Chapter 5 Part 36: Deceiving for a Noble Cause

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Rantaro's POV:

"Please be careful, (y/n)," I told her, "don't let him get past your will. I will see you at some point soon, after we rescue you."

After I said those words, I walked away with a sigh. I honestly felt down that the conversation we had wasn't very long in my eyes, but (y/n) and I were able to reconcile in some way. I not only was able to understand how (y/n) felt in the situation, but we both wanted to try and fix things, but right now, we couldn't properly do that.
In the conversation we had, I felt like I was able to give her some substantial information and motivation for how she felt at the time being. The way she felt in the situation was understandable, considering that she let me know that Kokichi was saying things to her. Then there was the fact of the motive. I was warned that (y/n) was going to be used in some sense for the next motive, and I knew that meant that our time was being cut short. It was suffice to say that after the motive was present, there would only be a matter of time before a murder would take place, and the worst part was that (y/n) was still a hostage even though I was able to speak with her.
"Hey, Rantaro," I heard Maki's voice say.
My train of thought on what (y/n) told me in our conversation was cut short. Thoughts about how fast we needed to act faded when I realized that Maki spoke to me. She was standing in front of me with crossed arms, and a frown on her face. It was almost as if she was scolding me for something without saying much.
"Hey, Maki," I greeted with a nervous laugh, "I'm guessing you heard our conversation, yeah?"
Maki had an unimpressed look on her face as heard what I said. I couldn't help but rub the back of my neck nervously with a slight chuckle. I was getting the feeling that she was going to scold me for telling (y/n) about our plan. Well, I only told her part of the plan.
"Are you sure it's a good idea to tell her what we are planning?" Maki asked, "the only hope we have to rescue (y/n) is to invade the hanger by force. It's not going to work if Kokichi forces her to talk."
I let out a small hum in response. Even though there was a lot on my mind, the thing I was worried about was solved for the moment, so I felt more capable of focusing. I could tell Maki was playing along at that moment as well. If she heard our conversation, she would know I only told (y/n) about the plan we wanted Kokichi to know about. Maki was pretty smart, being an Ultimate Assassin. There was no doubt that she would be able to see what I was doing.
"I wouldn't worry about her telling anyone," I replied with a smile, "I just felt like she deserved to at least know what we are planning. I'm sure some part of you wanted to give her some sort of hope, am I right?"
Maki looked down and to the side in response to that, showing her answer before she even said anything. This was a different Maki than the one who was brought to this school. I knew she cared about (y/n) like most of us did. She wanted to give her some sort of hope, and I knew that (y/n) knowing part of the plan was to suffice. However in (y/n)'s eyes, it would be the only plan she knew of. And by telling her that, it would further bait Kokichi, and Maki was sure to know that.
"I gave her hope just by letting her know that we were planning something," Maki replied, "and you shouldn't be telling her our plan. We are short on time as is, and we don't have the time to come up with anything else."
"I know that," I replied, "and I promise you we will make this work."
"You better," Maki replied with a glare, "you should go now. It would be bad news for you to run into Kokichi, so let me do my job."
I laughed nervously in response to Maki. She was able to give (y/n) some hope for rescuing her, but she was still playing along. I knew I would probably be at risk for even talking to her. I had to let her know at least part of what was going on. But the way Maki and I spoke of it, we spoke of it as if it was the only plan we had.
I knew Kokichi would know of this sooner or later, and I hoped that (y/n) wouldn't face any penalty. Chances were she was going to if she was being used as the motive. And that was a really dirty play on his part. Maki told me that I should leave, so she could do her job. I let out a dejected laugh as shook my head.
"That's fair," I replied, "I guess I'll go then. Make sure that nothing bad happens to her, alright?"
"I won't let that bastard win," Maki muttered with pure anger, "I will make sure to keep an eye on (y/n) as well like I have been doing."
With Maki saying that, our conversation was over. I headed back to the maze of hallways that eventually led to the entrance and exit doors of the building. As I made my way through the hallways, I could only think of how (y/n) looked. I could see the fear she had, the sleep she lost. She really looked beat down. It was confirmed she was when she told me that she almost couldn't take any more of it. The motivation I tried to give her... I wanted her to have more will go fight through whatever that bastard would tell her.
