Chapter 4 Part 6: The Ultimate Robot's Ultimate Lab

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Your POV:

"Ahhhhh! What did you do to my lab!? It's goin' in super deep!" Miu exclaimed with a deep blush on her face.
Miu was obviously freaking out about the new building that just appeared from the Levistone. That said building connected with her Ultimate Lab. We knew we had to investigate that building, but Miu couldn't help making a sexual comment about it which made my facial expression turn to one that was uncomfortable.
    The fact of the matter is that we knew who's lab this was. It was Keebo's because we all knew that Miu was the only one that could perform maintenance on Keebo. She was an expert on machines, despite her lewd behavior.
    We were walking to the entrance to the new building, getting closer to seeing what kind of things would be in Keebo's lab. I wasn't walking because Rantaro was carrying me around him, calling me his princess. Every single time he called me a princess, I could feel myself blush and get flustered because of that.
    "Hey, (y/n), we are almost at the lab entrance," Kaede told me, "what's on your mind? You seem to be deep in thought."
    I looked over at Kaede in response to that. The rest of our group was walking along with us. I had to give Kaede an answer.
    "I was just thinking about how this should be Keebo's Lab," I explained, "I mean, Miu is the only one that can do maintenance on him..."
    "You are right about that," Kaede laughed in response, "I'm surprised you aren't thinking about your boyfriend carrying you like a princess."
    When she said that, my face immediately exploded into deep red. She caught me slightly off guard with that comment. I felt like she slightly exposed me.
    "That was one of the things I was thinking about!" I exclaimed, "please don't expose me like that!"
    "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, princess," Rantaro told me in a seemingly teasing tone, "and Kaede, with all due respect, (y/n) is a princess. She's my princess, and I'm not going to let anyone steal her away from me."
    It seemed that my face got even more red at that comment. Rantaro was always mysterious, but he teased me as well. It wasn't teasing in a mean way though. It was more to just make me flustered.
    "We should be focusing on investigating this building," Kirumi spoke.
    I nodded nervously in response. We were getting close to the entrance of the new building, and we had to stay focused.
    "You can tease me all you want later..." I muttered with a light blush, "but we should stay focused on investigating this lab..."
    Rantaro then pulled me closer to him. He brought his face down to where mine was. I could feel my heart beat increasing. He leaned over close to me.
    "I'll take you up on that promise later then," Rantaro told me, his hot breath against my ear as he said those words.
    I could feel myself get even more flustered after that point. I knew for a fact that later, I would be a flustered mess...probably even more than I am now.
    With that said, we got to the door of the lab. The door had a sci-fi feel to it. This was Keebo's lab. We all entered his lab as a group, making sure to enter one at a time.
    Once we got inside, I noticed many things. The walls and the floors of the lab looked like it was from a sci-fi movie. The room seemed to be glowing with different shades of blue, as well as orange, yellow, and red shades. The area seemed to be a maintenance area for Keebo. There were different types of robot parts everywhere.
    "This is defiantly Keebo's Lab..." I told everyone.
    It wasn't only my group who entered this lab. Miu as well as Keebo came in to see what this building was. It looked cool to my standpoint, but I wondered how I could investigate this lab, when I didn't really know anything about how Keebo worked. I had no idea what all of these machine parts could to once on Keebo.
"Hah-haha!" Miu exclaimed happily, "this is fuckin' awesome! Look at all these upgrade parts!"
I looked over at Miu, and she seemed to be gushing over these new parts. She was looking through some of the machine parts that were scattered about. She had eyes of interest as she scanned each part. I was honestly scared for Keebo.
"Ohhh, you'd look so pretty with this, Keebo..." Miu said, as a blush appeared on her face, "I want you to make lots of cute noises! Heh, hehehehe..."
"S-Stop! Don't mention that in front of everyone!" Keebo exclaimed.
    Keebo's face turned red as he said that. He was obviously embarrassed about what Miu was saying. Rantaro and I both knew what Miu was mentioning. We exchanged looks with each other because we knew what happened.
    It was the day Miu decided to do maintenance on Keebo. Rantaro and I happened to be in the area when that happened, and we did check it out. The image of Miu's bust against Keebo was enough to send me shivers.
Rantaro and I still didn't know what went down after we left the scene, but there was one thing that was obvious. Keebo was obviously embarrassed about the events being mentioned. I couldn't exactly blame him though. If I were in his shoes, I'd be embarrassed too, and it wasn't like I wasn't embarrassed earlier.
    "Miu, please stop trying to embarrass Keebo..." I muttered nervously, "it's crucial to respect people's boundaries, and I hate to tell you that you aren't exactly the best at that..."
    "W-Why would a gorgeous genius like myself need to focus on boundaries?" Miu asked in response, "I'm so good looking that everyone wants a piece of me!"
