Chapter 3 Part 13: A Day With Kokichi

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Your POV:

"So, what do you say (y/n)?" Angie asked.

I was being put on the spot by Angie herself. She managed to get Gonta to join her Student Council, and now she was asking me if I wanted to be a part of the student council.
"Why would you want me in your council, Angie?" I asked.
"Like I said!" Angie exclaimed, "Atua really likes you. He likes how you constantly put others before yourself. You constantly unite everyone even though you had it so rough in your childhood. Atua wants yo help you. He wants you to use your kindness in its full potential."
    "W-Wait, before all of that, what exactly is this 'student council'?" Shuichi asked, "is that why you've been acting weird..."
    'Thank you Shuichi...' I thought in response to that, 'but did you really have to mention the acting weird part of it...?'
    I must admit... what Angie was telling me was tempting me slightly to join. The fact was, I couldn't. I couldn't join a religious based thing when we are trapped here. If there was actually a god, why would we be forced to kill each other in a place like this. What have we done to deserve this?
    I wanted to at least hear in depth what this 'student council' was before I could tell Angie my answer. I should at least get the information I need before I turn her down politely.
    "Last night, Angie summoned us to discuss how we can eradicate the killing game," Keebo explained.
    "Me, Keebo... Tenko, and Tsumugi," Himiko listed in response.
    "And we arrived to a conclusion!" Tenko exclaimed.
    'I'm starting to understand more of what happened last night...' I thought.
    Angie gathered these specific people to try to end the killing game. I could understand why she would try to end the killing game. That was the full goal here. The conclusion is the thing I'm questioning right now.
    "This is the Ultimate Academy Student Council, with Angie Yonaga as our president!" Tenko announced.
    "Ultimate Academy Student Council...?" Kaede asked in response.
    "We've all banded together under the leadership of President Angie!" Tsumugi announced.
    "Our the wholescale eradication of the killing game," Keebo explained.
    "Nyeh... Our student council promises a killing game-free Ultimate Academy," Himiko explained as well.
    'What kind of conclusion is this...?' I thought, 'is this really the conclusion they came up with?'
    My thoughts were justified. The student council would have its limits too. Someone who opposed to them could try and murder the student council. This could promote a murder, not fix the problem at hand.
    "A student council..." Shuichi asked, "and Angie is the president?"
    "Yes, there can be no harmony between us if we keep saying different things," Keebo explained.
    "Is this all you guys could think of as a conclusion," Rantaro said with a creepy like chuckle, "I thought you could do better."
    Me along with everyone else looked at the green haired boy. I noticed he got like this often when stuff like this happens. He normally opposes ideas that other people have for what I think to be personal reasons. Rantaro was unpredictable. He is so mysterious, and he doesn't trust people so easily.
    "You really think a student council can stop this killing game?" Rantaro asked, "I would like some proof."
    "Is it really bad that friends want to stop killing game?" Gonta asked.
    "That didn't answer my question..." Rantaro said with his creepy expression looking to the side.
    I was frowning slightly in response to what he said. I know Rantaro wants this killing game to end. In the end, I did agree with him. A student council is not the best action to take to stop the problem.
    "A student council build on harmony is an idiotic solution," Rantaro explained, "do you really expect everyone to sing Kumbaya and hold hands? I hate to disappoint you all, but that won't happen."
    "The student council is going to enforce rules to kill the chances of a murder happening," Tenko explained in response to what Rantaro said.
    "But will that really be enough?" Rantaro asked, rules can be enforced, but someone could fight back, resulting in a murder."
"That's why we will be keeping a close eye on everyone!" Angie exclaimed in response, "that's what Atua says. We call this a student council, but all of the decision-making is done by Atua."
"But since Angie can speak with Atua, she's the only one worthy of leading the council," Keebo explained.
"Nyeh...that's right," Himiko replied.
"Yeah, I'm going to follow Angie, too," Tsumugi stated.
"Nyahahaha! Thanks, everyone! Atua is happy, too!" Angie exclaimed.
"But does it look like we are?" Rantaro asked, "I'm not going to stop you from doing this student council thing, but heed my warning about this sort of conclusion... it won't end well."
I looked at Rantaro with a slightly sad look on my face. He was trying to help in his own way. I think he has the same conclusion as me.
Angie and the others won't listen, even if we have evidence to prove them wrong. That was the truth. I wish they'd listen, but that's out of my reach. It's out of everyone's reach at this point. They were basically brainwashed by Angie
"It's not like it matters, they've been brainwashed," Kokichi stated.
"Kehehe... Angie has spread her influence before we'd even realized," Kiyo explained, "but it makes sense if you think about it. This place has all the conditions for a cult to form."
"I agree. We are constantly under pressure to make a move. Some of us are resorting to a deranged religion just to have hope," Kirumi explained.
"Thats correct," Kiyo replied, "the fear of death can not be avoided... Cults are born from a desire to escape that."
"So she's using this situation to take over the school and make us dependent on 'Atua'," Kokichi said in response.
    "'Using' is a rude way to describe it," Keebo said in response, "the president wants peace for this school, and we all agree with her noble wisdom."
    "Yeah!" Gonta exclaimed, "Gonta not let anyone talk bad about student council!"
    "You literally just fuckin' joined them, you brainwashed idiot!" Miu exclaimed angrily.
    "But...I'm surprised Tenko decided to join the student council," Kokichi explained.
    I agreed with Kokichi on that. Tenko was worried about Himiko being brainwashed by Angie. She was trying to snap Himiko out of it well before the magic show happened. Maybe Tenko joined because she wanted to keep an eye on Himiko. That was my guess.
