Chapter 4 Part 19: Mentions of a Virtual World

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Your POV:

It seemed that this whole situation was a bit unnerving in my mind. Miu not only told me to go to the computer lab on the fourth floor, but she told that to everyone as well. When she spoke to me about it, she wouldn't lay off telling me to let Rantaro "rail" me, and anything along those lines.
When Miu started telling us to bow to her because when Kaede and Shuichi did it, it awoke something in her... it seemed to cause Kokichi to tell her that she should be the one bowing to us. That led us to where we were now. In all honesty, I didn't know how Miu was going to respond to Kokichi's words.
    "Huh!?" Miu responded with.
    "You want us to listen, right?" Kokichi asked, placing his hand over his mouth in an ominous manner, "then get down on your knees and beg like a dog."
    'Oh my god...' I thought, 'he really does like to stir the pot even more, doesn't he...?'
    I knew very well what was going on right now. I mean, Kokichi did have a point. Miu should be giving all of us a reason to listen to her, I knew that... but even if she didn't give an answer, I would still want to listen because I wanted to be nice. Kokichi's words were nothing more to cause drama, and Miu seemed to take his words to heart, her bold expression faltering into a more nervous and timid one.
    "Wh-What the hell?" Miu asked, "isn't that...weird?"
    "Everyone's wasting their precious time on a worthless piece of trash like you," Kokichi explained, "so you better bow down and beg. C'mon, hurry it up—"
    "Kokichi, that's enough!" I exclaimed, interrupting Kokichi.
    I honestly didn't know if Kokichi was lying or not about this whole thing. He was very hard to read, and I knew that all too well. What I couldn't stand was the fact that he constantly belittled Miu. Time after time again, these two would always be at each other's throats... but Kokichi would always egg it on like it was so much fun for him to do.
    For some reason... it felt like something within me snapped slightly when I heard what he called Miu. I didn't say anything about it before, because it was always in the midst of a trial, where we needed to be focusing on finding the culprit... but I couldn't let his comments stand anymore.
    "What do you mean by *that's enough?*" Kokichi seemed to ask in response.
    "I'm getting sick and tired of you belittling Miu. You both are constantly at each other's throats, and when Miu stops making those comments at you, you keep on egging her on," I explained, "can't you just be serious for one second and let her talk without having to be reduced to bowing down? Or do you have to constantly ridicule her when I can empathize with once being called terrible things by others."
    "What a turn of events!" Kokichi exclaimed, "my beloved (y/n), defending the worthless cum dumpster."
I could feel myself feel angry at this. I knew very well how Miu acted. They were both in the wrong for the way they acted towards each other, but right now... I was addressing Kokichi, and he proceeded to belittle her. I wanted to say something, but before I could, he started talking again.
"Nee-hee-her~ It looks like (y/n) wants to stay and listen to what this trashy whore has to say," Kokichi explained, "but I'm sure the rest of us want to see her bow down like a whittle puppy~!"
"C-C'mon! Just let me off the hook already!" Miu exclaimed, "w-why am I the one who has to bow down when I stayed up all night getting this ready for everyone—"
"Okie then!" Kokichi exclaimed, "everyone aside from (y/n), let's gooooo!"
"W-W-Wait!!!" Miu exclaimed.
After Miu called for everyone else aside from me to wait, I looked in her direction. Tears seemed to stream out of her eyes showing a look of sadness in her eyes. I never saw this expression come from Miu, and the fact was... it looked like she was being genuine...
I could feel my eyes widen when I saw Miu go down on her knees, placing her hands. Seeing this... it was almost as if she collapsed to the floor in desperation, seemingly bowing to everyone. It was like her pride was reduced a significant amount, and it made me feel bad.
Looking over at everyone to see their reactions, Tenko, Kaede, Tsumugi, Himiko, and Angie seemed to have shocked looks on their faces. Everyone else however, seemed to look very confused and a bit stoic about the whole thing.
"I about it..." Miu said, her voice sounding sad and desperate.
