Chapter 2 Part 15: Steps Towards the Investigation

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Your POV:

     "H-Hurry! The curtains! Open the curtains already!" Tenko exclaimed.
    "Got it. I'm opening it now!" Angie exclaimed.
    When Angie pulled open the curtains, something happened. Something sinister. Something absolutely traumatic.

    There were piranhas in the tank, and they were surrounding something. Something wearing a pair of handcuffs, laying limo in the water.
    Ryoma was the one in the water, wearing a pair of silver handcuffs. He wasn't moving.
    It seemed as if the piranhas were moving faster around him. Ryoma wasn't even trying to get away. Soon enough, the piranhas were moving so fast that there was what looked like a tornado underwater.
    The water started to turn pink as this happened. The clothing on Ryoma was ripping and turning into shreds. The handcuffs were falling off of his hands.
    I knew what was happening, and it made me want to puke my guts out. It made me want to scream and cry in terror. It made me want to go hide and never come out.
    The whirlpool the piranhas created soon ceased. The only thing that was left was the bones of the person once inside the tank.
    Ryoma was nothing more than a pile of bones, and there was nothing I could do to save him.

    I stared in shock as I processed the horrible thing I just witnessed. This would definitely cause PTSD in the future for me. My eyes were widened. Ryoma was gone.... he was gone....
    "Behold!" Himiko's voice exclaimed, pulling me from my thoughts, "the magnificent Underwater Esca—"
    Before Himiko could finish her sentence, the electronic sounding bell chimed in. We all knew what this meant. Everyone aside from Himiko. She had no idea what happened.
    "Nyeh?" Himiko asked in confusion.
    The screen lit up, revealing the one who made us be a part of this situation. In his fancy looking chair, holding a glass of champagne, Monokuma was sitting there.
    "A body has been discovered!" Monokuma exclaimed, "everyone, please gather in the gym!"
    Reality set in at this moment for me. This wasn't a bad dream. This wasn't a nightmare. This was all true. Ryoma was dead. Someone killed him.
    My mind instantly wandered to a specific thing that helped clear things up on how it was possible for Rantaro to survive.

    "The person with this ability cannot resurrect the dead who are missing limbs, or are decomposed to the point of bones,'

    My eyes widened a great amount. Everything was in slow motion for me at this point. I knew exactly what situation this was. I couldn't accept this. I couldn't accept what just happened.
    'I can't save him... not even with my ability...' I thought.
    I felt tears enter my eyes as I thought about it. I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder.
    I looked up to see Rantaro. He looked concerned about me, and it was no surprise on why. Ryoma died.Ryoma died, and I can't do anything to restore his life. I was utterly worthless.
"Nyeh? A body...? In the gym?" Himiko asked.
I witnessed Himiko as she turned towards the water tank. She was lucky she didn't witness what we just had to. She didn't get to witness the piranhas eating Ryoma's body. I was happy that she didn't see it.
Himiko was silent as she stared at the tank. It was obvious that she was confused about what she was seeing. I would be too if I were in the same shoes as her.
"Nyeh?" Himiko asked.

That was the second time that the Body Discovery Announcement was heard. This time it was real. A real death... one I couldn't fix.
The people who didn't attend the magic show obviously heard the announcement. When they heard it, they came running to the gym. Those people were Kaito, Kokichi, Maki, and Miu.
Kaito looked shocked about the situation. The rest of the people who walked in didn't look concerned. Specifically it was Maki and Kokichi.
"Wh-What's going on!?" Kaito exclaimed angrily.
"I-I don't know! I don't know what happened!" Tenko exclaimed in response.
I looked over at Kokichi. He looked very sinister. He had a smirk on his face as his hand was on his mouth as if he were "shushing" someone. I had no idea what he was planning.
"We should break the tank, right? We gotta check what's inside," Kokichi said with that smirk on his face
"Wha—? Break it?" Tsumugi asked in response.
"Yeah, break it. It'll take too long to drain by hand," Kokichi replied.
    "But could we use to even break—" Shuichi asked.
    "Gonta! Kee-boy! You're up!" Kokichi exclaimed.
    "U-Um Kokichi?" Kaede stuttered, "whatever you're planning... please don't do it..."
    "Nee-hee-hee, we have to!" Kokichi exclaimed in response, "we have to break down that glass somehow! Gonta! Kee-boy! Let's go!"
    "Huh? What do you mean, we're up?" Keebo asked nervously.
    "Gonta, throw Kee-boy as hard as you can! Use that robot like a battering ram!" Kokichi ordered.
    My eyes basically widened at that suggestion. I knew that this was a bad idea from the moment I heard it. Keebo may be a robot, but he has emotions too. He deserves to be treated as a human.
    "Kokichi... that's not a good idea. Keebo may be a robot, but he's still human in my eyes... you shouldn't treat him like he's some sort of possession to be used like that," I explained.
    I noticed Kokichi narrowing his eyes slightly. It was weird to see him that way. It confused me.
    Soon enough, his eyes went back to normal, and he smiled cheerfully. It was almost as if he was hiding what he was really feeling.
    "Aww, (y/n), that's sweet!" Kokichi said, his smile becoming more sinister, "but in all honesty.... Kee-boy is just a battering ram to me, nothing more."
    This comment made me angry. I was good at hiding my emotions, so I hid it from him. I didn't want him to get the satisfaction of him making me angry. I had a feeling that it would make someone angrier than me.
    "Who are you calling a bartering ram!?" Keebo asked angrily.
    "Gonta throw Keebo! Got it!" Gonta exclaimed.
    "Then, I'll help too!" Tenko exclaimed in response.
    "Gonta no!" Kaede exclaimed.
    "It could help us..." Rantaro explained, seeming to be deep in thought, "we do need to break the tank somehow..."
    My eyes wandered around the room to find something that could be used to break the tank. There could be a ladder somewhere. It would've been need f to set the curtains.
    "Can't we use a ladder instead!?" I exclaimed, "there has to be one here!"
    "C'mon Gonta! Let's do this!" Tenko exclaimed.
    "N-Now wait just a second. You don't need to team up now—" Keebo explained, suddenly being lifted up by both Tenko and Gonta.
    With the strength of the two combined, they threw the poor robot towards the glass. It was was like slow motion for me. What if Keebo would die from this. What if glass broke his head clean off? Would there be another trial. What would happen? Is he water proof? Keebo screamed as he was going towards the tank.
    As the impact was made, a large sound rung through the gym. The sound of broken glass. The glass started to spider web. It went from spider webbing to breaking off, and Keebo went through the glass wall.
    Glass shards were sent out by the bloody pink water, infested with piranhas. It was like a tidal wave of death. There was large pieces of glass and piranhas. If the glass couldn't pierce anything, you could be eaten.
    That didn't happen though. The water was like a tidal wave, but it went downward. The piranhas were on the floor. Everything else was on the floor as well.
    As sick as it made me and everyone else, we started cleaning up the mess. The piranhas were placed into a bucket,  and there was still glass on the floor.
Ryoma's remains were put into the tank. His bones, his clothes, and a strange pair of handcuffs were all in there.
    This was thanks to Kirumi's expertise in the matter. She helped a lot. We obviously didn't tamper with the scene as much as we could. We wanted to investigate whatever we could. I wanted to find out what happened. It was the least I could do... considering I could do nothing else.
    "I feel awful..." I muttered.
    "Awww, is my poor (y/n) sad about Ryoma?" Kokichi asked, "why are you? He wanted to die!"
    I felt something snap in me. I genuinely felt angry at this comment. He couldn't just assume what happened.
   "How dare you..." I muttered, "how dare you say that about him! I'm upset because I can't do anything about him dying! Why would you turn the cold shoulder on his emotions!? You didn't really know anything! None of us did..."
    "I never expected that the Otaku could speak to The Ultimate Supreme Leader of Evil in this way..." Kokichi said darkly, "but, I'll forgive it. After all, you are my favorite here."
    'What's that supposed to mean?' I thought.
Kokichi just smiled like he did nothing. I groaned slightly and looked to the side.
"I've...gathered Ryoma's body and belongings in one place," Keebo explained.
Keebo looked very depressed. I felt so bad that he was used as a battering ram. I wanted to just hug the poor robot and comfort him.
"He's been reduced such that he can be carried in one hand... How fleeting and fragile life is..." Kiyo said.
"Gonta put piranhas in bucket," Gonta explained, "piranhas all got big tummies. Gonta think they full."
"Today, Ryoma is fish food... And tomorrow, he'll be fish shit," Miu explained.
My stomach did a triple flip as I heard that. That was a disgusting comment Miu made. I didn't want to hear something like that. I felt like I was going to vomit.
"D-Don't day such things..." Tsumugi muttered in response to Miu.
Himiko was obviously silent. She was looking down as if something was bothering her. Tenko asked her if she was alright.
Maki then mentioned that this wasn't an accident. She asked if the killing game started again. Kokichi then decided to act sad about this. Large tears were in his eyes as this happened.
"We...swore to each other, didn't we? We swore we'd never let the killing game start up again," Kokichi explained with tears in his eyes, "so that all just a lie! You guys are liars!"
'Was it all just a lie?' I thought, 'was our friendship a lie? Was the promises we made each other a lie? Was I lied to?'
I looked down as all of these thoughts entered my head. What if eventually I died? What if everyone was planning to kill me? What if Rantaro planned to kill me?
I knew I loved him. What if he took it for granted if I told him? What if he used it to try and kill me?
I felt tears enter my eyes as these thoughts entered my head.
It felt as if these thoughts were banging against my skull like a sledgehammer. I felt like my head was going to burst open from my constant depression and despair.
I wanted to get away from these thoughts. I need to believe for once that I won't be betrayed by anyone. I have to be strong. I have to get past these thoughts.
I wiped my eyes with a determined look in my eyes. I needed to investigate to find out who killed Ryoma. Whoever it was, I'd revive them after their execution. I needed to. If I didn't, then I would never be at peace.
I need to stay strong for this. I need to suck up my fear and get through it.
I needed to do this. With the first step, I went to do the thing I feared most. Investigation.

Hey guys! I know this is later than usual, but it's still Friday. I worked an 11 hour today, so that's why the chapter is this late.
Anyway, next chapter is going to start the investigation. I hope you all are excited.
I also want to introduce the next competition now. You all know the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes, plus honorable mentions.
This competition is fanart predictions of chapter 3. I wish you all luck. I will decide the due date next week, but it starts now! Ciao- CRUSIFIXdroid

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now