Chapter 4 Part 13: An Enigma More Mysterious than Rantaro

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Your POV:

    Ever since being here, there was always something that never changed no matter how long I've been here. That was the sound of the monitor. The singing sound of the visual monitor always went off at the same time during the start of nighttime, and it always went of the same time in the morning. In a way, it was an alarm clock now, and it always woke me up.
    That was the same case for today. My eyes slowly opened after I heard the all too familiar sound of the monitor going off. Every time it always showed the Monokubs on screen, either saying good morning, or some weird scene that should be kept under wraps. That was also the same.
    The Monokubs were on screen, and what I saw was the red cub, Monotaro beating up Monophanie, the pink cub. The other three seemed to be on the ground, holding their stomachs in pain as the red bear lashed out. I could feel myself tense up slightly when I saw this.
    "It's 8 a.m.! How long are you going to keep crying, you annoying bitch!?" I heard Monotaro yell.
    My mind started recalling all of those moments in my life where similar things would happen to me because of my father... calling me annoying, calling me a bitch.

    'Stop crying you worthless son of a bitch!'

    'This family would be much better off if you just didn't exist!'

    'Just go to your room! I don't want to see your fucking tears anymore!'

    Those were all things told to me by my father that rushed into my mind as I saw the display on screen. My mind zoned out as the rest of the scene played. I found myself feeling more depressed, and to be honest, this wasn't a good way to start the morning for me.
    As soon as the announcement ended, the sound of the monitor clicking off brought me out of my trance. I tried to get myself to calm down slightly before proceeding, but those words were at the back of my mind.
    "What a great way to start my day..." I muttered sarcastically.
    I did my usual morning routine with a slight sad look on my face. I knew that despite the situation I was in, I found a form of happiness that was Rantaro, and the friends I've made. I was slowly trying to get past my inner demons of my past, depression, anxiety... but right now... it was hard seeing something that reminded me so much about what my life was like before this had happened.
    My morning routine seemed to go by fast as I thought about everything that had happened. The shower, putting on a new outfit... brushing my hair... I could feel some damp strands of hair sticking to my face as I started to think about what happened the day prior.
Despite how this morning was starting out, I thought about all of the events that happened after the Flashback Light, after the situation with Kiyo. Yesterday, Ryoma joined nighttime training with Kaito, Maki, Shuichi, and I. That was one of the best things that has happened, including the time I got to spend with Rantaro yesterday. Even though I knew some good things came out of yesterday, my mind was still drifting back to the negative things that transpired, which caused me to have one thought.
    "I wonder who's going to be feeding Kiyo today..." I muttered to myself, "I hope Kokichi doesn't pressure me into doing that again..."
    After that was said, I heard the all too familiar sound of my doorbell ringing. I glanced over to the door when I heard it. I felt like I knew exactly who it was.
    'Rantaro is probably at the door to greet me...' I thought, 'I should be getting to the dining hall anyway...'
    With those thoughts in my head, I walked over to the door. Expecting to see Rantaro, I felt a smile forming on my face as I opened the door. When I opened the door, I saw someone who I wasn't expecting to see.
    Instead of seeing Rantaro at the door, I saw Kokichi standing there, a wide grin on his face. In all honesty, I was still upset that he pressured me into interrogating Kiyo. A lot of things were still fresh in my head. The meteorites, Kiyo's true motive, trying to decide whether I should give him a second chance... the PTSD I was facing this morning.
    My mind felt like it was about to burst from all of these thoughts at once. I was still trying to get the thoughts of my past out of my head. I was still feeling conflicted about Kiyo's situation. I was still facing backlash from the memories of the meteorites... being constantly blamed for what was happening to the planet. I couldn't focus on that now though.... I was trying to ponder why Kokichi was here.
    "Good morning, my beloved!" Kokichi exclaimed, "it's so good to see you again!"
