Chapter 5 Part 39: Meeting Up at Dinner Time

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3rd Person POV:

Many things happened that each side didn't know about...

With Kokichi's identity revealed, everyone else knew who they needed to fight against. With (y/n) also being held hostage, a lot was at stake for them. The others were able to go into the hidden room through a hidden route while Kokichi busied himself with (y/n). Rantaro, Kaede, Kirumi, and Ryoma knew that it would only be a matter of time before Kokichi would check the surveillance in the hidden room.
    Kokichi knew they were planning on an assault on the hanger to try to force their way in and break (y/n) out. He heard it when he was eaves dropping on the conversation in the dining hall, but he also was skeptical that was the only thing they were planning.
    That's when Kokichi decided to take a detour to Classroom C on the second floor in order to craft a motive. Only one person was aware that (y/n) was going to potentially be used as the motive, and that was Maki. It was a warning given from (y/n) to her. Kokichi decided to craft his motive to show convince everyone that (y/n) was working with him. He didn't want (y/n) to have that implanted memory. He wanted everyone to turn against her, so they would make no attempt to rescue her. That was only the tip of the iceberg however because he had to try and split the attempt at grouping together.
    Rantaro after discovering some of the contents of the hidden room with Kaede, Kirumi, and Ryoma, he decided to try and make things right with (y/n). The two were able to discuss what happened between them, Rantaro acknowledging his mistakes, and (y/n) acknowledging hers in a sense too. After time was spent rekindling part of their feelings for each other, Rantaro had to leave.
    After Rantaro left, Maki was thinking of a plan of her own. Maki had her objective given to her, and it was to keep an eye on the Exisal Hanger. Her task she agreed with because she was an assassin, and her skill set was more applicable for this situation. She had spoken with (y/n) a couple of times while keeping an eye on the hanger, and she's been left to stew in her own anger.
    Maki decided that she was going to do something on her own. Her plan involved a crossbow she acquired from her research lab, her Electrohammer, and poison she was going to get from Shuichi's Ultimate Lab. She couldn't let Kokichi win, and she was going to do everything in her power to keep him from doing so.
    Kokichi at this point was in the hidden room with a Flashback Light set to the side. At this moment in time, Kokichi was catching up on the events of the past night, so there was a delay in when he was able to properly pay attention to what was going on in the present. He couldn't exactly figure out what anyone was up to if he didn't have any context. That was why he was planning to take (y/n) to the hidden room the next day.

Right now, Kokichi was watching Rantaro talk to (y/n) as if it was happening in real time, but it wasn't. Kokichi wasn't exactly happy that Rantaro making a move to talk to (y/n) would happen this soon, but Kokichi summarized it as a mistake on his part for screwing around too much.
He was watching the screen as he spoke about how everything would change come tomorrow. He was convinced that it would all change tomorrow, so that's why he seemed to almost not mind what was happening. Even so, he didn't catch the entirety of their conversation yet. However, despite that, he still had a plan on how to proceed. While he was busying himself with what (y/n) and Rantaro spoke about, dinner time was right around the corner for everyone else.

(Recap for the past few chapters so peeps don't go crazy. I don't want to go crazy either...)

Rantaro's POV:

