Chapter 3 Part 8: Maki's First Freetime Event; Theories in the Book

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Your POV:

    The Flashback Light Rantaro and I found gave me a memory about all of our funeral. The only thing was, I think I was attending my own funeral, but why would I do such a thing? I had no idea, but I needed to know if everyone got the same memory.
    "Wh-Why? Why was I... at my own funeral?" Shuichi asked in shock.
    "What!? A funeral... You too, Shuichi?" Tsumugi asked.
    "It would appear we all remembered the same thing," Kiyo explained.
    "That's kinda obvious now...' I thought.
    Shuichi and Tsumugi was their own funeral, and I'm guessing Kiyo did as well. It was just as he said. We all remembered the same thing.
    "But what the fuck does it mean!?" Miu exclaimed, "why was I at your guys' funeral!? A-And... why was I there, too!?"
    I honestly could understand Miu's reaction. It's kind of weird that we were viewing everyone's funeral... but it did seem like we were there as well.
    "Wh-What the hell is goin' on!?" Miu exclaimed nervously, "what was that funeral...?"
    "But...the only thing I can remember is seeing the funeral. Nothing else..." Keebo admitted.
    I think that was the case for all of us as well. I tried as hard as I could to remember something other than the funeral. I couldn't remember anything aside from the Ultimate Hunt and the funeral.
    "Maybe we... already dead!?" Gonta exclaimed in assumption.
    "There's not a chance that we are..." Rantaro explained in response.
    "Rantaro?" I asked in response.
    "What's wrong Rantaro?" Kaede asked nervously.
    Rantaro looked like he was thinking hard about something. He was trying to make sense of this situation like we were. It made me slightly nervous when he gets like this because some pretty creepy stuff could come out of this guy's mouth.
    "What if these memories are connected somehow?" Rantaro asked, "just think about it for a second."
I thought back to a thought I had when I first got the memory. We could've been hiding to get away from the Ultimate Hunt. That could explain some things, but it couldn't explain the funeral.
"Rantaro, some of this does make sense, but not the funeral..." I explained.
"Well, what if some sort of event happened to make us seem like we were dead, but we really weren't?" Rantaro asked.
That made more sense. I was getting a clearer picture on what was going on. Something needed to fill the gap. We have Point A and Point C. We just need Point B to connect everything.
"Hold on a sec," Kaito told us, "there's no way that was our memory for our funeral."
"Then what is it?" Rantaro asked darkly.
"It was probably...a memory of our school festival or something," Kaito replied nervously.
"School festival?" Tsumugi asked.
"Yeah, it was probably a memory from a play we did for the school festival or something."
'Is he actually serious...?' I thought.
There was no was this was some sort of play. It felt too real to be a play. Why was Kaito trying to deny what that memory was? Was I just being delusional.
I smacked my face with both hands to get that thought out of my head. What Rantaro said and what I thought, it had to be connected. This wasn't just some sort of coincidence. It had to mean something, and I needed to find out what it meant.
"I mean, isn't it obvious if you just think about it?" Kaito asked, "if that funeral was real, there's no was we'd still be alive!"
"Nyeeeh...that's true," Himiko said in response.
    "But aren't we all from different high schools? Why would we have a school festival together?" Tenko asked.
    "Th-That's...we'll probably remember something else about it later," Kaito replied nervously, "anyway, there's no way that funeral was real! There's no mistaking that!"
    "Are you really that much in denial?" Rantaro asked with a creepy smile.
    "Rantaro, I think that's enough..." Kirumi said, trying to ease the mood.
    "No..." Rantaro muttered in response, "that memory wasn't just some random thing. It was given to us for a reason. You all are really not seeing that?"
"We hear you loud and clear, but it's not our funeral," Kaito responded.
I let out a sigh in frustration. There was no way Kaito would see it our way. I really enjoyed being friends with hind but he can be a real idiot.
"I do agree with Kaito," Keebo mentioned, "if we think about it logically, that's clearly out of the question."
Keebo seemed to pause after saying that. It looked like he was thinking hard about something.
"If you think about how Rantaro made his point, we could be missing a piece of the puzzle..." Keebo stated in thought.
"Gonta thinks we should think about it," Gonta said nervously, "Gonta think everyone was already dead."
"Stop saying stupid stuff! Look at me, I'm super Hale and hearty!" Kaito exclaimed.
'More like an idiot...' I thought in response.
"Hardy? Cuz you get a hard-on every time you see me?" Miu asked.
I facepalmed at what Miu said. She couldn't hold off the lewd words, even for an important subject like this. It made me question her ability to take on any serious situation.
"Oh, I heard males can tell they're healthy by how hard they get in the morning! Is that true!?" Tenko asked.
'Not you too Tenko...' I thought in response.
"Hey! St-Stay in lane, bitch!" Miu exclaimed in response.
Tsumugi wasn't the fan of inappropriate jokes, kind of like me. Kokichi was silently watching us. His silence was unsettling in a way. He's normally one of the talkative, but now he's quiet...
"Aw maaan, what a disappointment..." Kokichi muttered.
It turned out everyone was disappointed on how much of a letdown the Flashback Light was. I didn't see it as a let down though. I saw it as a piece of a huge puzzle. It would take time to figure out. Everyone could believe in what they wanted to. I knew where my belief hid.
Where I thought Kokichi was upset about the Flashback Light, he wasn't.
