Chapter 3 Part 1: Monokubs Taking Over

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Your POV:

It was the day after the second trial, and my head was spinning. So much happened.
Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid was the one who murdered Ryoma. She was supposedly dead, but I brought her back. It was all so surreal to me.
Kokichi revealed that Maki lied to us about her talent, and the way she acted proved this as true. It was no wonder that she protected her lab.
Ironically, I was heading there now. We decided to visit Maki's Lab on the third floor. When I walked inside, I was shocked at what I saw.
    Weapons littered the walls. There were many different kinds ranging from guns, bows and arrows, to even knives. There were even weapons in there that I recognized but didn't know the names of. There was a mannequin wearing a deep red cloak. That must be something to hide her appearance.
    Kokichi was actually telling the truth, and this is what proved it.
    "Wh-What the heck is this?" Kaito asked nervously.
    "It's like...weapon warehouse," Gonta replied.
    "See, I told you she's not the Ultimate Child Caregiver..." Kokichi said with his hands behind his back and a cheerful smile, "she's the Ultimate Assassin."
    No matter how much I wanted to... I couldn't judge Maki or belittle her for this. I save Kirumi and she killed someone. It doesn't matter if Maki is an assassin...
    I just wondered how Kokichi figured out Maki's true talent. That question was buzzing the back of my mind for too long. I needed to figure this out.
    " learned that from the motive video, right?" Shuichi asked.
    "That is a good point..." I replied in response to Shuichi, "Monokuma said everyone's Ultimate talent at the beginning of their video."
    "And Ryoma knew Maki's true identity because he had her motive!" Kaede exclaimed with a smile.
    "So, because Kokichi saw that—" I said when suddenly...
    "Hm? I knew the whole time. Given my position, I'd obviously know before any of you, right?" Kokichi asked with a smile.
    Kokichi was starting to confuse me even more. What did he mean by "his position"? It made no sense to me.
    "Your *position*?" Shuichi asked.
    "Oh...don't worry about it. That was a lie," Kokichi replied with that same childish smile, "anyway, her reaction yesterday pretty much gave away that she's the Ultimate Assassin."
    I hated to admit that but he was right. The scene yesterday was more than enough proof. Maki was very strong for her size. She was able to lift Kokichi up like he was a rag doll. I knew for certain that I didn't want to get on her bad side.
"But whyever did she lie about being the Ultimate Child Caregiver?" Kiyo asked.
"Cuz assassins hide to do all their killing!" Miu laughed, "if people find out they're assassins, they get all cautious and they can't kill anyone!"
"Did she hide her real identity because...she was planning to kill us?" Tsumugi asked.
"I don't think that's the case," I replied, "if Maki wanted to kill any of us, she would've done it by now."
"(y/n) is right y'know," Rantaro replied.
Rantaro said this as his hand was in front of him pointing up. It reminded me of how people could tell you 'one second' when they're on the phone.
"Maki did have many opportunities to kill us, so wouldn't you say it's strange to make that assumption when she hasn't done anything. She wasn't the one who made the choice to kill any of us, right?" Rantaro asked.
"I guess so..." Tsumugi replied.
    Keebo did Then mention that she did have a lot of opportunities to kill us. It was like he wasn't even listening to the conversation at hand. Kokichi, like the jerk he was, decided to say that Keebo couldn't understand feelings or a girl's heart.
    I thought of that as false since Keebo treated others with more respect than Kokichi. That was the truth.
    Everyone wanted to ask why Maki wouldn't kill us. Everyone was also basically scared to do so, considering what happened to Kokichi the previous night.
    While everyone was freaking out, Angie proclaimed that she would uphold the peace.
    I defiantly wondered how she would do that, considering the fact that she's devout.
    Himiko would cheer Angie on, and Kaito told us he'd take care of Maki. He still didn't really care about her actual talent. I didn't want to judge Maki on it either, so I couldn't blame him.
    Soon enough, we were all shocked to see someone we didn't exactly want to see. That was Monokuma. He popped in, invading our business like he always does. I thought I would've been used to it by now, but I was wrong.
    "M-Monokuma..." Kirumi muttered.
    She looked very nervous. Why wouldn't she? After the execution experience she had, it's obvious she'd be scared or on high alert. I rubbed her back to try and comfort her.
    "Oh! I don't need everyone's usual reactions! Time's a bit of a factor here!" Monokuma exclaimed.
    "M-Monokuma!?" Tsumugi asked in shock.
    "Everyone! Get behind Gonta!" Gonta shouted, his face angry and slightly terrifying.
    "Himiko, get behind me! I'll surround you with my body to keep you safe!" Tenko exclaimed.
    There was a thought in my mind there. That sounded a little bit inappropriate... I made a slightly sour face at the comment because of that fact.
"I just said I don't need your usual reactions!" Monokuma yelled angrily, "it's almost halftime, so the stats should be out soon for everyone to obsess over..."
I wondered what he meant by that. It was almost like he was talking about some sort of stats for a popular show on tv. It was strange.
"And since you guys overcame what was good about the class trial, I figured I'd give you all a wonderful prize!" Monokuma exclaimed.
We were all silent about this. The bear was quiet for a moment. It was almost as if he were confused. It was like he was waiting for a reaction. It was either that, or he was waiting for something to arrive.
"I said, I figured I'd give you all a wonderful prize!" Monokuma shouted once more.
The monochromatic bear was silent once more. He seemed more confused. This made me think that he was waiting for someone to arrive.
"...Huh? My adorable little cubs aren't coming?" Monokuma asked, "that's strange."
'So that's what he was waiting for...' I thought.
It made sense now. I wondered why I didn't hear the terrible catchphrase those Kubs had.
    Before I could think more on that, the terrible catchphrase was as clear as day. I mentally groaned because of it. It seemed every time I made some sort of observation about Monokuma, it does a 180 turnabout.
    "RISE-AND-SHINE, URSINE!" Monodam exclaimed.
    "They're finally here! Yay! You're so cute today, it's practically obscene!" Monokuma exclaimed happily, " You guys are seriously cute. H-Have you always been this cute? Ahhhh! The shock of my super-cute kids...seems to be making me...go bald..."
    My eyes widened when I saw fur starting to fall off of Monokuma in patches. Soon enough, there were bald spots all over his body. I was confused from this whole scene. How could something like this make someone go bald?
    "...Like in patches," Monokuma said, having bald spots on his body.
    "He's actually balding!?" Tsumugi asked in shock.
    "Ugh! Gross!" Miu exclaimed.
    "What kind of freak show is this?" Kaede asked nervously.
    "Ahhhh...I-I'm cold...V-Very cold..." Monokuma shivered, "hey, my cute little cubs... Could you hurry up and give them their prize...? I-It's too cold... I can't s-stand it... Hurry... I wanna go somewhere warm..."
    The Monokubs were all staying silent. They weren't doing what Monokuma wanted them to. The cubs would normally happily give us whatever they want to. Why weren't they doing that?
    Monokuma then suddenly had all of his fur grown back. That shouldn't even be possible. Hair can't grow that fast.
    "Huh? What's wrong? Why aren't you backing me up?" Monokuma asked.
    "FATHER... WE-ARE-NOT-YOUR-SLAVES," Monodam replied.
    'This is new...' I thought.
    I wasn't expecting this to happen. The Monokubs normally suck up to that demonic bear. And now, they are telling that evil bear that they aren't slaves. I just didn't know how long this would last.
    "WE-WILL-NOT-LET-YOU-USE-US-ANYMORE," Monodam stated.
    "FOR ONCE, I AGREE WITH MONODAM!" Monokid exclaimed.
    "...Huh?" Monokuma asked in confusion.
    "FROM-NOW-ON...I-WILL-BE-CALLING-THE-SHOTS," Monodam explained.
    Monokuma started to sweat profoundly. It looked like he was very nervous. I didn't think he expected this to happen.
   "...Hah! Good one, kids. Very funny. You can show me where the hidden cameras are now," Monokuna said, acting very nervous.
    "'re too old for this! You've been doing this so long, you become predictable!" Monotaro exclaimed.
"It's the age of the Monokubs now! Out with the old, in with the new!" Monophanie exclaimed.
Sweat started to form on my head as this scene unfolded in front of me. The Monokubs were trying to take over. I mean, as long as they didn't make us kill each other, it's a whole lot better than what we were dealing with.
"Wh-What!? But what about all the long-time fans who—" Monokuma exclaimed as...
"Anyway, you're just a has-been! Why don'tcha just retire somewhere and work on your tan!?" Monotaro exclaimed.
"H-Has-been!?" Monokuma exclaimed.
"Screw off!?" Monokuma exclaimed.
No matter what kind of takeover this was, it was painful to watch. I didn't even know how to react to everything that was being said. Do those cub things even know what they're doing?
'They has to use scripts to do all of this!?' I thought, 'that's a bit sad...'
So they were rehearsing for this. I had no idea they were even acting either. I sighed lightly as I continued to watch what was going on with this scene in Maki's Lab.
"D-Do you really think you can defy your dad!?" Monokuma exclaimed angrily, "do you think I'd forgive such—"
Suddenly, a chorus of loud thuds were heard. The sound of clanking was all I could hear with this. Monokuma looked absolutely terrified as four Exisals surrounded him.
This is the part that was starting to terrify me. I didn't feel like dying to those things. I needed to at least confess to Rantaro before I die.
Monokuma was in the center of it all though. Everyone would be alright... for now anyway. The monochromatic bear was shaking like a leaf. He looked absolutely pathetic from this scene alone.
"...YOU-WERE-SAYING?" Monodam's voice boomed out from the green Exisal.
Monokuma let out an ear piercing scream after his robotic son said that to him. This truly was a pathetic scene for Monokuma.
Monodam told Monokuma that only they could pilot the Exisals. Monokuma basically forgot that fact.
Soon even Monotaro forgot that fact as well. This caused a tiny argument coming from Monophanie.
    The green bear then told his so called father to step aside. I wondered what she was going to happen this time.
    "N-No way! Are you saying that treating you kids like my property was...wrong!?" Monokuma asked in shock.
    "It's completely and utterly wrong!" Tenko exclaimed in response.
    "—" Monokuma muttered.
    After that, fur fell off the monochromatic bear once more, leaving bare patches all over his body.
    I realized something after this... the Monokubs were now in charge of us. I had no idea what they were planning.
    Hopefully they had good intentions, but what do I know? I'm just an Otaku...

Another early chapter. We started chapter three today and I hope you know we are almost halfway through this story arc. I was thinking about writing a sequel to this. If you think I should, vote for it in the comments. And I hope to hear from you all next week!- CRUSIFIXdroid

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now