Chapter 4 Part 20: Explaining the Virtual World

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Your POV:

The words being said earlier were ringing in my head. Being in the computer lab on the fourth floor, I, as well as everyone else here has learned about something Miu was working on to save us from this killing game. The thing Miu was working on was the Virtual World.
    A lot of people did think that the Virtual world was suspicious, and I did agree with that. We all learned a few minutes ago that Monokuma was the creator of the Virtual World as well as the original name for it... that name was the "Killing Game" simulator. We did know that Miu told us that she deleted everything dangerous from the Virtual World, and I decided to believe her now.
    Despite that fact, there was one thing that we didn't register happening during this situation. That was the information from Monokuma about a motive that was placed in the Virtual World. Kokichi was the one who introduced that topic, and Monokuma agreed with it. It always seemed that no matter what our choices were in the beginning, Monokuma would always change our minds due to something he caused.
    The only thing I didn't know at this point was what this motive would entail. My mind was spinning from the amount of craziness that was happening. I didn't know how I still had a straight face from what was going on. Miu accepting Monotaro as her son... knowing that there was a motive in the virtual world. I was hoping that Monokuma would explain it... and I guess that was what the mastermind was expecting in this layout.
"Like Kokichi said, there's a crazy secret hidden somewhere in the Virtual World," Monokuma explained, "...It's the secret of the outside world."
At the moment Monokuma said those words, o could feel myself wanting to go into the Virtual World to find out what the secret of the outside world was. That was the bait... that was what was going to get everyone to want to go in. That was Monokuma's game.
Monokuma obviously wanted us to go into the Virtual World, so he put in a motive as bait for us, and it was working... at least for me. I didn't know how this information would make everyone else react, but I would soon find out.
"The secret...of the outside world?" Kaito asked.
"All I can tell you about the secret is that if you get your hands on it..." Monokuma explained, trailing off for a moment, "you'll instantly learn what's happening outside of the academy!"
My eyes widened slightly in response to those words. The only thing we knew about the outside world were the memories given to us by those Flashback Lights. I had no idea if those memories were real or not, but the felt so real... like I lived through them, feeling every emotion of dread from those memories.
The main question in my mind now was "what was happening in the outside world"?. I couldn't have been the only one with that question on my mind. When I looked around a few moments after Monokuma said his words, I could see everyone had a slight look of both confusion and shock on their faces.
"H-Hold on..." Tsumugi muttered, "what's happening outside? What are you talking about? It's like he's saying something is going on out there, but...that can't be, right?"
"Maybe this has something to do with the meteorites we saw after the Flashback Light was activated," Ryoma explained.
"You're probably right," Rantaro replied, "but here's my question. Monokuma... wouldn't it be safe to assume that you want us to go into the Virtual World? I mean, you are saying you placed a motive that could either make or break our situation in there, and I don't think you would place something that important in there if you didn't want us to go, correct?"
"Puhuhu, is it that obvious?" Monokuma asked, "is your curiosity piqued, Rantaro? If that's the case, then you as well as everyone else have no choice but to go."
"Yeah!" Kokichi exclaimed, "We wanna know, so we'll defiantly go!"
"You degenerate male..." Tenko muttered with an angry tone, "you can't speak for everyone here! You better shut up before I break your jaw open with my fists of burning steel!"
"Tenko, please don't threaten him," I muttered, "you know very well that he won't listen..."
"Nee-hee-hee, I'm flattered that my beloved (y/n) would stick up for me," Kokichi told Tenko, "she is right though. I'm sure all of us are very interested to know what the secret of the outside world is... so we should just go!"
"Kokichi...what's going on here?" Shuichi asked, "did you know about this all along? That Monokuma is hiding a secret in the virtual world?"
"I had the same thought," Kaede replied, "did you know about all of this, Kokichi. Please tell the truth this time..."
    "Don't joke about that..." Kokichi told Shuichi and Kaede with a mischievous smile, "it's just a hunch. Anyway, we can't just ignore it. It's possible we might find info on the outside world. Maybe with that info, we could even put an end to this killing game."
    "Huh!?" Gonta asked in response, "we can end killing game!? Then Gonta will go to this *Ver-chew-ul World* place!"
    " can't!" Tsumugi exclaimed, "it's probably a trap set by Monokuma!"
