Chapter 3 Part 7: The Second Flashback Light

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Your POV:

    "I really don't get that guy..." Rantaro told me with a sigh, "it's almost as if he's obsessed with you... and I don't like it.."
    These words were a shock to me. Rantaro was normally so laid back. I had no idea if he was jealous or concerned for my well being.
    It was obvious to me that Kokichi got "attached" to me. With what he called me every time I was in the same room as him, I wondered who even noticed this was happening.
    "Rantaro..." I finally spoke, "are you jealous, or are you concerned about me?"
    Rantaro seemed shocked about the question I asked. I'm sure it was the part about him being jealous that shocked him. I stood there silently to wait for my answer.
    "If you want my honest opinion, it's kinda both..." Rantaro replied causally, "I'm more concerned about your wellbeing though. I mean I get pretty weird vibes from Kokichi."
(Vibe check)
    "I feel the same way, but we have to be careful," I replied, "I don't know who I can and can't trust. One of us is the mastermind."
    "I get that," Rantaro replied, "if we have to be careful, then why don't we bring the flashback light down."
    "Great idea," I replied.
We looped back around to meet up with the rest of the group. Everyone was staring at the door.
"Does anyone know why Kokichi ran off?" Kaede asked.
"Maybe because he insulted me, and I scared him off..." I replied.
"Kokichi made a rude comment about her depression," Rantaro told everyone with a sigh.
"I can see why she got mad then..." Tsumugi replied.
I told everyone that we found the Flashback Light. We all were supposed to go to the dining hall to see what memory we'd get this time. Everyone did agree because we'd all be in one place. If we all are in one place, we should be able to use the light on everyone.
We all headed back down to the dining hall. We made it past the second floor where Ryoma and Maki's Labs were. We made it past the first floor which held the Labs of Kaede, Gonta, Kirumi, and myself. We finally got to the ground level floor where all we'd have to do is turn left to get to the dining hall. That's what we did.
Once we got inside of the dining hall, I noticed everyone else was there. Keebo, Kokichi, Tenko, Himiko, Angie, Kirumi, Kiyo, and Miu. This was in addition to the group of people that I was with, Gonta, Tsumugi, Kaede, Shuichi, Rantaro, and I.
I looked towards Miu and Keebo. A deep blush appeared on my face after this... I guess they were done with their so called "maintenance", but the damage has already been done to
Keebo looked very eager to see all of us. Everyone did. I'm guessing they were desperate to get more memories as well. We all walked up to the group in anticipation.
    "(y/n)! Is it true that you've found another Flashback Light!?" Keebo exclaimed.
    "Yeah... it's true," I replied, "don't give me too much credit. Anyone could've found it."
    "Wait, so Kokichi *wasn't* lying!" Tenko exclaimed, "I'm stunned! Startled! Shocked!"
    "We all need to calm down," Kirumi said calmly, "it would be hard not to believe Kokichi about this because we all know Miss (y/n) is a reliable person."
    "See? I told you I wasn't lying. Good thing too, cuz I don't want my pants on fire," Kokichi said happily.
    "Your pants wouldn't set on fire regardless..." I explained, "the only way your pants would be on fire is if someone literally set them on fire."
    "And that's why that's an expression..." Rantaro finished.
    I was slightly concerned because a few people were missing. Kaito and Maki specifically. I wondered what they could be up to. I hoped they didn't get killed.
    "I want to start talking about what we're going to do, but Kaito isn't even here yet..." Tsumugi explained.
    "Maki isn't even here either," I replied, "it's not just Kaito we need to worry about."
    "Oh, Maki's not coming," Kokichi explained, lookin down at his hand, "I didn't invite her."
"Why didn't you invite her Kokichi?" I asked, "everyone here is an equal, and she too deserves to be here with everyone."
"Aww, c'mon my beloved," Kokichi whined, "forger about that killer. Hey Miu, Kee-boy, did you guys see the computer room on the fourth floor?"
"Computer room, you say? Go onnnn..." Miu said.
"Yeah, there was a big computer room on the fourth floor. Would you take a look later?" Shuichi asked, "you or Keebo might know something about it, right?"
"I'm sorry," Keebo replied, "I'm not very computer savvy."
I was honestly very shocked about this. Keebo was a robot, and he didn't really know anything about robotics or computers. I felt rude for even thinking about this because of the fact that it's a stereotype. I didn't want to expect someone to know about something when they don't.
"I have been meaning to ask, but... Keebo, what *is* your talent, exactly?" Kiyo asked.
"Well..." Keebo trailed off, "I can do all sorts of things."
I was wondering what Keebo could do? Did this have anything to do with what I was told during the time we first met? I honestly had no idea.
"Oh yes! I'm pretty good at one-man comedy shows, if I do say so myself!" Keebo exclaimed.
"Kee-boy's existence is the only Ultimate thing about him. Other than that, he's got no talent," Kokichi explained happily.
"Kokichi!" I scolded immediately, "that's a rude thing to say!"
"Exactly! I just told you I'm good at one-man comedy shows!" Keebo exclaimed in response.
"I don't really get it, but we just need to check out this computer room, right?" Miu asked, "but I'm not gonna come just for some computer. It's gonna take way more than that!"
"The Monokubs did say the computer lab was amazing," Kaede told everyone.
"Hey!" a familiar voice called out, "thanks for waiting!"
I turned my direction to the door. I saw Kaito walk into the door, seeming very enthusiastic about it. Someone followed after though.
Maki quietly followed behind him. They both made their way to the group of people in the room. This actually made me very happy. Everyone was in the room, and this was good.
"Kaito! Maki! Glad you could make it!" Kaede exclaimed happily.
Tenko was especially shocked about seeing Maki with Kaito. This made me nervous because I didn't want anyone thinking different of Maki for what was revealed yesterday.
    "Well, this is about that Flashback Light, so everyone should be here, yeah?" Kaito asked.
    "But...when you say *everyone* do you truly need to include a professional killer?" Kiyo asked.
    "...I'm leaving," Maki stated.
    "No.." I replied with a slight glare on my face, "do you all really need to judge Maki right now? You all have the nerve to try and exclude her from important things like this just because she's killed people. Just because she's an assassin doesn't mean she's going to kill anyone. Kirumi was given a chance... so why do you all try to ridicule Maki?"
    Everyone seemed shocked at what I said. Some looked down in guilt, but others kept straight faces. I didn't want anyone to be judged on the past. If I judged Maki, I wouldn't be any better than the people who wronged me.
    "(y/n) is right y'know?" Kaito replied.
    "Kaito, didn't you say you wanted to take down her mask or whatever?" Kokichi asked.
    Kaito told us that he was going to take down her mask as a murderer. I thought that wouldn't really help the situation.
    Kaito explained that he didn't believe Maki would kill people in cold blood. This caused other people to ask if she was actually the Ultimate Assassin.
    Maki said she did kill people, and this made people wonder why she'd hide it. It made me wonder that fact too. Miu was thinking that she did it so she could kill us all before we could find out.
    Maki told us that she didn't tell us because she knew we'd react this way. She mentioned that she was shocked that I stood up for her. It made me happy that she did that.
    Maki also explained that people would fear her. Thy fear would eventually turn into hate. People would try to kill her before she could kill them. It happened every time in her book.
    Kokichi soon decided to open his mouth. He started off with saying that he felt bad for her and was about to start crying. That soon turned into a mockery, saying that human life has no value to Maki. I knew that wasn't true. She wasn't someone who killed for fun.
    It was obvious that Maki tried distancing herself so we wouldn't find out, but Kaito kept dragging her places and not minding his own business.
    As I thought, Maki had no intentions on killing us unless one of us struck first. I knew that would be the case.
    Maki told us that we wouldn't believe her,  but I did. She told us just to forget she was even there, just to avoid her. She left the room after that, making me slightly upset. It was sad. I would want to talk to her after this happened.
    Kokichi yelled at Kaito for supposedly trying to put us against each other. I thought that was wrong.
Soon enough, we decided to go on with using the Flashback Light. I wondered what we were going to remember this time. I hoped it'd be something beneficial to us all.
We all heard the characteristics flick of the light being activated. White light surrounded me in the form of an explosion. Information started to implode in my head. It felt painful like the last time. It felt like my head was about to burst from the words being pushed into my head.
Soon enough, everything became clear to me. With that said, a scene started to play in my mind.

