Chapter 5 Part 28: Improvements

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Rantaro's POV:

    The morning announcement played at the same time it usually played at which was around six or seven in the morning. To be fair, I was surprised I was able to sleep, knowing the fact that (y/n) was still a hostage for Kokichi.
    I still had thoughts on my mind from yesterday. The plans I was coming up with. In all honesty, I was hoping that everyone else was doing okay in their respective assignments. From what I remembered, Miu was fixing up a final white noise machine that would cancel out sound and camera wavelengths. Maki was supposed to be keeping an eye on the hanger to find out Kokichi's schedule for whatever he intended to do.
    I was pretty sure everyone who knew of the plan was going to meet up in the dining hall. That meant there was a good chance Kaito was going to be there. At least that was what I was hoping. Our conversation from yesterday did help me have some more confidence in myself, and it helped me believe that (y/n) was going to forgive me.
    I shook my head, trying to get the cluster of thoughts out of my head. I needed to focus on meeting with everyone else, and hope there was some good news in terms of everyone's findings. I decided that it was time for me to get ready to go to the dining hall.
    I decided to take a shower to help with my overall appearance. I didn't even remember if I took a shower yesterday or not. A lot has happened throughout that past few days, and my head was getting screwed on backwards. I couldn't let the shock of the events that happened get to me now. I was well past the point for shock right now, and I needed to put all of my energy in rescuing (y/n) and stopping Kokichi.
    Those thoughts remained strong throughout my shower. After that point, I took one of my clean school uniforms out of the closet where they usually were. I slid on my striped grey shirt and brown pants. I did everything I usually did in the morning to make myself look the same. That included styling my hair after my shower as well.
    Once I was ready, I set myself off on a small journey to the dining hall. It wasn't usually a long walk, and calling it a *journey* was a little bit over the top. It was the one thing I was used to doing in the morning, and it still felt weird for (y/n) not to be here with me.
    I couldn't let that falter me in any way though. I quickly exited the dormitory, and took the outside trail to get to the dining hall. I was silent on my walk to the dining hall. I was looking forward to having whatever plan we could come up with to move forward. All of that depended on Miu though. She usually liked to be the one dominating over everyone.
I know it was a bit weird of me to think about that specific joke about Miu, but the joke was pretty on the money. From what I've seen from Miu now that I've gotten to know her better... she always likes to be in charge, but whenever someone yelled at her, she would cower. It was like Miu was slightly if not bipolar.
    That didn't mean she wasn't a genius though. Even if Miu had more of an eccentric personality, there was no denying she amazing at inventing new things. I was curious on how she's been able to continue inventing things... but I didn't know her that well. I didn't know how anyone became the people they were now.
    That was the constant thought in my mind as I made my way to the dining hall. The only person I really knew about in terms of pasts was (y/n). I kinda felt bad that I didn't get to know much of everyone else. Truth be told, I knew their present actions in the situation we were in now, but I had no idea how they were before they got here.
    I got jealous whenever (y/n) tried to get to know the other people here, especially the the other guys. I could now see why she wanted to get to know others. Sadly I didn't get to know anyone's past aside from hers. That was the truth.
    I got to the outside entrance of the dining hall. I wanted to know who decided to show up to the dining hall today, and I was about to find out. I stood in front of the door for a few moments before I opened it. I stood silently for a moment, taking a deep breath. I really hoped that I would see more people on board to help out today. That's the thing I was really hoping for.
When I opened the door, I saw that everyone who had been there yesterday was sitting at their usual spots in the dining hall. However, as my eyes scanned around the room, I realized that there were a couple people who decided to come to the dining hall. A couple of newcomers as you will. Those people who were there were Kaito and Gonta. Shuichi, Tenko, Himiko, Tsumugi, Kiyo, and Keebo were still not to be seen by anyone. They were probably still trying to process what was going on. It still made me relieved to see that Kaito and Gonta wanted to join.
Realizing that Kaito decided to come to the dining hall because of our conversation yesterday. Maki was however next to him, pestering him on what was going on with him. I couldn't help but chuckle at that. It looked like Maki had developed a soft spot for Kaito. It was honestly nice to see someone like her be able to develop something for someone. In a way I was like that too. I couldn't trust anyone, even myself, so it was nice to see that Maki was caring about someone.
As my eyes continued to scan the room, I noticed Miu was sitting very arrogantly at the table, with her feet on the table. She had a smile of confidence on her face as she sat the way *she* wanted to. I could also see that there was a bandage underneath her fingerless gloves. It was subtle, but I could see it. I had no idea where she got it from. I had no idea what she was going to say or do at this meeting today, but I still needed to participate.
