Chapter 3 Part 21: Respects to the Deceased

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    Your POV:

    My eyes were were widened at the scene before me. Angie was dead before me, a pool of blood where her corpse was. An occult like ambiance filled the room as effigies were hung up to make an eerie scene.
I felt like I was going to throw up there and now. Experiencing this was terrible. Seeing how Ryoma was before getting eaten by piranhas was more gruesome, but this was also very shocking.
I knew she tried to kill me. I know she wanted to use me as a sacrifice. Despite that, why did I want to bring her back.
That was an easy answer. I wanted to escape this wretched place with everyone. That determination would tear through all of the negatives of the situation. Determination that brought me to try my hardest to forgive her. I wanted to believe in her. Hopefully bringing her back would do the same as it did for Kirumi. That's what I was hoping.

*ding dong, dong ding*

Hearing the sound coming from the monitor, I looked up at it upon instinct. Was I really used to this. Was I really used to hearing that wretched announcement every time people discovered someone's death?
A display of three Monokubs popped up. They were all holding drinks that they always have when they appear on screen. Monophanie looked like she was going to be sick.
    Monophanie then puked on the spotted couch they always sit on while doing these broadcasts. It was green this time. Monotaro took note of the green pile of puke. It was strange on why this bear was doing so. It always was strange how these small robotic bears acted in times like this. I wondered why I was even still looking at the broadcast. Something bad happened, and those damn Monokubs always broadcasted pointless things, while Monokuma broadcasted the deaths to everyone else.
    Monotaro then explained that Monophanie's green puke was an omen of bad luck and disaster. With that, the monitor turned off leaving the people in the room in shock.
    I was shaking slightly as my attention went back to Angie who was dead on the floor. I didn't want to believe another student murdered. This wasn't my goal at all. My goal was to get everyone out of here, alive and well. I couldn't do that if I decided not to bring Angie back.
    I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Rantaro there. He smiled at me lightly, but then his face went serious. He nodded at me, and I understood what he meant.
    Rantaro was hurt by what Angie did. He showed that emotion when he snapped at Angie back yesterday. He had a reason to be upset. He had a reason for me not to bring her back. He understood this very well, yet he still gave me the sign to do so. To help her.
    Soon enough, everyone piled into the room to take a look at what happened to Angie. The student council members seemed to be shocked that their leader laid dead in front of them. I felt bad, but soon enough she would be back. I just needed an excuse to be alone with the body. I needed to pay my respects to her even though I knew what I was planning.
"So that Atua my guide her soul to the gates of heaven..." Keebo muttered, looking down.
"Atua...please take care of Angie!" Gonta exclaimed as tears fell down his face.
Tenko was silent, tears in her eyes. I knew Tenko didn't mean anything about what she said about Angie the day prior to this one. She may have said that she wished Angie was dead in her way, but she didn't mean it. Someone could say that they want someone dead for some reason, but when it happens, they realize that they didn't mean what they said.
"H-Hey... Why did it end up like this?" Tsumugi asked, fear in her eyes, "didn't Angie...have Atua with her?"
"Clearly she didn't," Maki replied, "she faced karma for what she did to (y/n)," Maki explained.
"Angie did have Atua!" Gonta exclaimed, "Even though she almost kill friend... Atua stick by Angie no matter what!"
Himiko looked down in response to what Gonta said. I knew Himiko was close with Angie. Even with Angie introducing her to Atua, they were still close. They would always hang out with each other. This was probably hitting Himiko hard.
Himiko was probably feeling close to what I did when Rantaro wound up dead. It was shocking and despair inducing. It was like I lost everything at that moment. That's how Himiko was feeling and I knew exactly what it felt like.
"We don't have time to be talking about this!" Kaito exclaimed, "instead of talking about Atua—"
"Yeah! We gotta talk about which one of us is the culprit, and win this killing game!" Kokichi exclaimed, interrupting Kaito.
Kokichi seemed very excited about this. He always acted like this when a body was discovered. I had no idea if he was lying or not. It still concerned me that he was acting like this, all of us shocked and upset. It seemed like he knew something like this was going to happen, yet he acts carefree and happy about it.
"W-Wait, part of the killing game?" Mine asked nervously.
"What else could it be?" Maki asked in response, biting her thumbnail, "the fact that Angie's dead can only mean one thing... One of us killed her."
"B-But...why would someone do such awful thing!?" Gonta asked.
"Is that really what happened...?" Tsumugi asked in response.
I was slightly confused to what she meant. Only one of us could've done it, and I was going to reverse what this person did at all costs. That was what I wanted to do.
    Shuichi seemed confused at what Tsumugi said. None of us knew what she mean by her phrasing. None of us knew what she was hinting at.
    "It's possible the culprit who killed Angie wasn't one of us, but—" Tsumugi said before...
    The cheerful catchphrase of the colorful robotic bears entered the room, making cascades of color around everyone. They were here, and I don't think anyone wanted them to be here.
    The three bears popped up out of nowhere like Monokuma, but we knew they were coming from the loud catchphrase they did. The first thing that happened when the bears showed up was Monophanie puking a large amount onto the floor. Just like in the body discovery announcement, the puke was green. It was gross to me.
    There was also glitter surrounding the vomit as well which concerned me slightly. I couldn't help but groan in annoyance to their arrival.
