Chapter 1 Part 12: Trial in Session (1)

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Your POV:

    Everyone entered the trial room, seeing a colorful display of what looked like stained glass. In the middle of the room were 17 podiums each assigned to a certain person. The only thing was that one of them had a stand next to it. That stand held a picture of Rantaro with a pink X on it. This led to a few tears entering my eye, but I knew it was some sort of twisted tribute. There was an area where there were 5 podiums for the Monokubs, and a throne that the monochrome bear himself sat.
    Everyone went to their respective podiums, mine being next to the late Rantaro's. I let out a light sigh as I looked to the side wishing that Rantaro were here. That we weren't in this situation. But it was all futile. Tsumugi was on my other side. I could see everyone's judging stares, making me shrink slightly from the pressure. I was very nervous about this.
    "Ahem! Now then, let's begin with an explanation of the class trial. During the trial you'll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for 'whodunnit'. Vote correctly, and only the blackened will be punished. But if you pick the wrong person... I'll punish everyone 'besides the blackened, and that person will graduate from this academy! Also, refusing to vote will result in your death, so you better vote for someone! Now, let's get this crazy, awesome, crazy-awesome trial underway!" Monokuma explained with glee.
    "So, it's starting, huh?" Kaede asked.
    "Yeah..." I muttered in response.
    "Ah-haha, oh man, I haven't been in a trial in, like, forever!" Kokichi exclaimed.
    "Oh, so you have experience with trials...?" Tsumugi asked nervously.
    "Yeah, since I'm the leader of evil and stuff. I've done a looooot of bad things," Kokichi replied.
    Everyone was talking about how to start the trial, but I didn't want to have any part in it. Everyone was already going to blame me. Kirumi mentioned a good point. She told us that everyone was going to be a potential culprit, lawyer, prosecutor, and jury member. With that, the class trial began.
    "Might I offer the first topic?" Kiyo asked.
    "Don't fuckin' get ahead of us! Ya tryin' to start some shit!?" Miu exclaimed angrily.
    "Miu, why don't we listen first..." I told her, trying to help as much as I can.
    "Atua has spoken... He says it is vital that we hear his testimony," Angie told everyone, being clearly obsessed with her island god.
    "I'm a good listener cuz my ears are clean. Once, I cleaned them so hard they bled," Himiko said.
    "I'll begin the conversation, then. There's something... I found curious... Why, I wonder, didn't the culprit take advantage of the First Blood Perk?" Kiyo explained as thev first topic.
    "I thought that was strange, too!" Tsumugi replied.
"I bet they just wanted to do a class trial real bad," Ryoma said.
"Then Monokuma's the culprit! Duh-doy! Cuz this whole class trial was his idea!" Miu exclaimed, "hoo-yeah! Easy-peazy! I'm a fuckin' genius!"
"Wait, is it even possible for Monokuma to be the culprit?" Kaito asked.
"Of course not. I would *never* do anything to you guys directly," Monokuma replied with a giggle.
"Even if *you* can't, it's a different story for the person controlling you, right?" Kaede asked.
"..Hm?" Monokuma asked.
"Is it possible that the mastermind controlling Monokuma killed Rantaro?" Kaede asked.
"Mastermind? Wuzzat?" Monokuma asked in almost a mocking way.
The Monokubs became very nervous at the mention of the mastermind. They all tried denying it in an obvious way. This showed *everyone* that there was a mastermind controlling them.
"Don't play dumb with me! Who's the mastermind controlling you guys!?" Kaede exclaimed angrily.
"The mastermind, huh? Odds are, it's one of us..." Ryoma replied.
"It's Kee-boy over here! Everyone else thinks so too!" Kokichi exclaimed, obviously lying.
"Does everyone really think that...!?" Keebo asked, "I mean there's others who are more suspicious than me..."
"We'll get to the bottom of this," Kaede told Monokuma.