    "Good morning everyone," I said with a small smile, "I see Kaito and Gonta are here now."
      As soon as I said those words, I looked over to Kaito who was smiling in response to my words. He gave a smile and a thumbs up before speaking like he'd usually did.
    "(y/n) helped me get out of a situation by taking me out of it, and replacing it with herself!" Kaito announced, "I'm not going to let that bastard do anything to my friend."
     "You need to be worrying about yourself, idiot," Maki replied, "you still haven't told anyone why you really have been coughing up blood. I think we could really use the explanation."
    "I'll explain it after we do what we set out to do," Kaito replied.
     After Kaito said that, I decided to look towards Gonta. I noticed a sorrowful expression on his face as his hands were neatly on his lap. He looked like he was trying to think about something. I realized at that moment that I was going to have to explain my video to the people who weren't here yesterday. Maybe I should wait until the rest of our classmates join, obviously anyone except Kokichi who was holding (y/n) hostage. Another person who hasn't shown up in awhile was Kiyo, but everyone was weary of him because of his plots.
     I decided that I would walk over to Gonta to give him a good morning before we all discussed what was going on. I at least wanted to know how Gonta was doing after taking yesterday to cope with the situation.
     "Good morning, Gonta," I said, "are you alright?"
    Gonta looked over at me in response, still looking a bit upset over everything. He had a frown on his face when I asked that, making me realize the answer before Gonta could even say anything.
    "Gonta don't know if he's fine or not," Gonta replied, "Gonta wants to help (y/n), but Gonta feels like he will just make things worse."
    "Easy there, Gonta," I replied with a soft smile.
     I knew Gonta didn't know that we were planning a rescue mission. He seemed to go back to the way he was feeling before Miu sent us into the virtual world. I knew he felt like he was useless because he was strong and didn't do anything. I mean, none of us could. The least I could do for now is ease Gonta's mind.
"I know that feeling," I told Gonta, "but right now, you need to know that there is a plan in the making. I'm sure everyone would be thrilled if you helped out."
"Gonta doesn't know if he can help or not..." Gonta muttered in response, "but Gonta will try."
Gonta trying was all I could ask for. I smiled before heading to my seat. I knew we needed to discuss everything. I wanted to hear from Maki to see what she found out yesterday, and we needed to see how far Miu was progressing with the device.
I sat down in my usual spot, and as soon as I did, I could hear the sound of something being pushed closer to us. When I heard the noise, I looked over to where it was coming from. Kirumi was pushing a cart filled with food she made for breakfast. I could hear the wheels from the cart rolling against the floor.
"Good morning everyone," Kirumi said, "at least good morning to those of you who arrived here today. I know a lot of us are still in low spirits because of Kokichi, but we do need to eat. I believe skipping one day worth of meals is quite enough, and I would prefer that everyone eats to gain energy. I feel like we all will need it, so I would like to present breakfast today."
There were metal lids covering the food Kirumi brought out, and after she said those words, she took those lids off. When she took the lids off, I could see eggs benedict, quiche, some small bowls of fruit, and miso soup and onigiri.
"What I have for everyone here is eggs benedict with hollandaise sauce. I also have a spinach quiche and some fruit as well. Lastly, I offer this option for whoever prefers Japanese cuisine. I have miso soup and onigiri for those who prefer Japanese."
Kirumi started to serve up breakfast to those who were here. I myself was served a fruit bowl as well as some eggs benedict. Kirumi was quickly giving everyone food, and as soon as she did, everyone started to dig in.
I was guessing that everyone was going to eat before discussing the issues we were dealing with for the past couple of days so far. I realized I haven't eaten much of anything in the past day. Yesterday, we were only talking about what I did, and part of what we were going to do.
I started eating the food Kirumi prepared. The food she prepared was always very good, and I knew that. I was happy being able to eat because my stomach was hitting overdrive. I felt so hungry now that I couldn't stop myself from eating. Everything was very good, and my body was starting to feel better after I started eating. I just had to make sure that I wasn't eating too quickly. I was trying to make sure to take small bites.
    Everyone who was at the dining hall was eating silently. Even Miu who had her feet on the table, postured herself to be sitting normally when she was served some of Kirumi's cooking. There wasn't much conversation as everyone ate, and a period of silence went by while everyone was eating.
     I would think that people such as Miu, Angie, and Kaito would be talking or something, but the overall feeling in the room was just tense and full of silence. Time went by as everyone continued to eat. Everyone was taking their time with their food just like I was, and not too much time passed before everyone was done eating. As soon as everyone was done, Kirumi started to collect the dishes that were dirtied during breakfast.
