Chapter 5 Part 22: Kokichi's Satisfaction

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Kokichi's POV:

I felt satisfied at long last. I felt satisfied now that I had my little toy where I wanted her. I was satisfied with the sheer fact that I didn't have to hide who I was anymore. However it was quite the thorn in my side that I gave away my identity just like that, but (y/n) forced that hand a long time ago when she started to ruin my killing game.
I exposed her like I exposed myself, but I didn't regret it. Seeing the horrified look on (y/n)'s face as I told her how I managed to trap her. I knew everything there was to know about her as well as everyone else. That's why I threatened her with the lives she tried so desperately to save.
    She knew that Rantaro wasn't killed by Kaede's shot. She knew that it was me that almost killed the man of her dreams. She thought that if I agreed to spare the lives of everyone else, that's why she ultimately told me what happened, but she should know that I'm a liar. I wasn't going to spare everyone's life on her expense... no...
    I wanted to see everyone in the throws of despair, especially her. That's why I told her that *she* was my motive in trying to end Rantaro. And the look of despair as well as the warm and soft feeling from my hand cupping her cheek. It felt like a dream come true to me. Telling her everything about what I planned because I had her where I wanted her... it solidified the fact that I wasn't just going to let her go.
    I loved observing her guilt stricken expression on her face when I told her. I enjoyed starting into her eyes which were showing huge amounts of terror for the situation. I found it endearing, and I was amused by it as well.
Having her in this state was the best opportunity for me to kiss her, which was what I did. It did take her a moment to realize it because of tears that strayed her vision. I could feel the satisfaction from her soft lips, slightly trembling underneath mine from both fear and sadness of what she found out. I wanted to see more of that expression she was wearing. I wanted to see her truly break.
I kept my lips against hers for a little while, memorizing how they felt. The softness... the gentleness she showed always despite the situation she was in. It was like a drug and all I wanted was more. And I could have as much as I wanted. I could do whatever I pleased with her. I could do anything I wanted to with her.
I pulled away as I continued to stare into her tear stricken face. My hand was still cupped around her cheek as tears continued to stream from her eyes. A smirk formed itself on my face after I pulled away. She couldn't ignore me anymore. She couldn't shrug me off anymore. I was the one who controlled whether anyone lived or died in this game, and the same could be said for her. I could control her every actions similar to puppets on a string. Ever since she and everyone else were placed in this place, manipulating their actions was an easy endeavor.
    I knew at first that my attraction to (y/n) was more of an obsession. She did however grow from the person she once was. She became braver, and that trait led her to saving me from Gonta's Insect Meet and Greet despite the fact that I was the one who started it. Her desire to keep everyone safe made me fall for her more. I still wanted to break that growth in her. Her desire for keeping everyone safe made her a danger to the game itself. The only way to reverse this is to break her down until she only sees me... until she sees that she can't save anyone.
    "Nee-heehee~" I laughed, "I'm still loving that despair filled look on your face, however there's no point in me telling you anymore if your brain is too full to process other information I can give. So I'm going to let you process that information before I break your resolve again."
After those words flew from my mouth in a taunting way, I moved the hand I once used for caressing her face, placing it on her shoulder. My hand tightened, resulting in a harsh grip that caused my beloved to let out a small noise of pain. I found myself letting out a sinister chuckle in response to that. My other arm was still around her waist.
   With a considerable amount or force, I spun her around so her back would be facing me. While doing so, the hand that was once on her shoulder, moved down grip her wrist. After grabbing her wrist, I pushed it against her back, causing her to fall over onto the ground. She let out a startled scream as she fell to her ground, and I found that noise to be even more amusing. It was so amusing, I started to giggle. I could see her (h/l), (h/c) hair sprawling itself across the floor, her face pressed against the cold tiles of the Hanger Bathroom.
    "Nee-heehee..." I laughed, "how delightful."
    I placed a considerable of my body weight against (y/n)'s arm I had pinned to her back before getting on top of her. I had to keep (y/n) in one place. I had to make sure that she couldn't find a way to get out of the hanger bathroom as impossible as it may seem. I brought a specific item with me to ensure that she wouldn't be able move her arms.  I knew I could've done what I was going to do before she woke up, but I loved the thrill of seeing her struggle.
I took advantage of the shock she was under to be able to pin her down like this. My free hand reached into one of the pockets on my uniform, pulling out an item that has been seen before. I had a habit of stealing certain things from the potential crime scenes as mementoes, but I thought this item would be convenient for me. The specific item was the pair of scratched handcuffs from the second case. Since they were already used, and the ones in Ryoma's lab was now restocked, I could use this scratched pair to keep (y/n) from being able to move, and that's what I was going to do.
The handcuffs were already unlocked thanks to help from Monokuma, so all I had to do was encase them metal cuffs around her wrists from behind. While continuing to pin her arm down from behind, I took the pair of handcuffs, and encased her first wrist in the metal bindings, tightening them up so she wouldn't be able to slip her hand out. My other hand grabbed (y/n)'s other wrist, and I did the same thing with the cuff on the second side.
As soon as I was done cuffing her, I got off of her, seeing her position not even move from the spot I pushed her down into. There were some cases where rope would be better to subdue a hostage, but handcuffs were more convenient to me. She wouldn't be able to do much of anything with her arms trapped behind her back, and that was the goal. It would also be fun to see the marks that those handcuffs would leave on her wrists if she tried to struggle too much. I found myself excited to see that.
I leaned down to get a better look on my handy work. (y/n) wasn't saying anything or moving that much. All I could hear was the sound of small sobs coming from her form as her only body movement was trembling from fear. This was only the beginning though. I had plans to do a lot more, but it would be no fun to do those when she's incoherent. I wanted to take my sweet time with her, breaking her down slowly.
"This is only the beginning, my beloved," I told her, "how does it feel to have the same handcuffs that were used on Ryoma on your wrists? Oh what am I saying? You are in too much shock to even register what I'm saying right now, nee-heehee...."
I let out a laugh as I said those words. This would be a lot of fun. Telling (y/n) she was my motive was already a lot of fun considering her reaction. How would she react if I told her I was the reason Rantaro and her had a little bit of a struggle in their relationship? How would she feel if I told her that Rantaro knew about what she had done to herself? I felt the urge to tell her, but I wanted to save that fact for later.
    I wanted to see the look of shock on her face when I would reveal everything to her and only her. She was no longer in this game. Now that she was in my grasp, I could finally start things up again. Would she know that? No... (y/n) thinks I'm going to spare everyone, but I am a liar. I can swear on things as much as I want and make it sound like the truth. Liars such as myself shouldn't be trusted especially if we are the cause of the bad things happening.
    While I wanted to see (y/n) cower and tremble, I knew I had other things to get back to. I needed to manipulate the situation so another murder would happen, but I couldn't let her find out about that. Not yet at least. Another thing I needed to do was get her some food, however that could wait until later. It didn't look like she was going talk anytime soon. I knew there was a chance that she wasn't going to truly show all of her emotions until I left. Whatever I didn't see in person I could watch through the security cameras and nanokumas around the academy. With her hands tied like that, there was no way she could do anything about it.
    Before I would leave however, I wanted to tease her one more time. Leaning over her, I patted her head with a mischievous smile. I was patting her head as if she was a small child in need of consoling.
"I'm going to be out of the hanger bathroom for a bit," I told her, "I have some things I need to take care of, including making sure that you are at least fed. Don't even try to attempt anything while I'm gone, okayyyy~?"
(y/n) didn't even face me when I said those words. I felt a slight smirk form on my face in response to this. She must've been so angry with herself and me. It's not like there was anything she could do about it though. She was a hostage, and not only was she being used as a point to the others defying me... but I used everyone's lives against her to make her talk.
I stood up straight after a few moments of observing (y/n). I hummed lightly as I made my way to the exit of the hanger bathroom. I opened the door, and then soon shut it. She couldn't do much of anything being cuffed from behind. While I wanted to spend all of my time with (y/n), I needed to see what the others could be planning. I knew Maki was already very upset with me to begin with. I knew there was a good chance that she would come for me alone. I couldn't just stand around and let that happen.
    "I need to see what the rest of you are planning," I said to myself, "nee-heehee...I'm not gonna let you guys win so easily...."

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now