof that something happened with those said wires.
    "Nyeh..." Himiko muttered, "Miu was very clear about her directions for us. She explained that the red cord went into the right port, and the blue cord went into the left port."
"Himiko is sooooioi right!" Tenko exclaimed in response to that, "Himiko is so smart and powerful!"
Himiko seemed to puff her chest in pride as she opened her palm, showing a small ice crystal. Himiko was using her magic because she felt pride in what Tenko was saying about her. In a normal situation, I would've been impressed, but now wasn't the time for magic tricks.
    "While I think that's very impressive, it's not the time to do magic trick," I explained, "we need to figure out how the wires were mixed up during Miu'a explanation."
    "Nyeh, I know it wasn't me," Himiko explained, "when Miu gave that explanation, I used the hand I use to hold my chopsticks to hold the red cord, so I wouldn't be confused. I had that in my mind as I plugged the wires into the visor, and I turned out just fine."
    I knew very well that would be useful to keep in mind. Sometimes people could mess up left from right, and the hand you use to write and eat was a good way to find out whether someone was right or left handed. As for me, I was (right/left) handed.
    "But Gonta use chopsticks with this hand," Gonta replied.
    As Gonta said that, there was something I noticed. Gonta wasn't right handed.... Gonta was left handed. That meant Himiko's words revealed a truth that made everything make sense. If Gonta put the red wire in the left port, that meant that he mixed up the cords.
    "Th-That's your left hand!" Himiko exclaimed with a shocked look.
    "So, I guess that proves that," Rantaro mused, "Gonta is left-handed, so he mixed up the wires by mistake. I'm guessing the cause of his memory loss was those wires being mixed up. What Kokichi and Miu said do add up, so this must be the truth."
"So, that means that Gonta forgot everything in the Virtual World," Kokichi explained, "if this is the truth, then it does explain why Gonta forgot about working together with me in attempt to kill Miu before she could kill me."
"Y-You guys weren't a team!" Tsumugi shouted, "you were using Gonta! You don't care about him at all!"
"B-But Gonta would never work with Kokichi!" Gonta exclaimed, "Gonta learned lesson after Insect Meet and Greet. There no way Gonta work with Kokichi."
"On the contrary Gonta, you did work with me," Kokichi replied, "we were the *Killing Game Busters*, and our goal was the end this killing game."
"Kokichi, stop with this idiotic bullshit!" Kaito shouted, "in my mind, it was you who tried to kill Miu! Not Gonta!"
"Nee-heehee~oh Kaito..." Kokichi laughed, "you really don't get it, do you? Miu and I both have matching stories, and we both stated that Gonta was supposed to be the culprit. It matched up because I managed to work with Gonta to do it, and Miu was strangled by him. As much as it hurts me to say it, it's the truth."
I could see the anger on Kaito's face in response to Kokichi's words. Kaito was visibly gritting his teeth as he silently listened to his words. I could feel myself tremble slightly as well. No matter how much I wanted to deny it... it was the truth. I myself couldn't change that. Kaito wanted to fight it, but I was guessing he realized he couldn't.
    "It doesn't hurt you at all!" Kaito shouted, "all you did was use Gonta!"
    "Nee-heehee..." Kokichi laughed, "I couldn't help it but to do that. If I would've tried to enact this plan myself, I would be done for. As long as Miu was strangled, it couldn't have been me who could do such a thing. Remember, silly ol' Kaito... if Miu touched me, I wouldn't be able to move. I did what was necessary to ensure my survival."
    "You did do as much," Shuichi replied, "you used Gonta as a patsy to commit this attempted murder. I think it's an awful thing for you to use Gonta like that... how did you even get Gonta to do it?"
    I was wondering the same thing. I didn't understand how Kokichi could've gotten Gonta to do such a thing. It was more likely than not that the switched up wires were the cause of Gonta's memory loss. Kokichi obviously had a certain tactic to get Gonta to do what he wanted, but the question was *what* did he do to get the result he wanted?