"Puhu... Puhuhuhu..." Monokuma laughed.
"Before we determine the mastermind, we must uncover the culprit," Kiyo told us calmly.
"Then... we could start by determining the sequence of events?" Shuichi recommended, "let's take a closer look at the circumstances of Rantaro's death."
"Gonta agrees with Shuichi! After all, Shuichi is Ultimate Detective!" Gonta exclaimed, praising Shuichi.
"Then let us start by reviewing the incident," Kirumi said.
I thought about it a little bit. Even though I didn't investigate, I should be able to tell what sounds wrong. I could loop in my connections with Rantaro and use that to my advantage so I won't be dubbed the culprit. I need to find out who killed him.
"Rantaro's body was found... just before the time limit, right?" Tenko asked.
That sounded right.. at least to me...
"He was killed in the library," Kiyo added.
That was also very correct. C'mon.. focus. There has to be some sort of contradiction.
"Rantaro was alone in the library. The culprit could've snuck up on him," Angie said with too much joy.
That also was correct. That however doesn't answer the question on *who* the culprit is.
"What was he every doin' in the library anyway?" Ryoma asked.
"He was opening that moving bookcase for one reason..." Kaito said, "cuz he knew about the hidden door! That means Rantaro was masterminding the whole thing!"
My eyes widened when I heard that. That was the contradiction I was looking for.
"No that's wrong!" I shouted.
The whole area went silent as they all stared at me. They were all waiting for an explanation on why Rantaro wasn't the culprit.
"You see, Rantaro wasn't the only one who knew about that book case. Considering that Kaede and Shuichi set up their cameras there, they probably knew about it too. I was close with Rantaro, and he told me about the bookcase because he trusted me," I explained.
"You do know that that information puts *you* on the spot too, right?" Maki asked.
"Yes I do know that. When I was with Rantaro in the library, when I first discovered the bookcase, he tried to get me not to trust him by acting like the mastermind. I proved him wrong though. If he were the mastermind, he would've killed me on the spot for finding the hidden door. It couldn't be him," I explained in response.
"And not only that, but Rantaro didn't have the card key that opens that door. All he had on him were his room key, and his monopad," Kaede replied, backing me up, "(y/n) you're pretty spot on for speaking your part in why he couldn't be the mastermind!"
"T-Thanks..." I muttered in response.
There were a few arguments on the card key incident. Some thought that the culprit took the card key... but none of the pictures showed them. The conclusion was that he didn't have it at all. I kind of agreed with that. It was true.
Maki made a statement about it too which was correct. She mentioned that this wouldn't be happening if he were the mastermind, so my words stuck. Everyone did wonder how Rantaro knew about the door. Possibly he had some sort of thing that led him there... or he could've came across it like Shuichi, Kaede, and I. Ryoma thought that the mastermind could've lured Rantaro to the library to kill him... but I don't even think the mastermind would be stupid enough to do that.
"The mastermind could've used the hidden door to their advantage..." I told everyone quietly.
After I said that, everyone was starting to think that the culprit and the mastermind are one in the same. I had no idea if I could consider that true or not, but I had to listen in on *every* possibility. The culprit most likely knew about Shuichi and Kaede's hidden cameras and could've struck there. It could definitely have been the perfect crime, but there are too many flaws for that to be the case in my book. Everyone started calling this a dead end. They thought the crime was so well done that they thought that it was unsolvable. That wasn't the case. Kaede tried keep everyone in check though. Kokichi tried to deflect what Kaede said. He mentioned that she wanted us to work together, but one of us is still the mastermind. Kaede expressed that it was a horrible thought, but she wanted to end everything that was happening to us. She wants to end this killing game.
"I'll... I'll even use this class trial to do that!" Kaede exclaimed.
That line kind of struck me odd. Her statement carried a lot of conviction. It was like she was trying to cover something up. I'll ask her about that later.
