Chapter 119

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Hannah's P.O.V

The music pounds as alcohol streams through my veins. I dance happily on my own, letting my hair whip around, my skirt fluttering with it. I was bold tonight, a skater skirt and a halter top adorning my body with strong wings framing my eyes. My hair was curled but had now fallen into a wavy state as I sang to myself on the dance floor. Men had tried to approach me but I cowered away in fear, escaping by making a small run to the bathroom and calming myself down before dancing once more.


This is how I wanted to feel all the time, when I'm sober or not. I dance happily, my lips moving to the music as I mouthed the words, knowing my singing was horrendous. When I decide I needed a top up in drinks, I search around in my bra to find the last of my money, a frown making it's way to my lips. Should I waste my last note of money on alcohol?

Well what else are you going to spend it on?

Dalton's being looked after by a better family anyways.

You could always borrow money from someone.

Stop thinking about it and do it.

I shrug, not wanting any bad memories to cloud my thoughts as I skipped over to the bar and bought myself a cosmopolitan and a bløody mary. I then recieve my three pound coins left, shoving them in my bra as I take both straws into my mouth and sip the drinks at the same time.

"Big drinker, ay?" My whole body stiffens as two men seat themselves either side of me, their elbows resting on the table to glance at me.

"Um, yeah." I try to laugh but I choke, quickly sipping more of my drinks.

"So what does it take for one of us to spend a night with you."

"I- um. No."


"Excuse me, what are you doing with my bítch?" I turn to see a girl my age, wearing a leather jacket and fishnet tights. Her dress is black, boots covered in a plethora of spikes.

"Sorry, we didn't know." They both apologised before they scampered off, the lady seating herself beside me.

"Guys ain't your thing either?" She let out a throaty laugh, causing me to wince from the volume.


"It's okay. I'm the same. My girlfriend's home sick, you?"

"I'm not-"

"Still single eh? Don't know how your fingers are coping!" She laughed once more, her laugh scaring me again.

"My what?" I glance at her in confusion, my mind spinning as the alcohol swam through my small body.

"You know, when you fiñger yourself? I remember when I was single and I was crazy!"

"I don't- I can't-"

"You can't? Nonsense, I'll show you!"

I sputter out words as her hand reaches for my skirt as I quickly make myself stand.

"It's okay, my girl won't know a thing." She winks, standing also and grabbing at my arm, leading me to a small corner of the club.

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