    "Psssh, that's easy to explain," Kokichi told everyone, "I think everyone should recall the event in which I decided to investigate outside, and Gonta went with me to ensure that I wouldn't do anything suspicious, riiiiiight?"
    When Kokichi said those words, a realization hit me like a ton of bricks. Gonta did go with Kokichi outside to make sure that he wouldn't cause trouble. After that point though, Gonta and Kokichi seemed to be grouped together a lot more. I didn't find it strange before, but now... under these circumstances, I found it quite odd.
    "Welllllll~" Kokichi trailed off, "when we went to investigate outside, I found the motive in the form of a Flashback Light right next to the patch of trees outside. It was obviously near the mansion, and I showed it to Gonta. After that point, he decided to work with me to carry out my plan. I would ask our friend Gonta to confirm this, but that's kinda hard considering he doesn't remember a thing."
    "You mean we were spending all that time looking for a motive that was just right outside!?" Tenko shouted.
    I knew Tenko was right. Something we all spent lots of time looking for... it was near the mansion, and Kokichi showed it to Gonta. I had no idea about the contents on the Flashback Light, but I knew that's what Kokichi used to manipulate the entomologist.
    "But Gonta still no remember!" Gonta exclaimed, "Gonta want to protect friends! Gonta can't live with himself if he almost killed Miu!"
    "If anything, I would try and forgive Gonta!" Miu shouted, "it's Kokichi I want to beat up! I know I can't even lay a scratch on Gonta!"
    "I have a solution..." Kokichi said, "I know Miu still wants my head, but we need to see if Gonta's memories are still in the Virtual World."
"What are you saying, Kokichi?" Ryoma asked in response to that.
"I'm saying that there is a possibility that Gonta's memories are still in the Virtual World," Kokichi replied, "we all know he was there, and there was an error in the cords. Perhaps all of that information is still in the file as coding. I'm not saying that it's possible, but, we should at least try."
In response to Kokichi's words, Miu stood up, lifting Monotaro into her arms. I knew Kokichi had a possible idea to somehow access Gonta's memories from the Virtual World. If Gonta was there, his memories should still be in code. Just like how when Miu was found dead, her avatar stayed the way it was in the Virtual World. Even when we logged out, none of the things in the Virtual World having to do with the crime were reset.
"If anyone is going to get that information, it's gonna be me!" Miu exclaimed, "I'm the genius that even got this world set up, so I should be able to have the coding on its knees! Just wait a little bit, and I should have everything set up!"
After Miu said that, she walked over to the huge computer Monotaro worked to get information from, and she too started typing on the keyboard. This computer room seemed to have no shortage of devices as I saw her hooking up a smaller laptop onto the computer. She was most likely transferring the information from the super computer to the laptop.
"I don't want to admit this bullshit, but that shitty psychopath was right," Miu stated, "Gonta's memories are still on file, but I'm going to be transferring them to this small ass laptop! Ah-hahaha, it shouldn't be too long! If it takes longer, I don't know how long I can last."
    I could feel myself start to deadpan slightly in response to the last thing Miu said. Her face was covered in a blush with a very lewd expression on her face as she typed away at the computer. A lot was going on, and even so... I always felt myself have a weird look on my face whenever Miu made a dirty joke.
     Monotaro watched Miu as her eyes were focused on the screen, the light dancing across her eyes. Her expression changed from a lewd one to one of complete focus. I could see her eyes scanning down the screen from where I was sitting, and I could tell she was trying to get this done as fast as she could.
    A few minutes of silence went by as everyone watched the inventor type away at the computer. Gonta was watching with nervous eyes, and I honestly felt like he was the most stressed out of all of us. He forgot everything that happened, and he didn't want to find that he actually tried to kill Miu. Gonta didn't want to hurt anyone, and I knew that much was true.
A loud bang was heard, echoing through the computer room, removing me from my thoughts. It seemed that the sound was Miu roughly getting up from the computer with a triumphant grin on her face. As soon as she got up, a click in her heels were heard as she bent over to where she plugged in the smaller laptop. I heard the sound of a USB wire being unplugged from the computer, as Miu went to pick it up. As soon as she did, she placed her free hand on her hip, and gave a grin as the computer was tucked safely in her arm.