"No, I'm not talking about the memory. I'm talking about you guys..." Kokichi explained, "well not (y/n) obviously, but Rantaro made a fair point."
"What?" Kaede asked.
"Oh, no! It's nothing! I'm just lying again, so don't worry about it!" Kokichi exclaimed.
I honestly wished he didn't say anything. I didn't think what he was saying was a lie though. He wouldn't say he wasn't disappointed in me if he was lying. This was getting slightly strange.
I returned to my dorm after that, with the Flashback Light incident on my mind. I honestly could ask for a clue, but I don't really want to see that god awful bear.
I have some free time, so I might as well look for someone to hang out with. My first thought was Maki. She looked upset when she left the dining hall. I wanted to check on her because I was worried.
I narrowed where she could be down to two places. Her dorm room and her lab. Those are the only places I know she'd be. Since I was already in the dorm rooms, I wanted to check there.
I exited my dorm room with a sigh. I really was worried about her. And I of all people should know that being alone isn't the best thing for your health.
I slowly walked up to the second floor of dorms to find Maki's dorm room. Once I got there, I rang the door bell. There was no answer. I decided to ring it a few more times.
This time, I heard a click, and the door opened, revealing an annoyed looking Maki.
    "Do you wanna die?" she asked me with a threatening tone.
    I gave a slightly nervous look at Maki. She probably was serious about wanting to be left alone, but I really wanted to make sure she was ok.
    "I wanted to check on you..." I muttered, "you seemed very upset when you left the room."
    Maki seemed surprised about this. I guess she was used to people being scared of her talent. I could understand that.
    "Why would want to check up on me?" Maki asked, "aren't you afraid of me?"
    "Honestly, you are more of a shy type..." I told her, "I'm not really scared per say... I'm just shocked about it."
    Maki puffed her cheeks and grasped one of her pigtails.
    "I'm just more reserved because I had to keep my talent a secret..." Maki explained with that pout on her face.
    "Aren't tsunderes a bit too cliche?" I asked with a laugh.
    Maki stopped pouting in response. She looked to the side, glaring lightly.
    "I was joking Maki," I told her, "so would you like to hang out with me for a bit?"
    "I have nothing better to do, so be my guest..." Maki replied.
Maki and I decided to walk around the school for a bit. I felt like I got closer with Maki today, which was a good thing. I obviously wanted to give a gift to her. I normally give something to everyone I hang out with.
I looked through my inventory to find something to give Maki. I had no idea what she'd like or anything like that. Maybe I should just give her a refreshment.
'Maybe she'd want to try some boba tea...' I thought.
It could go very wrong, but i was taking a chance. Maki could very well like boba tea. I handed the tea to Maki with a small smile.
    "Hmm... You must not worry a lot if you're giving presents in a situation like this..." Maki muttered, "...Well, it's not like I don't mind. I'll take it."
    I smiled lightly as I talked with Maki. She seemed to brighten up when I gave her a gift.
    "So how do you do your work?" I asked with a small smile.
    "You seem to ask a lot of questions..." Maki replied, "if you're going to ask if I work with others, I can't tell you or it could disband from just being known."
    "So you're in a group!?" I exclaimed with stars in my eyes, "this reminds me about Akame Ga Kill! An anime about a group of assassins who assassinate in order to fix the government!"
    "I wouldn't say I do it to fix the government..." Maki replied, brushing a piece of hair from her face, "I'm just told to kill someone, and I do it."
    Make averted her eyes to the side. I had no idea what she thought about my nerdy outburst.
    "I have no idea why you want to learn about my job, but I have no problem talking about it," Maki told me, her voice slightly quieter than before, "have you heard of the Holy Salvation Society?
    'The Holy Salvation Society?' I thought.
    I honestly had no idea what that even was. This was the first time that I've even heard of that name. I looked over at Maki with a glint of curiosity. I really wanted to know what this organization was.
    "I have never heard of that..." I muttered.
    "That's only natural," Maki commented, "a normal person normally wouldn't be affiliated to any cults."
    "What does a cult have to do with your assassinations?" I asked.
    "That's the assassination organization I belong to," Maki explained, straight to the point.
    "So your organization is a cult?" I asked.
    "That's right... that was pretty slow though, even for you..." Maki told me, "the cult I'm in is new. It was built behind the scenes, and it trains assassins."
    "It sounds made up, but it seems that will always happen these days..." I laughed.
    "It's real I assure you," Maki told me, "the founder is the boss, and all staff are part of it."
    This was really interesting to hear. From what Maki told me, it sounded kind of fake, but it is real. That was what was going on.
    She told me about how business worked there as well. It was pretty interesting to hear this stuff from her.
    Maki told me that if I heard about a cult, the instinct would be to stay away. I did agree on that. These people haven't been punished because there is no god in this world.
     I asked if she was devoted to this group, but she said she wasn't. That made me very thankful.
    Maki however told me something chilling. She said when assassins are done with, they are cut and disposed of. I knew I wanted to offer my support to her.
    "Hey, I think you should come training with Shuichi, Kaito, and I," I told her, hearing someone walk by.