     Kirumi soon got to my area, picking up the plate, bowl, and silverware. After that, she finished up and rolled the cart into the kitchen. When she got in there, I could hear the brief sound of water running which led me to believe that she was washing the dishes before coming back to the table.
     Another bit of time passed as Kirumi did what she needed to do in the kitchen. A lot of the people were still silent, but I was starting to hear more conversation. If we were going to discuss anything today, not only did I want everyone who wanted to help here to hold the conversation, but I also wanted everyone to not give away anything that we could use as a plan. Not unless Miu was finished with the device. If Miu was finished with the device, if she had some inconspicuous way to turn it on, Kokichi would definitely be none the wiser.
Kirumi soon came back, walking elegantly to her respective seat. Her eyes were closed as she she sat down. As soon as she sat down, she opened her eyes and looked around the table at everyone who was here today.
   "I hope all of you enjoyed breakfast," Kirumi stated, "but now since everyone is done eating, we have more to discuss about what's happened and try and plan a strategy."
    "Rantaro kinda filled me in slightly on what was going on yesterday," Kaito replied.
     "We didn't have much of a plan yesterday, but we were able to cover some ground that we needed to cover," Kirumi explained, "Maki was in charge of keep an eye on the Exisal Hanger where (y/n) was being kept, and Miu's job was to finish up a device she previously gave to (y/n). Aside from that, everyone else was supposed to try to get everyone from their rooms to try and help. Kaito and Gonta have joined us today, and hopefully we will have everyone else tomorrow."
    "Well, Maki," Ryoma spoke, "what did you find when you were observing the situation in the hanger?" Ryoma asked.
    "Well, I wasn't able to go inside the hanger's electric barrier, so I had to keep an eye outside of it," Maki explained in response, "Kokichi left not too long after I got to the hanger. It didn't take him long to come back though. He was probably going somewhere to try to see if we are up to anything. Granted that he's the mastermind, there is probably an area where he goes to watch everyone. Chances are, he probably snuck by without any of you guys noticing."
"It definitely makes sense for him to leave for a brief moment," I stated.
"I agree," Ryoma replied, "if Maki says he left, then that gives us a surprising amount of information if you think about it."
"Gonta no can understand..." Gonta muttered, "what information is given to Gonta because Kokichi left?"
I could tell Gonta was having a hard time understanding what information was given to us by Kokichi leaving. Part of me was even shocked to hear that Kokichi left. That meant he left her unattended for at least a portion of the day. The information that Gonta couldn't grasp right now was easy enough for everyone else too.
"Basically, when I saw Kokichi leave, he left (y/n) unattended," Maki explained, "sure there were Exisals guarding the outside of the electric barrier, but Kokichi leaving abruptly was kind of surprising to witness. I know full well that bastard got what he wanted, so you might ask why he would leave that specific *thing* alone."
"Before we hear more from little miss assassin, I wanna test the fruits of my labor!" I heard Miu shout.
Before anyone could say a word in response to Miu, she quickly got up from her chair with an arrogant smile. She let out a cackle before slamming something onto the table that she had grabbed from inside her uniform. As soon as she stepped away to let everyone take a look, I could see everyone taking a look at the thing Miu put onto the table.
Looking at the item she placed on the table, I saw a white speaker looking device, accompanied with a wire and a plug. The device had a power button on the top part of the device, and it looked like a normal speaker. I knew that it wasn't a normal speaker though. Miu leaned over the table, pressing the power button that was on the speaker, before we could hear white noise come in a small form from the machine.
"What you fuckin' plebs see here is the final for the white noise machine that scatters camera wavelengths!" Miu cackled, "ah-hahaha! So far, it looks like it's working up a fuckin' storm!"
    Miu was observing how the device worked, somehow making sure it was doing what it needed to do. While she was doing that, she was humming to herself in approval as everyone else was trying to get a good look at the device made.
    "This device looks slightly different than the one I saw (y/n) with," Kirumi explained as she observed the device.
    "That's because the one (y/n) had was a prototype!" Miu exclaimed in response, "this baby is a lot fuckin' better. Not only did I make this rechargeable, but I managed to increase the area where the cameras would be ineffective! I know I'm impressive! Maybe I should have all the boys in here take turns with me."
    "Why don't you stop it with the inappropriate comments and tell us what else this thing can do before I make you," Maki said, sending a glare at Miu, "I'm starting to have an issue with your high ego, so keep yourself on topic."
    "Heeeeee~!" Miu screamed in response, "f-fine. I don't get why y-your getting so angry with me when I'm the one who gave us the advantage against that f-fuckin' psycho..."
    "You don't need to act all scared when you don't need to be," Maki stated in response, "so just calm down and explain."