    "You saw me yesterday though," I replied nervously, "and to be completely honest, I didn't like being thrusted into that situation..."
    "Nee-hee-hee, you have to understand that I had a good reason for asking you to help me interrogate Kiyo," Kokichi laughed in response, "you know very well if we didn't know his motive for killing, then he would probably find some way to do it again, riiiight?"
    I could feel myself dead pan slightly in response to his words. No matter how hard I tried, I could never truly grasp what Kokichi was planning, and that was stressful for me. Another thought entered my mind as I listened to his words.
    'He's basically saying that it doesn't matter if my mental health deteriorates because of what happened,' I thought, 'he's basically only doing this for his own gain... it doesn't matter to him who gets hurt in the process...'
    That what what I truly thought. In terms of what Kokichi did, it always seemed that he did it for his self gain. With how much he lied, it was that much harder to try and figure out what his motives were. It always made me nervous because I never knew what was truly on his mind.
    "In annny case, I wanted to apologize for yesterday. It was wrong for me to put you in that situation," Kokichi explained, "but I could just be lying—"
    Kokichi was suddenly cut off when I heard him yell out slightly in pain. I could see that someone had hit him over the head. When I saw the rings and bracelet gleaming on that said hand, I knew who it was who cut Kokichi off before he could finish his words.
Rantaro was standing behind Kokichi, a seemingly annoyed expression on his face as I watched him hit Kokichi up the side of his head. When I saw that go on, I couldn't help but feel shocked about it. Rantaro was someone I never expected would hit someone over the head, or even hit anyone nonetheless.
I was honestly hoping Kokichi was alright. Even though sometimes, I felt like he deserved getting some sense knocked into him, I still was hoping Kokichi was okay.
"I think you've said and done enough," Rantaro explained, "I don't need you pressuring my girlfriend to talk to Kiyo again...."
I felt my face heat up slightly in response. It wasn't because of Rantaro hitting Kokichi upside the head, that wasn't the reason behind it. The true reason was because Rantaro was defending me. In a romance anime, the romance interest sticking up for the main character always was something that gave me life. In the past when I'd watch animes like that, I always wished I had someone to stick up for me like that.
Seeing this similar scenario happen now... I realized that that dream came true. While I didn't like seeing anyone get hit, I was happy that my boyfriend was sticking up for me. Seeing this happen made some of the negative thoughts from this morning vanish from my head.
"Rantaro, that was just rude!" Kokichi explained as tears entered his eyes, "I was trying to apologize to my beloved for what I did last night, but you ruined that!"
Rantaro seemed to have an unimpressed look on his face in response to what Kokichi said. This made me realize something. When I left Ryoma's lab yesterday, I didn't know what Rantaro said to Kokichi after I left. Chances were he was very angry with him for this scheme. I could tell that he was still very angry and salty with Kokichi.
A few moments after Kokichi last spoke, his tears suddenly disappeared. This reminded me of a moment in the first class trial, where someone insulted him. He would cry for only a few seconds, but then he would blow it off as if nothing happened. This was another thing that made Kokichi very confusing to me. Nothing seemed to bother him. No matter what was said about him, he would act insulted, but then blow it off.
    "I feel soooo much better after letting that out!" Kokichi exclaimed with a smile, "but with all due respect, Rantaro, I was actually serious about my apology."
    The last part of Kokichi's words sounded darker. Hints of malice were detected in his voice as he seemed to say Rantaro's name with much more hostility than usual. No matter how many times I heard his voice go from happy and cheerful to creepy, it always terrified me.
    It always seemed like whenever I hung around Rantaro, spending time with him, that was when Kokichi seemed to get upset and show more malice. It's happened many times before, but I never understood his reasoning behind it.
    "If you were serious about it, then why were you trying to tell (y/n) that it could be a lie?" Rantaro asked in response.
    In response to Rantaro's question, Kokichi rested his arms behind his back, and he seemed to smile brightly.
    "Ah-hahaha!" Kokichi laughed, "it's a force of habit! I always say that, big deal."