    I understood Tsumugi's words with a passion. A lot of things that happened to us were all set up by Monokuma. Everything was a trap... and chances were, this was a trap too. Even so, any chance of being able to end this game before anyone could actually die, I would take it.
    "I don't want anyone to die..." I muttered, "time by time again, I've seen people die, only to miraculously come back. If there is a chance to end this before anyone actually does, I'll take it..."
    "I agree," Keebo replied, "if there's a small chance to end this game before anyone dies, we should take it. That's what my inner voice is telling me."
"Nyahahaha!" Angie exclaimed, "Atua's voice is heard through Keebo! Isn't that just a miracle?"
"Angie, stop talking about Atua..." Kokichi muttered, "don't forget that some people are still angry with you for try to justify attempted murder with *Atua*. It's annoying me and everyone else."
"Kokichi, this had nothing to do with Angie..." Keebo muttered, "and Angie, it's my inner self. Whenever I'm lost, my inner voice tells me what to do. I have always obeyed that voice, and I will continue to do so. That's why I'm going to the Virtual World."
From Keebo's words, I knew for certain that he genuinely agreed with my words. The fact was that it wasn't just because I said something. It was what Keebo's subconscious was telling him was the right move. Even though I felt like something was going to happen if we went, I felt like it would be the best course of action to go. If it meant there was a chance to save everyone, then I wouldn't delay that.
I honestly wondered how everyone would react to Keebo's words. His words held the impact of Kaede's words in the beginning of this whole mess as well as mine. I honestly felt like his words would move everyone into working together.
"I think we should go," I said with a smile, "I feel like Keebo's words are very inspiring. We all have times when we are lost. Even so, we make a choice based on our gut feeling, and I feel like that is what Keebo is trying to say."
"If that's what you think, then I'll go too," Rantaro replied with a smile, "like I said before, wherever my princess goes, I will follow and protect her."
I could feel a smile form on my face in response to that. I almost instantly jumped into his arms with a smile. I could feel his arms wrapping around mine as well as what sounded like a soft chuckle escaping his lips. I closed my eyes from the happiness of this. It always helped me out a great deal to know that Rantaro would be by my side.
After a few moments of Rantaro and I hugging went on, I looked around to see everyone who was here having a slightly shocked looks on their faces. There was two who had seemingly salty looks on their faces. Those two were specifically Kokichi and Miu.
"You two should've just fucked before coming down here!" Miu shouted, "anyway, who else is joining Keebo, (y/n), Kokichi, and Craptaro!?"
When Miu said that, I looked at everyone who hasn't agreed on whether they wanted to go or not. Those specific people looked like they were confused by our words. I knew there was a good reason for that. Sometimes, risks had to be taken to get a good grasp on our situation.
    "I will go," Kaito said, "if Keebo, Rantaro, and (y/n) are all going, then I will too!"
    "You too, Kaito?" Shuichi asked.
    "Yeah, this *secret of the outside world* stuff scares me, but I want to check this world out!" Kaito exclaimed in response to that, "call it a man's curiosity!!!"
    "The idiot's at it again..." Maki muttered.
    "Wh-When a man loses his curiosity, he ages!" Kaito exclaimed in response to Maki's words, "curiosity is what moves a man!"
    I found myself being slightly confused. I knew that Kaito was now going to go, and that was curiosity talking for him. The thing that was confusing me was the fact that Kaito was saying that curiosity was what caused a man to age. I knew very well that wasn't the case.
    I knew that Kaito hated being called an idiot, but fact was... he did act stupid from time to time. Even if that was the case, I still found myself inspired by Kaito. Maybe it was because of the training.
    "You can stop talking now, but...I guess I'll be an idiot, too," Maki told Kaito.
    "Nyahahaha!" Angie exclaimed, "I'll be an idiot too! If (y/n) is being an idiot along with Kaito, I will be so too! A lot has happened, and I want to rewrite my wrongs from the past!"
    "I will go as well," Kirumi explained, "(y/n) and Keebo made it perfectly clear that there could be a chance on ending this thing in the simulator. I don't know if you all would call it *being an idiot* or not, but I want to stick by (y/n)'s side."
"I kinda wanna see what this simulator does, so I guess I'll go too," Ryoma said, "and since (y/n) is going, I will too. She's slowly helping me find a purpose to live, so I'll continue to follow along."
