Chapter 2 Part 16: Investigation

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Your POV:

Soon enough, we were given the Monokuma File containing the details on Ryoma's death. Everyone was chatting amongst themselves during the time.
I heard Tsumugi mention how someone killed another person. Maki even left the room to go to her lab. Some people thought it was irresponsible. It made me wonder what was so important there. Why wouldn't she let anyone go in there. It was a question that I had for awhile.
Kokichi mentioned that this happened at a *certain magic girl's performance*. I knew what he was hinting at, but would someone like Himiko be able to commit a murder?
This comment turned into a slight argument between Kokichi and Himiko. Himiko insisted that her act was magic, but Kokichi thought it was a trick. If we did figure out that trick, it could help us... I just wonder how we are going to do that.
Everyone actually agreed with Kokichi aside from Tenko. Tenko was so attached to Himiko, that she'd back her up till the very end. I envied that.
I slapped my cheeks with my hands . This was to get my attention focused on the important matter at hand. Investigating Ryoma's body. I had to do this. Even if I am scared, I still must.
I felt someone grab my arm, startling me slightly. I looked over to see Kokichi.
"What do you want Kokichi?" I asked.
"Well..." Kokichi trailed off, "I want you to join me for investigation!"
I looked at him with a slightly shocked look. I didn't even know if I could investigate with him.
"It looks like you already have someone with you... I'm just going to go with Rantaro instead," I replied, trying to be as nice as I could.
Suddenly I felt a surprisingly strong grip on my shoulders. Kokichi was the one with this strength.
"What does he have that I don't!?" he shouted at me, "why is it always Rantaro!?"
Kokichi was shaking me as he was saying this. His outburst really shocked me. He normally would lie, but he didn't seem like he was lying. I felt really bad about this... but it seemed like this was some sort of soap opera skit.
"Can you calm down?" I asked, "how about this. You let me investigate with Rantaro, and tomorrow we can hang out all day."
Kokichi seemed to think about it. He took a second, looking down.
"Fine. You better keep your promise... I hate liars..." Kokichi muttered.
I smiled lightly as he let go of me. I walked towards Rantaro.

Kokichi's POV:

"You will be mine (y/n)... I'll kill Rantaro as many times as I need to to ensure that happens," I muttered as she went to see Rantaro.

Your POV:

"Hey Rantaro!" I called out, "you want to investigate with me?" I asked.
I looked at Rantaro with a smile. He seemed to smile back at me when I asked that.
"Sure, I don't mind. Let's just say you aren't the only one who's observant," Rantaro replied with a slight chuckle.
    Soon, Rantaro and I were called out by Kaito. Kaito straight up told me that Shuichi and I were his sidekicks. Kaede came along with us too. We found out this was going to be a pretty big investigation group.
    Kaito told Shuichi and I not to be scared to reveal the truth. It made me flashback to the training we had outside a couple of nights ago. Shuichi and I were both terrified, but we wanted to get stronger.
    "Let's check the Monokuma File already," Kaito told us.
    "U-Um...ok..." I muttered in response.
    I took a look at the Monokuma File. Everyone in the group did as well. I took a moment to carefully read what was on the tablet file.

The Victim is Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Tennis Pro... The body was discovered in the gym. The cause of death was drowning. His body was consumed by piranhas until only bones remained. No other injuries can be confirmed at this time.

    "There's less written here than Rantaro's File," Kaede explained with a serious look on her face.
    "Now that Kaede mentions it, I notice it too," Kaito replied, "I've gotta bad feeling about this."
    "The time of death isn't here," Rantaro explained with a slightly dark look on his face.
    "I already noticed that..." Shuichi said nervously.
    "Ditto..." I muttered.
    "The previous Monokuma File indicated the time of Rantaro's supposed death, correct?" Shuichi asked.
    "I didn't investigate Rantaro's supposed death, so I have no idea," I replied.
    Shuichi and Kaede concluded that this was intentional. I'm sure if the time of death was revealed, it would reveal the killer. Of course Monokuma wouldn't make this easy for us. The *Time of Death* would be the key to this case for sure.
    There was one more thing in this Monokuma File that caught my eye. That was the *Cause of Death*. It said in the Monokuma File that he drowned. It was a weird thing to see, hr maybe that's a clue on the time of death. The cause of death could help unravel this case.

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