chapter twenty-six

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hannah's p.o.v

I groan in pain once more, turning to the side. My monthly hêll decided to give me a visit, further cramps crashing through my stomach like tidal waves.

"Hannah?" Louis grumbled; and I woke Louis up, great.

I pretend to be asleep, shutting my eyes and staying still. Another shot of pain made a journey through my stomach, causing me to whimper once more.

"What's wrong?" I sense him move closer.

"Nothing, slight stomach cramps." I replied meekly.

"Do you need a pain killer?" He quieried, my stomach tickling at his kind gesture.

"No, I can't swallow them," I admit in embarrassment.

"Oh..." Louis pondered for a moment before speaking.

"I don't know if this will help but.. Lay on you back." I followed his instruction, laying flat on my back.

He shuffled closer to me, his hand bringing up my shirt then his hand laying flat on my stomach. He started moving his hand in circular motions, my pains reducing slightly.

"That feels good." I murmur, my hand resting on his to persuade him to keep going.

"Good, now go to sleep." He mumbles.

"Goodnight." I manage to muster before finally getting my needed sleep.

I woke up a couple of hours later, annoyed that I needed the toilet. I removed Louis' hand off of my stomach and shuffled to the bathroom. The light blinded my eyes, causing me to blink rapidly. I then almost screamed at the look of my hair in the mirror. I did my business then crawled back into the comfort of my bed. I fell asleep faster then you can say biscuits.




"Hannah, love wake up."

"Say my name again, I swear to god." I mumble into my pillow.


"What?" I screech.

"We need to go to your house, did your mum not say anything to you?"

"What?! No?"

"She said the boys and their girlfriends are having a meal there, who knows why."

"The fùck!" I curse aloud, how could they not tell their own daughter this first?

"Calm down, it won't be too bad will it? It's just like any ordinary management meeting but with food and girlfriends?"

"No, this means some celebration of some shït," I groan, knowing their ways.

"It's not bad, you'll be fine."

"Stop trying to make me feel better, this is going to go all wrong."

"It won't!"

"You get angry and shout at people when you're drunk, and knowing my parents there will be alcohol..."

"I won't drink!"

"Sure you won't." I smile.

"I won't! What type of drunk are you?" He asked, a smirk plastered on that face of his.

"Who knows?" I shrug, making my way to the bathroom.

"You've never drunk?"

"Nah," I smile, I'm quite proud.

"But, it's nice!"

"I'll probably get drunk quickly."

"So? It'll be funny!"

"No, no, no, no! Now let me pee!" I shoo him in away as I shut the door of the small bathroom.

"Hurry! I need a shower!" He knocked.

"Oh shut up!" I shout.

"I'll come in!" He warned.


I see the door cracking open, causing me to hurry and finish my business. Once I flush the toilet, Louis comes in, a grin on his face.

"Idiot." I say, washing my hands.

"You love me really," he's smirked, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Give me another bruise and I'll punch you."

"So worth it," he smirked, latching his lips onto where the bruise used to be.

If anybody walked in they would've thought we were strange. A girl brushing her teeth, attempting to push off a boy trying to bite her neck. Vampire much?

"Awwh, another hickey." Louis chuckled sarcastically, licking the bruise and blowing over it. I shivered causing him to laugh.

I turned around and punched him on the shoulder, causing him to laugh even more. I then kneed him in his lower region, causing him to crouch over.

"Oops!" I say innocently before spitting out my toothpaste and using my mouth wash.

As I leave the bathroom, Louis follows, still kind of crouched over.

"Awh," I coo.

"Do I need to kiss it better?" I ask in a baby tone.

"Yes please." Louis strained.

"I'm sorry." I frown.

"Shut up and kiss me!" Louis snapped.

I lean in and gave him a small peck but he obviously wanted more when he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in, his lips moved greedily against mine, causing me to giggle slightly. He lifted me up slightly, moving me knees to either side of him.

"Now this is called straddling, it's basically when your legs are either side of someone's hips, you know. Crotch to crotch." Louis smirked.

"I know what it is!" I slap him, a furious blush attacking my cheeks.

"You're not even in pain." I punch his shoulder, causing him to wince slightly.

"Stop abusing me today!" He rubs his shoulder.

"I'm bruised!" I point to the bruise located on my neck.

"It's a hickey! You can cover it up with that stuff, the stuff you use to cover, Erm. Your.." He trailed awkwardly.

"My scars?" I ask.

"Um, yeah.. Do you still.. you know self harm?" You could feel in the atmosphere how awkward he found this, his voice had lowered to almost a whisper when he spoke the last two words as if it was magical.

"The last time I did was when Eleanor backstabbed me.." I thought back to the day, feeling miserable because my own friend was talking about me negatively.