    I sighed lightly from frustration. I wasn't exactly surprised by her reaction, because it was something she would say. I was just concerned on how it would affect the others. It was good that she had confidence, but she didn't seem to think about her words before they came out. I already accepted this. Perhaps it was like how I accepted Kokichi as well.
    No one would change unless they wanted to change themselves. If Miu didn't want to change either, I had no right to try and force her. It was better for me to drop the subject, considering I had bigger things to do.
    I had to make sure to investigate this lab as much as I could. I looked over at Rantaro, and I smiled lightly. I was still in his arms after all, and I knew he wasn't going to release me anytime soon.
    "I was a little bit deep in thought," I laughed nervously, "I'm very sorry about that, but now we should investigate. Kaito and Maki are going to be waiting for us, so we should hurry."
    "You're right, my princess," Rantaro told me in response as he placed his hand on my head, "we should hurry, because I defiantly want some quality time with you later."
    I could feel my face heating up in response to that. I thought he wasn't going to tease me until we were done investigating. He was always mysterious like this... I could never really tell what he was thinking.
    "I-I thought we agreed on no teasing until we got done investigating..." I muttered with a slight pout.
    "Ah-haha, I'm sorry," Rantaro chuckled, "I guess I couldn't help myself. You are always adorable when you get flustered. Don't worry, I'll stop for right now. It's always very hard to be observant while being flustered."
'Well no duh,' I thought in response to that.
Shuichi seemed to be approaching Keebo who was still embarrassed from what Miu was saying. I needed to calm down slightly from Rantaro embarrassing me slightly.
"Whose...lab is this?" Keebo asked as Shuichi walked up to him.
It seemed as soon as that happened, I looked at Keebo with a strange look. How did he not know that this was his lab...? This building connected with Miu's lab, and while it may have been sci-fi, it still had equipment that could only be added to a robot. Shuichi seemed just as confused as I was when I saw his expression.
"Huh? Isn't it yours?" Shuichi asked in response.
"I don't want this. I don't like this sort of... sci-if technology," Keebo replied, "...can we leave now?"
I thought that this would be a good time for me to speak up slightly. Keebo seemed to not like his lab, and honestly I could see why. Keebo didn't seem like someone who would rely on futuristic technology. I saw that in him, but I felt that he shouldn't be so quick to dismiss his own lab. There could most defiantly be something in here that could help us.
"Keebo, I understand that you aren't a type to like the items in your lab, but I feel like you're judging everything a bit too quickly," I told him, "you should still take a look around, even if you don't want to use any of these items."
"I don't exactly want to be assisted by sci-if technology, (y/n)," Keebo replied, "we shouldn't rely on that technology for anything."
    'Don't say that about yourself...' I thought nervously.
    Keebo wasn't just outing the items in his lab, but he was also technically outing himself. Keebo was a robot, but we all saw him as a friend. Despite that, he still had a sci-fi-like appearance, so he was being slightly hypocritical to himself.
    "Anyway, just so everyone in here knows, I would prefer a more Japanese theme, since I like that food the most," Keebo said with a smile, "...even though I can only stare at it."
    I instantly felt pride for Keebo well up in my chest. I started smiling brightly at the robot, obviously being proud of him. I loved Japanese food the best as well, and it was kind of obvious considering the talent I had. I still felt sad when he said he could only stare at it. I really wished there was a way I could make hun Japanese food without having to worry about causing problems for him.
    "I wish I could make you some Japanese food without any risk to you," I muttered, "when I see someone who has the same types of food preference as me, I always feel very proud..."
    "(y/n), your Otaku is starting to show again," Kaede laughed.
    "Kaede don't judge me..." I muttered nervously, "I can't help but feel proud of Keebo."
"You're proud of me?" Keebo asked nervously in response.
I laughed lightly in response to his question. Of course I was proud of him. I wouldn't be surprised if I managed to turn everyone here into an anime fan in the future.
"Heck yes I am!" I exclaimed.
"That's very nice of you, (y/n)," Keebo replied with a puff in his metallic chest, "I would prefer to have some kimonos in my lab and a porch with wind chimes."
I thought for a moment in response to that. My Ultimate Lab held cosplay outfits, anime, manga, Japanese snacks... maybe I had some kimonos that would be used for cosplay. If there weren't any in my lab, there was another route I could take to make Keebo's lab more to his liking. We recently did discover Tsumugi's lab. Maybe she would be interested in crafting some kimonos for his lab.
"I think my Ultimate Lab has some kimonos that could be used for cosplay," I told him, "if there aren't any, I can always ask Tsumugi to make some for you. I want your lab to be more to your liking."
Keebo's eyes seemed to sparkle in response to that. I thought it was amazing how one recommendation I could make to him could make his day like that.
"You would really do that for me!?" Keebo asked, "that would be so cool!"
