chapter two

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hannah's p.o.v

I felt awkwardly embarrassed, shouldn't my parents at least inform me we had visitors? I was wearing pyjama shorts and a zipped up hoodie, I felt my cheeks tingle pink.

"Hi." I waved timidly.

"Hannah, this is One Direction, our new project. Now you're going to date one of them soon." My dad tells me, he hasn't even looked at me since I came down.

"You'll be going out with Louis once you're ungrounded."

"Who the héll is Louis?" I say glaring at them all, I was in no mood to be nice.

One with brown hair that was styled into a quiff brought his hand up slightly. I set my gaze on him causing him to rub his shaven beard. He was wearing jeans and a button shirt. He has nice blue eyes.

"This is Liam, Harry, Zayn, Niall and obviously Louis." My mum gestured, they all held there hands out to shake but I pretend not to see.

"Hannah Elizabeth Quirk! Shake their hands!" My mum scolded, voice filled with her usual condescending tone-way to embarrass me...

I heard the boys snickering. As I shook their hands I did a trick which clicks your bones in an awkward way. Each boy winced slightly as I smirked.

"They're going to live here for the moment until we can sort out all their security and things." My dad smiles. I wish we didn't have security in our mansion.

"They can sleep in your room,"

I gaped at my mum, no way in hell are they taking my room. My mum already arranged the mattresses and stuff while I stared at her open mouthed.

"Honey you'll catch flies." My mum smiles, patting my chin gently before pushing me to lead them to my room.

They all followed me as I stomped upstairs, the spoilt pričks. We had a perfectly decent garden for them to camp in. I felt eyes burning on my årse, to annoy them more I swayed my hips ever so slightly as I walked to my room.

"This is my room, you can all sleep on the floor or outside," I say going in and taking a seat on my bed.

"Seems boring." Harry commented.

"Listen curly, my mum and dad may love you but I still hate you all," I spat.

"Woah calm down," Liam surrendered.

"Do you have a laptop I can borrow?" Zayn asked.

"Nope, I'm grounded." I reply face planting my bed and letting the softness engulf me.

"Um Hannah," they started to poke my back, I rose my foot and kicked, I heard a groan then I looked up, Louis was crouched over in pain.

"Don't touch me," I growl.

"Ever thought of anger management?" Louis grits his teeth, his hands caressing his man parts.

"Ever thought of plastic surgery?" I smirk.

He raises his arm to slap me, Niall held his arm back.

"Don't" Niall warns him.

"Her parents are part of management," Liam taunts.

"Her parents don't care about her!" Louis laughs. I felt my heart drop.

"Shut up." I say, keeping my voice strong and not wanting him to hear the insecurity.

"Why, you going to tell daddy to fire us? He didn't even take a glance at you," Louis laughs, obviously finding my sensitive part- love.

I lost it, I threw myself onto him. I slapped him, kicked him, elbowed him, hęll I even bit him! Angry tears burned down my cheeks as my pent up anger exploded out of me. I felt someone drag me off of him as I got dragged into my en suite bathroom. Whoever it was, they locked the door and hugged me, letting me sob into their shirt. My emotions were so messed up.

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