Chapter 5 Part 37: Attempt to Group Together

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Rantaro's POV:

"I will still need time to think about it," Himiko replied, "I know that Angie is there, so I'll keep that in mind too. Just promise me you won't get upset if I get cold feet, okay?"

    Himiko never gave me a chance to respond to her words. She quickly went back into her room, and didn't say another word. I couldn't help but shake my head slightly and chuckle. It was more or less a nervous chuckle in response to the the current situation.
    "This is more difficult than I thought it would be," I chuckled to myself
    Because of Himiko's hesitation, I didn't know what her answer was, so getting Tenko to join was a no-go at the moment. I couldn't exactly show up to her door without getting punched, but perhaps that was coming to me. In a sense I kinda deserved it for what I put (y/n) through, but that wasn't the point.
    My eyes glanced across the dorm rooms in the area. If I couldn't convince Tenko next like I previously planned, I was most definitely going to have to talk to someone else. At this point, it had to be either Keebo or Tsumugi. Since I was already on the top floor, I decided that Keebo was going to be the next person I talked to to try and get him in on the plan.
    Since Himiko's room was to the left of the door, I knew that Keebo's room was to the right of the window that was on both floors in the center back wall of the dorm area. Keebo's door was located to the right of Kokichi's door, which wasn't a long walk. My eyes gazed towards Kokichi's room. A part of me wondered what was in there. I didn't think there could be anything normal in there. Perhaps that was another investigation point I'd need to consider, but if the room was locked, we couldn't exactly get in without the key needed to get in.
    I decided that I would bring up Kokichi's room during the next meeting. I couldn't focus on what was in his room right now because I had an objective to try and band everyone else together, granted I would need help in some cases.
    Blocking the thoughts of what could be Kokichi's room, I made my way over to Keebo's door. I'm a similar fashion to what I did with Himiko, I rang the doorbell for Keebo's room. This is where I decided to change up what I would do. Instead of waiting silently like some sort of suspicious person, I decided to speak through the door.
    "Hey, Keebo, it's Rantaro," I called out from the other side of the door, "do you think we can talk for a moment? It's important."
    I was hoping Keebo could hear me. A part of me wondered how this situation was impacting Keebo. Maybe this would be my chance to find out. I waited patiently at the door. A few moments went by before I heard Keebo at the door. The door cracked open, revealing Keebo. When he opened the door, I could see that he had this look on his face as if he was in dismay.
    "What do you need to talk to me about?" Keebo asked, "is this about everything that's happened, because I don't think I can handle any more of what I feel right now. It's hard to put my finger on, but it doesn't feel too good."
    When Keebo said those words, I had almost forgotten that he had explained that he could feel emotions through calculations. With everything that's happened, it makes sense on why he was feeling this way. Chances were, hopelessness was the thing he felt like all of us. Helplessness and despair.
    "I think I know the emotions you are talking about," I replied, "but I wouldn't say I'm trying to add more stressful things to worry about. What I need to talk to you about is the fact is that we have a plan for rescuing (y/n)."
Keebo's eyes seemed to widen slightly in response to my words. He seemed to think for a moment, trying to find the right words to respond to me. It took a few moments as his metal hand made its way to his chin, pondering for a moment.
"I'm guessing when you mean *we*, you probably mean that everyone in some sense are banding together to sort out a plan," Keebo muttered, "to be honest, I'm kind of surprised that you came by to talk to me. You were kind of avoiding everyone before all of this happened, and to be completely honest, I'm actually upset with you."
    "Who wasn't upset with me?" I asked, "I know for a fact that my choices before this situation happened was not very good. I know that I was in the wrong, so you don't need to say that you're upset with me."
"Wait a minute, so you already understand that you avoided everyone, including (y/n)?" Keebo asked in response, "you already get that your actions had consequences? What on earth has happened since that night... I feel like I've been feeling too hopeless to offer my assistance... It feels like my head is spinning from everything. Why does bad things always happen close to the same time? I don't get it..."
Keebo was asking me if I understood what I did was wrong. I did, but he was asking this based off of not knowing any of the information that came along with why I avoided everyone. My actions did have consequences, and I saw that first hand when Kokichi started showing off the result of what I did. Keebo asked what on earth has happened since that night. A lot has happened since that night, and effort was being made to finalize a plan to end this.
There was something that Keebo told me that made me think a little bit. It always did seem like bad things happened all at once. (y/n) being stressed out about Kaito ignoring her, dealing with the stress of Kokichi finding out her ability. Then I found out what my talent was, and was told by myself through a video not to trust anyone, and then I started avoiding her. Then there was when we found out what this place actually was, along with Kokichi capturing (y/n). It really did seem like bad things kept happening one after, and all in the same period of time.
    "First of all," I spoke, "I know that my actions had serious repercussions. And I feel terrible about it, but there is some information that you don't know. A lot has happened since the night (y/n) was taken hostage."
    In a sense, all I could really explain to Keebo in his first sets of questions was that there was information that he didn't know. He didn't know my talent was the Ultimate Survivor. He doesn't know about the Survivor perk Monopad I received either. I was truthful when I said a lot has happened since (y/n) was taken.
    "You are pretty right about bad things happening at a similar timeframe," I said with a chuckle, "it always feels like one bad thing happens after another. I think it's probably true as bad as that sounds."
    "So basically in a sense, that's life?" Keebo asked, "and before you answer that, I want to ask you something. What exact information do I not know?"