I smiled lightly as I looked over at Keebo from where my positioning was... in Rantaro's arms. I was surprised that Rantaro wasn't getting tired from carrying me yet. He didn't look it, but he was surprisingly very strong.
"We are friends, Keebo," I laughed, "of course I would do that for you. My only thing is how we would add in a porch and wind chimes..."
"(y/n), you are always way too nice," Rantaro said with a small sigh.
I looked up at him when he said that, and I could feel a slight pout form on my face in response to what he said. I couldn't help being nice. I never had many friends in the past, so I wanted to make sure that everyone here was happy.
((y/n), the Ultimate people pleaser)
Rantaro laughed lightly, seeming to see my facial expression. Rantaro placed his hand on my head, making sure that my upper half was against his shoulder, providing balance.
"You care about everyone here, even if they did something that you didn't agree with," Rantaro explained, "that's part of the reason why I love you, but I still feel like you should try and think about if people deserve your kindness."
"I know..." I muttered, "I know very well we are going to have to talk go Kiyo sooner or later... I need to mentally prepare myself for that."
"To get back on topic," Kirumi spoke, "if it need be, I can help remodel your lab so it has some Japanese culture. Seeing that (y/n) wants you to be happy in your lab also makes me feel the same. I'll do my best to try and remodel part of the room so you can have a place fo relax."
    "I really appreciate that you'd be willing to do that for me," Keebo spoke, "not many would be willing to do something to make me happier... I thank you both from the bottom of my heart..."
    "Friends help friends out," I laughed, "if friends didn't help each other out, then what kind of friends would we be?"
    "I guess that's true," Keebo laughed in response.
It seemed at that point I knew Keebo wasn't going to use his lab much, not at least until the changes to his lab were made. Keebo didn't want to be involved with any of the sci-fi equipment in his lab. All he wanted was to have a lab that had things he liked.
"I think we investigated everything here," Shuichi told us, "it seems to be that Keebo won't use his lab much, and everything in here seems like just robot parts."
"I agree," Kaede replied nervously, "the only one who could probably tell the function of each robot part would be Miu."
"Damn straight!" Miu shouted, "Ah hahaha! If you need everything in the lab investigated, I'm the smoking hot babe right do it!"
"If that's going to be the case, then we should all head fo the dining hall for now," Kirumi told everyone, "Kaito should've gathered everyone there by now. He did find the Flashback Light after all."
"Right as always, aren't you, Kirumi?" Rantaro asked with a slight chuckle.
"I'm just doing what needs to be done to ensure the safety of everyone," Kirumi replied.
"You always do a good job of that, Kirumi!" Kaede exclaimed, "but we should head out."
I realized something just now. When Kirumi mentioned the Flashback Light, it made me realize that there would be one person who wouldn't be in the dining hall. That person was the one who tried to kill me when I confronted them about what happened with Angie. Kiyo was in Ryoma's lab most likely tied up or handcuffed to keep him from trying to kill anyone else.
"I realize Kiyo is not going to be able to use the Flashback Light," I muttered nervously.
"What do you mean?" Rantaro asked, "doesn't it work on everyone?"
"I'm not sure actually. There is a chance if we use it to the dining hall it could work on him, but there's another chance that the light is based on distance..." I replied nervously, "basically, anyone who can see the flash will unlock the memories we lost..."
"That does make sense, but I feel like you're still being way too nice," Rantaro replied, "you were and you are still suffering from when he tried to kill you yesterday. Some people don't deserve your kindness..."
"I get that, I really do..." I muttered, "but I want to know why Kiyo tried to murder Angie..."
I had to keep in mind that I had to hide anything about the gene. I had a feeling the mastermind was starting to speculate what was going on. I had to stay alert and act clueless. If they found out, whoever they are, I would be dead where I stand.
    "I'm honestly hoping that a Flashback Light can be used more than once, so someone can at least Kiyo can get the memories too," I muttered.
Rantaro seemed to sigh in response to what I said. I seemed to frustrate him slightly with what I said. I couldn't help being nice, even though it tore at me. Everything that's happened.... almost being killed by Angie... Almost being killed by Kiyo because I confronted him.... it tore at me because I felt like I was an easy target. Despite all of that, I tried to be the bigger person, even if it hurt. All I wanted to be was someone who could be friend with anyone here, but now I was at a loss.
I was at a loss because I knew I couldn't think of Kiyo the same. It was easier for me to get past the fact with Angie and Kirumi, but that was because they changed because of the chance I gave them. Kirumi was trusted again and she really cared about me. Angie realized what would've happened if she would've killed me, so she wasn't going to try and do it again. Kiyo however... I had no idea what was going through his head at that time, and I don't know if I ever will.
"I know there's no changing your mind, (y/n)," Rantaro muttered, "just be careful... if you go to see him to try to get any information about what happened yesterday, I'm coming with you."
"A-Alright," I muttered nervously in response.