"Nee-heehee... Wow, looks like you're determined to face even a cold hard truth. Then here it comes—the cold hard truth!" Kokichi exclaimed.
    "Huh?" Kaede asked.
    "I already figured out who killed Rantaro," Kokichi explained.
    Kokichi's tiny little statement shocked Monokuma. Apparently if Kokichi is correct, this would be the fastest class trial according to Monokuma. The Monokubs kept referencing to a 'leaf on the wind', but I had no idea what that meant.
    "Shut it, you weirdos! This is an important conversation!" Kaito exclaimed, "Kokichi! Are you serious about knowing who the culprit is?"
    "Yup! I have two ideas. I'll get to the second one later. I'll start with the most suspicious one, juuuuust to get it out of the way," Kokichi explained.
    "So... who is this culprit?" Maki asked.
    "Soooo we can all agree that the culprit should've appeared in these photos, right?" Kokichi asked.
    "Um... yeah..." I muttered in response.
    "And we can agree that this person appeared in the photos after the incident, riiiiiiiight!?" Kokichi asked.
    "So your saying that the culprit is..." Kirumi trailed.
    "Yes! That's right! The shy and depressed Otaku herself, (y/n)!" Kokichi exclaimed.
    The words that I feared the most hit me like a ton of bricks. The judging glances were on me once again, filling me with a sense of dread. I felt betrayed... but could I blame them...? I was the most suspicious one there.
    "Hey, Kokichi. You can't just assume that (y/n) is the culprit because of these photos..." Kaede told him.
    "I think that we all can. (y/n) is the only one who could've done this with the pictures we have," Kokichi replied, "I mean... it's not like she hasn't done it before..."
    My eyes landed on Kokichi. I had a fearful glance in my eye. I just couldn't take it anymore.
    "If she has killed another person, then I must wonder... how did she do it. I'm curious," Kiyo said.
    "If she has then she should be voted guilty," Maki replied, "she probably used her relationship with him as her advantage."
    My gaze hit the floor. It was what I knew what would happen, but why did it hurt so much. People that I thought as friends. Why did they always do this to me. It's because I'm weak...
    The flashbacks of the incident played back and fourth like a song on repeat. My head leaned down, hiding my eyes. My eyes were filled with grief, and sadness, trying desperately not to shatter what self confidence I had left. It was too late sadly.
    "If you really think I would do such a thing, then vote for me already..." I muttered, almost coldly with no emotion.
    "Huh, (y/n)?" Kaede asked.
    "Just vote for me. It's obvious that you all think I'm a cold hearted murderer..." I replied, "so I'll do you all a favor and tell you what happened.."
    Tears started to spill down my cheeks as I started to tell the story. They'd hate me for this, but Kokichi was the one who made it happen. He probably eavesdropped on my breakdown in my room.
    "My life at home was hell. I was told day after day how much of a mistake I am and how I shouldn't have existed. Even my own sister thought that too. I never wanted to get revenge on anyone, nor did I complain. I just smiled and went with it. My sister had a crush on one of my only friends... he was a very nice guy. He treated her better than me, and it did make me upset. One day, when he told me he was going to ask my sister out, I was happy for him that he would be happy... but I knew that I wouldn't be. He then decided to tell me that since he was going to ask her out, he no longer wanted to be my friend. It was because that my sister always talked so negatively about me, that he didn't want me in his life either. He told me, "go away (y/n). I don't like you anymore. Just go die like the worthless piece of shit you are!" That drove me over the deep end. I started crying and I tried to get away. Once he realized what he said, he chased after me as I was running across the road. A huge semi truck was driving closer and closer to him, until he got run over, his blood on my hands... it was my fault. My sister lost someone she cared about because of me. Because I existed. Now everyone has justification to their words. I'm the monster of everyone's mind... I'm use to it... Rantaro was the one friend I made... I would never hurt him... even if I tried," I explained, finally telling the story, locked deeply in my heart, more tears and cries escaping my lips as I explained everything.