My eyes widened slightly in response to the words exhibited by Angie, Kirumi, and Ryoma. It was shocking that these people were going because of my words... I knew very well the reason they wanted to stick by my side. It all started from the time they were said to be pronounced dead.
It was because of the fact that I was able to save their lives in some way. It seemed that even after that, many changes were happening that the mastermind didn't seem to expect. Angie was keeping up the Atua act in order to avoid suspicion of the mastermind. Kirumi kept herself acting as the *mom* figure here, and seemingly pledging her services to me, which was something I didn't want.
Ryoma, who was the hardest to bring back felt like he had no reason to live, and that much was obvious. Bringing him back, I offered my friendship to him, and his outlook on life seemed to change. Those were all things that changed ever since we got here, and it felt nice to have people backing me up...
"W-Wait..." Kaede stuttered, "Maki, Angie, Kirumi... you guys are going too...?
"Of course we are going to go..." Maki muttered, "you guys are coming along, right? And don't say no because it's dangerous. We've been in danger for awhile now, so it doesn't matter if something is classified as a little more dangerous."
I knew Maki was speaking the truth. We've been in danger for awhile now, being in this school. We were trapped, and the person of thing behind this was still trying to get us to kill. In that sense, we were in danger. That was the truth.
There was one thing I also knew. Shuichi and Kaede wouldn't be able to *not* go. They want to know the truth like everyone else. They wanted to save everyone as well. I knew for a fact that they would take a chance to ensure everyone's survival.
"Alright...I'll go too," Shuichi stated.
"If Shuichi goes, than I will too," Kaede said with a smile.
"B-But why!?" Tsumugi asked, "it's defiantly going to be dangerous!"
"No matter how dangerous it gets, we just have to do it," Kokichi replied.
"Fine...I'll go too," Himiko muttered, "being left behind will just make me worry."
"If Himiko is going, then I will too!" Tenko exclaimed, "I have to protect my sweet Himiko!"
"Then everyone, except Tsumugi, is going!" Kokichi exclaimed.
"W-Wait..." Tsumugi stuttered in response to Kokichi, "if everyone is gonna go...I will too."
It seemed that everyone who had concerns about going decided to take the chance after everyone else decided that they'd go. I felt slightly relieved that everyone was going.
"Nee-heehee...okay, now everyone's going," Kokichi said.
After Kokichi said that, I couldn't help but find it suspicious. It seemed like Kokichi was planning something, and I didn't even know what he was planning. It was like he wanted us to go.
"Kokichi... what are you planning...?" I asked.
"Ah-haha, of course not, my beloved (y/n)," Kokichi replied, "after Kaito punched me, I became a changed man. So...relax my beloved and just trust me."
Kokichi had a mischievous smile on his face as he said that. It was worrying me slightly. He was telling me to trust him, but I didn't know whether I could or not. He was expecting everyone to trust him when all he did was lie.
Even if he did lie all of the time, his words matched what Miu was telling us, so chances were he wasn't lying which was a first for him. I still couldn't help but feel like he was planning something.
I didn't think I was the only one who thought that Kokichi was planning something. It looked like Rantaro, Shuichi, and Kaede were looking at Kokichi as is they were monitoring him.
"Before I do this, Kokichi... you have to promise me that you aren't lying this time. If you tell me to trust you, and something bad happens, I will never believe you again..." I explained, "I'm serious."
    Kokichi was looking directly at me as I told him that. I was being serious this time. Kokichi was asking me as well as everyone here to trust him even though we knew very well that he was going to lie. Even though I agreed to go into this virtual world to have a chance at ending this game, I didn't want anyone to get hurt in the process.
    "(y/n) is right!" Tenko announced, "in order for us to feel more at ease, you should swear that you aren't pulling our legs when you tell us to trust you!"
    "Nyahahaha! Atua shall tell me whether or not Kokichi is lying!" Angie exclaimed.
    As both Tenko and Angie voiced their concerns, Kokichi was silent. This made his words from before seem more suspicious to me. It was either that, or he was trying to think of a good way to response. I honestly wanted to be able to trust Kokichi, but the fact was... he always seemed to cause mischief. In that case... I couldn't trust him. I wanted to be able to trust everyone here, but it was hard when you knew that no matter how much you stick your neck out for them, they would just take advantage of that.
    "Alright fine," Kokichi finally said, "since my beloved (y/n) asked so nicely, I promise that you guys can trust me this time."
