Chapter 103

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wattpad is messing up the spacing, sorry ._.


Hannah's P.O.V 

No no no no no no no no. Please no no no no no. Anybody? No x10000000000000.

"Auntie Julie! Uncle Andy!" I hear her squeal, my palm hitting at my forehead repeatedly until I finally stop when I realise Dalton was trying to imitate me. I bring his small hands away, giving him a small frown to tell him it was wrong.

"Is that your cousin?" Dylan speaks, I nod, slamming my head down onto the table.

"Avery! I remember her!" Jace speaks, dragging Dylan out. I grab the empty mugs, shoving them into the dishwasher and making my way into the living room.

"Oh Hannah!" My attention whøring cousin ran over, hugging me tightly and crying crocodile tears into my neck.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay, you don't know how hard this is for me."

"Sure, whatever." I speak, my arms awkwardly wrapping around her.

"How nice of you to bring her here." My dad smiles down at me. I force myself to reciprocate, giving him a stiff nod.

"You alright?" Niall speaks, probably remembering last time Avery was here. I give him a nod, feeling a sudden headache ripple through my head.

"I'm fine." I smile, grabbing the empty mugs and walking back to the empty kitchen.

"You know it's okay if you're not, we all know fine is like the opposite of okay."

"Niall, I'm fine. We shouldn't focus on me, Avery's the one who broke up with her boyfriend."

"Are you jealous? Hannah everyone loves you more than Avery! They barely know her!"

"Yeah, like when Louis didn't even realise my water broke because he was too busy listening to her? And let's not forget about when I gave birth to Dalton and everyone claims he looks more like Avery?"

Niall wraps his arms around me, letting me hide my face into his neck. I breathe in his smell, comparing it instantly to Louis'. I knew nothing would make me forget Louis' smell but I couldn't help but bury myself further into the comforting warmth he emitted, his hands moving up and down my back which relaxed my tense body almost instantly. How the hełl is this boy single?

"Oh, I didn't know you's were going out." Avery speaks, causing us to jump apart.

"Oh no, we're not. We're just friends." I stammer, cheeks heating.

"Shame, thought Louis would be single." She winks, filling a glass with water before leaving once more. I watch her leave, her brown hair flicking behind her as she joins everyone else. I feel Niall's attention linger on my face, probably waiting for my reaction to her words.

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