Miu was silent at this moment, and she seemed to have mushrooms growing out of her head. This reminded me of Ouran High School Host Club where Tamaki started growing mushrooms in Haruhi's storage room. As much as I wanted to giggle at the uncanny resemblance, I felt sorry for Miu. It reminded me about myself when no one aside from my two friends would listen to me.
I walked over to her and placed my hand on her shoulder. I was concerned slightly, so I gave her a light smile. I wanted to make her feel better.
"Hey, Miu, are you alright," I asked.
"I-I don't know..." Miu muttered in response, "I don't even get why you would try and stand up for me..."
"It's because I care," I told her, "please stand up. Everyone should be more than happy to listen to what you have to say. Right?"
When saying that, I emphasized the last word I said to get everyone's attention. I looked over at everyone when this happened, and I saw that everyone seemed to catch on.
"I kinda feel sorry for her..." Keebo muttered, "so I will listen."
    "Hey... (y/n)'s right..." Tsumugi muttered, "let's at least hear her out."
    "Even though she acts like a common degenerate, we should still listen," Tenko replied.
    "Miu helped Shuichi and I create the cameras for the trap we tried," Kaede explained, "she didn't have to help us out, but she did. I feel like I should listen to her as a way to pay her back for the favor she did us."
    "If (y/n) thinks it's best, then I agree," Rantaro said with a small chuckle, "if I didn't stay to support her, then what kind of boyfriend would I be."
    I smiled lightly when Rantaro said this. It seemed that after that was said, many of the others started to discuss that they should hear Miu out. When this was all going on, Miu seemed to keep sulking even though I tried to make her feel better. One thing I had to realize though... it was the fact that even if I said something to a certain someone to try to get him to act more respectful... it never worked...
    "Did ya hear that, Miu?" Kokichi asked, "good for you!"
    I was expecting Miu to say something in response to Kokichi's words, but she didn't. She still had that sad expression on her face. It was almost as if she had forgotten that someone had stood up to her. Silence did speak volumes, and it was obvious to me that Miu was still very bummed out by what just transpired.
    "How long are you gonna be depressed for, you sow!?" Kokichi exclaimed, "hurry up and tell us, squid-breath!"
    I could feel myself tense up at Kokichi's words. I knew from past experiences that I couldn't be the one to make someone change. It had to be the person's choice, and this was no different. I felt upset because it felt like my words got nowhere with him.
    "Heeeee!" Miu exclaimed in response to Kokichi's words, "y-yes sir!"
    It seemed that Kokichi's words seemed to get Miu out of her bummed out state only slightly. I was still upset over the words he used. He used forceful and rude words to get her to start talking. I honestly didn't even know what those words meant to her. I knew I would have a more serious conversation about this with Kokichi later, but for now, I needed to listen to what Miu was about to say.
    "U-Ummmm... So when I said *another world,* I was talkin' about this big-ass computer..." Miu explained.
    In response to Miu's words, I found myself looking in the direction of the huge computer that was bigger than everyone here. It had wires plugged into it. This was what Miu meant by the big computer. It seemed however that I wasn't the only one looking up at it. Everyone else seemed to look at it as well.
    "So you're talking about this large computer," Kirumi explained, "please do go on."
    "Th-There's this device connected to the computer that you put on your head..." Miu explained, "it uploads your consciousness so you can go into a world created by a computer program."
I found myself slowly understanding what Miu said about having us "escape". I realized she was planning on having us escape the killing game by going into a virtual reality. Miu's explanation reminded me of an anime called Sword Art Online. That anime in particular took place in a virtual reality, and with the helmets, the coincidence was uncanny.
The thing about this anime was the fact that if someone died in the virtual reality, they would die in real life. I found myself deep in thought about it because I only saw it in an anime.
'Is it possible to die from virtual reality in this place...?' I thought, 'perhaps I'm just overthinking everything, but I can't help but be suspicious about that.'
I probably was overthinking everything. Dying in a virtual reality game was just a plot choice, but for some reason... so many anime references were made by that bear. I had no idea whether or not to trust the computer. While stuck in thought, Kaito was wondering what Miu meant by a world created by a computer program.