I was no longer frustrated on how she felt about me. I was more frustrated at how he was treating her. I was determined to rescue her, and now all of my energy could go into making sure Kokichi would never be able to hurt her again. I wasn't going to let him continue this.
I soon got to the exit of the hanger. I knew I had a feeling on what I was going to do now that I was done doing what I needed to do. I had to convince some of our fellow classmates to join us. I knew that Shuichi, Himiko, Tenko, Keebo, Tsumugi, and Kiyo were in their dorm rooms. A part of me was wondering if I should leave Kiyo out of the loop because of what he tried to pull. I had no idea what to think about his case... either way, at some point, I would have to talk to him, and see if he would try and have a change of heart.
I decided with some of the freetime I had left over, I would try convince the others to join as best as I could. There was a chance a couple of people wouldn't even answer, but I knew I had to at least try. A part of our plan was to try and group together anyone else who wanted to join. I had a feeling that my best bet to start with would be Himiko.
As I thought about it, I almost completely forgot that she could actually use magic. She always told us she could use magic, but she never showed it off except for one of the times everyone doubted her on her proclamation. I had no idea what she could do, but I was sure she was just as worried as the rest of us.
With Himiko showing more emotions, I could tell this was bothering her like it did with us. I knew when the others would join, I would be telling them everything that I told everyone else. We would catch them up to speed on everything, including the plan. I had a plan on what I wanted to do, and it was going to take a bit of work. The good news for me was that if Himiko joined us, we would not only be able to have her show us what she was capable of, but Tenko would come with just for knowing that Himiko would be there.
This was something to be taken one step at a time however. Similar to Kaito, I knew I would have to convince them. I felt like I would need Kaede, Kaito, or Maki to be with me when dealing with Shuichi's case, and I didn't really feel like dealing with Kiyo at the moment. It was best that I have someone with me in that regard too.
"I guess I should just start with Himiko," I muttered to myself, "I think I've been standing her long enough, so I should get to work on my own job as well."
    I was standing around too much, I guess I was really focused on getting the others to join. I knew that was important. I decided to head to the dormitory. My plan was to at least get Himiko and Tenko to join us. After that point, I would try and convince Tsumugi and Keebo. I needed to start somewhere, and I was sure that everyone else in their free time was thinking on convincing the others.
    I wanted to at least have someone with me for Shuichi, to help convince him. That was the basis I was going to go off of as I walked to the dormitory. I made sure to make my way there quickly, in order to save some time. I knew there was a lot to be done in a short amount of time. Maki playing along to what I was saying was going to do something that would benefit us. We still however would be at a disadvantage if we didn't have all of the manpower we possibly could have.
    I soon got to the dormitory, entering quickly. I took a moment to look for Himiko's dorm room. Her room was stationed on the top floor to the left of the stairs that led to the upper floor. Her room was easy to find like everyone else's was. My eyes however found themselves traveling to (y/n)'s dorm room. She hasn't been there for a couple of days, and I knew she didn't have any comfort being on that bathroom floor. Even if all of us were upset about how everything ended up, we still were able to sleep in a comfortable bed. (y/n) wasn't able to have that though.
    I shook my head slightly, letting out a sigh. I was still worried about her, but I had to focus on rescuing her. With that thought in mind, I walked up to the staircase to the upper floor portion of the dormitory. Once I made it up the stairs, I went to the left, and I was at Himiko's dorm room almost instantly after that point.
    I rose my hand towards the doorbell of Himiko's room, and after that, my finger making contact with the doorbell. I could barely hear the ringing sound from the other side of the door. I decided to wait a few moments, making sure not to annoy her by spamming the doorbell. I didn't get a response after a few moments, so that's when I rung the doorbell once more. I wanted to be patient as I could. I was going to wait as long as I needed to go speak with Himiko. I wound up having to repeat the process of ringing the doorbell, and waiting a minute or so for around five minutes.
Soon, I would hear the sound of the door open slightly, seeing that the door was only cracked open. I had a feeling this was the best I could get in a situation like this.