    It was now closer to dinner time. The free time everyone had during the day was nearing a close, and I was sitting on my bed in my dormitory. I knew I made the most of the time I had today. I had passed through many hurdles today, being able to speak with (y/n) and being able to convince Keebo and Tsumugi to join our efforts. After that, I went to my room to relax a little bit before dinner. Relaxing included taking a shower in order to calm my nerves and clean myself prior to sitting on my bed.
Earlier in the day, I was able to discuss the hidden room with Kaede, Kirumi, and Ryoma, so we all had a wealth of information to share with the others once we could. Dinner time would be about setting up the false plan, and we still needed another place to discuss our plan during the night. My thoughts told me that Kirumi's Lab or outside would be two main places to discuss to meet later in the night.
Right now though, I had to go to the dining hall for dinner. I knew that Kirumi usually prepared dinner for everyone, so she was already probably in the dining hall. I didn't know about everyone else who was going to join, but I had a feeling some of the group was already there.
    "I should probably get to the Dining Hall," I told myself, "it's pretty close to meal time, and I can't exactly think on an empty stomach..."
    I chuckled to myself as those words flew from my mouth. I knew I needed to eat. I wouldn't be able to think straight if I didn't. I stood up from where I was sitting, taking a moment to stretch out. I bent myself more or less forward, and a crack could be heard. Relief flooded through my back as I released that tension.
    "That's better," I said with a satisfied sigh after stretching my back out, "with that out of the way, I should get to the Dining Hall."
I grabbed some necessary items of mine before leaving my dorm including my Monopad, dormitory keys, and Survivor Perk Monopad. I knew that we were going to have more of our classmates joining us today, so I needed to have the information I told the others prior on hand. It would be pretty terrible if I told Himiko, Keebo, and Tsumugi that I was going to tell them why I acted the way I acted and then take it back last minute. I knew a lot better than that.
After grabbing the items I deemed necessary, I left my dorm room. It was more or less a rinse and repeat. I exit my dorm room, go into the main area of the dormitory, and then leave the dorm building. I as well as everyone else have been here long enough to know this was our way of life, and knowing we were the last ones left wasn't doing us any justice at the moment.
When I left the dormitory, the once usually bright light of daylight was more dim. The fake sun used to provide us with a sense of comfort in this ship was mimicking the sun's positioning in the evening. The sky that wasn't even real faded into slight oranges and pinks, the tell tale signs of sunset.
    The feeling was empty as I stared out blankly at the sky for a moment. Knowing that this was fake made this place lose its touch. Everything felt now like it was just constructed to make us feel better about the situation we were in.
    I walked to the Dining Hall's outdoor entrance as I usually did. I knew that I could think clearly about the situation now, and everything that's happened so far. I never knew I could feel so guilty about something in my life. Even after finding out I was in a killing game before this. For some reason, hurting her hurt made me feel the most guilt. It was really strange how out of everyone, it was her that caught my eye.
    I made it to the outdoor entrance to the Dining Hall. As soon as I entered, I was able to see Kaede, Angie, Ryoma, Kaito, Miu, and Gonta seated at their respective seats at the table. I knew that Kirumi was most likely in the kitchen, so at this moment, we were waiting on Maki, Tsumugi, and Keebo. Himiko was undecided on whether she was coming to this meeting or not.
    "So the next person was Rantaro!" Angie exclaimed, "I see, I see! Then the next person who should be here is Maki! Right?"
    "I think it makes sense that Maki Roll would be the last one," Kaito shrugged, "she's all the way in the Exisal Hanger or whatnot. That's a longer walk than it is from our dormitories."
"Well, Maki needs to hurry the fuck up! Miu exclaimed, "I'm fuckin' starving, and I'm getting tired of waiting!"
    "Try to be patient with Maki," Gonta said, "it's respectful thing to wait for all friends."
I could hear conversing come from the table, more or less in the form by being spotted by Angie. Maki was probably on the way over to the Dining Hall from the Exisal Hanger. I had more than enough faith in Maki that she would be here soon.
When the outside door to the Dining Hall opened, Maki was supposed to be the supposed person to come in at this time. Well, it was predicted more or less. When the door opened, Maki's head peaked through the outside door.
"First of all, why do I get the feeling you guys were talking about me?" Maki asked through the door, "and second of all, I ran into a couple of others who wish to join today."
After those words left Maki's mouth, she walked into the Dining Hall, but this time, she decidedly held the door open as if she was waiting for a couple of people to walk through. I knew very well who it was that Maki ran into.
    "I wonder who it was who decided to join us!" Angie exclaimed, "maybe it's Himiko or Tenko!"
    "It's neither of them," Maki replied sharply, "but I am sure they both will join eventually."
    "If it's not them then who is it?" Ryoma added.
    "I'm sure Rantaro could tell you," Maki replied, "after all he was the one who talked these two into coming."
    As soon as Maki spoke about me being the one who was talking to the others in order for them to get them to join, I had a slight poker faced look. I guess I wasn't expecting Tsumugi and Keebo to tell Maki I was the one who talked to them. I chuckled nervously, looking over at Maki.
"Did you really have to call me out like that?" I said with a nervous chuckle.
"Yes, I did," Maki replied, "consider that payback for showing up at the hanger unannounced."
"You were actually upset with me for that?" I asked in response, "I thought you'd be okay with me speaking to (y/n) to ease my nerves."
"I'm not upset that you spoke with her," Maki snapped back, "I'm upset that you didn't tell me before that you were planning on it."
So it looked like Maki was slightly upset at me for showing up at the Hanger unannounced. When the people in the room heard the line "speaking to (y/n)", everyone's direction went to Maki and myself.
