Chapter 101

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Hannah's P.O.V 

Fück, Satan was playing drums in my brain. Banging on every millimetre of my cranium and causing immense pain to leap through me. I make the most unattractive groan escape from my lips. I sit up, making sure the duvet covers me properly as I look around. I was in my bedroom, clothes strewn all over the floor. I emphasise my pain once more, letting out an inarticulate loud sound before flinging my head back onto the pillow in frustration.

"You okay there?" Louis chuckled, his voice lower and deeper.

"M'tired and my head hurts, everything hurts."

 "Shouldn't have drank so much, eh?"

"Louis shut up!"

"Calm your tits." Louis grinned, causing me to groan out once more.

"Never drinking again. I'm not even supposed to drink whilst breast feeding. You. Louis Tomlinson are a bad influence."

"Me? I would never do such a thing." He pointed to himself giving me a few innocent blinks.

Before I could speak, he slips out of bed and walks off, leaving me to watch his amazingly shaped ass and extremely chiseled back bones. I don't bother to sit up, grabbing Louis' pillow and mashing it against my face to try and diminish the pain in my head. Louis enters once more, a small baby in one arm and a tray of what seemed to look like breafast in the other.

"Made powder milk, well- Dylan taught me. They said we should start easing him into it so you can drink alcohol now, and because we don't want him biting off your nïpples." Louis burst into a fit of laughter as he placed the tray on the bedside table, joining me in the bed once more and placing Dalton in between us.

 He then places the tray onto my lap, leaning in for a kiss.

"I haven't brushed m'teeth." I say, clamping my hand over my mouth.

"And..?" He chuckled, shaking his head and joining me and Dalton in the bed once more.

"And you haven't either. And morning breath stinks."

"Gee, thanks baby." Louis laughed, sitting Dalton up and letting him hold the bottle. He helped him tilt the bottle as it was too heavy and I was quick to reach over and take a picture. These were the moments I cherished the most- laying in bed with my boyfriend and baby. What more could you ask for?

"Family cuddle!" Jace and Dylan shout as they barge into the room.

"Girl, you better be wearing clothes under that cover." Dylan points over at me, causing me to blush. I lower the duvet to prove I was in fact decent, causing them both to jump onto the bed.

"Oi, I have food!"

"Great, now move up." I scowl at Jace, moving closer to my two main boys and letting my other two boys to join beside me.

"Shame, I wanted to be next to Louis." Dylan sighed, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, he has killer biceps." 

"Don't forget the back muscles." 

"Oi, you's lay off." I huff, shoving them both jokingly.

"You know, you two might as well move in here." Louis spoke, all of us turning to him.

"Seriously?" I gape, turning back to look at Dylan and Jace before back at Louis.

"Yeah, you stay here enough, plus you like to look after Dally and the petrol costs are probably a lot since you come see us loads."

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