I let out a small sigh in relief in response to Kokichi's words. Hopefully I could trust him, and in all honesty... that was all I could do for now. All I could do was trust that he was telling the truth. He made a promise, so hopefully he wouldn't break it.
"Alright!" Miu exclaimed with a proud smile, "let's get started before you cockroaches change your damn minds!"
After Miu said that, she directed us to the chairs that each had a helmet placed on top. Those helmets were what she was talking about earlier when she explained how we were going to be transported there.
"First, each of you gotta grab a helmet and plant your ass in one of those seats!" Miu explained with a loud volume of voice.
"Okay, fine..." Tsumugi nervously said in response.
With Miu further instructing us, we all took our positions around the computer. It looked slightly cramped because of how many chairs were there were. With each chair, there were also what looked like a small wooden table. These tables were what held the helmets for the virtual world.
    I slowly sat in a chair around the computer, eyeing the visor that was placed carefully on the small wooden table in front of me. Rantaro walked to the chair next to mine, and he gave me a small smile as he sat down. I gave him a smile back, but I was staying silent to let Miu explain what we had to do. I then looked towards the other chair that was next to me, and it looked like Tsumugi was going to sit next to me.
"Hey, (y/n), is this seat taken?" Tsumugi asked.
"No," I replied, "you can sit here, Tsumugi!"
"Alright," Tsumugi replied, "it feels a lot better to sit next to someone who has the same—"
    Tsumugi was cut off as I saw someone push her away from the seat she was about to take. The person who did it... it was Kokichi... Kokichi pushed Tsumugi out of the way of the chair she was going to sit in, and he jumped into the chair with quite the speed.
    "Sorry, Tsumugi, this seat *is* take," Kokichi said with a smile, "you're just going to have to find another place to sit."
    Tsumugi had a slightly glare on her face in response to Kokichi's words, while I had a shocked expression on my features. Kokichi did many things to get on people's nerves, and this time, he pushed Tsumugi out of the way while she was sitting down, seemingly claiming the chair for himself.
    "K-Kokichi, I told Tsumugi that she could sit there," I explained, "why did you push her like that?"
    "Y-Yeah..." Tsumugi stuttered, "don't you think it's kinda rude to push someone like that?"
    Kokichi seemed to shrug the question off with a carefree smile. It was obvious to me that he didn't seem to care about what was being said. I could feel myself getting slightly frustrated with Kokichi while he was making himself look comfortable in that chair.
   "Nah," Kokichi replied with a smile, "nee-hee-hee, I choose this chair as my designated spot! I feel like I have a right to it, considering I set all of the chairs up..."
    I let out a sigh in response to that. He technically had a point on why he wanted to sit there, but the fact was it was still wrong to push Tsumugi out of the way.
    "I understand that you helped set everything up, but you need to respect the others," I muttered, "so can you please let Tsumugi have her seat ba—"
    "Can you all stop chitter chattering!?" Miu shouted, interrupting me, "what part of, *we need to go now* do you cockroaches not fuckin' get! All of you need to get your asses in a seat, so we can get started!"
    "Nee-hee-hee~ you heard her, Tsumugi," Kokichi laughed, "it's best not to fight her words and find another seat."
    "Okay, fine..." Tsumugi muttered in response to his words.
    Tsumugi begrudgingly walked over to the only chair that was available now. That chair was stationed next to Himiko, with Tenko sitting right next to her. Tsumugi seemed very upset that Kokichi seemed to win the argument right now.
     I couldn't do anything but just let Kokichi have his way. Miu didn't want to wait any longer so, that was just what was going to happen. I was sat next to both Kokichi and Rantaro, and I could feel myself groping nervous at that fact.
"Alright! Now that everyone's seated, I'll explain what to do!" Miu exclaimed, "you see those two ports on the back of the visors, right?"
I looked down at the visor that was placed on the small table. I slowly picked up the visor and turned it around to see the back of it. I saw two ports on the back, both empty. This must've been what Miu was talking about.
I wasn't the only one who seemed to turn the visor around. Everyone else did, so everyone else was seeing the two ports that Miu was talking about. Rantaro and Kokichi were both staring at the ports on their visors too.
"You mean this?" Keebo asked, pointing to the ports.
"That's where you plug in the two cords that connect you to the computer!" Miu exclaimed.