    "Why I pushed everyone away," I replied, "why I pushed (y/n). I decided that after (y/n) was taken hostage that I had to be able to trust and rely on all of you. Explaining my case makes it so I'm easier to trust, yeah?"
    "Hypothetically speaking, explaining your case will make you easier to trust," Keebo replied, "but it doesn't take away the results of the choices you made. And it explaining your case doesn't dictate whether the others would forgive you fully or not. Before Kokichi took (y/n), I spoke with her about how she was feeling. She obviously wasn't okay, but she kept a smile and said that she was fine. She's probably not fine right now."
    Keebo was right. Just because I explained my case to the others, doesn't mean that they should forgive me. It didn't mean that the results wouldn't go away. I was lucky enough to be trusted by everyone, and I was lucky to be forgiven by (y/n). A part of me felt like I didn't deserve forgiveness, but even so, she did want to repair things between us.
    Keebo mentioned that before (y/n) was captured, he spoke with her on how she was feeling. According to him, (y/n) was forcing a smile on her face and saying she was fine, while she wasn't. Keebo even said that (y/n) was probably not fine. That was true in a sense.
    "You are right about that," I replied, "no matter what I do, I can't change the past, nor can I force anyone to forgive me. And about (y/n), she is physically fine for now, but I really don't want to be waiting around to see what happens. We have to get her out of there."
"In that case, I agree with you," Keebo replied, "I feel pretty hopeless right now, but I feel like I shouldn't just give up. I don't want to wait around and see anyone else get hurt. (y/n) has already done enough for us, yet she still protects other people first."
Keebo didn't want to sit around and see anyone else get hurt. That was a good sign because they made it more likely that Keebo was going to help us. I wondered how many of others felt like they couldn't sit around and let anyone else get hurt.
"Why do you think I felt partially idiotic for even thinking that avoiding her was a good idea," I replied with a nervous chuckle, "(y/n) has done a lot for me, and she's done a lot for everyone else. It was only by chance that she had this ability, and instead of using it for herself, she chose to help everyone, even the ones who attempted to hurt her. In the event that you now know how everyone else has stayed alive for this long, would you be willing to join?"
    Keebo seemed to think for a moment. His eyes gazed down as his hand made its way to his chin. It was almost as if he was weighing out the potential outcomes if he did join. He was silent for a few moments as he thought, but I waited patiently for his answer.
    "I do want to help," Keebo replied, "if I were to help though, would the chance of success increase, or decrease? I want to help (y/n) as much anyone else does. I want to know the chance of this plan being successful."
    I thought for a moment in response to Keebo's question. I never thought much about an exact percentage of the chance that the plan would work. In a sense, the percentage didn't matter because this was the final chance we had to end the game and save (y/n). I was sure that our success rate was higher than I thought it would be. At least that was what I'd hope for.
    "I'm not sure what the success rate will be, but I'm sure, but if we all play our card right and continue working together, this will work," I replied, "the plan might be simple, but I feel like it's better to work in numbers rather than alone."
    "I guess that's a good point," Keebo replied, "it's a lot better to work together rather than alone. But usually a logical percentage of success will help me determine the position we are now in. If you say that whatever plan you have will work better in numbers, then I will join."
I smiled lightly when Keebo agreed. I was pretty thankful that he had the idea that we would work better in numbers. I managed to get Keebo to agree to join, and that was a start. It was better than not being able to gather anyone who was shut up in their dorm rooms. I knew mostly everyone here felt like they owed (y/n). After all, she was the one who kept any true murders from happening. It's part of what made her targeted by Kokichi, but it was also the part of her that gave everyone hope as well.
"To be honest, I was worried for a moment that you'd say no," I said with a small chuckle, "I tried to ask Himiko if she would join, but I'm not sure on what her answer is right now. But I'll be hopeful."
"If I said no, that means I'd be saying that I was okay with how things are right now," Keebo replied, "I'm not okay with how things are, how could I possibly be? If there's even a chance that we can help (y/n) out, I will take it."
"Then I'll have to take your word of it," I replied, "once we meet up with the others, I'll let you know the information I have. Does that sound alright?"
"I guess that sounds fine," Keebo replied with a sigh, "I don't know what I'm going to find out, but you better be sure that this information will help."
"I know the information I have on myself will be pretty useful to you," I replied as I rubbed the back of my head nervously, "maybe it also explains some of my actions from when we originally got here, but I guess that's all up for you to decide."
"Getting me to trust you is not done by being vague..." Keebo muttered with a deadpanned look on his face, "you can't just ask me hypothetical questions that lead me to more questions."
"You caught me," I laughed in response, "but how would you know that I'm not being serious. While I was being vague, there is a lot of truth in what I just said. You just have to put it all together once I tell you everything. We will meet later. When dinner time rolls around, come to the dining hall, and I will meet you there."
Keebo let out a sigh before nodding at me. I did tell him the truth about what the information I had would link together. For now, I felt that was the only thing I could bring up. Until Keebo would meet with us later, I had to make him believe that we were doing something simple. I couldn't give him information that would potentially give away our full plan to Kokichi. We all had to walk on eggshells to avoid saying something that shouldn't be said.
    "That sounds like a plan," Keebo replied, "I'll be looking forward to hearing what you and everyone else has to say. For now, I'm going to go back into my room to think about what I can do to contribute. Thank you for stopping by and talking to me."
    "It's not a problem," I replied with a laugh, "I appreciate you hearing me out. I will leave you for now, but I'll see you later."
    "I'll see you later as well," Keebo replied, "when dinner time rolls around, I will be in the dining hall."