When Kaito asked this, I pushed the thoughts I was having to the back of my head. I needed to focus on this. Miu was probably going to explain what she meant by it.
Before Miu could reply to Kaito, Gonta told everyone that he understood what she was saying. He mentioned something about breaking open the computer, so everyone could go inside. In response to that, Miu literally screamed that if he forced his way in, then he'd destroy it. The face the inventor was making when she screamed that told me that she was making an inappropriate comment about it too which didn't surprise me.
"You mean this virtual reality, right?" Maki asked.
"Is it virtual reality!?" Angie asked, "did Atua give you a hand in creating it Miu!?"
"D-Don't link that petty ass bitch of a god!" Miu exclaimed, "i-it's more than just virtual reality... It's...a virtual world... Because...your consciousness will be able to move around as if you're in the real world."
"Ah!" Tsumugi exclaimed, "it's the matrix! I saw a movie about that sort of thing on TV when I was little!"
"This whole thing just reminds me of Sword Art Online..." I muttered, "I feel like this is just like the anime..."
"There seems to be an anime about anything nowadays, huh?" Rantaro asked with a nervous chuckle.
"That's pretty accurate..." I muttered, "to get on crazy anime topics, there's an anime about a world where sex is illegal—"
"H-How the hell can an anime like that exist!?" Miu asked, "if sex was illegal, I'd literally die!"
'Why doesn't her words surprise me...?' I thought.
When Rantaro asked me his question, it caused me to give the description of an anime with a crazy story. There were basically a bunch of anime that had crazy plots to them. Because of my talent I knew of a lot of them, as well as watching them as well.
    "Just forget I said that," Miu said, "alright, now! Let's go!"
    "Huh? Go?" Kaito asked in response, "like, to the virtual world?"
    "Yeah! Let's all go together!" Miu exclaimed in response to Kaito.
    "No way!" Himiko exclaimed angrily in response.
    "If Himiko isn't going, then I won't either!" Tenko exclaimed.
    "What!? Why!?" Miu exclaimed, "you promised that we'd all come at the same time!"
    I couldn't help but feel slightly upset about that. While I wanted to hear Miu out and stand up for her... I never promised her anything. She only came to my dorm to get me to come to the computer lab. It was probably like that for the others as well. We didn't promise anything, and I knew that. I never agreed to go into the virtual world... not yet at least.
    It seemed that Kaito shared a similar thought, but instead of keeping that thought on the inside, he decided to yell out. He made it perfectly clear that he didn't promise to do anything, and proceeded to ask her what she was talking about. Kaito seemed pretty angry, and that was understandable.
    I didn't want to mention anything like that because there was a question going through my head. As explained before, I saw this sort of thing happen in an anime. I wondered what was going to happen to our consciousness once we entered the computer. That was the thought on my mind.
    "Miu.... can I ask a question?" Kaede asked, "what will happen to our consciousness when when we're in the computer program?"
    "Oh, so we use avatars as our new bodies to link our consciousness to the Virtual World," Kokichi replied.
    "You seem to know about this a lot more than the rest of us, Kokichi," Rantaro explained, "why don't you enlighten us on why that is."
    "So the playboy wants to know how I have all of this information, hm?" Kokichi seemed to ask.
    When Kokichi replied to Rantaro's question, he didn't answer it... not yet anyway. It seemed that when Kokichi spoke, I could hear slight disdain in his voice. I've heard his tone go like this for awhile. It seemed that this always happened when Rantaro seemed to ask a question or even speak. It was like Kokichi was always forcing a smile. I didn't know what Rantaro did for this to happen...
    "Kokichi, can you just please answer the question?" I asked, "I can hear that you're not pleased about something, but can you please just try to be respectful, and answer Rantaro's question?"
    "Alright fine. Only because my beloved asked so nicely!" Kokichi exclaimed, all disdain leaving his voice, "Miu told me everything already! That's why I know this information! I even helped her prepare our trip to the Virtual World! I brought all of our seats here, which was hard considering that there doesn't seem to be enough room in here for 17 chairs..."
