Prologue of Despairing Events Part 2: Beginning of the New Killing Game Semester

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Your POV:

My eyes were widened in shock and in disbelief. Despite seeing five talking stuffed animals, I never suspected another one.
"Yayyyyy! Father's here!" Monotaro exclaimed happily.
"Hell yeah! Another epic entrance from Papa Kuma!" Monokid exclaimed.
"Daddy is soooo cool," Monophanie said in pure admiration.
The green bear known as Monodam didn't say anything. All I knew was that this so called "Monokuma" is in charge, and that "Monokuma" is another stuffed toy. Monokuma looked like he was angry at his so called "children".
"My cute little cubs! You're all so freakin' cute!" Monokuma said in a voice that sounded angry.
At this point, I zoned out. I didn't want to listen to any of this crazy stuff. The bears arguing about Monokuma being angry at them. I was more worried about the "so called" killing game mentioned. Before zoning out, I heard something about a prologue being a success on the Monokubs' part. That's struck me quite odd.
Suddenly I saw a blast of power come from Monokuma's fists, punching all of his kids. This shocked me, but I also held a sort of unimpressed look on my face.
"That bear copied Dragon Ball....." I muttered.
"Ah-hahaha... you just made me feel a bit more calm (y/n)," Rantaro whispered to me.
"How?" I asked in response.
"Because despite the situation, you notice anime copyrighting..." Rantaro replied, "it's quite amusing."
While Rantaro and I were talking, we didn't see Monokuma punch his kids with a fireball. I guess Rantaro helped ease my nerves. He helps me feel safer in this situation. He is very charismatic and calm. I think he will help everyone in some way aside from me.
"But in this case, ratings are through the roof. All thanks to the cute monokubs," Monokuma stated happily.
(Yes I did skip some dialogue.... it makes me cringe having to write the monokubs.... ugh)
"What do you mean ratings? What's going on here?" I asked finally.
"Another teddy bear appeared..." Tsumugi said.
"Yes, but that is no ordinary teddy bear," Kiyo explained, "I can see it...the despair and madness swirling around that cursed thing..."
"Whoa... First of all, I'm no teddy bear. I'm Monokuma," Monokuma stated in anger, "and show some respect! I'm the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles!"
"...Headmaster?" Maki asked.
"It appears to be some sort of autonomous robot with a built-in A.I., like me..." Keebo announced.
"Dong dong dong!" Monotaro exclaimed.
"The Exisals are different though! They're brainless buckets of bolts!" Monosuke replied.
"They're mindless pretty killing machines that can only be controlled by us, the Monokubs," Monophanie explained.
"Autonomous robots piloting weapons platforms... This is certainly turning into quite the story," Ryoma said in response.
"Well that may be, but what I'm worried about is this "killing game" you mentioned," Rantaro explained, "what exactly does that mean?"
After Rantaro said that, Monokuma started laughing. I was still holding onto his arm, but I was starting to get more scared. That laugh was not friendly in any way. It was sinister..
"What is so amusing?" Kirumi asked.
"It's just...when I said it before, I kinda just phoned it in and now I feel awkward..." Monokuma replied, "I want you students with your Ultimate-level talents to participate in a killing game!"
My breathing started to get faster and heavier. Sweat started to roll down my face as I felt like I was going to lose it. My eyes were widened in shock and realization of the situation.
"N-No! A k-killing game?!" I stuttered.
"Please stop joking! Why would we agree to participate in a killing game!?" Keebo yelled.
"Huh? You guys don't wanna do it?" Monokuma asked.
"'C-Course not! Gentleman not hurt people!" Gonta exclaimed.
"But if you've looked around the academy, then you already know, don't you?" Monokuma explained as a question, "the academy is surrounded by a huge wall. You can't escape to the outside world... And as long as we have the Exisals, you can't defy us. In other words...I hold the power of life and death over each and every one of you."
"So what do you say if we don't want to die?" Rantaro asked in response.
"Y-You gotta be kidding me! Why would friends kill each other!?" Tenko exclaimed.
"Y-Yeah! I agree! Why would you? It seems like everyone has made at least one friend here! So why would we kill them?" I exclaimed.
"...Who said that was true? Who said you guys were friends?" Monokuma asked, "you guys aren't friends at all... You're enemies out to kill each other."
"E-Enemies...?" Shuichi asked.
I looked around the gym.
'Are we enemies? Everyone seems nice... we can't be...' I thought.
I looked at everyone. They were all in shock like I was. The only ones who didn't really show it were Ryoma, Maki, and Kiyo. I don't want to kill anyone. I can't kill anyone...
"Hmmm, I still have a lot to learn from father about sarcasm," Monotaro exclaimed.
"All this talkin' is buggin' the shit outta me! I gotta go bear up Monodam fo relieve the stress!" Monokid exclaimed.
"But...I don't like that. I'm not good with violence or gore or sad situations," Monophanie said.
(Says the pink bear that helped with most of the executions... sorry not sorry)
'Then try to not make us form a killing game... I'm going to have a panic attack if this gets any worse...' I thought.
"Um, Daddy... Instead of a killing game, can we do a rock-paper-scissors tournament?" Monophanie asked.
"Who'd wanna play a game where no one dies?" Monosuke exclaimed in response.
"Well, you do have a compassionate personality. It's so cute, I can barely stand it," Monokuma replied, "why it's cute enough to eat! Cute enough that I wanna eat it!"
"...Eh?" Monophanie asked.
"Hey, Monophanie. You might wanna dial back the cute shtick a bit," Monotaro told her.
"Cool it with the stupid banter. I want to ask something," Ryoma stated, "how are we supposed to kill each other? Are you going to give us weapons?"
     "R-Ryoma! Why are you asking that?" I asked in shock.
     "We need to get info from them first. We can't do anything if we don't know anything," Ryoma replied.
     "Weapons? Huh? What kinda barbaric display are you envisioning?" Monokuma asked, "why you couldn't be more wrong. Why, at the Ulimate Academy for Gifted Juviniles... the killing game is quite the refined, sophisticated experience!"
     "Sophisticated experience?" Maki asked.
     "Yes... Here, the killing game is punctuated by class trials," Monokuma explained.
     "Class...trials...?" Kaede asked.
     "Okay! Let us explain!" The monokubs announced.
     Suddenly the monitor in the room turned on to reveal a picture of sorts. That picture had Monokuma in the center on a heightened throne. In lines in front of him were male and female people standing at wooden podiums. It was strange.
     "Alright, so if one of you maggots kills someone, you all gotta take part in a class trial," Monotaro explained.
     "The class trial is where the blackened killer faces off against their spotless classmates," Monosuke explained.
     "It's where you punkass bitches argue over who you fuckin' think the blackened is!" Monokid exclaimed, "after that, it's Voting Time! And if the majority of you idiots vote correctly..."
     "Th-Then only the blackened killer will receive pu-pu-punishment..." Monophanie explained in disgust, "hrk...! So cruel... Just imagining all the blood and gore...makes me wanna puke..."
     "After the blackened is punished, the rest of youse'll just keep right on livin' together," Monosuke explained.
     "But if you vote for the wrong person during the class trial... the blackened gets off scot-free, and all of the spotless students get punished instead," Monotaro explained.
"Hell yeah! Them's the rules of the class trial! Woo-hoo! Aooowww!" Monokid exclaimed.
My eyes widened at the explanation of what a class trial was. It was shocking. We were expected to kill each other. My hand made its way over to my face as I let out a huge scream.
"Ahhh, too much! That explanation revealed way too much, but perhaps that was a good thing. You got someone to scream. Nice job my cute little cubs. You still gotta be more coy! Flirtatious! Seductive! Just like your old man!" Monokuma explained.
Rantaro looked at me with a soft smile. He patted my head with his free hand that I wasn't clutching onto. The look he gave me told me to stay calm. This situation was terrible, but despite that, Rantaro wanted to calm me down. Red dusted my cheek as I took a breath to calm down. I looked to the front of the stage once more.
"Gross..."Himiko muttered.
"The point is, it's not enough to kill someone. You also have to survive the class trial," Monokuma explained.
     "Kill without being caught, and then survive the trial..." Rantaro said, "sounds eerily similar to the real world."
     "You think so? Then the outside world must be masterfully designed—even at its cruelest," Monokuma replied.
     "One Can likely imagine...but I shall ask, just in case," Kiyo explained, "what is the "punishment" you mentioned earlier?"
     "Simply put, its an execution!" Monokuma exclaimed.
"E-Execution!?" Gonta exclaimed in shock.
"If you do a crime, you get punished for it. That's, like, the most basic rule of society," Monokuma explained, an evil glint in his red eye, "but this is a killing game, so the punishment for murder is a bit more...permanent."
(Warning: use of the word *boner in these sentences holy shit! Lord help me I'm cringing!)
     "Ooh! I wonder what kinda punishments there'll be!?" Monokid exclaimed, "lots of blood and guts and brains, I bet! The kinda stuff that gives me a raging boner!"
(Holy shit....... *pukes on phone while typing)
     "What!? Monokid, you already have a boner!?" Monotaro exclaimed.
     "Y-Yeah! I'm so hard right now!" Monokid exclaimed.
     My face morphed from a calm expression to a disturbed one in a matter of seconds.
     'What kind of animal is aroused by gory things... I think I'm gonna puke,' I thought.
     "Blood...guts...brain..." Monophanie muttered, "BLRGHBLRGHBLRGHBLRGHBLRGH!"
(Monophanie beat me to it...)
     I witnessed Monophanie puke from the mentioning of gore. I felt sick to my stomach as well.
     "Whoa! Monophanie just puked!" Monosuke exclaimed.
     "I'm so FREAKIN' hard!" Monokid exclaimed.
     "Huh? Puke gives you a boner, too?" Monotaro asked.
(Ok... it's over...)
     "Ah-hahahahahaha! You kids are just adorable!" Monokuma exclaimed.
     "Wh-What the hell's cute about that!?" Kaito exclaimed.
     "Alright, I'm over all this boring exposition—Let's get this heart pounding killing school semester started already!" Monokuma exclaimed, "you have free rein to murder however you like, too. Like bludgeoning! Or stabbing! Feelin' cheap? Try strangulation! Feelin' lazy? Try poisoning! Whether you shoot, burn, drown, blow up, crush, electrocute, or laugh your victim to death... You can use any method you like to kill anybody you like, any way you like! At the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, you will realize your murderous potential! Seventeen talented teenage prodigies, all competing for first place in a killing game... There's no better setting for an event like this than the Ultimate Academy!"
     I started shaking like a leaf. This was too scary to be a dream. I looked at Rantaro in an attempt to calm me down, but he made a terrifying face. He was smiling in a creepy way. I had no idea how to react, however I still clutched onto him being to scared to move.
     "Killing school semester... It's like a game," Rantaro said.
     "Kehehe...risking our lives for some silly game is absurd," Kiyo stated.
     "It doesn't seem like it'll be boring, though," Kokichi said mischievously.
     "Hey! How can you degenerates be so calm!?" Tenko exclaimed.
     "Th-This has to be a lie...right? It's...a lie, right?" Tsumugi asked.
     This had to be a lie... This whole scenario was messing with my head. It reminded me of something you'd find on tv. Something that was acted... not real. This had to be fiction.
     This scenario was way to scary to be real. Seventeen Ultimates gathered just to kill each other. The wall and cage surrounding this hell of a school was also hard to believe. Is this really real? I don't want anyone to die.... no one should die... we still have lives... friends............. f a m i l y.....
     The world became a warped mess for my vision, my own deductions causing hallucinations. It was like a bad drug trip. Dark spots started to appear in my vision, my heart beating in my ears. The only thing heard was my heartbeat. My sense of feeling starting to go away. I looked down at my hands, more black appearing in my vision. I was so scared. So shocked. I couldn't hear anything of the conversation that was taking place before me. I looked around the room, dark spots taking up most of my vision. I saw the bears laughing. Their shoulders shaking as they laughed, mocking all of us. My vision suddenly went all black. The last thing I heard before I lost consciousness was...
     "(y/n)? (y/n)!" a voice as soft as honey yelled.

Hey guys! It's me! So this chapter is the end of the prologue. Reader did pass out, but she will wake up at the beginning of the first chapter, which I would be 5-10 minutes after passing out. So basically the whole sequence of her passing out is based off of an experience I had. Last year in May, I accidentally slammed my hand on a lot of hot glue, causing me to almost pass out in class. If you want the full story, give me a follow, and send a pm. Luckily I filled out a pass to use the bathroom to calm down.
So anyway, this chapter is done, and yes I did cringe while writing the "boner part".
I'm featuring two pieces for the winners because they go hand in hand in a way. The first winner is xXKitty_The_LiarXx again with her Rantaro freetime comic in Kokichi's point of view.

 The first winner is xXKitty_The_LiarXx again with her Rantaro freetime comic in Kokichi's point of view

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Note if you're on Quotev, please try to check out the wattpad for better quality pictures

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Note if you're on Quotev, please try to check out the wattpad for better quality pictures. And also it's harder to put stuff in Quotev. The second winner is @ink on Quotev.
She made a drawing of reader and Rantaro in the library reading Boku no Hero Academia. I love both of these.

Both win spoilers and an art piece

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Both win spoilers and an art piece.

Prompt 3: "Kokichi and Reader-Chan's first freetime event"

You all know the rules for this. I inspire tons of creativity so good luck. This is due next Friday! Ciao! -CRUSIFIXdroid

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now