Chapter 93 - But I Can't

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"Hannah, can you hear me?" Louis, is that you? I try to speak, I try to move. Nothing worked. My body was limp, the continuous beeping sounds driving me mentally insane. What happened? Where was I? Why is everything so dark. Am I imagining Louis' voice?

"Hannah, I heard the song; Towers. I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way. I promise. It's just- I'm so blind and- I never knew but-"

"What are you doing here?" Louis, I didn't mean to put it in our playlist! I was mad, I just wanted revenge! It doesn't mean anything! Jace? Is that you? What's happening?

"I came to talk to her." 'Her' has a name...

"You are not wanted here." Where's Dally? Am I in London or Doncaster?

"Oh shut up!" Oh shit.

"Leave, Hannah wouldn't want you here!"  Well, it's nice to see he cares for me Jace.

"What are you? Her boyfriend?"  What? Jace is gay, am I missing out on something?!

"No! But neither are you!"  Damn right.

"Go home!"

"Go back to your perfect life!"  I thought Jace has a perfect life too..?

"How is my life perfect?"

"Oh come on! You have a girlfriend, a son, a loving family, you're famous, rich. What more could you possibly want? You clearly told Hannah you didn't want her in your life numerous times yet she always comes back running for you! Why? She loves you!" Thank you Jace, I would never have the guts to ever utter those words.

"She doesn't love me... Not anymore."  Why does Louis sound sad and sorrowful?

"Because you're constantly pushing her away!"  Ooo, Jace you're on a roll! Thank you!

"I don't try to!" I mentally scoff, well I attempt to scoff but it obviously doesn't work. I feel like a vegetable with a brain.

"Why can't you understand that she loves you? You've made her suffer so much that she might-"  I might what?

"She might what?"

"Die!"  Will I die? I begin to panic, my heart racing, did they not hear my heart monitor?

I feel my hand being grabbed, so I can feel, I can think... Yet I can't speak or move? God damnit.

"Wake up Hannah. Just wake up and laugh at me because I'm crying, wake up and tell me this was a joke, please."  I hear Louis' voice cracking, cracking a fragment of my already broken heart. I clench my fists -well tried to- and attempted to sit up. C'mon Hannah! Nothing works.

"Go back to your perfect family."

"You can! You go back to your family!"

"My family? They hate me Louis. They fucking hate me, why? Because I'm gay. I'm not normal. I'm different! Liking somebody the same gender? Do you know what my parents say!? That it's a sin! It's disgusting to date a guy, it's weird and embarrassing! That it's-" I feel sentimental for Jace, always having him bother with my problems yet I never realised he was experiencing his own problems himself. Guilt floods my vegetated body as I tried to reach out and hug my best friend.

"Get out, both of you."  Dylan?! You've heard the wrong shit! Jace didn't mean that!

"Dylan. I wasn't-"

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