"What did she say?" Louis asked.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter.." I say, attempting to get off of him.

"No, no, no, no!" Louis held onto my back, making sure I stayed in this... Position.

Louis' phone rang, being my saviour. Instead of being a normal person and letting me get off, he carried, yes carried, me to his phone.

"Louis!" I struggle.

"Struggle and you shall fall." He taunts. I stay still, my arms slung around his neck. His hand was on my bum, Erm.

"Hello? Oh hi Mrs Quirk!"

"Put it on speaker!" I hiss.

"Hannah? Oh she's just hanging around." He smirked at the double meaning, thinking he was clever making up puns. I stifle a laugh, causing him to pout. 

"Yes, she knows about the dinner, of course we've had breakfast!" He lied.

"Yes, I'll see you there, see you later." He ends the call, throwing his phone onto the sofa.

"Put me down" I say annoyed, causing him to grin.

"We need breakfast!" He smiles, going to the kitchen and putting me down on the counter.

"What do you want?" Louis asked, looking through the fridge I nicely sorted out.

"I feel like having scrambled eggs." I smile, kicking my legs back and forth on the counter.

"Don't put too much!" I tell him, watching him use too much butter.

"Shut up!" He snapped, cracking eggs into the pan.

"Pass me the milk."

"But I'm comfy!" I whine, jumping off the counter and grabbing the milk from the fridge.

I attempt to get back on the counter and realise I was too short to. I just stand next to Louis and watch him make scrambled eggs.

"You are a midget aren't you?" Louis chuckled.

"But you're my midget." He cooed, causing me to turn away. Stupid face, going pink without my permission.

"What are you wearing for the meal?" Louis asked.

"Clothes." I shrug.

"I'll pick your clothes!" Louis squealed.

"You're so gay." I face palm.

"Leave me alone! I made breakfast!"

"You better not of made breakfast for a kiss cause after what you did this morning my lips aren't going anywhere near you!"

"What? I didn't do anything!"

"You bruised me!"

"A hickey is a sign of affection!"

"But I don't like it!"

"Well I do!"

"Well it's my body!"

"You look cute when you're mad." Louis grinned.

"Don't bring that up!" I snap.

"You're blushing!" He cooed.

"Fuck off!" I grumble.

"See how moody you are when you're on your period!"

"Shut the fück up Louis before I-"

"Before you what?" Louis taunted.

"Before I..." I look around.

"Before you.." Louis smirked.

"Before I hit you with a frying pan." I say.

"Hit me with a frying pan?" Louis chuckled.

"I've always wanted a Tangled moment." I giggle.

"You wouldn't hit me, you love me."

"I do?" I ask him.

"You do!" He nods, putting my food in front of me.

"You like ketchup with your eggs?" I ask, Louis' eggs were covered in tomato sauce.

"Yup!" He smirks.

When we were finished Louis had sauce all over his face.

"You've got a little." I point around his face, a smile on my face.

"Wipe it off for me? Or lick it, I don't mind." Louis chuckled mischieviously.


"Awh, it's not bad!" Louis came closer, causing me to get out of my seat and move away.

"Louis, get away from me and clean that off your face!"

"You sound like my mum."

"Louis go away!" I scream, he caught me off guard then wrapped his arms around me.

He held my head still and pressed his lips onto mine, transferring the sauce onto my face.

"I don't like ketchup!" I frown.

"You got a little.." Louis mimicked me, pointing around my mouth.

"Idiot.' I mutter, grabbing the tissue and wiping the awful taste off my mouth.

"It isn't that bad is it?" Louis chuckled.

"Yes it is!" I exclaim in annoyance.

"C'mon we need to get changed!" Louis smiled.

"Can't you go without me?" I pout.

"Nope!" He smiles, dragging me to our room.

"But Louis!" I whine.

louis' p.o.v

"Shut up!" I snap at Hannah.

"But- Eurgh I hate you."

"You love me really!" I tease. I was so glad we were getting along, this was way better than the constant arguing. We still argue but it most likely ends up with me kissing her; it's just the way we communicate.

I help her pick out her clothes, ignoring her protests about me being gay and anything else. When we were finally done, me rushing her with her makeup and everything we leave the flat.

"Here comes the torture." Hannah mutters as we leave.


Notice the bold and italics? Me too. Wattpad made a new update where you can do bold and italics on iPad! I'm hyper! But I actually can't be bothered going back to edit the other chapters, I'm sorry.

August 28th 1963 was when Martin Luther King made his "I Have A Dream" Speech. Tomorrow is 50 years :O

This book has gone higher in the wattpad charts, Thankyou so so much!

40 Votes for the next chapter please, it's not much... I don't think..

Please help me get 1k before Niall's birthday which is my first year on wattpad !

Loveyou all!

~ Chamrock Jack 🍀Xox

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