"Wait a minute, did you speak to (y/n), Rantaro?" Kaede asked, "and who exactly is joining us today."
Before I could get a response out, Keebo and Tsumugi finally entered the Dining Hall. In other words, Kaede got her answer before I could tell it to her myself. Once the two entered, Maki walked away from the door, letting it close on its own. She quietly made her way to her own seat at the table.
"I guess you got your answer before I could say it myself," I laughed nervously, "wasn't expecting that."
Almost instantly after I said that, Tsumugi and Keebo were welcomed in by everyone else. The atmosphere was friendly and more joyful as they were able to explain what happened. Turns out while they were leaving their dormitories, they saw Maki making her way to the Dining Hall, so that's how the three arrived more or less in a group.
As everyone was speaking with each other, I noticed Kirumi still wasn't in the dining area yet. She must've been finishing up in the kitchen. A part of me always wondered how she did it on her own and so quickly. It was an amazing feat to constantly cook for many people. Not to mention that she usually took it upon herself to clean as well. Even after our trust with her was shaky, and even after we've found out all that we've found out.
The question arose in the group as to why Keebo and Tsumugi were in their rooms. They must've been hungry, and I certainly could agree with that. It's been a couple of days since the people shut up in their rooms has eaten anything. It was worrying. The response was the fact that they needed some time to process everything. If that wasn't clear enough, Tsumugi mentioned that Tanjiro Kamado from Demon Slayer has said that everyone handles their pain threshold differently.
I was sure that (y/n) would spot that reference if she was in the room. I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of it. In any case though, everyone did handle their pain differently. I explained it to everyone as more or less different personalities have different ways of processing information. However despite that, some of the same mannerisms could be used. Our dormitories were the closest thing to a personal safe space we had, but even there we were watched.
The chatting was interrupted by the sound of rolling wheels. Turning my head, I saw Kirumi rolling the cart she usually used for serving food. The dishes the food items were on clanked slightly against the metal as she rolled it closer to the table. As soon as Kirumi made it to the table, she halted the cart, and smiled.
"I hope everyone is doing well tonight," Kirumi said with a smile, "I see that Tsumugi and Keebo has joined us. I hope you both are doing better."
"Surprisingly, Rantaro convinced both of us to come here," Keebo stated, "well, I like to believe that I was easy to ask."
"What he said," Tsumugi added, "I was going to scold him, but it seems like you guys did that well enough, so I told him to get straight to the point."
"I never would've thought Rantaro would decide and openly ask for others to join," Ryoma stated, "I know you had this whole eye opening experience, but it's still surprising."
    "I had to start somewhere," I replied, "but it was my mistake that led me to realize."
    "I like to think that some things happen for a reason!" Kaede exclaimed, "at the moment, and even with a situation with an intensity such as this. I know what happened was bad, but the bad things in life usually gives lessons. They help us grow as people."
    "No fuckin' shit!" Miu shouted, "I know things happen for a fuckin' reason! Even so, right now, the only reason I'm working with Rantaro is because (y/n) needs to be rescued!"
"C'mon," Angie said with a small pout, "I feel like we should all try and get along. Miu, we know Rantaro messed up, but you need to see that he is making a huge effort!"
"A couple of days only gives us so much fuckin' information, Angie!" Miu exclaimed in response.
"Okay, then how about this?" Angie asked in response, "what about me, huh? What about Kirumi? We both attempted to take a life, and here we are, forgiven and included."
Before the meal Kirumi had made was even presented, another argument of sorts took place. If I was honest with myself, I didn't expect anyone to work with me. I didn't expect anyone to as little as try to work with me. A part of that reason came through in this conversation, and it was because of (y/n). That was obvious to everyone at this point.
That however wasn't the part of the conversation that struck me. Of all of the people to back me up, I wasn't expecting Angie to. To be frank, I was still upset with Angie. However, now, it felt like I had less of a right to be upset. Miu mentioned that a couple of days of me with this change only gave so much information. That much was true. For all they could've known, I could've been this way to also save (y/n). I could've been helping out just to do that and ignore everyone after. I wasn't planning on doing that.
When Angie spoke, the words she used shocked me. She used herself as an argument to Miu. Angie attempted to kill (y/n), and Kirumi was used as an example too. Both of them had an attempted kill, and both of them were trusted eventually. The fact that I disliked Angie for trying to kill (y/n) in the past, and now... Now she was standing up for me in a sense. Change was something that could show itself in different forms.
There could be good forms of change, and there could be bad forms of change. Angie's words right there proved to me that change was possible. Me who had a resentment towards her for doing something bad was able to acknowledge the changes that she made as a result of the event. I had to admit that it caught me off guard.
    "Thinking about it like that, I technically tried to kill Rantaro," Kaede muttered, "and Miu, didn't you say that you tried to kill Kokichi?"
    "I had every damn right to try and do that!" Miu exclaimed in response, "especially when that asshole is the mastermind."
    "Do you not see the point Angie is trying to make?" Maki asked, "then I'll spell it out for you. We've all done or will do something bad as a result of this situation. The point is that trust may not be given right away, but but all of us had decided to give second chances to those who made those bad choices. It's up to us to understand this situation, and be the bigger person."
    "Gonta can agree..." Gonta added, "Gonta not proud of what he did. Yet you guys defended Gonta."

