Chapter 69 - Goodbye

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Chapter 69 ;) this calls for sexual-ness, doesn't it? Innuendos ? ;)))) Or does it call for more aruments ;) 



"Paul please!" I beg.

"Bosses' words, no can do."

"Paul, if your wife was pregnant, and something was wrong, wouldn't you go see her? Just for a day."

"Who's pregnant?!" He asked alarm.

"Hannah, I can't explain right now, but please can I have my passport, I'll be back in three days max."

"Fine, but you can't tell anyone o gave it to you."

"Okay." I smile giddily. He hands over my passport as I quickly run towards my hotel room.

I pack a few clothes and my phone in a bag, also bringing my charger. I quickly inform the boys in a nutshell, running towards the door, my jacket half on.

I'll be there soon baby.


I distract myself, nibbling on the biscuits given to me while playing Candy Crush. My eyes stung and were probably swollen but nobody was here to judge. I groan again, I had used all my hearts. I go onto twitter, remembering Louis had downloaded it for me.

@Hannah_Quirk: Any good apps to keep me entertained? #boredomhurts

@Hannah_Quirk there's this app which is a dice for sex positions, wink @Louis_Tomlinson wink.

I feel the embarrassment on my cheeks, Louis' fans were so... Sexual!

@Hannah_Quirk Bloons TD 5 is an amazing game!

@Hannah_Quirk I haven't seen you with Louis in ages, have you broken up?

I look through more, downloading some apps. My phone notifies me with a DM. From Louis.

* Hey baby. I hope you're feeling okay... I really think we should try out that sex positions app? Sounds interesting ;) *

I respond almost immediately.

* No! I'm pregnant! Get back to work! *

* I'm chilling on a sofa at the moment! *

* Well I'm in bed! :P *

* Have you eaten today? *

Instead of responding, I ignore him. Not wanting to tell him the situation I was in. My phone suddenly rings, not for facetime, an actual call. I answer it, pressing the phone by my ear.

"Hello baby." I hear his husky tone, making me almost break down in tears. Almost.

"I miss you so much." My lip trembled, I bit the flesh of my bottom lip, holding in the tears.

"I miss you too!"

"When are you coming back! Please come back soon!"

"I'm not too sure, and why? Is anything wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong." I lie.

"Are you sure."

"I'm sure."

"I could come over?"

"No, I'm not selfish. Everything is fine."

"As long as you're happy." He replies, he didn't sound as happy as earlier though. Does he know I'm lying?!

"Sir, please can you put your phone down." I hear a woman.

"Louis? Where are you?" A sofa? Really?

"I, I have to go. I'll talk to you later baby."

I guess I'm not the only one lying. Why would he need to lie to me? Was he at a meeting maybe?

My thoughts were interrupted with the door opening.

"Hannah, we're having a meeting in five minutes, please don't come down."

I ignore my mum completely. She can fuck off. She leaves but I was suddenly alert when I heard the lock. I rip the duvet off if me, stumbling towards the door.

"Open the fucking door!" I scream.

"There's a meeting Hannah!" I hear my mum scold before her footsteps fade away.

I slump on the ground, annoyed. Isn't this perfect. I go out onto my balcony, sitting onto the cushioned chair. I go back in, grabbing a blanket then wrapping myself into it. I relax there before quickly running back to the bathroom as I was in desperate need for the toilet. Peanut is taking up my bladder space! When I look into the mirror to brush my teeth, I'm shocked to see a purple line across my forehead. I prod it, causing me to wince. Not smart. I brush my teeth then showered. I panted, out of breath from cleaning my feet. I could barely see my feet now, peanut was slowly growing bigger, causing me to get more tired, more hungry and need the toilet more.

I look out at the sky, it was still quite bright for six in the evening. I shuffle along the big room, remembering the times the boys had to sleep here. When Louis and I hated each other. Look where we are now, me, pregnant with Louis' baby. I bring an Oreo biscuit out with me, eating on the balcony and watching the rest of the sunset.

I can see posh fancy cars in the driveway, I wonder who's at the meeting, probably someone who was filthy rich. I snuggle into my blanket, watching the sky slowly turn black. I yawn, shuffling back into my room and falling onto the bed. I then fall asleep.



When the plane finally landed, I took a taxi to where Hannah was. Panicking over if she was okay. I forgot to tell her she had a scan today. A scan to see if there were any detectable illnesses or anything on peanut. As the driver stops at the red light, I switch on my phone, two missed calls popped up, both from Hannah. I call her back, my leg moving in worry.

"Hello?" Hannah croaked.

"Baby! Are you okay? I got two missed calls."

"I was going to ask- its nothing never mind."

"No tell me."

"I was going to tell you that all the biscuits are gone, I tried to save them! But I was so hungry! And then I kept eating and then they vanished! I'm so sorry Louis!" She had begun to cry heavily.

"It's okay baby, I'll sort something out."

"Okay, I need the toilet. Call me in five minutes okay?"

"Okay, I love you."

The phone ended without her response, I tried not to think much of it, but inside I was hurting.

"Erm, can we go to Tesco first?" I ask the driver.

"Okay." He said, his voice gruff.

Luckily, Tesco wasn't far off, I paid him to stay and wait as I ran into the store, buying snack foods and ready meals fit for a king. I had about fifteen bags. I shuffled awkwardly back to the taxi, filling up the whole boot. He then drove off to the Quirk's household.

I paid him once we were there, grabbing the many bags with me and ringing the doorbell.

"Louis?! Why are you here? What are you doing?! Leave!"

"Mr Quirk, please. I need to visit Hannah, I'll leave as soon as you let me."

"No, to back to LA!" He demanded.

"If you don't let me on, forget about the album."

"Simple, we'll kick you out the band. Niall needs more solos anyways."

"The fans would hate the band, blaming them. Now let me in!"

He finally moved aside, letting me bring in my fifteen carrier bags and my rucksack with my belongings. I made my way upstairs knocking on Hannah's door.

"Go away!" I hear her voice yell. I knocked once more.

"What's the point in knocking when you fucking locked the door!"

I grinned, that's my girl. Her sass was something rare to find. I unlock the door, giving myself a mental note to question her parents about it. I can smell my deodorant strong in the air, Hannah had put that to good use... Hannah was in the bathroom as I dropped all the bags on the ground, shutting the door behind me.

"What's the point in you fucking coming in, you make my life a hell ho- Louis?!" She gasped.

"Hello baby." I smile.

"But you're not. Who was- were you?" I shut her up, walking over with open arms. She hugged me tightly. Her body started to shake, signalling she has started to cry.

"Why are you crying?" I ask her.

"Because you fucking left me here. I'm starving! Louis are you here to stay? Please."

"I'm sorry baby,"

"This isn't fair! Louis!" She sobbed, slapping my chest. She looked at me smiling, I frowned.

"What happened?" I ask, gently tracing over the bruise across her forehead.

"I fell, I was stomping up the stairs and I fell."

I leaned in and kissed it gently, smiling down at her.

"I brought food." I tell her, bringing her towards the many bags I had.

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