"Fuck yeah!" Miu shouted happily, "I'm finally fuckin' done! I think I'm gonna call this creation, Gonta's Horny Virtual Self!"
I could feel myself have another deadpanned expression on my face as Miu said that. Miu was cackling loudly as she held the laptop proudly for all eyes to see. Taking a closer look at the laptop, I noticed that the screen was a green background. In the center of that said green background, it looked like there was a chibi version of Gonta on the screen. It was like the video game graphics was upgraded to something better.
The Gonta on the computer screen looked like an adorable video game chibi, and I couldn't help but be offended that Miu was trying to call it "Gonta's Horny Virtual Self". I knew very well that whatever Miu did, it was the memories that were hidden from Gonta when he visited the Virtual World. If that was the case, shouldn't it be called more of an "Alter Ego"?
"I hate to be the one to ask this but..." Tsumugi trailed off, "shouldn't it be called *Alter Ego Gonta*?"
"I agree," Kaede replied, "I Gonta is way too sweet and nice to have a name like that, even if that is just a computer program."
"I didn't have to do this for ya shitheads!" Miu shouted, "I should be able to name it what I want to name it!"
I couldn't believe that we were fighting about this. Tsumugi had a similar idea as me, but she did beat me to the punch. The little Gonta that was on screen seemed to be nervously sweating as the louder people started to argue on what the program should've been called. This shouldn't have been what we needed to focus on. We needed to focus on the information. Why couldn't we just agree to call him what we wanted to call him? It was basically Miu versus the whole room. Even Gonta was protesting Miu's name for the program.
"Why don't we agree to disagree," Rantaro stated, "let everyone call the program what they want to call the program."
I mentally thanked Rantaro for saying that. It seemed that everyone agreed, even Miu. Gonta was staring directly at the computer screen with a shocked look on his face. He had a nervous look on his face as he stared at his Virtual Self.
    "Huh?" Alter Ego Gonta asked, "what this? What happening?"
    "Is this...Gonta?" Gonta asked.
    "Is that...Gonta?" the program replied.
    It seemed that both Alter Ego Gonta and Gonta were confused about what was going on. Himiko thought this was somehow magic, but Miu shut that fact down, telling the mage that it was just a Gonta that existed only in Virtual Space. According to Miu, this Gonta was only mimicked the thought patterns of the real Gonta. She even said that this program was as stupid as the real Gonta, and I couldn't help but feel angry at her remark.
    Miu mentioned that this program may have been a Virtual Gonta, but he had all of the memories of what happened. She wanted us to hurry and get the information from him before she proceeded to dealing with Kokichi herself. She was still dead set on doing that.
    Gonta soon asked his Virtual Self why he attempted to kill Miu. In response to that question, the Virtual Gonta had a horrified look on his face. Hi eyes were wide as the upper half of his face was shadowed in. The Virtual Gonta looked both scared and confused. That much was proven when he asked how the Real Gonta found out about that.
    "Unfortunately, our plan failed..." Kokichi explained, "Miu is still alive, so the whole plan was a bust. Miu wants to beat me up for this... and before she does that, she wants you to explain everything. You can tell everyone the truth now."
    Almost instantly, Gonta's Virtual counterpart had a relived look on his face when he found out Miu was alive. His chibi eyes danced around the screen, looking at Miu. The program let out an audible sigh as found out their plan failed.
    "Miu alive!" Gonta's Virtual counterpart exclaimed, "Gonta not murderer! Thank goodness! Gonta relived Miu alive, but it make Gonta realize... Gonta no could save anyone..."
    I found myself wondering what Alter Ego Gonta meant by that. Everyone had a confused look on their face as Shuichi asked about it. According to the Virtual Gonta, he just wanted to save everyone, and I didn't know how trying to commit a murder would save everyone. Kaede asked what he meant, and the Virtual Gonta answered.
