Chapter 3 Epilogue: Part 2

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    Your POV:

I told Rantaro that I'd need the Necronomicon, Ryoma's wax effigy, and a candle. These things would be needed for the ritual. I was planning on doing this ritual tonight because I needed to get Ryoma back. Without him, my dream for getting out here with everyone would not come true. Even though he was gone now... I would find a way to get him back.
    This task slightly reminded me of Fullmetal Alchemist. The Elric brothers wanted to bring their mom back to life, using alchemy. It was a forbidden art called "Human Transmutation". In the anime and manga, it didn't work.
    Edward lost his left leg from the rebound, and Alphonse lost his whole body. I thought his situation would be similar. Maybe this would be a combination of Human Transmutation and the process of Edward bonding Alphonse's soul to a suit of armor.
    I had hope that that I could do this. With my ability, I already had an advantage. I just had to make sure that this wouldn't fail. I didn't want to fail. I couldn't fail.
Rantaro seemed to understand what I was up to. He agreed to get me the items I needed. During the nighttime, that was when I was going to perform this ritual. Hopefully, come sunrise, Ryoma would be back with us, having a purpose to live, and being able to love life... just like the rest of us.
"(y/n), I really hope this works," Rantaro told me, "I know that you want to help bring Ryoma back to help us leave together. I know you want him to love life as well. You have the power to do that. You have the power to pull together a group of people and motivate them. I know you can do this... so just believe in yourself."
    "I know..." I replied with a smile, "all we have to do is hope that this will work."
    Rantaro smiled at me. I knew that we had a good chance on bringing Ryoma back. All we had to do was wait for the perfect time.
    There were things I needed to know first. What was going to happen to Kiyo once he woke up. What measures were going to be taken so he doesn't try to kill anyone again.
    Another thought crossed my mind. What were we going to do to welcome Ryoma back. Maybe a party would be nice. One with cakes, cookies, and other desserts. We could also have some activities that Ryoma would enjoy.
    I smiled lightly at some of the ways we can make sure he feels welcomed. It was my job to make sure that everyone feels welcome when they come back. Ryoma was no exception. I had to try my hardest to make sure he knows that we all care about him.
    I knew the way we all reacted when we found his dead body. Everyone reacted in such a freaked out and sad way.
    I knew the looks everyone had... the looks of shock... the looks of sadness... the looks of terror as they saw what happened to him. Everyone was so upset when they saw what happened. Everyone wanted to help him have a reason to live. Rantaro, Kaede, Shuichi, me, and everyone else.
All of the hope that we could help him find a reason to live... gone with a single disturbing magic show.
The best thing I could do was try and give him a purpose to live. Once we can bring him back to the living world... where we would greet him with open arms.
When I was deep in thought, I had no idea Rantaro left the room to go get the items that I needed. I was alone for now. Everything felt dull and silent. There was no one in here aside from me. I was trapped with my thoughts.
"Hiya, my beloved~!" a voice exclaimed, breaking me out of my thoughts.
I knew that voice well. The only person who called me his "beloved". The only person who would call me that, despite me not agreeing to that nickname. That person was none other than Kokichi Oma. He was most likely coming in to check in on me after what happened.
"Why are you so silent?" Kokichi asked, "don't tell me that Kiyo cut through through your vocal cords."
"I was just thinking about something..." I muttered in response.
"You know I was making a joke!" Kokichi, "I'm all about jokes!"
"Yeah, but you always choose the worst times to tell them," I replied in a flat tone.
"You wound me, my beloved," Kokichi said dramatically, "when did you become so cold?"
I rolled my eyes slightly at Kokichi. He was always this way. It annoyed me slightly, but not too much. Part of what upset me was his habit of making jokes not so long after something bad happened.
"C'mon... it's been long enough that we can joke about it, right?" Kokichi asked.
"That happened like an hour or two ago..." I muttered, "and it's rude to joke about the injuries of other people."
"You're no fun, (y/n)," Kokichi said sadly, "you were a lot more fun when I first met you."
Memories flooded my head to how I was in the beginning. Barely opening up to anyone... more depressed than I am now... the fact that I thought that everyone hated me.
"Kokichi... so you're basically saying I was a lot more fun when I was depressed and suicidal...?" I asked, "you probably thought I was easier to mess with at that time too..."
I was upset that Kokichi would even say something like that... reminding me of how depressed I was, and how antisocial I was.
I was getting better. With Rantaro supporting me, and with the training with Kaito, Maki, and Shuichi... I was getting better... I was having more confidence.
"You know something... the reason why I'm happier now is because I've had the support of Rantaro and the help of training with Kaito, Maki, and Shuichi..." I muttered, "you never supported me in the way I needed it, and yet you still try to mess with me... you do that with everyone..."
    Kokichi seemed to be upset at what I said. His eyes were narrowed, and he looked like he was about to snap at someone. Before I could blink, he went back to his cheerful features, seemingly stunning me slightly.
    "You can't blame me for messing with you," Kokichi told me, "you're just so fun to pick on."
    "Kokichi, you pick on everyone," I replied, "if you keep on lying and picking on others, no one will trust you. Whether it's as a friend, or as a suspect during a trial. No one will take you seriously."
    I knew that was the truth. It was happening already. Kokichi's antics combined with his mischievous demeanor made him untrustworthy to others. I saw this in the course of two trials and it made me nervous. I wanted to be able to be friends with Kokichi, but if he kept lying... I wouldn't be able to trust him.
"Are you saying that no one will trust me...?" Kokichi asked.
"If you keep not taking this seriously..." I muttered in response.
"But I am. I may make a joke or two, but I still try to find who the culprit is," Kokichi explained.
"You make a joke all of the time..." I muttered in response, "just please try to tell the truth more..."