"Huh? Wh-Why?" Tenko asked.
"Because you and Angie were fighting over Himiko, were you not?" Kiyo said as more of a question in response.
"Wh-Who cares about that...?" Tenko asked nervously, "I...finally realized how great Atua is..."
I felt like Tenko was lying. The nervous look on her face and the change in her voice was a giveaway for me. Why was she pretending to believe in Angie's god. She probably wants to stay close and protect Himiko. That I would understand because she really likes Himiko.
"That's right, that's right..." Angie replied happily, "now what were we talking about again? Oh right!"
Angie turned towards me with a bright smile on her face. I knew what was going to happen as soon as she turned around. I honestly felt very nervous about this.
"So, (y/n), have you made a choice?" Angie asked.
I sucked in a deep breath of air. I looked at the other members of the student council. They were all staring at me, awaiting my answer about the whole ordeal. This added to my anxiety.
"I-I'm sorry Angie..." I muttered, "I'm flattered by your offer, but I can't join. I don't see this as a way to end the killing game..."
Angie was still smiling in response. It seemed like this girl never showed any type of negative emotion. That just creeped me out slightly. She was either good at hiding her feelings, or she is too obsessed with her god to even feel upset.
"That's a shame, (y/n)," Angie said, "I really wish you would've joined."
"It's my choice, and I gave my answer..." I muttered.
"Anyway let's talk about the resurrection ritual. You all were questioning it, right?" Angie asked, "just leave this to the student council. It's less bothersome if Atua makes the decision."
"Less burdensome?" Shuichi asked in response.
"That's a relief..." Himiko muttered with a smile on her face, "if it's Atua's decision, then it's defiantly the right one."
"Yeah, there's no way Atua would be wrong," Tsumugi happily said in response.
"Yep, yep. Atua is always right," Angie said happily.
"Are you guys serious?" Maki asked, "the resurrection ritual is clearly a trap."
    I agreed with Maki. The book would be a trap in a sense, but hope was shining from the book. I could try to use it with my ability. It might work...
    "Nyahahaha, it'll be fine. As long as everyone puts aside their desire to leave," Angie explained.
    "Kehehe... I doubt they'd listen to anything we'd have to say," Kiyo explained.
    "I reached that conclusion earlier..." I muttered in response, "they won't listen to reason."
    I looked towards Kaito wit ha a concerned look on my face. He still didn't look too well. He hasn't even spoken a word for awhile. This concerned me. I wanted to know what was up with him. I wouldn't pry now.
    In the end, we couldn't stop the student council. I sighed lightly as I started heading towards my dorm. I felt someone tug the sleeve to my dress.
    "C'mon, (y/n), let's go do something fun!" Kokichi whined.
    'That's right...' I thought.
    Because of the student council incident, I forgot for a moment that I'm supposed to be spending the day with Kokichi. It was causing me more stress due to the fact that the student council refused to listen to reason. That was the sad truth. Right now, I had to focus on Kokichi....
    "What do you want to do?" I asked.
    "How about a game of hide and seek!" Kokichi exclaimed, "you're it, and you'll have to find me!"
    "Alright sure..." I said with a smile.
    I felt like Kokichi and I are getting closer today. Before starting the game, I needed to give Kokichi a gift. I looked through the gifts I had, and I decided on a pair of sunglasses.
    "These are cool!" Kokichi exclaimed, "where did you get them?"
    "That's a secret. You can look even sharper than a knife," I laughed, "but that's a joke. You will look sharp though."
    "I like the sunglasses. Nee-heehee I'm gonna have to get you something special," Kokichi said in response, "now let's start our game. I'm not going to go easy on you. I am the king of hide and seek."
    "Whatever... I'll count to one hundred, and then come and find you," I replied, "starting now! 1-2-3."
    I was counting the numbers as Kokichi sprinted off. If he was so hard to find, then it could take a couple of hours.
    10-11-12.... I stopped hearing the small steps Kokichi made. I had my back turned, so I couldn't see where he went.
    30-31-32-33... I continued to count despite me getting tired.
    60-61-62-63... I was getting closer to the number. The game would be able to be in full swing. I had no idea what time it was. The only time I knew what time it was was when the announcements played.
    91-92-93... The number was getting closer.
    "98-99-100! Ready or not, here I come!" I shouted.
    With those words said, I started searching around the school. The first place I checked was the dormitory. It wasn't the best place for a start, but it worked. I needed to find Kokichi.
I scanned the dormitory inside, not looking into the rooms. Kokichi couldn't hide in any dorm but his own. That was the truth of the situation. I found nothing at the dormitory.
My next stop was the dining hall. I checked under the table and around the area. This could take longer than I thought it would. The school was huge, and I don't even have any idea where he could be.
With a sigh, I walked out of the dining hall. I had no idea where he could be. My only guess now was the Ultimate Labs. There are a few different ones. I could already rule out Maki's. She's normally in it 24/7 and she would kill Kokichi if he went in there.
I wanted to start my search at Kaede's Lab. It was the first one on the second floor, and I had a feeling he was there.
    A thought did cross my mind as I was walking up the stairs. Around forty five minutes passed already. This game was taking a lot of time.
    There were a few possibilities for where Kokichi could hide. In the lockers in the classrooms. In the sheet music on the floor to Kaede's Lab. Those were only a few possibilities I could think of, so that's what I was going to start with.
    I started with Kaede's Lab, checking it he was anywhere in the room. The room did have a lot of CDs for piano music. The sheet music wasn't enough for someone to hide in unless they gathered a lot of it.
    I couldn't find any sign of Kokichi, so my next spot to look in would be the classrooms. I checked
Classroom B first. This was the place I think Kaede and Shuichi woke up in when they first came here. I was in Classroom C when I woke up.