    "If you're really telling the truth, then I want you to promise me that you won't try to put (y/n) through that again," Rantaro told him.
    In response to that, Kokichi had a slight smirk on his face. He brought his hands down from behind his back, and one of his hands were now in front of his mouth as if he were plotting something. It was either that or he was trying to silence someone.
    "You really shouldn't tell a liar like myself to make a promise," Kokichi told him.
    Rantaro let out a sigh of annoyance in response to that. He ruffled his hair slightly with one of his hands. I was kinda concerned. Rantaro was more of someone to keep their emotions on the inside, and he was probably trying to shield me from how he truly felt.
    Rantaro turned to me, a smile forming on his face... his usual carefree smile that always made my heart swoon. He had that smile most of the time, but in a way... it made me that more concerned.
    "We should probably head to the dining hall," Rantaro told me, "let's go, my princess."
    I nodded nervously in response to that, a slight blush growing on my face. I knew that Rantaro was going to keep calling me that, and that was in all honesty, his nickname for me.
    "A-Alright," I replied.
    Rantaro offered his hand to me like a gentleman. If Gonta saw this, he would be very happy, and he would praise Rantaro for being a gentleman. I felt myself laugh a little when I thought about that.
    I took his hand with a small smile, and right after I did that, I felt a slight tug from Rantaro's hand. The pull caused me to stagger slightly, but then after I got my footing again, we started to head out of the dormitory.
    "Hey! Don't leave me behind!" Kokichi exclaimed, "you both are so rude!"
"Why don't you take your last statement and apply it to yourself for once," Rantaro replied.
"Rantaro, you're acting very bitter right now," I muttered in response to that, "it kinda surprises me..."
Rantaro seemed to be in a hurry after my response. He was quick to drag me out of the dormitory building, leaving Kokichi to think about what he said. I couldn't blame him for being bitter with Kokichi though... I knew he wanted the best for my well-being.
"I can't exactly help it, (y/n)," Rantaro explained in response as we headed for the outside entrance of the dining hall, "seeing everything pan out yesterday. Seeing Kiyo outright trying to manipulate you into making a conflicting choice, and Kokichi taking advantage of your kindness towards others to throw you into a situation that would only cause you stress... I wanted you to be able to relax after that, because I only want what's best for you... but I still can't stop being angry at Kokichi for doing this..."
My eyes softened in response to Rantaro's words. I knew very well Rantaro didn't say much on what was bothering him... but now, he was venting to me... venting his concerns, venting his troubles. He was expressing some of his negative emotions.
While Rantaro was doing his utmost best to help me relax, making the ramen, even reading manga together in the library. The thing however that I didn't think about was how Rantaro felt about the whole situation, and I felt so stupid for that. I was relaxing and trying to get my mind off of everything, while Rantaro wasn't able to vent his frustrations about that whole situation.
    "Why didn't you tell me...?" I asked as I looked down, "while I was able to relax, you were just steeping in your frustrations... what kind of girlfriend am I if I don't even realize that much...?"
    Rantaro seemed to stop in response to my words. He turned over to me with a soft look in his eyes. He let out a small sigh as he let go of my hand. After that moment, he placed his hands on my shoulders as he looked at me.
    "None of this is you're fault, (y/n)," Rantaro explained, "I was more concerned about you. You were upset and stressed out over the whole situation. You had a mental breakdown over while I only felt anger. And to be honest, Kokichi knew he shouldn't have put you through that, but he did anyway."
    I looked down in response to his words. He knew he was only feeling anger at what Kokichi did, while I was breaking down over the whole situation... that was probably why he didn't say anything. He knew what he was feeling, but me...
"Rantaro, it can't just be me that gets to relax after something bad happens..." I muttered, "you deserve a break as much as I do, alright...?"
    Rantaro seemed to smile in response to that. He ruffled my hair with that same carefree smile he always had, and he chuckled likely as he kept one of my hands in his.
