Chapter 110

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Hannah's P.O.V

"Louis I have séx hair!" I blush, patting at the sides in attempt to tame it, all alcohol seemed to have flushed out my system. I guess it wasn't just pleasure that was released. He laughed loudly, buttoning his jeans and making his way over, fingers twirling pieces of hair whilst I wiped the black smudges under my eyes. He helped me make my hair look somewhat normal and then zipped up the back of the dress, kissing up my back as he does so. I laugh when he tugs down at the bottom of the skirt, kissing up my legs until I push his face away, causing him to let out a bark of amusement before kissing my lips once more.

"Your hair." I smirk, running my fingers through it and leaning in to steal yet another kiss. He shook his head, taking my hand and leading her back into the front room where Jace and Dylan were sat, a bottle of beer in Jace's grasp.

"Look who's back." Dylan giggled, passing me my clutch as I thank him quietly, seating beside him.

"Pack it in." Louis chuckled, telling me he was to get me water before wandering off.

"Hannah you're glowing." Jace snickered, earning a slap from me. I grasp onto my perfume bottle before spritzing it all over me, Jace mock choking as I rolled my eyes.

"You haven't drank anything?" I question, Dylan shaking his head with a small smile.

"You don't have to get drunk, but you can let loose you know?" Louis rhetorically questioned, Jace's eyes rolling in response for Dylan.

"Oi! We got some dope over 'ere!" I hear a shout, my neck craning to see what was going on.

"Fück." I hear Louis mutter before he's up on his feet.

"I'm just going to see what's going on okay baby? I won't be long." A kiss is pressed to my cheek before he's walking off, my mouth open grasping onto words that seemed to of dispersed into the air.

"Where's he going?" I mutter to myself, Dylan's hand resting on my knee, a sympathetic smile rested on his mouth as he wraps an arm around me, as if he knew what was happening.


"He should be back by now." I frown, glancing at the time on my phone and peering at the mass of dancing people. A few had left, some draped over sofas asleep, but Louis still had not returned.

"You should go find him, do you want us to help?" Jace asked, his voice soft.

"It's okay, I'll go find him." I tell him, thanking him before standing, tugging my dress down and making my way down the direction Louis had went an hour ago.

I hear laughter and howls behind a closed door, the handle is cold under my fingertips when I finally gather the strength to open the door, a stream of smoke hitting me in the face and causing me to lean over choking out coughs. When my vision finally clears, my eyes burn when I scan the room, my eyes settling on Louis' figure. A joint rested between his fingers, his lips wrapping around it before inhaling, a stream of smoke came from his mouth and contributed to the smoke wafting around the room. I then see Avery, her dainty hands taking the joint from his hands as she takes a hit from it also. My tears burned my eyes even more as he laughs at something she says, his arm bringing her in for a hug. I find the courage to storm over, my hands clenched into fists, nails digging into my palms.

"You won't be long? It's been an hour!" I yell, his eyes darting until they rest upon me, a lazy smirk on his thin lips.

"Hannah baby." He greets me, bringing the joint up slightly in a slothful gesture.

"You need to have some, I mean you're so tense." Avery chimed, her eyes glinting with mischief.

"This is all your fault! How could you make him do this!" I shout at her, my fists throbbing from the strength I was building up.

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