    Apparently, Gonta was always thinking on how he could be useful to everyone. Gonta wasn't that smart, but he was strong. Sadly, he couldn't fight the exisals. Those were words said by the Virtual Gonta. The fact was, he voiced being frustrated because he felt he couldn't do anything. The real Gonta knew the emotions of the computer counterpart. They technically were the same person, so it did make sense.
    Alter Ego Gonta soon explained that he thought he'd have to commit a murder to save everyone. He thought he had to do it because no one wanted to. He even was curious on how everyone was still alive, but he seemed happy about it.
Questions were asked by everyone, including myself, but the alter ego seemed to be having a hard time explaining. Kokichi mentioned that he would step in, and that's when a whole shock hit all of us. Kokichi was able to use the card key, seeing the outside world. Everyone was in shock about that, and Kokichi expressed that he combined the two to be able to save everyone. I wondered what he meant by that... and I wasn't the only one.
Kokichi made a deal with Monokuma, explicitly stating that if he livened up the killing game, then he could reuse the motive. Kokichi explained that in his tone viewing it, it was something that allowed him to look at the outside world. Monokuma loaded the memories into a Flashback Light to reuse the motive... it was part of our forgotten memories. Everyone was shocked about this, including myself. That's when Kokichi explained that he used the motive to sway Gonta into working with him.
That's when Kokichi ended his tale. On the premises of his story from earlier. The alter ego expressed that this was his way to save everyone. By killing Miu, he would escape while the rest of us died, so he could live the burden alone. This academy was hell, but what if the outside world was hell, too? That was what Gonta decided, but forgot about.
Kokichi was soon yelling about how we should appreciate Gonta for this. He took on a role that a lot of us were too scared to. Tears were streaming out of his eyes as he yelled at us about it. Everyone was shocked, but there was something that the lot of us wanted to find out.
Everyone started to ask about what he saw, but the alter ego refused. He didn't want anyone to end up like him, so he said that he wouldn't tell. And that's how it ended. Miu shut off the laptop with a sigh.
"So there ya have it," Miu stated, "the way I fuckin' see it... Kokichi uses people, using motives for his own gain."
Gonta however... Gonta was trembling. Tears pricked his eyes as he tried to remember what he was told by the alter ego of himself. Gonta seemed not able to talk as he thought about it. I felt myself concerned about him, feeling a well of sadness form in my chest. After a few moments of silence... one sentence left the kind entomologist's mouth.
"Gonta need to think for awhile..." Gonta said.
After saying that, Gonta sped out of the computer room. I found myself reaching out to him, yelling his name, but it was all pointless. I was upset... I was devastated. Even though it was said that Gonta tried to murder Miu on his own... I couldn't help but feel like Kokichi used him.
I felt myself tired from this whole situation... I didn't know how much more of this I could take. Even though I felt drained, I registered the sound of an all too familiar laugh that shook me to the very core. But this time... it sounded more sinister... it was Kokichi...
"What the hell are you laughin' about!?" Miu shouted, "who the hell do you think you are you, snot nosed bitch!? If you really wanted to end this game, and save everyone, explain yourself!"
"Miu is right!" Kaito shouted, "explain your reasoning on why you tried to get Gonta to do that! Explain yourself—"
"I don't...want to..." Kokichi replied, as his face went dark.
"Wait, what?" I asked in response to that.
After that, Kokichi's eyes went wide with what looked like madness. A terrifying smirk was present on his face as he stood, his arms almost in a T-pose from his body. I felt myself tremble from the sudden change in his personality.
"I don't want to, stupidhead!" Kokichi exclaimed.
"K-Kokichi!" I exclaimed in response to that.
"Ah-hahahaha!" Kokichi laughed, "oh man, you guys are really dense, aren't you!? You're all so dumb! Why would I actually feel bad for that gullible idiot!?"
I was dumbfounded as well as everyone else. According to him, we were dense. If Kokichi said this to Gonta, he would be mad. Those were his words... Kokichi expressed that he was only trying to keep Gonta calm. Since there wasn't a murder, he didn't have to cry if Gonta was executed. He was laughing about lying for a good purpose. Those were his twisted words...