After Miu explained that, I looked down at the floor to see a cord in front of my chair. I reached over to pick it up off the ground, and I saw that it was a thick black cord with two smaller cords on the end of it. One of the cords were red, and the other one was blue. These must've been the wires that were supposed to go in the port on the visor. I had no idea what order those had to go in, but I was sure that Miu would tell us.
    "Ah, these cords?" Kaito asked.
    "The red cord is for consciousness, and the blow cord is for memory," Miu explained, "I could start throwin' down some real fancy techno-jargon, but you idiots wouldn't get it... All you need to know is those cords'll cram your consciousness and memory into the virtual world. Just don't shove 'em into the wrong hole! And yes, that *is* what she said!"
    "Okay, fine... if she said so..." Tsumugi muttered in response to that.
    "Miu, what cords go into which ports?" Kirumi asked.
    "I was going to ask that myself," Maki replied.
    "Put the red consciousness cord in the right port, and the blue memory cord in the left," Miu replied.
    "Out of curiosity...what happens if you switch the cords?" Keebo asked in response.
    "I dunno," Miu replied, "I've never done that before... Probably gets all glitchy or something! Maybe you'll become a vegetable, maybe you'll body-swap with someone... Who knows?"
    "Well...I guess we'll just have to be careful not to switch the cords, then," Keebo replied.
    "I-It's okay..." Himiko stuttered, "if we j-j-just stay calm, then there...won't be any problems."
    "H-Himiko is right!" Tenko exclaimed, "if we just do everything right, we won't turn into vegetables!"
    "O-Okay Tenko... so I hold my chopsticks in my r-right hand, so..." Himiko muttered.
    "Calm down my sweet Himiko!" Tenko exclaimed, you can do this!"
    After Tenko's encouraging words to Himiko, we all started fiddling with the wires. I plugged the red cord into the right port, and the blue one in the left. It seemed that everyone followed as well. Everything looked right to me as I stared at the ports I plugged in.
"Then you just gotta put the helmet on your head," Miu explained when she saw we were done, "finally, press the button near your temple and you'll be whisked away to the Virtual World! A paradise more beautiful than the real world, where there's no murder and no Monokuma!"
"So when Gonta press button, "ava-tar" person take Gonta to *Ver-chew-ul World* place?" Gonta asked.
"Oh, for the love of..." Miu muttered, "yeah, sure, whatever makes sense to you. By the way, I tweaked your avatars to make 'em resemble you guys. In fact, compared to your current looks, they're a major improvement!"
'Did she really just say what I think she did...?' I thought.
I understood why Miu made the avatars look like us. It was because we needed to be able to tell each other apart. The default avatar settings were most likely just like blank slates. I still couldn't help but feel slightly offended by Miu telling us that the avatars had better looks than us. We didn't even know what they looked like. Miu was Miu, and it was normal for her to say things that would offend us.
"Congrats, Himiko!" Miu exclaimed, "You don't need to pay for expensive plastic surgery anymore!"
"Don't you say that to Himiko!" Tenko exclaimed, "Himiko is way too beautiful to get plastic surgery! Get your eyes checked!"
"T-Tenko is right..." Himiko muttered, "I never wanted plastic surgery...I like my face."
Tsumugi seemed to sigh lightly after Himiko's words. She was probably still upset over what Kokichi did. She never got to say a word over how she felt being pushed away like that.
"I'm still nervous about this..." Tsumugi muttered, "and I'm still upset with Kokichi..."
"Just shut up and fuckin' do it already, Four-Eyes! Geez!" Miu exclaimed.
"Alright, everybody! Let's go!" Kaito exclaimed.
"Alright!" I exclaimed.
"Have a good time!" Monokuma exclaimed.
I couldn't ignore the chance at discovering the secret to the outside world. I placed the helmet on my head. I took a deep breath after that as I turned on the switch. This was it... this was how I was going to get into the Virtual World. I knew I would see Rantaro there... I would see everyone there. Hopefully, we all wouldn't regret this decision.

Hey guys! So reader is now going into the virtual world! We all know what happens here! (y/n) wants to back up Miu, but sadly she has accepted Miu's interesting behavior.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It's a happy Friday considering that I started my new job on Monday! I'm gonna pace myself to keep writing!

Chapter 5 predictions are due next week! Please
try to have them in by next week if any of you are participating. In any case, I'll see you all next week! Ciao- yuki_no_fuyu

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now