Chapter 2 Part 1: The Ultimate Otaku Lab Discovered

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Your POV:

    The morning announcement blare through the monitors throughout the dorm rooms of this despair inducing academy. My eyes opened as the morning announcement played. It was like my alarm clock. It would wake you up and remind you about a terrible situation you were in.
    I rubbed my eyes, and went about my day, but I had more on my mind. As I got ready for the day, I thought about what happened yesterday. Rantaro died, but thanks to a special gene I had that could resurrect other people, Rantaro was alive and walking.
    It was strange to me how this was even possible. I put on my uniform, and headed out to the dining hall. I wanted to have more confidence since I was the person who could save everyone. I had to believe in myself.
    I noticed Rantaro near the groups of tables and chairs at the outside entrance to the dining hall. I waved at him and smiled lightly.
    "Hey (y/n), I'm surprised to see you out of your dorm without having me come over and get you," Rantaro explained, seeming slightly happier than usual.
    "Well yeah... I decided that I need to have more confidence in how I act. I mean a weight has been placed on me that I have to take care of," I explained in response.
    "Don't think of it as a weight on your shoulders. Think of it as a blessing," Rantaro replied, "now let's enter the dining hall. I'm sure everyone is waiting for us."
I nodded quite eagerly and walked in to the dining hall, Rantaro opening the door for me like a gentleman would. When we walked in, we noticed people talking about some sort of writing.
According to the others, writing was found on a rock in the courtyard that spelled "horse a". Gonta was the person who found the writing since he was out in the morning looking for bugs. I looked over at Shuichi who surprisingly looked different.
Shuichi had no hat on. That was what was different about him. I wasn't the only one who was in shock about this. Kaede, Tsumugi, Himiko, and a few others were very surprised about it.
"Good morning..." Shuichi greeted.
"Ah... Good morning..." Tsumugi replied.
"Good morning Shuichi," I said.
"Oh, Shuichi... Um..." Gonta muttered.
"You finally got rid of that emo hat! Is this cuz Kaede almost died yesterday or whatever?" Kokichi asked.
After hearing what left Kokichi's mouth, I walked over to him almost instantly. A look of anger and annoyance was on my face. Soon enough, a dull sound rang through the room.
My hand collided with Kokichi's cheek as if it were in slow motion, that being the source of the dull sound. Kokichi's eyes were widened in shock, as an emotionless look took over his features. It was like he was shocked that he was going to be hit for his comment.
"How can you have the nerve to make a comment like that? You're acting like an insensitive jerk who loves watching other people's misery. Quit bringing up what happened yesterday. No one died. Get that out of your head, and think about other people's feelings for once," I told Kokichi, scolding him.
Everyone was in slight shock that I called Kokichi out on his behavior. Kokichi surprisingly said nothing after I scolded him. It was like I was the only one he took seriously in this situation. With a sigh, I looked towards the others.
"You took the words right out of my mouth (y/n)!" Tenko exclaimed, "degenerates should just keep their mouths shut!"
"Don't get too worked up about it. Someone needed to knock some sense into him," I replied.
"Oh, huh, you're not wearing your hat. I didn't even notice," Kaito muttered.
"Kaito could stand to learn some manners too! I swear men are just insensitive!" Tenko exclaimed.
"N-No, I just... felt like it was getting in the way is all," Shuichi replied timidly.
"Shuichi I'm actually proud of you!" Kaede exclaimed happily, "you look very good without the hat on!"
Shuichi was blushing from embarrassment at this point. I always thought Shuichi and Kaede had a think for each other too. I smiled lightly and looked to the side. Shuichi was gaining more confidence, and everyone was starting to come back to normal. It did kind of seem forced though.
"You don't have to stare... I just took off my hat, it's not a big deal," Shuichi stated nervously.
"Well Shuichi, if you want my opinion, it kind of is a big deal," Rantaro explained with a light smile adorning his features, "that hat served as a barrier between you and your self esteem. You got rid of that barrier and strive to move forward."
"Rantaro is right," Kirumi stated happily.
I smiled a bit more hearing that. Shuichi did get rid of his barrier to his confidence. That gave me sight courage. If he can get rid of that barrier, so can I. That's what I've been starting to do. Tell people my opinion, and sharing my emotions. Rantaro and I just have to keep the Tears of Life gene.
Everyone talked about Shuichi and his hat for a little while longer, everyone agreeing that he looked better without the hat. Miu judged Tsumugi for not taking her glasses off. She needed them to see. After that, everyone sat at the table, waiting for breakfast to be served by the Ultimate Maid herself.
"I have prepared an Italian omelet, buttermilk pancakes, and smoked salmon galette," Kirumi explained, "and for those who prefer Japanese cuisine, I have prepared rice balls and miso soup."
"Kirumi, be my mom!" Kokichi exclaimed.
"Gonta want you to be his mom, too!" Gonta exclaimed in response.
"...What are you two even saying?" Keebo asked.
"Yeah... I warned you about this Kirumi," Kaede sighed, "don't let everyone rely on you too much."
"I agree with Kaede..." I muttered, feeling at a loss of words after Kokichi said he wanted Kirumi to be his mom.
    We soon started chatting merrily as we ate the food Kirumi made for us. I personally chose the miso soup and rice balls because I was in the mood for Japanese cuisine. When I took a bite of the rice ball, it was heavenly. The rice was sticky and stayed together, yet there was air pockets going through each grain, making it even better. The miso soup tasted really heavenly too. My face had a light blush when I ate the food.
    "(y/n) is very adorable while she eats! With that light blush on her face, and her big soft eyes, it's so adorable!" Tenko gushed.
    "Tenko is soooo right!" Kokichi exclaimed, seeming less hurt about when he got yelled, "(y/n) is like an innocent child when she eats!"
    The comments of those two people caused me to stop eating. My blush increased even more, being slightly embarrassed by the comments. The blushing seemed to make the two gush even more.
    After that, everyone praised Kirumi on her cooking. Kirumi explained the purpose of the triangle shape and the technique of rice ball rolling. Kirumi was indeed an excellent maid. She really was.
    After that, the topic of the *graffiti* on the rock was brought up. As discussed before, it said *horse a*. We honestly had no idea who wrote that. Gonta was believing what everyone said, and Kokichi made another ride comment. He told the poor, innocent Gonta that he'd be killed if he didn't stop being gullible.
    I glared at Kokichi, suddenly having a manga book in my grasp. Some people would say that it just appeared after thin air, but in reality, I took it from the library yesterday while talking to Rantaro.
    I walked over to Kokichi with a glare one my face and—
    "(y/n) CHOP!" I exclaimed, hitting Kokichi over the head with the manga book.
    I know that he deserved the hit for making that comment, but I still kind of felt bad. I mean I should probably explain it kindly instead of yell.
    "Listen Kokichi, I'm sorry I hit you... it's just that you can't keep making comments like that, even if they're lies. People will start to not like you for it. Try to think about what you say, please?" I explained kindly.
    "Ouch... for god's sake (y/n), that hurt... but since you explained your reasoning for it, I'll let it slide. I'll try to think about what I say from now on," Kokichi replied.
    Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of the dreaded bear of the hour, Monokuma. He looked very happy about the whole ordeal. He wanted to join in, but Kokichi mentioned everyone being a bully, which Monokuma surprisingly hated. I thought he was just joking about it. Monokuma mentioned a prize for surviving the first trial. We did have to do a trial, but no one died. I wondered what this prize was.
    Suddenly, the Monokubs appeared with their annoying catchphrase. They too talked about the bullying that they went through, caused by the blue bear himself. He got very angry and starts shouting a storm. Soon enough, they started to present the awards, which seemed like priceless junk.
    "Listen up! Cuz we got these here fabulous, nonsensical prizes for youse!" Monosuke exclaimed.
    "A Dragon Gem, an Ocarina, an Ancient Passport, and a Hexagonal Crank from some zombie game!" Monosuke exclaimed.
    My first thoughts drifted off to a certain thing we came across while meeting Tsumugi. The bronze dragon statue.
    The Monokubs went about how it was random junk. The items also were in a prize bundle, and Monokuma told everyone that they unlocked new areas of the school. Soon after that, they left. They left us to search for these new places.
    "Why don't we leave it to Shuichi, Kaede, and (y/n)?" Kaito asked.
    My eyes widened slightly. I started to wave my hands defensively in front of me, as if I were trying to deny something.
    "Oh, n-no, no, no!" I exclaimed nervously, "I'm not that good as stuff like this! I'm observant sure, but I won't do a very good job!"
    "Don't worry (y/n)! You'll have Shuichi and Kaede with you. Rantaro too because he always hangs around you!" Kaito exclaimed in response with a thumbs up.
    I felt a hand place on my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw Rantaro. I looked at him with wide, surprised eyes. He then closed his eyes and smiled at me.
    "Relax (y/n), you'll do fine. I'll be with you, and Shuichi and Kaede really enjoy your company too. Relax and have more faith in yourself. I believe in you," Rantaro told me.
    "Rantaro is right (y/n), we want you in our little group!" Kaede exclaimed with a smile.
    "L-Let's go..." Shuichi stated.

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now