chapter four

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hannah's p.o.v

I slowly drove back to the radio station to see fans swarming around, oh great. I had no way to communicate them as I didn't have my phone. Thanks dad, mum. Pfft. I honked my horn, startling a few fans. I opened up my window.

"Move or else I'll run over ya!" I scream as I drove like a mad man. They created a path for me as I quickly drove through, stopping at the entrance of the place.

I got out the car, locking it and putting my keys in my bum pocket. If my baby is scratched then I shall scratch their faces. I walked towards the big man at the door, an unhappy smile rested onto his double chins.

"No fans allowed!" He bellowed.

"I'm not a fan, I'm here to pick them up." I scoff. Me? A fan? Bitćh please.

"We've had enough of this, leave before I make you."

"Even ask them, I swear." I say.

He walked over, shoving me back to my car. I saw a glimpse of Louis and did something I never thought I would ever do in my life.

"Louis!" I yelled snapping his attention.

"Shut up!" The body guard hissed.

Louis came jogging over with the other boys.

"She's our lift.." He said awkwardly.

"Oh, sorry love." He replied sheepishly.

"I'm fine," I huff crossing my arms.

"Lets go! I'll drive!" Louis calls.

"No, I've heard you can break cars, I refuse for my baby to be broken." I say.

"Ahh, somebody has been doing their research!" Louis grinned.

"Yeah so I refuse for you to drive, get in." I tell the boys as four of them squish onto three seats. 

I slam the door shut while I wait for Louis to get in the car. Instead he stands there, smirking at me.

"What do you want?" I tap my foot impatiently.

"To drive." He replies.

"No, get in the car." I say pointing at the car, if I bring 4/5 of one direction home, my parents will kill me.

"Guys hurry!" Zayn shouts from the window.

I crouch down to their level, "Just wait!" I shout. I felt a hand feel around my bum.

"Louis!" I squeal jumping back, he smirked at me, in his hands were my keys.

"Now get in the car or we're leaving you!" Louis chuckled getting into the drivers seat.

"You absolute dïck head!" I yell getting into the passenger seat.

"You can't just feel somebody's arse?! That's sexuål abuse!"

"Lou!" Liam shouts.

"Shut up or I'll crash the car!" Louis yelled driving on.

"I hate you," I then mumbled a lot of colourful words.

We managed to get home in one piece! Louis hands me the keys, a look of accomplishment plastered onto his face. I glare at him as I walk back into my room. I put my keys onto my desk then went to shower, I stank. Once I'd showered, I changed into a long sleeved shirt and some loose trousers. I lay onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. What a boring sight.

"Hannah ! Come down dear!" Mum shouts as I sit up.

I slip off my bed as I lazily went down the stairs to see all the boys on the sofas, sprawled out. Mum nods her head towards the sofa, ushering me to sit down. I move over to wear Louis sat on the sofa arm, pushing him down as I got myself comfy.

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