Kokichi's POV:

    I was silently walking down the hall towards the library. I did notice my beloved (y/n) and the assassin talking. She still owed a day to me, but I was going to approach her tomorrow about that.
   Right now, I was on a mission. I needed to find out the secret behind the people who came back after they died, and I felt like (y/n) was involved. I knew she was involved.
    If I could find out what was going on, I can calculate the punishment more accordingly. With that little decide (y/n) has, she has to be involved.
    I walked down the stairs to the basement before entering the library. The library was obviously the same after Rantaro was supposed to die. Maybe there is something in here that could be a threshold to link everything together. All I'd have to do after that would be to confirm the said accusation.
    No one was in the library, which was a good thing for me. Suddenly, I heard a slight popping sound. I knew he was here. I let out a smirk.
    "Monokuma, how's your vacation?" I asked with a slight smirk.
    "It's amazing! Those cubs sure know how to give me a break," Monokuma exclaimed in response, "what are you up to?"
    "Oh, Little ol' me?" I asked in response, "I'm just trying to figure out the secret behind the people coming back to life. It's a huge thorn in my side."
    "That sounds supernatural!" Monokuma exclaimed in response, "you should try to find a book on supernatural abilities. You might find something."
    "Nee-heehee, good idea," I replied, "you should leave though. What if someone comes down here?"
    "Ok, fine..." Monokuma said with a dejected expression, "I'll leave..."
    Monokuma left after that to continue his vacation. This was all as planned. After the second murder... we would have a Monokubs takeover until the next murder.
    'Supernatural abilities, huh?' I thought, 'I think I remember one book being placed in here about it...'
    I went on my search after that. I looked through the shelves in the library, finding all sorts of genres, especially manga.
A particularly large book took my attention. There were symbols on the book, but no name. I had and a feeling that this book was the one.
I starts skimming through the pages. This book talked about elemental use, time manipulation, even psychic abilities. One particular passage in the book caught my eye. It would make complete sense on how everyone was coming back to life.
'Tears of Life, huh?' I thought, 'how interesting.'

Here is the new chapter. Some of you were anticipating on when Kokichi was about to find out that someone had the special ability. All he has now is an idea of what's going on ;)
He has no idea who has it, but reader is obviously suspicious.
Anyway I hope you annoyed this chapter. I'll update next week! Ciao! -CRUSIFIXdroid

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now