There was a table with seventeen pictures on it. The pictures were lit with candles and had ceremonial ribbons on them. Along with the ribbons were some sort of charm in front of each picture. There were flowers in front and behind the pictures, along with burning incense.
The pictures were revealed as a picture of all of us. All of the Ultimates that were taken to this damn academy.
    "They were so young and talented... How could this happen?" a male voice asked.
    "It looked accident," a woman's voice responded, "they were running away from that group."
    "...Was it really just an accident, though?" the same man responded, "I honestly can't believe that."

    My eyes were widened in pure shock about this. The pictures, the candles... the flowers... this was all too familiar to me...
    It was a funeral.... it was our funeral. All of the Ultimate Students that ended up here. This really terrified me... were we all dead to society, and trapped here? Did people forget about us after this happened?
    As I looked around the room, I noticed that everyone else was as shocked as I was. We basically just watched our own funeral.
    Was I at my own funeral? Why did I hide from myself? Why was I at my own funeral. I had no idea what was going on. The only plausible thing would be for me to connect the last memory with this one. I was trying to hide from my Ultimate Talent, so I could've been hiding and pretending I was dead.
    This was the only plausible way that this memory made any sense. It shocked me as well. I knew I wanted to hide myself because my talent was useless... but I never thought we'd all try to hide from our talents.
    I knew we were going to have a long discussion about this. I guess it's time to begin...

Welp, Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone! I made sure to update even if it was thanksgiving this week. I hope this chapter didn't disappoint.
I need fanart still.
Contact it to me via email or insta.
Insta: @crusifixdroid_madeline_bacon
Thank you- CRUSIFIXdroid

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now