"Nyeh..." I heard Himiko's voice sigh, "why won't you go away, whoever you are?"
"It's Rantaro," I replied, "is it possible for us to talk?"
I could hear Himiko scoff from the other side of the door as if she was annoyed. In a sense, I would be too. I knew she didn't know about the reasoning I avoided (y/n) prior, so chances were she was upset that the problem was approaching her.
"Go away," Himiko stated, "I have no interest of talking to you after what you did."
"I know you're upset, but there's a lot you don't know," I told Himiko in response.
"So what," Himiko replied through the door, "Ot doesn't matter if I don't know your account with what happened. It doesn't change anything. We can't escape, and I give up."
In a sense, I had a feeling that this was going to be a our harder than I thought it was going to be. Himiko at this moment didn't care if she didn't know everything. It didn't change that we were stuck here and the survivors of humanity in this situation. She, similar to Kaito before I got to him, has given up on getting out of the killing game. I knew the feeling of giving up, but with what we discussed, I felt like we had a chance.
"In a sense, you are right," I replied, "it doesn't change the situation we are in right now. Even so, it is important to inspire trust. We are in a situation where we need that trust the most. While we can't do anything about the killing game right now, we are creating a plan on rescuing (y/n)."
I could hear an audible sigh come from the door in response to the words. Without giving everything about the entirety of our plan away, I had to convince her to meet with us. The situation was the same, but I was telling the truth when I said that I wanted to inspire trust. We already knew the threat, so it was easier to act against that certain party. Himiko seemed to be silent, as if she was trying to think about a response. At this time, I thought it would suffice to add more to my statement.
"If you say you've given up, then that means you are okay with Kokichi holding (y/n) hostage," I stated, "if we don't act soon, Kokichi plans on using her as the motive. Are you saying that you are okay with that after how much she's done to keep everyone alive? I don't think you could possibly be okay with that, right?"
In a sense, the best way I could convince her was to bring out what was at stake. Everyone was aware of of the fact that (y/n) was able to save everyone who had died. Like the rest of us, Himiko had to have felt that she at least wanted help (y/n) for keeping this killing game from going into complete fruition. (y/n) put her life on the line constantly to save people, even if they tried to kill her. Even if I was angry at those people, she would still give them a second chance.
    The point here was that Himiko had to know at least some of what was going on. I could hear a shocked sound come from her door when I mentioned that (y/n) was going to be used as the motive, as well as what I said about her saying that she was okay with everything the way it was now. I knew knew that everyone wasn't actually okay with this.
    "O-Of course I'm not okay with things the way they are!" Himiko exclaimed through the door, "I'm not okay with (y/n) being a hostage, especially after I found out she was the one saving people. The only reason Angie is alive right now is because of her. Of course I want to rescue her. And what do you mean she is going to be the next motive. Nyeh, I swear if you are lying..."
    Himiko shouted out that she wasn't okay with the how everything was right now. She explained that she wasn't okay with (y/n) being a hostage, especially since she knew (y/n)'s ability. When Himiko asked about her being the next motive, she assumed that I was lying to her, which wasn't exactly a good thing for me.
    "Why would I lie about something as serious as that?" I asked, "I know I messed up, but I realized my error. I have no desire to lie to you or deceive you. The reason I came here was to request your help on a plan we are crafting to rescue (y/n). The plan might be simple, but we work better in numbers."
    I heard no response come from Himiko in response to my words. It was almost as if she was thinking on whether or not to help. I had no reason lying to her or anyone else anymore. She might not have known about what happened, but I was planning on telling her and everyone else.
    "I know I can't force you to work with me or anyone else," I told Himiko, "but we need as many people as we can. The only way this plan will work is if everyone we can possibly gather helps out. Please tell me that you will help us on our mission to rescue (y/n)."
    Himiko was silent once more in response to my next set of words. I knew it was hard to find the motivation in not giving up. Hopefully her knowing that a lot of us were working together to rescue (y/n) would give her some form of courage to join.
"I'll think on it," Himiko spoke, "chances are I'll join even if the chances are stacked against us. I might change my mind though, so you better let me think it over."