    "I guess you're right about that," Rantaro chuckled, "if I ever need a break, I know you'll be there for me."
    I smiled lightly as he said that. His words were right on the money. If he ever needed to relax, he knew I would be there for him. Whether it was for him venting, or needing some relaxation, I would be there. He's done so much for me, and I wanted to do the same for him. I wanted to give him as much as he gave me, and even more than that if it was even possible.
    "You know I will," I replied, "I want to do as much for you as you've done for me... I love you, Rantaro... I really don't want anything to change."
    "Isn't it supposed to be my job to be sappy?" Rantaro asked, "because you're being quite cheesy right now, but it does help."
    I could feel laughter bubbling building up when Rantaro told me that. I started to giggle slightly because in a way, his words were truthful. Rantaro has been very cheesy with his nicknames for me, as well as his teasing lines. I guess I took a page out of his book in this situation, because I was being the sappy one now.
    "I-I guess you're right about that," I laughed nervously, "but I am serious about what I said..."
    "Yes, I know, (y/n)," Rantaro replied, "I find it very endearing... and cute when you get serious."
    I pouted lightly in response to that. He always managed to tease me in some way. I could feel my face heating up slightly in response to his words. No matter how hard I tried to understand, I didn't get why he always called me cute when I was serious.
    "You're just teasing me again..." I muttered.
    "You caught me," Rantaro replied, "I normally just can't help it when I know you'll get flustered when I tease you."
    "Is teasing me entertainment for you?" I asked nervously.
    "In a way, yes because every time I do it, you always have the cutest expressions. I really can't help it," Rantaro replied with a slight chuckle.
    After Rantaro said that, we started walking again. When we had the conversation about how Rantaro was actually feeling about the situation, Rantaro stopped walking to help comfort me slightly when I told him how I felt about it, but now we were walking again.
    The reason we were walking to the outdoor entrance to the dining hall was because it was a shorter distance than walking through the school to get into the dining hall. It was way more convenient, and it did save time.
    Soon enough, we were standing in front of the outdoor  entrance to the dining hall. We were in the pathway that was made from the outdoor tables and chairs that were most likely there for eating outside. Despite those chairs being out there, I never once sat in one of them to enjoy food, reason being the gigantic cage covering this entire school. Even though I've been here for awhile, I couldn't see myself being able to eat anything with the thought of that cage in my mind. The full reminder that we were just prisoners...
I knew that we were trapped here, even with sitting inside of the dining hall, but having friends to talk to helped tone that down slightly. I was still happy that I managed to help everyone stay alive. I was happy that I could at least do that much for everyone.
"Hey, we should probably head in right now," Rantaro told me, "chances everyone else has already arrived."
I nodded lightly in response. Right now, there wasn't any more time to wait on joining everyone. I walked up to the door, opening it slowly. As soon as I did that, a loud voice was heard, catching me slightly off guard. When Rantaro and I both heard the loud voice echoing through the dining hall, we both quickly entered to see what was happening.
"But we gotta do it!" Gonta exclaimed, "if not now, then when!?"
I knew right then and there that it was Gonta who was the source of the loud noise. I was slightly confused on what was happening, considering that we just arrived. It seemed like both Shuichi and Kaede both entered at the same time Rantaro and I did because they both looked just as confused as we did.
"L-Like I said before, it's reckless! All four of the Exisals are still active, right!?" Tsumugi exclaimed in response.
"Gonta know that...but..." Gonta trailed off, "watching friends almost disappear... having scare that friends are dead, but it not being real... Gonta need to do something to keep Gonta's friends from dying for real! That's why Gonta go fight Monokuma!"
I could feel myself empathizing with Gonta. I could understand how he was feeling because it was a similar feeling that Shuichi had when he had almost snapped. Gonta wanted to make sure that no one died, and since he didn't know anything, he wanted to do what he thought was best to help everyone stay alive.