    Monotaro mentioned that this was a vomit soaked entrance. He basically thought it was creative for some reason. He also mentioned that her puke was green as well. He said that it was an ominous sign. I had no idea why he even thought that though.
Monophanie then asked why a murder would happen. She was sweating profusely as she was saying this. She called out Monodam because he wanted everyone to get along.
She was right about that. I didn't know if it was some sort of lie or not, but it seemed like they were trying to get us to get along. I wanted to get along with everyone, but not with the help of those cursed bears.
Monodam then told his sister and brother that overcoming this would get us closer. I wasn't sure if it would get us closer. What would most likely happen is that it would make us more suspicious of each other. It would make us not want to believe in each other until we break down and turn into emotionless people who have seen friends die.
I wasn't going to let that happen. I wasn't going to let any more people suffer. Monodam was then asking if bonds got closer during the class trial.
That answer was also a no for me because I'm a class trial, we are constantly suspecting someone for committing a crime. How can we get closer with people under those circumstances. It didn't make any sense on why those damn cubs were thinking that this would be the way to get us to bond... it's torture.
I felt my eyes widen slightly at what was said. I felt something deep in my soul crack. I was feeling myself snap from that line. That wasn't true... I couldn't take them saying that this was true.
I was breathing heavily as I felt the wear and tear of screaming like that. I haven't snapped like that since when Rantaro was supposedly dead. I didn't want to snap at everyone, but I couldn't take what was being said by those robotic bears anymore.
The room was silent from my outburst. The only thing heard in the room was my breathing. The commotion stopped for what seemed like hours. Everyone was looking at me with shock in their eyes, because I barely snapped at anyone like that.
Monodam nervously explained that he was conducting a "friendly" class trial. He was still going on about this even after I screamed bloody murder to him about what he said. There was no escaping the class trial either way. I had to face it even though in the future, it'd be pointless. Soon enough, Angie would be back, smiling with Himiko and the rest of her friends.
We were handed a Monokuma File by Monotaro. We also got Monophanie's opinion. She said we should stop the killing and dying. She was probably the most levelheaded Monokub. She said that dying is lame. I didn't agree with her on it being lame. Death was sad no matter what.
    Living was more of the rage to Monophanie. It was true because everyone wants to live a happy life. It's only natural to want something like that.
    After Monophanie said that line, she let out another stream of green puke. I could feel myself grow nauseous just from watching her. That combined with seeing Angie's body made this worse for me. This was going to be bad luck according to the Monokubs, and after that, they left.
    "As there is no use complaining, we are better off beginning our investigation..." Kiyo explained, "so everyone... We all know what we need to do, yes?"
    "Yep. I mean, by the second true murder, we should all be pretty used to dead bodies," Kokichi explained.
    I felt myself grow nauseous when Kokichi said that. He was too happy about this, and he was assuming that we would be used to these horrible things that we've seen. I wasn't used to it. I would never be used to it. The only reason I was doing this was to get everyone out alive. For that to happen... I need to be alone with Angie... or at least with people I can trust.
    "N-Not Gonta! No way Gonta ever get used to this!" Gonta exclaimed.
    "Trust me, you don't want to get used to this... No one should get used to this..." Maki explained with a slight glare.
    "Nee-heehee..." Kokichi laughed, "that's nice and all, but it seems pretty insincere coming from an assassin."
    'Uh oh...' I thought.
    Maki glared at Kokichi as a response to what he said. She was obviously angry with him for what he said about her.
Keebo recommended that we should investigate. We had no choice, but I at least wanted to get everyone out of the room so I could 'give Angie my respect". I needed to do this.
"Hey guys... do you mind if you all leave for a few minutes. I want to say goodbye to Angie alone..." I muttered.
"(y/n), I'm staying with you," Rantaro told me.
"So will I," Shuichi replied, "I have to give my respects to Angie as well."
"You guys do whatever. I'm going to investigate," Kokichi told us, "but (y/n), don't take too long. I don't want anything weird happening while anyone is alone."
I felt my blood go cold when he said that. A chill went up my spine in response. What did he know? Did he know about the gene? Was he trying to suspect me? I felt slightly lightheaded at the mention of that. It was terrifying. It was like he was looking through me. This made me realize that Kokichi knew a lot more than he let on. To the point that it was creepy to me. I needed to find a way to get him to drop the subject.
With a burst of determination, I hid the terrified expression that would've soon made its way onto my face. I kept the same expression, and I decided to try and reassure him.
"Why would anything weird happen?" I asked, "I think it's this killing game messing with your head. Please don't strain yourself too much, Kokichi."
Everyone was leaving the room as I said that. Everyone was leaving aside from the people who said they'd stay. Kokichi was silent for a moment, giving a carefree smile. Was that really what that was?
"I won't strain myself too much, (y/n)," Kokichi replied, "by the way, you do know I can tell a lie from the truth, right? You should be wary of that."
With that, Kokichi walked away, leaving me a shocked mess. I was uncomfortable. Did he actually know what was going on? The worst part about this was the fact that I didn't know if he was the mastermind or not. If he was the mastermind and he found out, I would defiantly be killed. That feeling started to weigh on me from gloom and fear. I needed to start this now though.

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now