    Kokichi seemed to sigh when I made that request. It was like I told him to clean the dormitories of the other students to boot. It was like he didn't want to do it. This made me a bit nervous. Maybe I was asking a bit too much out of him... telling someone to change when the feel like they don't want to. It made me feel awful about saying that.
    "N-Never mind... I know you don't feel like changing that about you... so if you need to lie, go ahead. I won't force you to not do that..." I muttered, "it's a bit hard to grasp, but I guess I'll just have to learn to deal with it..."
Kokichi seemed to smile I'm response to what I said. I was glad that he was smiling because I didn't want to make anyone unhappy. It was my goal to escape with everyone, and I wanted everyone to be happy when we escaped as well.
"You're so sweet, my beloved!" Kokichi exclaimed, "you tell me to change, and you realize that would make me unhappy to do so! You really do care about everyone, don't you?"
"You know I do..." I muttered, "I just want to see the others happy. My mindset doesn't change that."
"So, (y/n), before I go, do you need anything?" Kokichi asked.
"No, I don't. I already ate, so I'm fine," I replied.
"Okay," Kokichi replied, "and just so you know. There is a chance that everyone won't be saved if we manage to get out of her."
With that, Kokichi left, leaving me a shocked mess. It was like a hurricane passed though the room with the look on my face. It was kind of like seeing Fühur Bradley coming in the hospital room in episode nine of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
I barely knew anything about Kokichi, and when he entered the room, he almost always made some sort of impact. It was strange for me.
A feeling of dread was on my face as well. It seems that he knows something about what's going on. Because it seemed like that line was directed at me, not anyone else. I felt shivers go up my spine as I thought more and more about what he said.
He was the type to joke and suspect others. I shouldn't even be surprised about that, but why does it seem like he knows more than he lets on. It was always that way in a trial. He seemed to lie to get everyone else to figure it out. It really was strange to me on what Kokichi was the way that he was.
"Hey, (y/n), I'm back with the stuff that you need," Rantaro told me, breaking me free of my thoughts, "why do you look disturbed about something?"
"It's nothing... just a tornado passing through..." I muttered in response.
"By tornado, I'm guessing you mean Kokichi, right?" Rantaro asked.
With the same look on my face, I gave him a slight nod. I really was disturbed about what Kokichi said. However, I was going to prove him wrong. I was going to save everyone, and escape with them all.
"I saw him leaving the dormitory when I entered..." Rantaro told me.
    "Oh..." I muttered nervously, "I tried telling him not to lie, so people would trust him more... but I wound up taking back what I said because he wouldn't be happy."
    I laughed nervously after I said that. It seemed that people could change for the better, but some people don't want to change. That's the reality I faced when I spoke to Kokichi about this. It didn't matter what I said because Kokichi didn't want to change. He would have to want to change to make change possible. My comments... they would mean nothing in the long run.
    "I see," Rantaro replied, "in order for someone to change, that specific person should want to change. If they don't want to change, then they won't change. It has to be their choice."
    "Yeah... I know..." I muttered in response, "I feel so stupid for not seeing that sooner.
    "You're not stupid..." Rantaro sighed, "you're amazing, and you always worry about others. Don't put yourself down over this."
    I hugged Rantaro in response to what he said. I embraced the warmth he gave, and I smiled lightly.
    "I know..." I muttered as Rantaro hugged me back, "I just don't want him to lose friends..."
"I get it," Rantaro replied, "but in any case. I have everything."
After he said that, I looked behind him, and I noticed the effigy of Ryoma, the Necronomicon, and a candle, as well as a metal tray to catch the ashes. I smiled lightly, because I was adding my own touches to the ritual. Using my tears on the ashes and the Effigy. With this step added, I was hoping that it would work. All I had to do was burn the book, sprinkle the ashes on the effigy, and say the person's name three times. Before sprinkling the ashes on the effigy, I'd cry on the effigy so that it has some of my healing tears in the mix. This additional step had a chance at working.
    I smiled at Rantaro before releasing the hug. I knew that this was a 50/50 chance. It could work, but it could also not work. I wanted to look on the bright side either way.
    "What time are we going to do the ritual?" Rantaro asked.
    "About midnight," I replied, "I'm just hoping that this'll work."
    I turned the device that Miu gave me back on. In order to talk about the Tears of Life Gene, we had to have it on, because if we didn't, the mastermind would find out and I would be dead... literally...
    "I'm sure this has a bigger chance at success with my Tears of Life gene," I explained, "all I'm going to do is add an additional step to the ritual. Before sprinkling the ashes on the effigy, I will put some of my tears on the effigy. Hopefully it will work."
    "I have high hopes, (y/n)," Rantaro replied with a smile, "I'm sure it'll work."
    I knew Rantaro had hope in my ability. I was happy that he did. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have figured out that I had this ability. If it weren't for him, I'd still be doubting myself a lot. He is the true reason why I got so far. He is the reason I've been able to save people. He was the one who proved the reality of my gene to me... and I would be forever thankful for that.
    "Rantaro, are you going to be with my while I do the ritual?" I asked.
    "Of course," Rantaro replied, "why wouldn't I be?"
    "I was just making sure," I replied with a nervous blush, "I always feel more confident around you..."
    Rantaro chuckled lightly as a light blush appeared on his face. His flustered reactions always made me smile. It always assured me that he felt the same way about me.
    "That's so sweet, (y/n)," he said with a light blush, "you don't have to flatter me so much."
    "Yes I do, because you are amazing," I replied with a smile, "I love you, and I want you to feel confident in yourself just like how you make me feel confident in myself."
"(y/n), you do make me feel confident. You make me feel like I have a chance to get what I've lost back. You make me feel like I'm special. I wouldn't change that for the world," Rantaro told me in response.
I smiled lightly in response to this. Rantaro was really one of a kind. He was always calm even if the situation was bad. He deserved appreciation for that. There was no one I'd love more than Rantaro, and I was happy to be with him. I was happy to be his.

Hours have passed and the nighttime announcement played. It was well past the time that the announcement played. From what Rantaro and I could tell, it was about midnight. I knew what this meant for us. We needed to start the ritual in order to get Ryoma back.
I noticed one thing when Rantaro brought the items earlier. He brought one more candle, so if one melted all the way, we could light another one to keep the fire that we needed for the ritual. It was smart in my opinion since the candles that were longer melted faster than ones that were encased in glass.
"Are you ready, Rantaro?" I asked nervously.
Rantaro nodded at me in response. He seemed very serious about what we were about to do. I was very serious about what we were about to do as well. I needed this ritual to work. It was important that we did this right no matter what.
    I took the metal tray Rantaro gave me for the ashes of the book. This was to keep the ashes from messing up the floor of my dormitory. I didn't want to make a mess in my dorm, and if we snuck out, chances are someone would find out.
    I placed the Necronomicon into the metal pan, and I took the candle, and set the book aflame. The book burned easily, turning into ash right in front of me. It took a few minutes for the book to fully become ash, but it did nonetheless.
    After burning the book, I did something risky. I held my hand against the lit candle to burn my finger, so I could cry. It was painful as I felt the heat graze my finger. I felt a few tears in my eyes, and I collected them, dropping them onto the effigy.
    After that step was done, I sprinkled the ashes onto the effigy. I did so until all of the ashes were on the effigy.
    The most important step was at hand now. I had to close my eyes, and say the name of the deceased, three times.
    I closed my eyes with a sigh. I kept them closed as I said the lines.
    "Ryoma Hoshi..." I said, "Ryoma Hoshi.... Ryoma Hoshi..."
    After that step was done, I had to wait awhile. I kept my eyes closed waiting. I wanted something good to happen. Rantaro had his eyes closed as well. We continued to wait.
    It seemed like hours have passed with my eyes closed. I felt like I was going to fall asleep. When I was on the brink of falling asleep, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
    My eyes instantly snapped open. Rantaro still had his eyes closed. My eyes widened. I looked behind me, and the effigy was gone. In replacement of the effigy stood Ryoma, alive and well. It was like nothing happened to him.
    "What the...?" Ryoma asked with his deep voice.
    I smiled lightly at him as tears formed into my eyes.
    "Ryoma... welcome back..." I told him.

This was the highly anticipated chapter, done with pizazz. Reader added one step to the ritual, making it successful. I hope you all are happy! I know I am.
The next chapter will start chapter four! I'll see you all next week!- CRUSIFIXdroid

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now