"F-Fight Monokuma!?" Kaede exclaimed.
"(y/n), Rantaro, Shuichi, Kaede, good timing!" Himiko exclaimed, "talk some sense into him! Gonta's saying a bunch of reckless stuff, and he won't listen to us!"
"Gonta know it reckless...but it only way to keep everyone safe," Gonta replied, "waiting around, doing nothing will just result in victim..."
"G-Gonta, hold on a second—" Kaede tried to say.
"That's why Gonta gotta risk his life! Real gentleman would risk life!" Gonta exclaimed, "Gonta gladly give up life to keep everyone safe!"
I knew that Kaede was trying to say something, and I had a feeling I knew what to say too. I knew if Gonta would sacrifice his life to save to save everyone, however fighting Monokuma would result in death. I didn't want Gonta to get himself killed, none of us wanted that...
    "Gonta, I get how you feel, but don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself?" Kaito asked Gonta.
    "For once, I agree with that degenerate male," Tenko replied, "it's just reckless to fight Monokuma barehanded..."
    "...More like meaningless," Kokichi replied, "you shouldn't do that."
    I turned over to Kokichi in response to what he said. He had a mischievous smirk on his face as those words came out of his mouth. He was trying to make a point to agree with us, but why did it feel like he was trying to plot something again?
    "And even if you did do that, it wouldn't stop the killing game," Kokichi explained with that mischievous smirk of his.
    That's when I decided I would say something. I couldn't allow Kokichi to get into Gonta's head. I knew it was not the right path to fight Monokuma. We've seen that before, and I had no idea if Gonta would even be a match for the Exisals.
    "Gonta, don't let Kokichi get into your head," I told him, "please don't fight Monokuma. If you die while you try and do so, then we will lose you. I still want to escape with everyone, so you dying isn't an option."
    "(y/n), do you really think that will be enough?" Kokichi asked me in response, "why are you so inclined to end this killing game? Why would you even want to stop it? It's just starting to get fun! I want to prick into that beautiful brain of yours on whatever information you have... on the reason why you want to end this so badly."
    My eyes widened a great amount in response to that. Kokichi's words... what he was saying. He didn't want to end this killing game. He was having fun witnessing this, for his own entertainment. Why did it feel like that every single word was directed at me? Why did it feel like he was serious about everything? That couldn't be the truth... could it?
    "Anyway, it would be a waste to stop it now," Kokichi explained, "you all are whack jobs! Is there something wrong with your heads!?"
    From the way Kokichi was talking, from the way his expression was... he sounded like he wasn't lying about anything he was saying... he really did think there was something wrong with our minds.
    "Something's wrong with your head!" Kaito exclaimed in response.
    In response to Kaito's words, Kokichi seemed to have his cheerful expression back onto his face. It looked innocent, but I knew that his words were going to be farther from that. He sounded innocent... but in truth... in truth he was trying to play everyone like pieces in a game.
    "Oh, don't tell guys aren't confident enough to win the game?" Kokichi asked, "geez, if you're really that much of a weenie, then you might actually lose, y'know?"
I was honestly starting to get slightly freaked out by Kokichi's words. Was his true motivation for acting the way he did just for trying to win this game... if that was the case, then was he actually the mastermind...? Was my thought process wrong? Why did it feel line this was just entertainment to him... seeing us suffer through this...?
"In my case however, I'm full of confidence!" Kokichi exclaimed, "I will win this game, no matter what!"
"What do you mean by that...?" I asked in response, "what do you mean by winning the game?"
"Are you planning on becoming the next blackened then?" Maki asked in response.
"Me...? The next blackened?" Kokichi asked in response, "yeah, sure. If that would help me win, then I'd do it."
My eyes widened slightly in response to that. Kokichi was willing to become the blackened to win this game? Was he lying? I had no idea any more. He was more of an enigma than Rantaro could ever be. The source of Kokichi being an enigma was the lies he spewed out of his mouth. I couldn't tell what was the truth, or what was a lie with him anymore.
    "Are you serious...?" Shuichi asked in response.