    'So that's why it looked like everything was cramped...' I thought, 'Kokichi helped Miu get chairs in here... If he doesn't like Miu... then what was his gain from all of this...?'
    I honestly couldn't really believe that Kokichi decided to help Miu, but I guess that was the truth. Kokichi had to have some sort of gain by helping Miu, and I was guessing it had to do with information she could give him. Kokichi seemed to dislike Miu, and I knew that by the way he acted. I couldn't help but think that he'd only help her for his personal gain.
    "In exchange for helping her out, I made her tell me the reason," Kokichi explained.
    "So that's what the apology was," Shuichi noted.
    "Um... What are you guys talking about?" Gonta asked, "what's this... *ah-vuh-tar*?"
    "It's pretty straightforward," Ryoma replied, "an avatar is a character that represents someone in the Virtual World. So in other words, the avatars will represent us while we're there."
    "In other words, this computer will transfer our consciousness from our bodies..." Miu trailed off, "...and shove 'em into avatars inside the Virtual World. And then...we'll have new bodies in a new world without murder and Monokuma!"
     After Miu explained that concept, I couldn't help but have a certain question on my mind. What would happen to our bodies when we went into this world...? How long would we be there for...? Those were questions I wanted answered. It was pretty easy to figure out why I felt like those question needed to be answered.
"Miu, what will happen to our real bodies?" I asked.
"I'm wondering the same thing," Shuichi replied.
"Your body will basically be asleep for the duration," Miu explained in response to Shuichi and I, "in that sense, it'll be like a dream."
When Miu explained it, I found myself understanding what this whole consciousness thing was going to do. In her words, it would be like we were asleep, a dream taking place while we were in the virtual world. Normally dreams were a finicky thing. Most of the time, a person won't be able to remember the full dream, so I found myself now wondering how we would remember every single thing that happened.
"What about our memories?" I asked, "normally dreams are kinda weird, and we don't remember every detail of ever dreams."
"To explain that, your consciousness will be transferred back into your real bodies when you log out, so you will wake up remember in everything!" Miu explained, "alright, let's go!"
"Like I said, we're not going," Himiko told Miu with an angry look, "it's defiantly dangerous."
"Shut the fuck up, donkey-lips!" Miu exclaimed, "I'm tellin' you, it's not fuckin' dangerous!"
"Saying that makes it sound even more dangerous!" Himiko exclaimed in response.
"Himiko is right!" Tenko exclaimed, "Himiko doesn't have donkey-lips, and you need to be nicer to her if you want us to take you seriously!"
    "Heeeeeeeeeeee!" Mix exclaimed in response to that, "wh-what the—? Am I...really that untrustworthy? Well then you'll be relieved to know that I didn't even create this Virtual World... Someone else made it, apparently."
Miu had a timid tone for the first sentence she spoke, and then with utmost confidence, she told us that she didn't create the Virtual World. I was slightly confused on that fact, and there was one thought in my mind.
'Isn't it more suspicious that someone else made it...?' I thought.
I was wondering who made the virtual world. The answer was most likely obvious, but I still did want to ask. If this computer already had a program on it, chances were, Monokuma was behind it.
"So, Miu..." Rantaro trailed off, "who created this Virtual World?"
Before Miu could respond to Rantaro's question, I heard the all too familiar sound. That sound was the same each time we asked a question that related to anything of importance here. That sound was Monokuma popping up, quote-on-quote gracing us with his presence.
"That's right!" Monokuma exclaimed, "it was me!"
"Nyeeeh!" Himiko exclaimed, "I knew it!"
Himiko's words were just. I had a feeling that Monokuma was the one behind this "Virtual World" as well. It made perfect sense since this computer was something that was in this school. Everything in this school was renovated by Monokuma, and this was a fact since we first got here. It would be no surprise that Monokuma was the one who created this program.
After Himiko stated that she knew Monokuma made the program, I heard the catchphrase that signified the entrance of the Monokubs. Everything seemed to be a pattern here. The Monokubs popped up right after the line was over.
"Oh, Daddy!" Monophanie exclaimed, "you really can do anything!"
"Huh? Daddy?" Monotaro asked, "which my daddy?"