I chuckled slightly in response to Himiko's words. She seemed to sound a bit more determined, which I wasn't expecting I would be able to do. I found myself shocked when Himiko's door swung open, revealing a very tired and stressed looking Himiko.
"You better not be getting my hopes up for nothing," Himiko told me, "if you are, I'll place the worst curse I can think of on you!"
"Hey now, we can't have that," I replied with a nervous chuckle, "I know you can actually use magic, so I would prefer to avoid the curse if possible. There's no guarantee that this plan would work, but we have a better chance with your help."
Himiko's eyes seemed to light up in response to my words, in a sense. I had no idea if she was actually happy that I knew she could perform magic. When I mentioned the no guarantee part of the plan, her face seemed to frown. It was almost as if she was listening to what I was saying without just telling me to go away which was surprising to me.
"So I guess you aren't stupid," Himiko stated, "I can perform magic, so I guess I do have something to contribute! Nyeh, are you telling me that if I join, we will have an increased chance to rescue (y/n) and find out what to do next?"
I was almost shocked when Himiko started bombarding me with questions. She was staring directly at me with a serious yet hopeful expression on her face. She wanted to know if having her join would increase the chances of us being able to win. I nodded in response.
    "If you join us, we will have an increased chance to rescue (y/n)," I replied, "thats all I can say for now. Like I said before, there is no guarantee that this will even work, but I know for a fact you can help."
   "If there's no guarantee, then I'll guess I'll have to use my magic," Himiko replied, "I'm sure if I'm able to bring all of my magical ability to the table, I'm sure we will have some sort of advantage."
    "If you don't mind me asking, what sort of magic can you use?" I asked, "I recall you only showing us a fireball awhile ago. Do you know where your skill set is?"
    "Since I know nothing about what everyone is planning, I'm not going to tell you until I figure out whether I truly decide to join or not," Himiko replied, "but if I do decide to join, I'll gladly tell everyone what I can do. It's a lot harder to prove to everyone that I use magic if I don't show everyone at the same time."
    "I guess that makes sense," I replied with a smile, "in any sense though, all of us would appreciate your help. We really need all the help we can get."
"Then why don't you ask more than just me?" Himiko replied.
"That was the plan," I laughed in response, "but I will give you one more thought. If you decide to meet with us, I know Angie will be happy to see you. If I'm being honest, a lot of the people who first started to gather were the ones who originally knew about (y/n)'s ability. They couldn't take the thought of sitting around and doing nothing, and I'm the same way in a sense. Thats part of why we are doing this. If we don't act now, we will never be able to act. That's why I'm coming to you, and that's why I'm going to ask everyone I can who isn't there to help."
Himiko listened to me, and when I mentioned Angie, her eyes seemed to widen slightly, almost as if she was surprised that Angie was participating in this plan. I wanted to bring all of the information I could in the chance to hopefully have Himiko join us. I knew a lot of us felt like we owed (y/n) this attempted rescue. If Himiko decided to join, she would see that our plan to rescue (y/n) went deeper than just a simple plan.
    "I will still need time to think about it," Himiko replied, "I know that Angie is there, so I'll keep that in mind too. Just promise me you won't get upset if I get cold feet, okay?"

Hey all, sorry if this chapter isn't that good. I kinda had a slight block in my brain. I'm sorry if the chapter is a bit shorter too, I felt like it would be a good spot to end the chapter for the week. I apologize if this chapter wasn't very good, but we do have Rantaro and Maki kinda slightly deceiving reader in order to further bait Kokichi. They kinda have to make the act believable in some way. We also have Rantaro attempting to get some of the others to help. I decided to have Himiko be the first one, partially because I never expanded on what she could do. Plus if Himiko is there, Tenko will not hesitate.

I am going to keep things shorter today, but I've still been working on a certain drawing meme for this fanfiction, so I hope you all will enjoy it, because I've been working on this for about a week. Trying to brainstorm. Art and writing on the brain.

I have a lot coming up within the next couple of weeks, but I hope I can keep updates up during that time. I'm going to be yeeting myself across the country to see my girlfriend, so I'm excited! In any case, I'm signing off until next week! Ciao for now-!yuki_no_fuyu

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now