    "To be honest..." I trailed off, "I wasn't expecting anyone to try to defend the effort I'm putting in. Believe it or not, I know what resentment feels like when someone you have gotten the chance to know is hurt. I wouldn't call myself nice enough to not feel that sort of way. There was always a part of me that questioned the nice nature of (y/n) especially when she decided to forgive Angie and give her a second chance."
I knew that I was now holding everyone up slightly, but I couldn't help getting this off my chest. I did question why it was so easy for a second chance to be given to someone. With the knowledge I had of me being in a killing game before this one, no wonder I questioned that so much. I questioned that with Kirumi, but mostly Angie and Kiyo.
"In a way, part of me wondered why she always tried to include everyone she could and tried to forgive," I said, "but I think I finally see why. Second chances can usually lead to two things. The first thing could be to take that chance for granted and face the harsh reality on that. The second thing however is that the person changes for the better, and I am finally starting to see that. At this point, we are all the only people we have, so we might as well trust each other. I appreciate being able to see that change."
"I really do think that (y/n) has a way to try and befriend everyone," Kirumi added, "even me. Right now however, I'm sure the lot of you are waiting for your meal, so I will go ahead and serve you all now. Once that is out of the way, we can continue from where the conversation left off if that's okay with everyone."
Everyone seemed to give agreement with what Kirumi was saying. I was guessing some people were silent because they didn't know how to progress the conversation. It was more or less a saving grace for them when Kirumi told that she was going to serve some food.
"I definitely could use something to eat," Tsumugi admitted, "it's been a couple of days since I've eaten anything, but now the sound of food is just making me plain hungry."
"If that's the case, then you'll be the first one I serve tonight," Kirumi replied with a smile.
Kirumi smiled to herself before presenting the meal she had. Kirumi was the type to conceal the meal under metal lids to more or less keep us on our seats. Kirumi's cooking was always something to behold, and it was always impressive.
    "What I have for you all tonight is ramen, served in a nice silky pork broth, with some soft boiled egg, enoki mushrooms, bamboo shoots, bean sprouts, pork belly, and green onions for the garnish," Kirumi explained, "I figured what everyone could use tonight is a comfort meal. Ramen is usually pretty filling, and it gives many of the components for a balanced meal as well."
    I was able to instantly see everyone's faces grow hungry in response. I could see that Keebo had a sad look on his face, and I knew exactly why. I honestly wished there was a way he could eat, because I felt bad that he was missing out.
    Kirumi started to serve the food, starting with Tsumugi. I knew very well that either during this meal, or after we would be discussing the terms for the plan to lure Kokichi. With more people at our side, and hopefully more tomorrow, I had all faith that this was going to work.

Hello all! I know this chapter might not be that good, and it's posted a little bit later than usual on a Friday, so I apologize for that. I decided to start with some slight recap, so if anyone was confused about what was going on, they have that, so they don't go insane. Same goes for me, there are so many chapters that I've written over the years, that sometimes I forget about everything I've written hah!

But point being, anyone who loves Angie should know that she's grown as a character in my story. At least I think so. At this point now, I'd be friends with the Angie I created through this story. I thought it made sense because the situation caused many characters to kill, so everyone or mostly everyone did something they weren't proud of. Only thing is in canon, there is no plot hole ability that is probably more op than it needs to be. Blame my high school brain everyone!

I've been rushing some updates today because events happened in the week where my support was called upon. So friends happened, and I was so energized, I forgot to do my daily task of 1000 words for this fic. Had to write like 2000 words in the past day so I could give the update. I've also been drawing a little too much. I'm embarrassed for past me for saying that my art work at the time was worthy of being prizes. It wasn't. If you read this authors note, don't look at my old art. I'll cringe so hard.

That's all for this week. Hope my rant was funny. I don't tend to be funny when I try, so... I'll see you all next week! Please take care!- yuki_no_fuyu

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now