    Of course Maki would make someone fear for their life and then be the voice of reason after calming them down. It didn't take a genius to find out Maki was getting tired of Miu acting like a hot shot but then cowering when someone calls her out. I knew a lot of the others here this morning probably felt the same way, but they didn't want to say anything.
    "F-Fine," Miu stated, "w-well as I said before, the radius of the areas that would cut out the camera wavelengths has managed to double in size. That's not the only thing though. In terms of advantages, I the gorgeous girl genius Miu knows that psycho will try to confiscate this. However once he or Monokuma even tries, I have an explosive rigged to go off, and I created remotes for everyone to call a meeting and to connect to the device to turn it on. It makes it so it's inconspicuous when we turn it on. I decided to make these changes myself! It's not like I broke the device and pulled an all nighter to make it! I just redesigned the shit outta it to make sure we will fuckin' win!"
Hearing the explanation Miu gave, the proximity of the machines effects increased. Not only that but the device was rechargeable from what I saw. Hearing the fact that Miu put a bomb on it was shocking. I had a feeling she wanted to test the machine before telling us all that she did to that. She was trying to take advantage of Kokichi in arming the very thing we would use to keep him from knowing what was going on. In a way, Miu was clever, but sometimes she said way too much and spoke for way too long. Miu told us she created multiple remotes for us to use, but that wasn't the only thing I heard.
     I heard Miu ramble about how it wasn't like she broke the device somehow. I thought about that for a moment, but I ultimately decided not to say anything about it. I didn't think it was that important considering if Miu broke the device somehow, she fixed it pretty quickly. Mistakes happened, but there was no way for me to know what truly happened while Miu was working on the device unless she told me.
    "So this device has a rigged explosive for the possibility of him getting his hands on this device?" Maki asked, "if so, I think that can work in our favor."
    "Of course it fuckin' can!" Miu exclaimed in response to Maki, "thing is, if we know that psycho doesn't want us to do anything he can't see, so I made the white noise machine have a bomb armed on it instead of just being a white noise machine. I can always tinker with it in my lab if there's another feature that could be added."
    "I don't think adding more features is what's important right now," Kaede muttered, "I think since we got an explanation of the device, we should now move to discussing how we are going to save (y/n). Miu's conversation did give a slight coverup for Kokichi, so we should be allowed to plan something more finite now."
    "Well, does anyone have a plan?" I heard Angie ask.
     I knew I had a few ideas. I wanted to wait until the device was made in order for me to share my ideas. Now since Miu was finished with the device, I could start talking about what I was thinking yesterday. In my opinion, Miu was able to make the finalized version very quickly.
    "I've actually been thinking of something to plan out once Miu finished the device," I explained, "ah-haha... to be honest I thought it was going to take Miu a bit longer, but I guess I was wrong about that one."
    "Well next time, I don't have to fuckin' help you!" Miu shouted in response.
    "What plan did you come up with, Rantaro?" Kirumi asked.
    After Kirumi asked for more information on the idea I had, I took a few moments to think about how I was going to explain it. I wanted to explain this on a way where everyone would understand.
    "You all remember the library's hidden room, right?" I asked, "well I recall that we thought that the only way Kokichi could enter that room was from the hidden book case."
    "You're bringing up some stuff that happened when we first got here," Kaede explained, "didn't we already agree that there is no way to enter the hidden room aside from the library?"
    "Well that is what we thought," I replied, "but for some reason, I speculate that there's some kind of hidden route in the school that only the mastermind has access too. If what I'm saying is true, we can take advantage of the situation if we know every route Kokichi can take to escape. If we play out cards right, we can win..."

Hello all! I know I haven't been updating for the last few weeks. I'm going to explain why for both Wattpad and Quotev. My girlfriend came to visit me for a couple of weeks, and I wanted to focus my time on her from when she was visiting. I had a lot of fun with her, and I literally love her so much! This is literally the significant other I met because I wrote this fanfiction! It's so crazy sometimes I swear. Secondly, I started my internship, and my hours on top of my girlfriend visiting kept me busy, so I'm sorry for the slight hiatus.

In any case, I'm back! I had fun with my girlfriend and created new memories with her! Now I'm back with an update, and I hope it doesn't disappoint! I've been trying to figure out how to piece everything going on together. I know a lot of you have been waiting a month for a new chapter, and now you finally get it.

Off topic, I was literally home yesterday. Literally an apartment complex. Heard a noise coming from the sliding door that led outside. Looked outside, saw a turtle... a huge snapping turtle. If you want to see pictures of the tortle, just lmk lol.

I hope that this update makes someone's day! I had fun writing this chapter, and I hope you guys love reading it! See you all next week, and have an amazing weekend! Ciao definitely until next week- yuki_no_fuyu

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now