    Everyone looked at me in shock. They just witnessed something that I never told anyone. I never even told Rantaro about this.
"If you want to vote for me, then vote for me. I don't care anymore..." I muttered.
"I mean... with a story like that, I wouldn't want to vote for her. It doesn't seem like it's her fault that it happened," Tsumugi said, looking to the side.
"I would've killed that degenerate myself if the truck hadn't got to him," Tenko growled.
"Atua foresaw this past for poor (y/n)," Angie said sadly.
"Nyeh... I don't think I could handle a past like that..." Himiko muttered.
"Gonta just want to give (y/n) hug..." Gonta muttered.
"Fuckin' pleb. Having to deal with all of that shit..." Miu scoffed.
"(y/n), that isn't your fault," Kaede replied sadly.
"No wonder your self esteem is so low," Kaito said, "you had to deal with all of that. I now understand..."
    The whispers of everyone hearing my past became very noticeable. I noticed a few people look at me as if I were lying. Those specific people were Miu and Maki.
    "I'm not asking any of you to believe me, but I'm telling the truth. Why don't we ask the liar here if I'm telling the truth. He does say he can spot a lie..." I explained.
    "Oh, so you're talking about lil' ol' me?" Kokichi asked, "I'm flattered. I'll answer your question because you flattered me so. (y/n) isn't lying about anything."
    Even if Kokichi caused this whole ruckus, I was kind of relieved. Because of what he said, I was able to rest easier. Everyone seemed to believe him, which led to Shuichi's next statement.
"U-Um, if I might speak..." Shuichi said, "I don't think (y/n) is the culprit. If you look at the pictures of her after the picture of Rantaro before his death, there is no blood on her. There was blood from the shot put wound on Rantaro, and none of it went on (y/n), so she couldn't have done it. And also, wouldn't she panic and try to leave before anyone else came in?"
"Shuichi is right. (y/n) isn't the culprit, so let's move on. Kokichi, who do you think the second most suspicious one is?" Kaede asked.
    "Yup! Soooo...we all agree that the culprit knew about Kaede and Shuichi's trap, right?" Kokichi asked.
    "No shit! That's why they're not in any of the pictures! Well aside from the depressed Otaku who was there after! So, who is it!?" Miu said.
    "So whoever knew about the hidden cameras is the culprit," Kokichi explained in response.
    "So who the hell is it!?" Miu exclaimed in frustration.
    "It's you!!!" Kokichi exclaimed.
    "Moi!?!?" Miu exclaimed in shock.
    "You made the cameras used for the trap! Riiiight?" Kokichi asked in pure mockery, "obviously, whoever made the cameras knew about the blind spots."
    Kokichi did make a very good point about the case. Miu was now one of the leaf suspects. She was obviously very nervous and flustered about the whole thing. It was present in her voice. I thought about the places everyone could be. The group with Kaito, Maki, Angie, Tenko, Himiko, Gonta, Rantaro, and I went to the basement. Kokichi, Ryoma, Kirumi, Kiyo, Miu, Tsumugi and Keebo. Kaede and Shuichi were in the classroom during the time. I could assume that a few of the people were in their rooms. The others were most likely in the dining hall. I could tell with the order of the picture when everyone entered. It took the people from the dorm rooms the last to enter, so Miu was stationed in the dining hall. This would help me once the time arises.
    "Why don't you just admit it already?" Kokichi asked, "you're the culprit, aren't you Miu?"
    "N...N...No way. That's not possible!" Miu exclaimed in response.
    "So you knew nothing about the trap in the library?" Keebo asked.
    "I'm tellin' ya, I had no idea!" Miu replied, "not that it matters... cuz I never went to the library, okay!?"
    Miu was telling the truth there. It matched my observation about where she was during the scene of the crime.
    "I agree with that!" Kaede and I managed to say at the same time.
    My eyes widened slightly, looking towards Kaede. It looks like we thought of the same thing for why Miu could've done it.
    "(y/n), you're starting to freak me out. How do you know all of this when you didn't investigate?" Kaede asked nervously.
    "It's simple. I looked at the order of the pictures of everyone who entered the room. You, Shuichi, and the people in the hallway went in there first. Second was a group of people that consisted of Kirumi, Miu, Kiyo, and Kokichi. I'm guessing they were in the dining hall. Lastly came Keebo, Ryoma, and Tsumugi. They were most likely in their rooms before the incident. That's why they entered the library last." I explained.
    "That's... impressive..." Kaede said.
    "(y/n) might be a better detective than Shuichi!" Kokichi exclaimed happily.
    "N-No! Don't say that. Shuichi is a great detective," I replied, "we need to get back on topic."
    Kiyo explained after I said my piece. He was seeming impressed with my observation talent. He told us all that Miu was in the dining hall, as well as Kokichi, and Kirumi. Miu was angry at Kokichi for blaming her, so she called him a "lying little abortion". This made Kokichi lie about feeling upset, making a huge crying gesture. After that, we moved on. Kiyo told us at a certain point that Kokichi went into the restroom for about 5 minutes. Kokichi protested by telling us that he really had to go. We all believed him since 5 minutes wasn't enough to commit a murder.
"Getting back on track, we now have alibis for people in the dining hall," Kirumi stated.
"So we know that Kirumi, Kokichi, Miu, and Kiyo can't be the culprit," Maki explained.
"Congratulations to the four of you! You can all leave now," Angie stated happily.
"Huh? Can they?" Gonta asked.
"So what about the swines who went to the basement!? Besides (y/n), they're all suspicious, right!?" Miu exclaimed.
"Which of us went to the basement...?" Kiyo asked.
"Well, when Shuichi and I were on lookout, we saw... Kaito, Gonta, Maki, Tenko, Himiko, Angie, (y/n)... and Rantaro... So eight people in total," Kaede explained in response.
"So aside from (y/n), the culprit is someone in the group?" Keebo asked.
"Nyahaha! But of course!" Angie replied.
"Why are you laughing!? That includes you, too!" Tenko shouted in response.
Everyone started to panic. Everyone was trying to say many things at once. My mind was spinning. Kokichi even tried to pin it on Maki by saying she was the most suspicious. My mind was wandering at this point. I have to stay focused though. I have to listen through everyone's statements. I have to find the wrong one. I could do this, right? I was in the group in the basement. Just recall the events that happened. I can do this...
"I only went cuz I was invited. Why don't you ask the shady guy who invited me?" Maki asked.
"What!? You mean me!? But I just said it wasn't me!" Kaito exclaimed in protest.
"Don't thrust the blame onto me! You degenerate males and your... thrusting! Ugh!" Tenko growled angrily.
"I'm not a bad girl, really... If you don't believe me, ask mommy," Himiko said.
"Really, I have an alibi!" Angie exclaimed.
They all said they weren't the culprit at the same time. Remember I have to focus. I have to pick through their statements...
"I'll prove my innocence to you guys!" Tenko shouted.
"I have an alibi!" Angie shouted.
"I'm not even a little bit suspicious..." Himiko said.
They were all saying these things at the same time. I need to focus.
"I would never punch a foe from behind!" Tenko shouted.
"Cuz Atua is always watching me," Angie stated.
"What about the guy who wanted us all in the basement?" Himiko asked.
So far, no statements to contradict.
"A true Aikido master would never do something so dishonorable!" Tenko exclaimed.
"Atua... Who that person?" Gonta asked.
"What!? Are you talking about me!?" Kaito shouted.
There was still no statement.
"We were having a strategy meeting together, remember?" Kaito asked.
"Atua is not a person. Atua is god," Angie replied.
"Punching is permitted in Aikido?" Keebo asked.
No one was still bringing any good points.
"Rantaro's the only one who left in the middle of it..." Kaito said.
My eyes widened, finding the statement Kaito made, null and void. My determination was growing brighter.
"Not that's wrong!" Kaede and I shouted once more.
"What the heck!? Again!?" Kaede shouted.
"I guess it's a habit..." I replied.
"Ok, why did you agree with me?" Kaede asked.
"Because I was a part of the strategy meeting. I know well enough that Rantaro wasn't the only one to go off on his own. Gonta did as well," I replied.
This seemed to bring another set of conversations to the mix. Gonta was now accused of being the culprit. This made no sense, but I had nothing to refute this one. Gonta tried to make a point on how he would have to go through where everyone was. The sliding door was brought up. Apparently one could only stick their arm through the door to reach the hallway. Despite that, Kirumi our Gonta on the spot for the possibility of him being able to murder from the AV room. The rolled up projector screen could've been used to pry the sliding door of the library open. Gonta could've also thrown the shot put ball through that gap to kill Rantaro. It seemed like a feat too complicated for Gonta to do on his own. That wasn't the only thing though. The sliding bookcase was open during the murder. The bookcase would've been across from the door, serving as an obstacle for the shot put ball. This plan wouldn't work. Everyone seemed to agree with this method. Gonta would be labored the culprit if I didn't do anything. People need to see the flaw in Kirumi's argument.
"So we agree Gonta's the culprit!" Miu exclaimed.
Miu is very wrong, but it's not the statement I need to correct.
"Gonta not culprit! Honest!" Gonta exclaimed in response.
I believe you Gonta. You are too sweet and innocent to commit a crime.
"A typical degenerate male excuse," Tenko replied.
"Rantaro's corpse and the AV Room door... do line up with one another. There are no obstacles in the way," Kirumi explained.
That's where the flaw in Kirumi's argument rears its ugly head. There was an obstacle.
"No that's wrong!" Kaede and I shouted.
(This isn't anything new... jinx it plz)
"It would've been impossible for Gonta to throw that shot into the library from the AV Room Kirumi," I explained.
"How so?" Kirumi asked.
"There was an obstacle in the way. It was the moving bookcase. During the murder, the bookcase was open. It specifically shows that in the last photo taken of Rantaro before he died, "I explained while Kaede showed them the photos, "the bookcase was blocking the path needed for Gonta to hit Rantaro."
After that point was made, Gonta was no longer decided as the culprit. I smiled at Gonta as a bit of victory for myself. It still struck me odd how I'm able to keep up with Kaede. We all apologized to Gonta. Luckily for us, he was pretty understanding about that. Monokuma was upset about all of this sentimental stuff. The bear obviously can't stand people having a good time.
    "It's good that Gonta's in the clear, but don't break out the confetti just yet. We're out of suspects now. On top of that, we still don't even know how Rantaro died," Ryoma explained.
    "So we only know what the weapon is!? How are we supposed to find the mastermind with that!?" Miu exclaimed.
"We know the murder weapon is the shot put ball. But where did the culprit get it?" Maki asked.
"I think it was from the warehouse. I saw track and field equipment there," Shuichi replied.
"Then anyone would have been able to obtain it. We need more information," Kirumi stated.
I noticed something quite odd. Shuichi has been a bit silent for the trial. People would've guessed that a Detective would say more. Shuichi wasn't saying really anything though. Everyone was starting to panic as well. There was basically no one else that could be suspected for the crime. I feel like everyone trusts Shuichi and Kaede a bit much. Why weren't they suspected yet? I mean they were on watch in a classroom, but something could be possible... right? Kaede still thinks the culprit is the mastermind. I mean it is possible.
My mind was spinning on trying to find plausible ideas. I was also trying to remember everything I could based off of the case. She requested it, so we can help her find the mastermind. Some people questioned it though.
"Yes, yes. But... are you sure the culprit is also the mastermind?" Angie asked.
"Huh? Yeah, I think so... Why?" Kaede asked.
"She's probably gonna something about her god..." I muttered.
"Then What Atua just told me about how the culprit entered the library is correct," Angie replied cheerfully.
"I called it..." I muttered.
"Huh? I didn't hear anything," Himiko told Angie in response.
    "Ah, that's right! Only I can here the voice of Atua," Angie replied, faking her shock, "then I will speak on Atua's behalf, as his prophet."
    Angie then explained that the culprit could've entered the library while avoiding the cameras. I think Angie's argument is flawed. I have to find it.
    "The culprit was hiding in the library the whole time. Before Kaede and Shuichi placed the cameras," Angie said.
    I don't know if that's possible...
    "Where would they have hidden?" Keebo asked.
    "Inside the hidden door!" Angie replied.
    "No that's wrong!" Kaede exclaimed.
    Kaede explained that Shuichi placed dust on the card key reader to see if anyone used a card key there. It wasn't used during the time of the murder, so it isn't possible. I agreed with this.
    "The bookcase hadn't been opened, so I doubt anyone was hiding in there," Kaede states.
    "The fog is lifted!" Ryoma stated.
    I looked at Ryoma with a puzzled look on my face. Kaede was right, and I knew why.
    "Hmph... You both still got a ways to go," Ryoma stated.
    "Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.
    "The culprit coulda been in the library before the cameras were even set. You won't be able to prove anything with weak reasoning like that," Ryoma replied.
    "Hey Kaede. I'll help you out," I told her.
    "Thanks. I could use it," Kaede replied.
    We had been contradicted by Ryoma. I have to help Kaede prove his argument weak. There has to be a point where it is. I will not fail.
    "Even if we rule out the hidden door... The library's got no shortage of hiding spots. There's piles of books all over. Since the culprit was there before the cameras were placed... They coulda been hiding there, y'know? They took out Rantaro, then took off," Ryoma explained.
    "But if the culprit tried to run away, wouldn't the camera take their picture?" I asked.
    "Not if they went back into hiding... right after killing Rantaro. Then once everyone's gathered round the body... all they gotta do is act like they just ran in... rejoin everyone, and we'd be none the wiser," Ryoma replied.
    "I'll cut your words!" Kaede and I shouted.
    "I don't think it's possible for the culprit to meet Rantaro in the library. I mean it shows it in the photos taken when the certain groups of people ran in," I explained.
    Kaede explained all of the photos, revealing to everyone that everyone was in the pictures. No one was in hiding. We dismissed the idea of the culprit hiding in the library. We then discussed some other ideas. One of those possibilities was the vent. Kaede dismissed it because she stacked books on the top shelves of the library. Miu then added that they could've went through the front door. Everyone was thinking she wasn't listening at first, but then she brought up the 30 second intervals. Miu explained in order to make the cameras take pictures automatically, they had to take 30 seconds before taking another picture. Kaede was shocked about this, and Miu got all cowardly again. She told us that she told Shuichi. That brought all of our attention to Shuichi. He couldn't have done it... could he?
    "Hey... Shuichi... What's gotten into you? Please don't tell me that you killed Rantaro..." I muttered.

Trial intermission...

Hey all! This took me over 4 hours to write. I worked really hard to get this out. This thing is almost 3 times the size of my normal chapters. There are two parts to the trial. All answers will be revealed about Rantaro next chapter. I hope you enjoyed this. You see, (y/n) is observant and was able to prove points just with observation. Anyway! I'm bringing the prompt back.

Prompt 7: "What is your final prediction on Rantaro's fate?"

I would really appreciate if you guessed what happened. It would mean a lot to me if you did. I spent a lot of time to write this when I had a 5 page college paper due. Art would do me a huge favor! Thank you!- CRUSIFIXdroid

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now