Chapter 3 Part 16: Attempted Murder

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Rantaro's POV:

I decided to head to the pool a little bit early to meet with (y/n). I still wondered why she left a note on my door like that, but she's usually very shy and nervous, so it is understandable.
I made my way to the pool with a sigh.
'Of all places, why the pool?' I thought, 'we could've met in your lab and watched anime...'
I walked the trail that lead to the pool. It was very quiet. No one was really outside. I was guessing they were trying to avoid the student council as much as they could.
I opened the doors to the pool, and I looked around. It didn't seem like anyone was in here. This concerned me slightly.
That concern turned to shock as I looked towards the pool. I saw something in the water. I went closer to pool when I noticed it...
"(y/n)!" I screamed.
It was her body in the pool. She was tied down to something. I couldn't just do nothing. I had to save her. She could still be alive.
'I have to save her....' I thought, 'she has to be alive! I can't lose her!'
I dived into the pool with a rush of adrenaline. I had to get her out. I dove down to where she was, and I noticed her legs tied to some rope. The rope looked loose, so I quietly tried getting her legs out of the rope. It took a few seconds to get her free of the rope. I pulled her with me to the surface, and I got out of the pool with her.
She was passed out looking pale. I laid her down on the pavement and checked her pulse.
"Her pulse is weak..." I muttered, "I need to do CPR..."
I started doing chest compressions, to help her stay alive. I gave her mouth-to-mouth to get air in her lungs. I was scared. I didn't want to lose her... not like my sisters. I loved this girl... I couldn't just let her die.
Suddenly, (y/n)'s body lurched forward, hacking up water they got into her lungs. This was a good sign for me because this gave me more hope that she'd live.
She was starting to breath on her own. I let out a sigh in relief when this happened.
"Thank god..." I muttered.
I gave another few respiratory breaths. She was starting to regain some color in her face. I had to stay with her.
That's when I noticed a note beside me. I hastily took the note and opened it up.

Rantaro, I'm sorry. I couldn't take this killing game anymore. I couldn't take being useless to everyone. I'm deciding to take my own life... everyone would be better off without me anyway. I'm sorry for doing this to you. Tell everyone I'm sorry...
With love, (y/n), (l/n).

My eyes widened. She couldn't be trying to take her own life. She had to be lying. A couple tears welled into my eyes.
"(y/n), please wake up... please..." I said, my voice laced with sorrow.
Right as I said that... a pair of (e/c) eyes started to appear. Her eyes were opening half lidded and slowly.

Your POV:

I felt pain. My lungs were on fire as I felt my eyes slowly open. Everything hurt. I saw Rantaro over me, his eyes glinting with concern and sadness.
I felt cold and damp. I looked at my clothes once I could see clearly, and I noticed I was wet.
"(y/n), thank god you're alright!" Rantaro exclaimed, lifting me up and hugging me tightly.
I was wondering why I was wet, and why Rantaro was so concerned about me. I was wincing in pain.
"R-Rantaro... why are you acting this way... why am I soaking wet?" I asked him.
Rantaro seemed to let go of my body right then and there. His eyes were concealed in black.
"You really don't know... after the letter I just read?" he asked.
"What letter?" I asked, genuinely confused on what he was saying.
Rantaro handed me the letter and I read it. It was a suicide note... a suicide note that was supposedly mine.
'What's this...?' I thought, 'I didn't write this...'
This was confusing me. I had no idea why I was in so much pain. I had no idea why this fake letter was here.
"Rantaro... I didn't write this... this isn't even my handwriting," I explained weakly.
"You didn't write this?" Rantaro asked, seeming genuinely shocked.
"No I didn't..." I muttered, "when I got to the pool, something hit the back of my neck, and I woke up soaking wet..."
Rantaro looked upset at this. He was clenching his fists, trying to hold back some sort of emotion.
"When I got to the pool, I found you tied to something heavy, drowning in the water!" he exclaimed.
My eyes widened when I heard this. I looked down and my hands were shaking. My lungs hurt to even take normal breaths.
"Someone tried to kill me..." I muttered, "why... why did you save me?"
"Because I love you damnit!" Rantaro exclaimed in response.
My eyes widened in shock.
'He loves me?' I thought.
Tears formed in my eyes when he said that. They weren't tears of just sorrow on the fact that someone tried to kill me. They were tears of joy because he loved me too.
"Rantaro... I wrote that note to meet up with you, so I could confess my feelings to you... I wouldn't kill myself if it meant leaving you alone..." I muttered weakly.
"(y/n)..." Rantaro muttered.
Rantaro learned closer to me, holding me in his arms. His face got closer to mine when...
I felt his lips on mine. They were soft and smooth. It was a kiss of passion and love. I closed my eyes, enjoying this moment. I was truly happy right here, right now. I was happy with him... I was happy that something finally was going right for me.
    After a little while, we broke from the kiss. I was blushing madly from what just happened.
    "(y/n), I know that you're shocked and upset right now... but I at least want to confirm something before we try to figure out the one who did this to you..." Rantaro exclaimed, "but will you do me the honor of being my first girlfriend?"
    My eyes widened when I heard this. My heartbeat increased, causing me to hear it in my ear. A deep blush was on my face when I heard what he just asked.
    Tears of happiness formed in my eyes and started to fall freely down my face. This was truly shocking to me. A truly shocking moment to have as well.
   In response to his question, I nodded my head with a smile on my face. All of this was going on as tears streamed down my face. I was...happy. There wasn't a moment right now where I couldn't be unhappy, despite someone trying to kill me. Rantaro made me feel better in that regard, but we still had to address it to everyone else.
Rantaro seemed to smile at my silent answer. He hugged me with a light smile.
"Thank you..." he muttered, "now we should probably get you a towel and take you to the dining hall."
Rantaro let go of me and went to the beachside shelf area where they keep towels at a pool. He had a couple, giving them to me, so I could wrap them around my body.
I did just that. I carefully wrapped the towels around my hair and body. I sighed in relief when the towels started soaking up the cold water on my skin.
"Alright... lets go..." Rantaro muttered beginning to make his way to the door.
A bead of sweat rolled down the side of my head as he started making his way to the door. I was too weak from almost drowning that I couldn't move my body much.
"Rantaro... you realize that I almost died, right?" I asked, "I can't exactly move much of my body."
Rantaro seemed to realize this when I said it to him. He facepalmed in response to what I said.
"I'm so sorry," he said as he quickly came back to where I was positioned on the ground.
I felt one of Rantaro's arms hook underneath my legs, and the other one hooking onto my torso. With one swift movement, he lifted me off of the ground. I blushed madly as I instinctively grabbed the fabric on his chest from his shirt. I was slightly shocked, but it was...warm. It felt like my body was starting to finally restore heat that had been lost from the ice cold water of the pool.
"Alright, now we can go..." Rantaro told me softly.
"Y-Yeah..." I muttered in response.
    With that, Rantaro started to walk out of the pool area with me in his arms. I knew he was most likely going to drop me off at the dining hall while he went to gather everyone.
    "When you were attacked from behind, did you hear anything?" Rantaro asked me.
    "No..." I muttered in response, "if this person said anything, it would've been after I passed out..."
    "I see..." Rantaro muttered.
    Looking up at Rantaro, I noticed he was slightly different. He seemed to be more irritated and mad. It was almost as if he lost his carefree mysterious side in a way.
    I thought about who could've done it at this moment. Everyone else was being watched by the student council, so chances are, one of the student council members was the guilty party. I think Rantaro knew that too.
We soon made it to the dining hall. Rantaro put me into a chair. I sighed lightly, nervously fiddling with my damp hair from ordeal that just happened.
"Please stay here. I need to gather everyone..." Rantaro told me.
"Alright," I replied nervously, "please don't be gone too long..."
"I won't... I want to find who was responsible for trying I murder you..." he replied with a serious expression and tone of voice.
I nodded in understanding. He then left to go gather everyone else like I predicted. I was shuddering, trying to warm myself with the damp towels that helped me dry off at least a little bit.
It felt like he was gone for an eternity. Soon enough, people started entering the dining hall. Kaede and Shuichi were first. Then came Miu, Kokichi, and Kiyo. Kirumi came in along with Kaito and Maki. The student council members, Angie, Himiko, Tenko, Keebo, Tsumugi, and Gonta came in.
Rantaro was the last one to come in. He had an angry look plastered on his face once everyone was gathered here.

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now