I could feel tears prick in my eyes. Rantaro seemed to notice this, walking closer to me. I couldn't take this anymore. Kokichi didn't want this game to be boring. He gave Gonta incentive to make the game more interesting, and he ultimately betrayed Gonta in the end. I could feel myself shake and tremble. I put my head down as I decided to speak.
"Why are you like this Kokichi...?" I asked, "Gonta trusted everyone, he wanted to be friends with everyone. Why would you do something to the one person who stuck his neck out for you—"
"Nee-heehee...nee-heeheeheehee..." Kokichi laughed, interrupting me, "who cares about that idiot!? Do you think I care about *trust*, my beloved (y/n)!? I wanna enjoy this game filled with suspicion and betrayal from the bottom of my heart! What pisses me off the most is that not a single death has happened, and it's been ruining my good time!"
Kokichi gave us another one of his creepy smiles. It was shaking me to the core. It felt as if my lungs were being compressed under his expression. It felt like I could hardly breath as he was looking at me with those chilling eyes of his. When I saw this, I saw Kokichi for what he really was... it was malice... His whole body was radiating nothing but raw and unfiltered malice.
"Don't act so surprised, my beloved," Kokichi said, "I *am* the supreme leader of evil, so it's obvious my personality would be twisted. The more you suffer, the more I enjoy it. There are people in this world who spread grief and misery for no reason than the thrill of it! And I am one of those people. Nothing pleases me more than inflicting pain on others!"
    I was frozen from terror in the spot I was standing in. This was the true Kokichi. Why didn't I see it before...? Why did I want to trust him? Why did I want to be his friend? If this was the true Kokichi... I didn't know what I could do.
    "S-Seriously..." Kaito muttered with a horrified look on his face, "who the hell do you think you are?"
    "Like I fuckin' told you guys!" Miu exclaimed, "Cockichi is a psychopath who tried to sacrifice Gonta and I for his entertainment!"
    "I agree with Miu," Maki muttered.
    "What's so bad about that?" Kokichi asked, "you kill people for money...right, Maki Roll?"
    "Someone like you has no right to call me Maki Roll..." Maki replied, a glare on her face, " you want to die?"
    Kokichi seemed to say that Maki looked better with a scowl on her face. He mocked us for being too trusting, and that we should've suspected him more. He started laughing about how meaningless both Miu and Kaito were, and it sickened me to the core. Was Kokichi lying? I couldn't stand him saying things like that about Gonta and Miu. Miu had a scowl on her face as Kaito started to look angry as well.
    Kaito however was the first one to act. He ran towards Kokichi like a bullet. An all too familiar full sound rang though the computer room, something that I've faced many times with my encounters from Kaito. Even if that was the case, this time was different. This scene played out differently than everyone thought it would.
    Kaito was on the ground, a glare on his face as he gritted his teeth at Kokichi. Kokichi however was completely fine, his hand on his hip as his other hand was raised. It was obvious on what happened. Instead of Kaito hitting Kokichi.... Kokichi was able to land in a punch on Kaito.
    "Oops, sorry!" Kokichi exclaimed mockingly, "I tried to dodge you...but I punched you instead."
    "Kaito!" Shuichi shouted.
    "Y-You...!" Kaito growled in response to Kokichi's banter.
    "By the way, Kaito, is it me...?" Kokichi asked, trailing off, "or are you waaay slower?"
    Kaito seemed to have a shocked look on his face in response to that. Why was Kokichi mocking Kaito. What did he have to gain from it? This was all too much. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack from all of this.
    "Maybe, just maybe...Kaito is hiding something from us, too," Kokichi said.
    "Kaito!" Maki exclaimed, "are you okay!?"
    Kaito continued to keep coming at Kokichi, and Maki glared at him with piercing eyes. Everyone seemed to be upset with him, including Rantaro and myself. Maki mentioned that for someone who wasn't good at fighting, Kokichi was pretty agile. I agreed with that notion. Kokichi seemed to laugh loudly at that, saying that Maki beloved such a lie. Maki replied to this by telling him that he really wanted death. Kokichi seemed to laugh, having provoked Maki. I found myself yelling her name to try and calm her down. Kokichi never got to finish what he was saying... his mockery.
All of us rushed to Kaito's side, even Tenko and Miu. I never thought she would do something like that, but she did. We all started asking him if he was okay. Everyone was offering assistance, even me. I needed to help in any way I could. Kokichi seemed to be puzzled on why we were all trying to help him. I couldn't help but reply.
"You think Kaito is pathetic...?" I asked, "take a look at yourself, instead of looking down on others..."
"...What?" Kokichi asked, "what do you mean, my beloved...?"
"I'll explain it," Shuichi replied, "Kaito always has us by his side, see? But no one wants to be around you. You're alone, Kokichi. And you always will be."
"Ah-haha, I didn't ask you Shuichi," Kokichi replied, "and plus, you're talking about friends? Friends don't make this game more entert—Geez, boooring. I'm no longer interested. I don't care anymore... But I will tell you this... The one who will win this game... is me."
Kokichi gave a terrifying expression, full of malice as he walked away, leaving us all to think on what he said. Sadly, it only got worse from here. Kaito was breathing heavily, a sick look on his face. I asked Kaito if he was okay, but as soon as I said that, he looked worse. I was getting worried. Maki seemed to be concerned, saying that Kokichi didn't punch him hard. We were starting to ask him more if he was okay, but he said he was fine...
As everyone continued to talk about getting Kaito to not over work himself, I noticed something... it looked like a stream of pink was coming out of his mouth. My heart was pounding as Rantaro stood close to me, watching what was happening. Kaito tried to get up, but...
Kaito covered his mouth with his hand as he started to double over. His knees collapsed when they gave out on him. Kaito let out a cough, but he continued to cough. He sounded sickly, and it sounded like he was in pain. I could feel panic set in when I saw what had indeed happened.
A burst of pink, metallic smelling liquid burst from his mouth, covering his hand and shirt. I had a shocked look on my face as the depravity of the situation hit me like a brick. Kaito coughed out a large amount of blood, and everyone was in shock, including Miu, Tenko, and Ryom.
"K-Kaito...?" I asked in shock.
"Kaito!?" Maki exclaimed.
"C'mon..." Kaito muttered weakly, "don't freak out over this... it's nothing... My...cold just got worse is all...."
I couldn't believe Kaito. There was something wrong with him. Coughing up blood was not a symptom of a cold. Keebo even said as much. I felt myself grasp my chest as I felt myself start to breath heavily. Kaito told Keebo that he didn't know that was a symptom, and that he should chill out. He told everyone that he coughed too hard, and cut up his throat. As Kaito spoke, he somehow got to his feet. He mentioned that he just needed a drink of water, and he staggered out of the room. Maki accompanied him, Kaito telling Shuichi and I that he didn't need our help.
That, was the final shock of this whole situation.... We all decided the best course of action would be to rest in the dorms... Miu obviously wanted to beat Kokichi up, but she seemed to decide now wasn't the time... and that was how the walk back to the dorms started. I made my way to the casino look around to get my mind off of the situation... I never knew I would walk out with a key...

Hey all! A lot of stuff happened this chapter! I wanted to end chapter four this week, since I go back to school next week! There will be one more update until my classes start. I will try to keep consistent updates, but it might not be that easy.

We got some gnarly stuff going on, but next chapter will be slightly lighter. Let's understand that chapter five is the last chapter segment of this story. We are nearing the end, and it's going to be rough. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, but understand that I might be on hiatus for a bit while classes start up. I'm letting you all know in advance, so you all won't be sad.

In any case, I hope you enjoyed this week's chapter, and the winner of the Fanart challenge will come soon. Have a good weekend, and please take care of yourselves! Ciao for now!- yuki_no_fuyu

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα