Chapter 2 Part 7: It's Time for the Second Motive

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Your POV:

    The night announcement rang through my dorm room as I stared at the monitor. Monodam was the only one on the monitor that nigh. He looked very beat up and dented. Monokid must've gotten to him.
    Monodam was silent for a bit, but then he announced that it was nighttime. He mentioned that the others were on guard duty. He then told us to have a good night before the monitor went out.
Even though it was nighttime, I didn't feel tired at all. All my mind went to was.... my reason to live.
I thought about it countless times. I have a couple of friends who actually care about me. I really want to see them again... but is that a reason to live?
My eyes widened. It's as if I realized something. I realized that I did have a reason to live. Not just one reason to live... two...
'Rantaro's my 1st reason to live..' I thought.
It made complete sense as I thought about it. Rantaro was always there for me, even when I didn't feel like I deserve it. He always smiles at me so kindly. That kind smile wasn't a lie by any means. It was genuine. It was pure as if nothing had ever tainted it.
I had to live for Rantaro. I had to survive for him. I have to stay alive to make sure he survives.
My second reason for living. This was probably more important than one crush, but it was because of my ability. I have the ability to save everyone. I can make sure everyone survives with this gene I have. I was able to save Rantaro from death. This saved Kaede from death. I just hoped I would save many more people. These people I call my friends.
I hopped into bed with these thoughts on my mind. I had to get stronger for everyone. I have this gene, so I at least need to be a decent hero.
With all of my will, I fell asleep. A cold, dark slumber, pitch black with no dreams.

3rd POV:

While the seventeen high school kids were sleeping, they had no idea what was about to happen.
The five colorful Monokubs sprang into action. They had an assignment from Monokuma. They had to give each student their own tablet. These tablets contained a motive video for each student.
This was another plan for a murder. Since the first murder failed, they had to spring into action again. This time, they'd make sure that they wouldn't fail.
The Monokubs entered (y/n)'s door, obviously there to place her motive video.
"Is she... sleeping?" Monotaro asked quietly.
"Yeah, she's sleeping. She's out light a like," Monophanie replied quietly.
"You mean...out like a light?" Monotaro asked in the same tone.
"Who cares? Just hurry up and leave the present so we can get outta here," Monosuke said quietly.
"D-Don't rush me... Geez, it's dark in here... I can't tell which is which..." Monotaro panicked quietly.
Monotaro placed one of the motive video's onto the table in (y/n)'s dorm room before leaving to get the rest of the job done.

Your POV:

    The morning announcement appeared on the monitor, waking me up like an alarm clock would. It kind of surprised me how I was so used to this.
My body developed a schedule based on the sick events of this dumb killing game.
Before the morning announcement was ended, the Monokubs told us about some sort of present left at our dorm.
    I yawned lightly as I stretched out my arms and legs. After that, I got out of bed, beginning to start my morning routine.
    That morning routine was, take a shower, put on a new uniform, and go to breakfast.
    After hopping out of the shower, I noticed something on my table. It was some sort of tablet that had a yellow base color and many colors on it in different messy designs.
    'This wasn't there last night...' I thought, 'maybe this is the present the Monokubs mentioned...'
    I picked up the weird tablet to see what this thing was. I wanted to turn it on to see what the thing was. I was honestly so curious about it.
I inspected the tablet. On the back of the tablet, it read "Kubs Pad" in fine black print. Basically this thing was a play on the infamous "Monopads" we all had. "Mono" referred to Monokuma obviously. That tablet was our student handbooks for this terrible academy. I'm guessing "Kubs" refer to the Monokubs. This just added more questions for what this pad could be. It could be another student handbook, or it could be something else. I needed to find out what this tablet was being given to us for.
"I guess I have no choice but to see what this tablet is for..." I muttered to myself.
With that, my finger lightly tapped the screen to the Kubs Pad. The screen of the tablet flashed on as a video began to play from the tablet.
The screen showed a couple of silhouettes, one being right side up, and the other being upside down. There was a title on the screen as well. The title read, "(y/n), (l/n)'s Motive Video. What's your motive?" This was obviously a motive now, and it was mine. What could possibly make this a motive video?
"Alright! Back by popular demand, it's time for the motive video!" Monokuma's voice boomed from the tablet, "who's the most important person in *your* life? And now, without further ado..."
The video flashed to a picture of a couple of girls standing next to me, smiles on all of our faces. The one on the left had a petite body, long blond hair, and black glasses. She had pale skin, and brown eyes. She was in a black tank top and ripped skinny jeans. Her name was Fumiko. She was a close friend of mine.
The one on the right had chestnut brown hair, and a pretty curvy body. Her eyes were a bright orange. Her chestnut brown hair faded into a bright autumn red. Her outfit consisted of a summer dress that was orange, yellow, and red. This girl was named Aki. She was another close friend.
I was in the middle, smiling along with them. These were my closest friends. The ones that never abandoned me no matter what I faced.
"(y/n) (l/n), the Ultimate Otaku. This girl has always had a hard life. Basically everyone she comes across wishes she was dead, her family even abandoning her after she was known as the Ultimate Otaku. Despite all of this, she had a couple of friends. Our team managed to get a word from her two friends, Fumiko, and Aki. They said they miss (y/n) very much, but let's hear it from the source," Monokuma's voice said.
The video them flashed to the two girls sitting on the floor, behind a couch. They looked very upset, and Fumiko had tears in her eyes.
"We only want (y/n) to come back to us," Fumiko said.
"She's been through so much, why does this terrible world keep torturing her? She doesn't deserve this," Aki said.
"Please just give her back to us! We will do anything to see our friend safe again!" Fumiko exclaimed.
"We miss you (y/n). Please live," Aki said.
"Ah, yes... one more thing. These two loyal friends faces such a terrible accident," Monokuma's voice explained.
Soon Monokuma's image appeared on the screen. He looked like he was about to start laughing about this.
"What kinda accident? It's a secret! Find out for yourself. Puhuhuhuhuhu..." Monokuma laughed.

The video flashed off after that, suddenly memories entering my mind. I knew I had them as my friends, but I never really remembered what I did with them. Now I did.
Those two friends would always take me out of my house when things got bad. They believed me when I told them I never killed my sister's crush. They always stuck with me thick through thin. They never abandoned me. They were loyal friends, and I was just told they had a terrible accident.
This made me freak out slightly. Were my friends alive? Or were they dead? They have to survive too! I started to breath heavily from what I just witnessed. I had to tell Rantaro about this.
I exited my dorm room, running over to Rantaro's. I rang the door bell. There was no answer. I rang the doorbell again. There was still no answer.
'He must be at the dining hall...' I thought.
I ran out of the dormitory in a panic. There was no way I could unsee what I've already seen. I had a few reasons for wanting to tell Rantaro. I obviously want to vent to him as the first reason for this. The second reason was because I didn't want to have a chance at killing someone. I didn't want to kill anyone despite what I saw. It concerned me. If I told someone about my video, then they'd know to keep an eye on me just in case something happens.
I ran into the dining hall with panic spread all over my face. The people in the dining hall were Angie, Himiko, Kirumi, Kiyo, Rantaro, and Tsumugi. I basically sighed in relief when I saw him in there.
"(y/n), are you alright?" Rantaro asked.
"She seems in a panic. Over the Kubs Pad if I'm not mistaken," Kiyo explained.
"What?" I asked.
"You aren't the only one who got one, (y/n)," Angie stated happily, "we all did."
    "We have all been given *motive videos*. However, they have all been mixed up," Kiyo explained.
    'Wait... they were all mixed up?' I thought, 'that can't be possible. How could they all be mixed up when I got my own motive video?'
    A slightly disturbed look made its way to my face. With my terrible luck, I got my own motive video. How were they able to mix everyone's up besides mine. I did not get the luck of the draw. I was clearly unlucky.
    I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder in a comforting matter. I looked up and saw Rantaro looking at me with concern in his eyes. It still ceased to surprise me that he'd be worried about me.
"Hey, (y/n). You seem more anxious than usual. What's wrong?" Rantaro asked.
I continued to look at the green haired boy in front of me. He suspected something was up right off the bat. I was obviously in a stir about the motive videos. I was anxious about my friends who were in that video.
"I will explain when everyone gets here," I said in response to his question.
Rantaro nodded at me. I knew I should probably tell everyone. I don't want to murder someone. I just have to calm down. I could do this.
Tsumugi tried telling a story about when she was waking up, she found a
Kubs Pad. Kirumi obviously told her to wait until everyone got to the dining hall. Keebo and Kaito were gathering everyone because of the motive videos.
Soon enough, they both arrived with everyone else. Miu, Tenko, Himiko, Kokichi, Kaede, Ryoma, Maki, and Gonta.
Kaito was obviously upset about this whole ordeal, and surprisingly, Maki made a blind to the situation. I did agree with Kaito though. This situation needed to be talked about.
"That thing looks like another Monopad? That was a motive?" Maki asked.
"Maki, haven't you watched the video on the Kubs Pad yet!?" Tenko asked nervously.
"No. I ignored it because it was something stupid," Maki replied bluntly.
"That's actually really courageous in a weird sort of way..." Tsumugi replied.
"You don't have to speak, but this is important, so you should at least listen," Kaito explained.
"So, what are these videos?" Kokichi asked.
"No doubt they're more motives from Monokuma, but why were they all mixed up?" Keebo asked.
My eyes widened as I found a place to speak. I clenched my hands to form fists as they were at my sides. My figure started trembling from it. I was obviously struggling to get these words out.
"The motive videos weren't all mixed up!" I exclaimed.
The room fell silent. All eyes of the sixteen others stared at me. They seemed genuinely confused about what I said. I started to breath slightly heavier. There was no turning back now.
"I got my own motive video," I said.

Another chapter done guys. I obviously had a lot of thinking to do for this one.
I chose to give reader her motive for story purposes. Lol. It's kind of hard to explain.
I really had to think about the motive she'd get. I had to use friends since her family is a fucked up place full of mental abuse.
Anyway. Remember all art is due by the Insect Meet and Greet. If I don't get anymore fanart for a prediction, the person will win by default.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Updates next Friday! Ciao!-CRUSIFIXdroid

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