    "Of course I am! Games are only fun when you play them seriously, right!?" Kokichi exclaimed, "so, c'mon guys! Let's enjoy this more! It's not often you get to play a killing game, y'know?"
    It was like I was trapped in Kokichi's mind games. I had no idea why he was saying all of this now... but all I knew was that he was serious. He was acting crazy, but he was serious about it.
    "Soooo, who's gonna be the first true victim!?" Kokichi asked, "this game can't officially start until there is an actual victim! So someone, start killing already! If you dooon't then I'll kill someone instead! Just like I promised, got it!?"
    "Why you..." Kaito muttered in anger, "that's enough!"
    Kaito shot at Kokichi as if he were a bullet. I was shocked about how fast Kaito was. Suddenly, all I could hear an all too familiar dull sound echoing through the dining hall. The only difference was the fact that this wasn't directed at me this time. This time, Kokichi was hunched over slightly, a red mark on his face.
    It was obvious what happened there. Kaito slapped Kokichi, similar to what he did to me when I said something out of line. This time, it was Kokichi who was out of line, and that much was obvious. For once, it wasn't me being slapped by Kaito, and if I spoke for everyone else... we were all in shock.
    "Kokichi...what the hell's gotten into you?" Kaito asked.
    Kokichi seemed to stay silent in response to that. I had no idea if Kokichi was entertained by this, or if he was genuinely angry at Kaito for hitting him. I honestly couldn't tell. Kokichi was just silent.
    "You were messed up to begin with, but this is a whole 'nother level of weird..." Kaito told Kokichi, "if you keep acting like this, I'm gonna knock your senses back into you!!!"
    "I think you already hit him, Kaito..." Kaede muttered.
    "I don't think this is the right path," Kirumi explained, "take it from me, violence isn't the answer..."
    "Kaito, please stop. There is never a good reason to commit violence," Keebo explained, "even minor aggressions can lead to an actual murder..."
    It seemed that Keebo's words managed to get through to Kaito. Kaito dropped his fist begrudgingly  before staying silent for a few moments.
    "Tch...fine. I'll stop for now," Kaito muttered angrily, "but, Kokichi...I hope that whole stupid speech was a lie."
    I looked over at Kokichi after Kaito said those words. Kokichi's head was down slightly, a dark shadow covering his eyes. He was completely silent... and it was shocking to me. It was concerning because I didn't know what was going through his head.
    The rest of what happened in the dining hall was all blurred. Miu saying that Gonta didn't need to do something so reckless... her saying that she would take us somewhere where the killing game didn't exist.
    The atmosphere was awkward as we ate some of the always delicious food Kirumi would prepare for us. The events from this morning were bothering me as I ate. After breakfast was done, we all separated back into our dorm rooms.
    Just the look on Kokichi's face was enough for me to suspect something going on. I had no idea no matter how hard I tried. I guess... that was all a part of what Kokichi was... an enigma... a liar... one who craves malice... but no matter how much I saw that... I didn't know what he was truly after...

Hello all! It's me, the author with a new update! So right now, we are heading straight into the free time events for chapter four, starting next chapter! You all know the drill... the next two or three chapters will be based off of the free time events before things start getting into the chapter four sequence.

We should be about halfway done with chapter four about now! Just remember, next chapter 5 will be way way different. Be prepared for the plot twists chapter will come in quickly!

That reminds me! Chapter 5 art predictions are still up until June! So please express what you all think will happen using art if you want to! I'm not going to force you all to make art.

Also! This is the 100th Part on Wattpad, even though it's with author's notes and all that jazz. I can't believe we've made it this far! This story was just an idea of mine based on RP's I did with other people, and I used those to try and develop reader-chan. Something that was just an idea turned into a popular fanfiction on both Wattpad and Quotev. I know my update schedule had been weird, but thank you nonetheless for dealing with it! I appreciate you all!

And one more thing! Thank you all for reading up this far, even though there was definite plot bullshit! I love all of you guys, and I keep writing because of you all! With that, I bid thee adieu! See you all next week! -yuki_no_fuyu

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now