    I opened up the two lockers. I couldn't find any sign if Kokichi in any of them. There weren't many places to hide in classroom. I noticed something about the classroom though.
    This classroom looked significantly cleaner since the last time I saw it. There was less vegetation. The note I looked at it, the more it started looking like an classroom that wasn't abandoned.
    I walked out of that classroom with a sigh. I had to look into the other one as well. That was my next area of search.
    I walked into Classroom C and checked around like I did with Classroom B. I looked at the locker with a frown on my face.
    Memories started filling my skull. The first day here. Waking up and rolling out of that locker... that was how my first day in this hell began. By rolling out of a locker. By far... this was the moment that was the least painful. With what I've seen now... I really wanted a happy ending. Even if it killed me. I wanted a happy ending with him.
I opened the locker with a sigh, still getting nothing. I investigated the classroom thoroughly like the last one. It was now clear to me that he wasn't in the classrooms.
It has been about an hour and fifteen minutes from when I started this game. Kokichi must've been bored, waiting for me to find him. It was either that or he was snickering wherever he was hiding because I couldn't find him.
"This game is hard sometimes I swear..." I muttered in annoyance, "he really was telling the truth that time, huh...?"
I looked around for a few minutes, trying to decide what I should do. Maybe I could search in my lab for him. I don't know why he'd be in there under any circumstances, but that's where I was going to look.
    I went to the room across from Kirumi's Lab. I stared at the door for a second before entering.
   "Maybe I should get a box of pocky from there..." I muttered, "I haven't eaten anything today..."
   I looked at the room with a sigh. There wasn't really any hiding spaces in the room. I deadpanned at myself as I basically stared blankly at my tv.
    "Not one of my best ideas..." I muttered.
    I grabbed a box of chocolate pocky before exiting the room. I put a stick of pocky in my mouth as I walked over to Kirumi's Lab. This was my next destination to look for Kokichi in. I had no idea what kind of places could be used to hide anyone.
    I opened the door to her lab with a sigh. The room looked the same as it did when I first saw it. There was a family of mannequin dolls that would serve as Kirumi's guests. There were also cleaning supplies, as well as washers and dryers.
    I went into the area of the room where there were washers and dryers. In one of the dryers, I immediately noticed white sheets in there. Kokichi was small, so he could easily fit in a washer or dryer. It might be a little tight, but, he could put something over him to hide himself.
    When I inspected the sheet, I noticed something underneath it move. My eyes went blank as blue lines of dread were on my face.
    'I was right... wasn't I?' I thought.
    All I had to do was open the door... Then it'd be game over. That was all I had to do. He really did blend in well though. If I weren't trying to play the game, I'd just walk past and not even notice him.
I opened the round dryer door and ripped the sheet off of whoever was hiding in there. Sure enough, it was Kokichi. He looked slightly shocked, but then he started smiling.
"Nee-heehee, you finally found me. I was in there for two hours!" Kokichi laughed.
"Two hours?" I asked in response.
"Yeah... you're pretty slow," Kokichi said disappointingly.
"The school is huge..." I muttered, "so don't be a jerk..."
    "I was tempted to get out of hiding and finding you myself," Kokichi replied dramatically.
    "Please stop that...." I muttered in response.
    Kokichi was really giving me a hard time about taking long to find him. It wasn't like we were in a smaller place like a house with select few room. We were in a huge school that probably had more than three floors, including a basement. It was a lot more space to look through than just bedrooms and bathrooms.
    I was even lucky I guessed right. If he ever had me play hide and seek when we unlock more areas, it would take even longer, because there would be even more hiding places.
   "So, what do you wanna do, (y/n)?" Kokichi asked, "maybe I can try to find you."
    "So you want to be 'it' for hide and seek..." I muttered.
"Nee-heehee! I want to see how good you are at the game," Kokichi replied.
"I don't have a choice in this, do I?" I muttered in response.
"Nope!" Kokichi exclaimed in response, "now I'm going to count until one hundred, and you have to be hidden by then."
"Alright... start counting," I told him.
"Alright... 1-2," Kokichi said, beginning to count.
I made a mad dash out of Kirumi's Lab and ran to the staircase to lead to the first floor. I had a good idea where to hide. I honestly couldn't believe I was playing such a childish game. It was nostalgic in a way. Playing these types of games with friends. It gave a warm feeling of the heart.
I made it to the first floor and ran across the hall to get to the basement. My idea was to hide in a pile of books in the library. It would be hard to do, but I think I can manage.
(Before I get comments on the fact that it's impossible, you can smack the book piles to get monocoins... going by this game's logic...)
I got this idea from the scene in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood where Sheska gets trapped under a pile of books. It'd be perfect since no one would see me.
I made my way into the basement, being quick about it. I only had so much time. I ran into the library, spotting a large pile of books. I started removing some books until there was a big enough space for me to get in the pile. Once I did, I was on the floor in the book pile. I worked to get the books back on the pile. It was difficult to do, but the book pile never looked any different.
It was time to play the waiting game. I wondered how quick it'd take Kokichi to find me. I hoped to god that it would take longer. That was just for revenge in a way, but I also hoped I wouldn't have to stay in the book pile for too long.
    'I'm such a nerd...' I thought, 'finding anime ways to hide...'
    It was dark in the pile, little bird of light leaking out. This hiding spot would defiantly be claustrophobic. In a way... I found this slightly soothing. A small place where people can't hurt me. It was definitely a heaven for me.
    I felt my eyelids slowly close... I must've been mite tired than I thought. With that, I fell asleep.

    "(y/n), wake up!"

    My eyes slowly opened as I groggily tried to rub the sleep out of them. My hair was messy and I looked even more exhausted before I even hid.
    Someone had told me to wake up. I honestly had no idea who it was until my sight registered. It was darker in the library for some reason...
    'How long was I asleep?' I thought.   
    I When my sight fully registered, it was the one who was supposed to find me. Kokichi...
    "How did you get under a pile of books. I've been looking for you for hours!" he exclaimed, "I must admit, you are good at playing the game, but why did you fall asleep?"
    "I must've been tired..." I replied in exhaustion.
    "We should get you to your room," Kokichi said, leaving no room for argument.
    I was basically dragged by Kokichi in my half asleep state. Once I got to my dorm, he sat me on my bed and left the room. He didn't even say goodbye.
    The nighttime announcement played on time, revealing that Monotaro couldn't be there because Monodam beat him up. Then there was the patchy Monokuma on screen.
I realized something... I had nighttime training with Kaito, Maki, and Shuichi. I was too tired, but I had to go. Training this night will probably be something though...

This chapter is a longer one. I wanted to get the ball rolling more, so I made this one longer. I still need fan art for chapter three predictions. The next couple of chapters, you will want to send your fan art by then. Say awesome readers, and I'll see you all next week!- CRUSIFIXdroid

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now