"Monotaro seems to be sufferin' with some amnesia," Monosuke explained.
It seemed that after the yellow Monokub explained that, the red one seemed to look around for a few moments. It seemed that that cub seemed to look at Keebo, pointing at him.
"Him!" Monotaro exclaimed, "he's my daddy!"
"No I'm not!" Keebo exclaimed in response.
"Now then, allow me to explain!" Monokuma exclaimed, "I used a certain program as a template to create the Virtual World... And that program is...the killing game simulator!"
My eyes widened slightly in response to that. The template Monokuma used was a killing game simulator...? It seemed that I wasn't the only one who was confused by this. The others aside from Miu , Maki, and Ryoma seemed to have a shocked look on their faces. I knew very well that Maki and Ryoma weren't really caught off guard by anything. Since we trained together, I knew this fact very well.
"...Killimg game simulator?" Maki asked.
"I refuse to go in there now!" Tenko exclaimed, "I'm not letting myself die in a game!"
    "I agree!" Tsumugi replied, "with this information, I've made up my mind! I defiantly won't go in there now!"
    "Atua says it is way to dangerous to go in!" Angie exclaimed, "I will take his advice and stay out of harm's way!"
    It seemed that a lot of people were now defiantly not wanting to go in. I felt like it was too dangerous to go in as well. Considering that this program was a "Killing Game" simulator, it was obvious on why we didn't want to go in.
    "W-W-Wait!" Miu exclaimed, "I said wait, damnit!"
    "If Monokuma was the one who made it, then it must be dangerous," Kirumi explained, "I don't exactly blame anyone for not wanting to go."
    "I pulled an all-nighter investigating it, and I deleted everything dangerous from it..." Miu explained, "it's definitely safe! I swear!"
    When Miu said that, I couldn't help but be slightly skeptical. Miu mentioned that she deleted everything dangerous from it. I honestly hoped that that was true. I couldn't do anything but trust her word.
    With that, I was thinking about this situation as I witnessed everyone speaking. Kokichi bringing up that this was actually a simulator... Keebo saying that it might not be. This was Monokuma here... but then things took a weirder turn.
    Monotaro was calling Keebo "daddy," and he began to call Miu "mommy". This was all after Keebo kept on telling the small red Monokub that he wasn't his father, and this was after Himiko told Keebo to play along... and after Miu mentioned that we were just angry because we haven't been to the virtual world yet, and she  told us that we would fall in love with her once we did. The one line Miu said that stuck with me was...
    "So...let's just dive in right in, okay? We'll do it together."
    If Miu was telling the truth, then this wouldn't be classified as a killing game simulator anymore. Those were words Kokichi used, and if Miu was truthful, which Monotaro seemed to agree with... then it must've been the truth. It seemed that Miu kept on making a lot of inappropriate responses, but that was just Miu.
    Kokichi seemed to be taking Miu's side on this, and that much was slightly suspicious to me. I didn't really think anything of it because Kokichi was just Kokichi.
    "I mean, Monokuma created this world, right? Maybe he laid a bait to lure us in!" Kokichi exclaimed, "like...a super duper crazy secret hidden in that world!"
    Kokichi always lied a lot, but his seemingly mischievous smile when he said that... I thought it was a lie... but it wasn't. The thing was... I didn't know this secret, but soon... soon we would know about the motive... the motive in the Virtual World.

Sorry about the speedy finish. I'm kinda trying to get the ball rolling right now. Basically some points were basically touched up on, so we can get closer to the bigger events in chapter four.

We are getting so close to chapter five, and this story is slowly getting closer to ending. By now, we are already over halfway done with the events. I plan for there to be a sequel. A lot is going to happen, so I hope you will all read to the very end once I actually finish this book.

In any case, please keep in mind that chapter 5 predictions are due in a couple of weeks. Whoever is participating, please have the art in soon. You all don't have to do this competition or anything like that. I don't want anyone to feel like they have to do it.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I may or may not be working on art that spoils Demon Slayer Mugan Train... let's just say tears were shed... ciao- yuki_no_fuyu

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now