    After saying that, Keebo shut the door of his room, going back in. I was pretty glad that I was able to get Keebo to agree to join. Even if he didn't seem to trust or forgive me at the moment, there was still signs that he was giving me the benefit of the doubt. He definitely gave me things to think about as well, so I thought the conversation proved to be successful.
    In light of the conversation with Keebo going well, I wanted to at least try one more person for today. The person who came to my mind as the last person I was going to ask for the time being was Tsumugi. My thoughts were more or less similar to what I my track of thought was before speaking with Keebo. Tsumugi was going to be the next person I visited because I was able to talk to two people on the top floor of the dormitory. Tsumugi's dormitory was located on the bottom floor of the building, as well as rooms like mine and (y/n)'s. I figured it would be a bit easier to work my way down, so in a sense, that was what I was doing.
    I decided to go to the bottom floor of the dormitory, walking to where the stairs were, walking down them one by one. As soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I looked around to know make sure I knew the positioning of Tsumugi's dorm room. Her room was located to the left of the entrance/exit of the dormitory, but her door was the second from the door. Kirumi's dorm room was the one next to the door, so I had to make sure to go to the second door down. It was always easy to find each person's dorm room with the room cards that had a mini picture of each student for each room.
    I walked over to Tsumugi's door. I was sure that she would help us out. I knew that (y/n) and Tsumugi were on some closer terms in terms of their love for anime and manga. I knew that Tsumugi cared about her like all of us did. Whenever the two would get into a conversation, it was always full of cheer and excitement. I knew moments like those were what we had to fight for. If there was any way we could live in peace, we had to win.
I rung the door bell with a nervous smile. Tsumugi would also probably be upset with me for what's happened. Everyone who cared about (y/n) was pretty upset with me, and I did wish I could've just gathered everyone together and then told them. Tsumugi would probably also ask me why I came here after what I've done. I couldn't say I was looking forward to that, because I was constantly reminded of it.
"Hey, Tsumugi," I called out through the door, "it's Rantaro. If you don't mind, I would like to speak with you about something important."
If I wasn't mistaking anything, I almost could make out a sound of surprise come through the door. It was muffled, and if I was hearing things correctly, chances were I startled her. A part of me kind of felt bad, but I knew once that door opened, I was instantly going to get scolded. It wasn't like I didn't have it coming though, and that was the truth.
I could hear footsteps saunter up to the door. The door opened, and what I saw was Tsumugi. Her hair was slightly messy, some strands sticking up and frizzed up. Her eyes had bags underneath them, and the look on her face held one of annoyance. The look she was giving was one that told me that she didn't want to see me.
"What are you doing here?" Tsumugi asked, "especially after sinking one of the best ships I could ship."
    "I'm here because I need to talk to you," I replied, "and I already figured you were going to be upset with me. I talked to Himiko and Keebo, and they seemed to all give me a piece of their minds."
    "And they had every right to," Tsumugi replied, "just like I have the right to be upset with you too. How could I not be upset with you when you were hurt my anime loving friend. You should know that us anime fans plainly just stick together, so yes, I am giving you a piece of my mind."
     "I'm not going to fight that," I replied with a slight chuckle, "I had it coming when everyone else saw me, I still have it coming when it comes to those who haven't gotten the chance to talk to me since the whole event."
     As soon as I told Tsumugi knew that I had it coming when everyone else saw me, she smiled a little bit as if it were a victory for her. It was almost as if she was happy over the fact that it wasn't just her who was going to give me a piece of their mine. Either way, I needed to let this pass over. I wanted to give everyone who hadn't talked to me to give me a piece of their mind, so they could focus on what I had to say.
     "I know I have it coming," I replied with a nervous chuckle, "but you don't really know what happened that resulted in my actions at the time. And I've been aware that I messed up since the night (y/n) was taken hostage. I wouldn't be lying if I said I've heard multiple accounts from multiple people who were upset with me. Just know that I am working on fixing it."
Tsumugi's face seemed to contort into one of shock as soon as she heard my phrasing. I knew I had it coming, and Tsumugi was also unaware of why exactly I was avoiding everyone. Like with Keebo, if she would agree to work with us, then I would tell her. In a sense, I was playing this by ear.
"You're telling me that you have already figured out what you did was wrong?" Tsumugi asked, "and how many people scolded you for you to get the point!?"
"Yes, I'm telling you that I already am aware," I replied, "and if you're asking me how many people scolded me... let's see..."
To be fair, Tsumugi was the first one who asked how many people scolded me for what I did. I thought for a moment, counting up the people on the top of my brain. I found myself easily losing track. I could think of Maki, Miu, Kaede, Kaito, Kirumi, chances were Angie. Those were all I could think of including both Himiko and Keebo. That was already seven people.
    "I'd say it's around a solid seven people," I laughed nervously, "but with you now it'll be at an all time eight."
    I couldn't help but joke about it slightly. I knew I messed up, but this really did do it. I was still feeling underlying frustration of myself for what I did. Even so, I knew I deserved everything that was being handed to me right now. That in terms was Karma, and it was a result of my actions.
    "So basically you were going to just let me say what I wanted to say?" Tsumugi asked, "and then speak to me about something important?"
    "Basically," I replied, "it happened each time when I went to speak with Himiko and Keebo. Both of them scolded me, and when I met with the others in the dining hall at first, they weren't to happy to see me."
"That is something that makes plain sense," Tsumugi replied, "but if you are saying that people already scolded you, then I won't give any of it. The only thing I ask is that you tell me what it is exactly that you want to talk about with me. Is that a deal?"

I am going to end things here for today! Moving the plot along by having Rantaro recruit those who are still in their dorm rooms. Himiko is an "I don't know", and Keebo is a for sure. A part of me is wondering how long this day in Danganronpa lasted for this story, because there's no doubt that there are 5 chapters or more. I could be wrong though.

Rantaro is going through thoughts about how he deserves everyone being upset with him. I mean a lot of people were upset with what Rantaro pulled. He is learning from his mistake though.

I have a wedding this weekend, so I'm glad I was able to update before then. In a week also I'm yeeting myself across the country to meet my special someone. I don't know if I'll be able to update for the two weeks that I'm gone, so I'm giving a bit of a notice. Or maybe my special someone will have me write out an update with them. They are a reader here after all, I swear it's how we met.

Also in the rant is the fact that the new demon slayer season is fire. I've been making Doma brain rot because the man won't stop haunting me. I'm just about tempted to paste a video here that I made because I stg the man is my sleep paralysis demon at the moment. I want to pass the problem along, so who wants Doma to be their problem? Idk but the demon scares me, and I'll just leave it there because I know I'm being weird ;w;

I hope you all enjoyed this weeks update, and I hope you enjoyed my small rant. It was probably just like a cringy authors note, but oh well. I'll catch y'all next week, and please be sure to enjoy the fact that Keebo has joined the rescue squad!- yuki_no_fuyu

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora