Chapter 4 Part 10: Aftermath of the Interrogation

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Your POV:

"Rantaro... am I really good enough...?"

Those words were the only words that left my mouth after Rantaro pulled me into his arms. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I asked this. It honestly felt like my will was starting to shatter, starting with a couple of small cracks... slowly spreading, and stemming new breaks to form in my resolve.
What had just happened with Kiyo... how he told us his motivation... his sister possessing his body... it all was causing me to question what I was doing... I didn't think I was good enough if I couldn't accept what was going on.
I was silent as Rantaro continued to hug me. It seemed as if a moment of silence was between us as he held me in his arms. Was I really good enough for him...? Was I really good enough to be able to be friends with everyone...?
"(y/n), you are good enough," Rantaro spoke, breaking the silence, "if you weren't good enough, then how were you able to do so much for everyone here?"
I knew I was able to help people here. I knew I was helping the others... despite that, I still couldn't get the thought of not being good enough out of my head. I closed my eyes, and as soon as I did, I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. It really felt like that situation was eating at me, causing me to feel more depressed.
"(y/n) you don't have to feel like you should put up with what happened to you," Rantaro spoke, "you have every right to be upset at Kiyo. He tried to kill you, and you've been keeping quiet on how the situation made you feel. You don't owe anything to him... to be clear, he shouldn't be making you feel this way when you've done nothing wrong..."
I let out a shaky breath in response to that. It seemed that no matter how much I tried to hide how I felt, Rantaro seemed to know exactly what was going on. He was telling me that Kiyo shouldn't be making me feel this way after what he's done, but the fact was that I wanted to accept everyone... I wanted to accept everyone for who they were, but for some reason... it was very hard for me to accept Kiyo's situation.
"Rantaro... you always seem to know what I'm thinking about..." I muttered, "honestly... all I wanted to do was help everyone here, and accept everyone here... so tell me why it's so hard to accept Kiyo's situation."
"Perhaps, part of the reason it's so hard for you is because that he attacked you..." Rantaro replied, "the fact that he was trying to do it for his sister doesn't make the situation better..."
I looked down in response to that. It seemed that no matter how much I tried to stop the tears from coming, it never worked. It was an endless stream at this point, sadness, fear, and shock being the essence of the tears.
"I know that..." I muttered with a slight sob, "I wish Kokichi didn't ask me to do that... I thought I could handle it, but the reality is that I couldn't..."
"He shouldn't have asked you to do that..." Rantaro muttered as he stared rubbing my back to help sooth me, "he should've known that this would happen, but I don't know if he really cared..."
I could feel Rantaro rubbing my back to help calm me down. He always cared about me even if I felt like I didn't deserve it. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to focus on his touch, how warm he was. It always helped when I was upset.
"It's going to be okay... you don't have to talk to him until you are ready to do so," Rantaro spoke calmly, "don't ever forget that. You are in charge of your own actions. Not anyone else."
    I nodded in response to that, trying to allow myself to calm down. I started to take a deep breaths to help myself relax. It was something I always had to do. It was either breathing deeply, going on a walk, or listening to music. I could only do two of those things here because I didn't have some sort of mobile device to listen to music on.
    "Thank you, Rantaro," I muttered, "you always find some way to make me feel better..."
In response to what I said, Rantaro seemed to only just hug me tighter. I blushed lightly when he did this. I noticed something. Rantaro rested his chin on my shoulder as he hugged me close. His eyes were closed, and he was smiling. It was a gentle smile, and as soon as I saw it, I could feel my heart flutter.
"If I didn't talk to you or try to help you feel better when you're feeling down, then what kind of boyfriend would I be?" Rantaro asked, "the point is, I care about you, (y/n). You will always be good enough, even if you don't think you are..."
"I care about you too, Rantaro..." I muttered in response to that, "you are the light of my life..."
Rantaro seemed to chuckle in response to his words. He opened his eyes, looking directly into mine with that same caring smile. He seemed to move his face closer to mine, before I felt a soft peck on my cheek coming from him.
This caused my face to heat up slightly. Rantaro really was a sweet guy, and honestly... I felt blessed to have him by my side. I smiled lightly at him, and it seemed that my bad mood from before had disappeared.
"There's your smile," Rantaro said, "I love it when you smile. It always makes me so happy..."
I could feel myself blushing even harder on response to what he said. He loved my smile, and when I am around him, I always wanted to smile. He always brought out the happiest side of me. He was the best thing by far to happen in my life... and the fact was that that best thing was brought out on a terrible situation.
"I think that what you need right now (y/n) is the rest of the day to relax," Rantaro told me, "that situation was very stressful, so I think that relaxing is the best course of action."
I nodded lightly in response to that. It seemed like that all I was doing today was relaxing. Earlier when I was watching Hunter x Hunter with Rantaro. That was when Kokichi requested me to bring Kiyo his food, and that stemmed to a very stressful situation. That whole situation burned me out, even though it wasn't a full hour that we were in there.
"A-Alright..." I replied, "that whole situation really burned me out..."
"I know... I'm going to be honest and say that that situation really messed with me too," Rantaro replied, "as an older brother to twelve sisters, I find a romantic relationship with any of them unsettling and sickening to me... I love my sisters as family, not in the way that Kiyo loves his sister..."
"I understand that..." I muttered in response, "but in a way, I still feel like we aren't getting the whole picture for Kiyo's case... there could be a chance of an abusive and manipulative relationship happening..."
That could very well be what was going on. Abuse happened in many different ways, and in my case, it was mental and emotional. However, physical abuse was something that rarely happened to me. Those forms of abuse were the main forms. Abuse could happen with family, lovers, and random people as well.
Kiyo could've been a victim in abuse from his sister, but sadly, I didn't have enough evidence to prove that fact yet. All it was was a hypothesis... a thought or idea... that's all it could be until more information was found out, but right now, I was too burned out to try... and chances were... I needed time before I could speak to Kiyo again.
"Maybe this little piece of information will make you feel just a bit better," Rantaro explained with a small laugh, "the characters of Hunter x Hunter... some of the people in the show, I feel like I've met them before."
My eyes seemed to widen in response to him. I instantly ripped myself from his arms and I stared at him with a shocked look on my face. How could he have felt like he had met anime characters!?
"How could you feel like you've met them before!?" I exclaimed in shock, "they are anime characters! Are you messing with me!?"
Rantaro seemed to be slightly in shock when I asked that question. His face was blank for a moment before he burst in laughter. I was now puzzled. Was Rantaro not lying about that? I was confused. I could see tears forming in his eyes from the laughter, which caught me slightly off guard. I've never seen him laugh so hard at something I've said before.
"Why would I lie about that?" Rantaro asked, as he continued to laugh, "I wish I could say that I'm joking, but I'm being serious."
The laughing continued for around thirty seconds before he wiped his eyes from the tears he was getting from laughing. At that point, many thoughts were going through my head. If he wasn't lying, chances were he met someone that was like the characters from Hunter x Hunter.
"Chances are you probably met some people that were like some of the characters," I explained, "you might even have met some cosplayers who were cosplaying as those characters as well."
"Maybe you're right, (y/n), but once my memories come back to me, I'll tell you everything," Rantaro told me with a smile, "I'll make sure to tell you everything that I found out about myself."
I thought for a moment after Rantaro said that. While I was curious about his past, that wasn't what mattered right now. What I was seeing, who I was with. Rantaro was a very caring person, despite being mysterious. He was always there for me, and that's what mattered.
"Rantaro, listen. Your past does define you as a person, but what's important is who you are now," I explained, "what I see is a sweet guy who always cares about other people. You may be mysterious Rantaro, but you've always been there for me, bringing me up. I love you for you. It doesn't matter what kind of backstory you have, because no matter what, I will love you, and I will love being with you."
Rantaro seemed to smile lightly in response to that. Honestly the person he was now. I loved him, and no matter what, I would never stop loving him. The fear of being abandoned by him was slowly fading away. I truly believed that he wouldn't hurt me in any way. He wasn't the type to hurt other people, and I knew that.
In the beginning, he tried to distance himself from the others, trying to do things on his own, but slowly and surely, he was opening up to me. While he was opening up to me, I was opening up to him, and honestly... I was happy. I was happy that I met him, and I was happy he was there for me. That's all there is to it.
"Thank you for saying that," Rantaro told me with a smile, "I however do care about what happened in your past. The reason I care is because so many people have wronged you for no good reason. You've been suffering for so long, without anyone to truly make you happy. When we escape this place, I will show you a world you haven't seen before. I will show you every place I've explored already, and while I'm showing you the wonders of the world, we will be searching for my sisters. We will do it together."
    I knew from the way that he talked... Rantaro was genuine about what he was saying. He was right when he said I have been wronged in so many ways in my life. In the past, it seemed like no matter who I met, even if they were friends... they would abandon me when I wasn't useful to them anymore.
    Honestly, the thing that Rantaro brought to the light... I was excited for it. I was honestly excited to see the places Rantaro has been to. I wanted to see what the world had to offer.
    Sadly there was something that Rantaro didn't mention. That fact was the world outside. With the meteorites from the memories received going around in my head, the world probably wasn't what it was before. That was the thing that upset me.
    "Rantaro... what it the world isn't the same anymore?" I asked, "you saw the meteorites too. Chances are, the world is near destruction..."
    "I know that," Rantaro replied, "I just want you to be hopeful and positive. We don't know what really is going on outside of this school. We may have these weird memories, but something is suspicious about those memories. I'm not sure what it is yet, so you can just call it a hunch."
    "I'm just worried about that..." I laughed dryly, "it's not silly for me to worry about that. I've been worrying about these memories since the Flashback Lights have been appearing."
     In response to what I said, Rantaro was looking at me with a seemingly cross look. I got a little bit anxious from this. He was silent for a moment, but suddenly, I saw his hand raise up slightly. I flinched slightly from the shock, but I soon felt him flick me.
    I opened my eyes nervously in response to that, and Rantaro was now smiling at me. It looked like he was suppressing the urge to laugh at me. All I heard was the sound of Rantaro chuckling slightly.
    "Remember, (y/n), this is the time for you to relax," Rantaro explained, "you shouldn't be worrying about this stuff right now. You should be relaxing."
    I blushed lightly from embarrassment in response to what he said. He flicked me to remind me that I should be relaxing instead of worrying. I let out a small sigh after he said that before smiling lightly.
    "You're right, Rantaro," I replied with a small smile, "what should we do...?"
    "Maybe what we should do is have another dinner date," Rantaro laughed, "I mean what could be more relaxing then spending some quality time with each other?"
    "Watching anime..." I laughed nervously in response, "that was a joke though! I think a dinner date would be nice again!"
    Rantaro chuckled lightly when I said the most Otaku thing to say. It was like he was very entertained. I was always one to say stuff about watching anime. I've been doing ever since I started watching anime.
I looked to the side nervously, feeling embarrassed over my small joke. I honestly wanted to spend more time with Rantaro. Since I was going to be relaxing for the rest of the day, I wanted Rantaro to be with me.
    "Then it's settled then," Rantaro laughed, "we are going to have another dinner date."
    I thought for a moment. What were we going to do this time? I recalled that the last time we had a dinner date, that was when we started dating. During that time, Kirumi was the one who prepared the food we ate. Honestly, I didn't want to ask Kirumi again because she was working very hard today, but I knew full well that she wouldn't mind.
"Rantaro, should we ask Kirumi to help us again, or should I be the one to make everything?" I asked nervously.
"(y/n), you are going to relax," Rantaro replied, "I know you want to help, but right now, you need to think of yourself."
    Rantaro had a serious expression on his face as he said that. I knew he was serious about what he was saying. I should've known that he would say something like this when I asked what we should do this time. When Rantaro tells me to do something, every offer I make to help is futile.
    "Remember what Kirumi told you," Rantaro explained, "before we left with the food for Kiyo, she told you not to do something you were uncomfortable with, and she told you not to overdo it."
    "Yeah I remember that..." I muttered in response as I looked down slightly.
    "Well you did something you were uncomfortable with, and you overdid yourself," Rantaro told me, "you were obviously uncomfortable with Kokichi pressuring you into bringing food to Kiyo, and you had a panic attack as a result of that. I know you want to help, but you are relaxing for the rest of the day whether you like it or not."
     Rantaro made his word law, and I couldn't do anything about it. If I tried doing something to help, Rantaro would most likely sweep me off of my feet to be sure that I wouldn't do anything that would stress me out.
    "Alright, fine," I muttered, "I know that if I don't listen, you will do something so I do listen..."
    "You are right about that," Rantaro chuckled in response, "I think we've been together long enough for you to know that."
    "So are we going to ask Kirumi to help us out then...?" I asked, "I just don't want her to overwork herself..."
    "Well, might I offer you a solution then?" Rantaro asked, "I don't know if I ever told you this before, but I can cook, and I think I'm very good at it."
    I was slightly shocked when I heard that. I knew I was pretty good in the kitchen, but that was only because I took classes in school to get better with cooking. Rantaro however never told me that he could cook, so I was shocked about that.
    In a way, I shouldn't be surprised about that fact though. Rantaro had to take care of twelve sisters. He told me in the past that most of his sisters were step sisters, but they were still sisters to him nonetheless. I knew that chances are before they went missing, he was probably the one cooking for them. That would explain why Rantaro would be good at cooking, and it was still nice to hear.
    "I'm sorry if I seem shocked about that," I apologized nervously, "I didn't know you could cook, and I should've known you could. I'm sure you prepared a lot of meals for your sisters."
    "I thought that fact wasn't really important at the time being," Rantaro replied with a slight shrug, "and you are right. The reason I know how to cook is because I would bake and cook meals for my sisters. That's also where I've learned to paint nails pretty well too. Only for family, nothing for a girlfriend."
    "I'm guessing I changed that, huh?" I asked with a nervous laugh.
    "Yes you did," Rantaro replied, "to get back on the subject at hand, the reason I told you I could cook was because the solution I was offering was that I could cook instead of Kirumi. That way, you can relax, and you won't have to worry about overworking Kirumi. How does that sound?"
    I thought for a moment in response to his question. Him cooking would make it so I could relax, and it would make it so Kirumi wouldn't over work herself. The thing I was concerned about was Rantaro now. I didn't want to overwork him either. No matter what solution was available, I didn't want anyone to overwork themselves on my behalf. That was how I was, and that was why I made decisions that would put my mental state at risk.
    "I don't want you to overwork yourself either," I explained, "I would feel bad if I did that."
    Rantaro smiled lightly at me in response to what I said. He placed his hand on my head in a soothing manner. It seemed like that no matter what I said, he would still make sure that he would be the one to do everything.
Rantaro seemed happy with that fact though, and honestly, I wanted to try Rantaro's cooking too. I remembered he tried some of my cooking in the beginning. It was before the time limit passed when our arrival at this horrid school only a few days in. That specific thing was French Toast, and he really enjoyed it when I made it for him. Now, I was curious on how Rantaro prepared certain food items. I really wanted to see how skilled he was in the kitchen.
"You don't have to worry about that," Rantaro told me, "I want to do this for you. I remember you cooked for me in the past, and I want to cook for you now. I know you love cooking as well as anime, so I think you will enjoy what I cook."
    In response to that, I blushed lightly, dawning a small smile. It was nice to know that Rantaro still remembered that I actually cooked for him. Rantaro was defiantly adamant on the fact that he wanted to prepare everything tonight.
    In all honestly, the curiosity was getting to me. I wanted to see what he knew how to make, and I wanted to see what he could do. Was Rantaro good at regular culinary? Baking? Maybe both?
    The possibilities were endless for me. I was looking up as I thought about it. If I eventually decided that I would want to be in the culinary field, I wouldn't know what I would want to be. I had no idea what the future was going to look like. The main image I had though is one of Rantaro and I seeing the world.
  The only thing that would make that image falter is the state of the world itself. I was hoping that the world would be the same as it was before the meteorites, but chances are that wasn't true. For now, I should be focusing on what's happening at this moment. That was my realization.
    "I know that even if I refuse, you won't listen to me, so you can cook," I laughed with a nervous expression, "and plus... I want to see what kind of things you can make... the curiosity is killing me."
    Rantaro seemed to start laughing in response to this. Pink was dusting his cheeks as he nervously scratched the back of his head. Rantaro seemed to be flustered, and it was very cute to me.
    "Ah-haha, I'm glad you're curious to see what I can make," Rantaro laughed nervously, "to be honest, I was hiding the fact that I could cook from the others because I'm trying to maintain that "cool guy" vibe."
    I started laughing lightly in response to what Rantaro told me. He was already a cool guy to me. No matter what he did, he still was cool and mysterious. I was in disbelief that knowing how to cook would ruin that vibe for him.
    "Rantaro!" I laughed, "you still have "cool guy" vibes even if you know how to cook! You are like the coolest guy I know! No one is going to judge you for knowing how to cook!"
    "Ah-haha, (y/n), that's sweet," Rantaro laughed with a slight blush, "we should head to the dining hall now, so I can show you what I know."
    "Alright!" I exclaimed in response.
    At that point, we both walked inside, hand in hand, together. We were going to the dining hall, for a second dinner date. I was happy and excited. Despite what happened with Kiyo, I would be able to have a relaxing evening, with the one I loved the most.

Merry Christmas everyone! Yes, I am here with an update during the holidays, so I will say that this chapter is my gift to you guys. I could've waited a week to update, but I pulled through!

The Fanart competition is still in full swing! All of the artwork for chapter four predictions are due on January 17th! If you want to know what the prizes are, the chapters explaining the prizes are earlier on!

You can send me Fanart via Instagram or email.
Insta: yukinofuyu_madeline_bacon

I hope that you all like this chapter. With that, have an amazing rest of the night, and I hope that all of you had an amazing Christmas! With that, I'll see you next week! Ciao- yuki_no_fuyu

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang