Chapter 1 Part 3: The Feeling of Uselessness

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Your POV:

    My eyes glanced up at the star covered sky. The same sky the huge cage covered, shattering the anyone's hope to escape. I laid under the pavilion near the dormitory, staying seemingly still as I continued to stargaze.
Tears continued to stream out of my eyes as I stared up. Staring at the sky made me feel even more alone than I already was.
"I'm useless... I can't even give anyone hope to escape...." I muttered, laying down on the concrete floor of the pavilion.
I sighed lightly, continuing to stare up. My ears perked up a few minutes later, hearing footsteps coming closer. I started to panic. I looked around for a place to hide. I noticed the brick pillars used to hold the pavilion up. I quickly crawled over and hid behind one of the pillars, facing away from the dormitory. I kept my sobbing and breathing quiet as I heard the many voices pass by. Kaito, Kaede, Shuichi, Kokichi, Miu, Maki, Kiyo, Tenko, Himiko, Tsumugi, Angie, Kirumi, Ryoma, Keebo, Gonta, and Rantaro.
They all headed into the dormitory, leaving me to be by myself. I got out of my spot and made my way back to where I was sitting before. I continued to look up, as I was doing before.

Rantaro's POV:

I entered the dormitory with a light frown on my face. I was a tad bit worried about Kaede, but I was way more worried about (y/n). What Kokichi told her, must've made her very upset. She ran out of the room, all of her confidence shattered.
I witnessed everyone enter their rooms. As soon as everyone did, I walked up to (y/n)'s door. I pressed the doorbell on it a few times. There was no answer.
"(y/n), are you in there?" I asked calmly.
There was still no answer. I sighed lightly, leaving the door alone.
'She must be outside...' I thought.
I made my way over to the exit of the dormitory. I left the dormitory, making my way outside.

Kokichi's POV:

I heard someone ringing the door bell for someone's dorm. A smirk played itself on my lips as I continued to listen. I knew that I made the right choice by not making the doors soundproof.
"(y/n), are you in there?" I heard Rantaro call out.
There seemed to be no answer. A scowl made its way to my face.
'Rantaro has been getting awfully worried about (y/n) lately. I can't let that escalate any further. They already are too buddy buddy with each other. It might turn into something more. I need to get him away from my beloved toy. (y/n) is meant to be with me and only me. I should follow him just in case,' I thought, exiting my dorm without a sound.
I noticed Rantaro making his way outside. I followed after him, quietly.

Your POV:

I laid down on the concrete pavilion floor once more. I placed my arm over my eyes, trying to stop the flow of tears coming out of my eyes. I was in my own world. Being in this world made me oblivious to the foot steps coming closer and closer to me.
"Why did I have to exist... I mean nothing..." I muttered.
A shadow loomed over my form, standing over me, looking directly down at me.
"(y/n), you know that isn't true.." someone told me.
My arm quickly uncovered my eyes, and I sat up quickly. I knew that it was Rantaro who told me that. I looked up and of course, it was Rantaro.
"R-Rantaro! What are you d-doing here!?" I stuttered.
"I'm here because I'm worried about you. You ran off after what Kokichi told you. All you were saying was how useless you were and how you think your better off dead," Rantaro replied.
"Why should it matter Rantaro... you and I both know that it's true... I try to be inspirational for once, but—"
"You know very well it's not true (y/n)!" Rantaro said, interrupting me with his outburst and firmly grasping my shoulders, "you say all of these negative things about yourself just because of one comment someone gives you for trying your best to help everyone. Do you have any idea about the people who were backing you up after you left. Kaito, Kaede, Shuichi, Tenko, Gonta, Kirumi, and I were trying to back you up. They don't think this is your fault, so try to have more faith in yourself that people care. If I didn't care, why would I be trying to look for you after this damn situation. You need to get past the negative comments. Those are a part of life. Learn to not care about what others think about you."
My eyes widened at this sudden outburst. Rantaro's voice had a slight anger to it. Most of it was worry. More tears started forming in my eyes, as I started to sob once more.
"But this is my fault Rantaro! I forced everyone to keep going when their strength was getting weaker and weaker. I am selfish—" I started.
"Aren't we all though? I mean we all are selfish in some way (y/n)... I'm selfish in the regard of keeping things secret. You have stuff you don't want me to know about you, and I have stuff that I don't want you to know. It's the same with everyone," Rantaro explained in response.
Rantaro then wrapped his arms around me and held me close.
"I guess I'm a little bit selfish, keeping you close to me without letting you go," Rantaro said.
"That's not true.... I hang around you because I want to be around you," I replied.
"See (y/n). You can stand up for other people. You can call bs on the insults they throw at themselves. If you can do that, then why can't you stand up for yourself? You should be able to easily do it. It takes strength to stand up for other people, so from now on... I won't take excuses if you can't stand up for yourself. You can. I believe in you," Rantaro explained.
"Please Stop Rantaro... I can't stand up for myself," I replied.
"You can... Please stop being so stubborn. I'm trying to help you. Why do you even think everything is your fault anyway?" Rantaro asked in response.
"Why do you want to know that...?" I asked in response.
    "Because you should share what's making you feel like you're at fault. I want to help you. I would never abandon you..." Rantaro replied.

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now