"I hate to interrupt your conversation, but we should really get going now," Shuichi told us, "Kaito will be annoyed if we don't get to the dining hall soon."
"You're right about that," I muttered in response, "Keebo, Miu, let's go."
"Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what to do!?" Miu exclaimed.
"Kaito found the Flashback light, so if you don't want to get your memories back, then you can stay here," I replied.
"Heeeeee!" Miu exclaimed in response, "f-fine, I'll go...."
"I was already planning on going," Keebo replied, "I want to find out more about what happened..."
"Then it's settled!" Kaede exclaimed, "let's go!"
With that said, all of us headed for the dining hall. I was still in Rantaro's arms as we all exited Keebo's lab. I clutched his shirt lightly with a nervous expression on my face. I had no idea what we were going to remember this time. I didn't know what the next memory would entail, but I had a feeling it wasn't going to be good.
Rantaro seemed to notice that I clutched his shirt as he walked with me down the pavement of the lower level of the courtyard. I was honestly nervous about what was going to happen at the dining hall.
"(y/n), are you alright?" Rantaro asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine..." I muttered in response, "I'm just nervous about what the next memory will be..."
"I understand that," Rantaro replied, "the Ultimate Hunt... the funeral of all of us... it's nerve racking..."
    I nodded lightly in response to that. It was true that everything was nerve racking. All of us were curious on what was going to happen once the Flashback Light was used. We had no idea what memories we would get, and there wasn't a single positive memory yet. All those memories were just full of despair. Despite that, we all wanted to know what happened, leading to this moment.
It seemed to be silent as we all made our way to the school entrance hall. Everyone must've been thinking about the same thing. What would we remember this time? What sort of situation were we actually in? We only had certain pieces of this puzzle, and we needed all of the pieces to create the whole picture. Why were we here? What led us to being here?
The doors were opened by Kaede and Kirumi who were being polite to open the door for us. Rantaro had his arms full considering the fact that he was carrying me and refusing to put me down, but I basically accepted that at this point.
"Thank you both for opening the door for us," I said, nervously tapping my fingers together.
"It's no problem, (y/n)," Kirumi replied.
"Exactly. We are here to help, and you know that," Kaede replied.
"You are still way too kind, (y/n)," Rantaro laughed, "but you are always kind to our friends."
I looked to the side as a blush appeared on my face. Rantaro, Shuichi, Miu, and Keebo went through the door. Rantaro was carrying me so it was a two for one deal going on with us both. Kirumi and Kaede followed after that.
The rest of the way to the dining hall was silent. Everyone had something on their minds, and I could understand what was going on. I was worrying about everyone, but myself was still a different story. While I held more confidence, I was still more concerned for other people.
The doors to the dining hall soon opened revealing everyone else. Kaito, Maki, Tenko, Himiko, Angie, Ryoma, Tsumugi, and Gonta were in the dining hall. Two people were missing from the bunch when our group entered. Those two were Kiyo and Kokichi. It was obvious that Kiyo was in Ryoma's lab being kept away from everyone else to prevent a murder. Kokichi was still missing from his game of "tag" with Kaito. That explained why the two were missing, but I was anxious on where Kokichi ended up.
"Alright, looks like everyone's here," Kaito said, putting his fists together, "let's get started."
It was those words that cemented my nervous behavior. This was the time that we would see what we remembered. The only bad thing about this was that we were starting without Kokichi. He was still a part of this group, but Kaito probably saw that he was more trouble than nothing. It would be soon that the inevitable would happen... but something shocking would be yet to come. And that was a truth some of us didn't want to face.

I am back from the dead for now! I know that it's been awhile since I last updated. I wanted to get back into the swing of things since it's been so long. I think that it should be time to start prediction art for chapter four if I hadn't gotten to it already. The rules are always the same, and the deadline will be December 17th, 2020. For all of you who know that date, it's my birthday! I'll be expecting art through my email or insta, and since my name has changed, I'll give the new name and all that jazz.

Insta: yukinofuyu_madeline_bacon

College is keeping me busy and I know all of you want weekly updates. I'll try to stick to it, but I might be too busy to. If worst comes to worst, I'll do an update every two weeks. I care about all of you as my readers, and I want to keep writing this for you. Please be patient with me, and you won't be disappointed in that.

If you all want to support my TikTok too, that would be very appreciate. I not only write, but I draw too. yuki_no_fuyu is my TikTok name, so please stop by my page and drop a like or two. Following isn't necessary, so if you don't want to follow, you don't have to.

One last thing, I'm posting this a bit early than I normally do. I normally post on Fridays at about 3-4 p.m eastern time. I'm giving this to you all a bit early, so I hope you're all pleased. With that, I bid you all adieu!- yuki_no_fuyu

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now