Chapter 46 - College

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What do I do? 

C'mon Louis, think!

She would be crushed!

Especially with all these mood swings coming in...

I dial at the number before I could think of an actual idea, I guess I'll have to make up as I go along.

"Hello, this is Kings College in London, how may I help you?"

(A/N Real college, I think they do English literature :S)

"Hi, um, can I ask, why didn't you pick Hannah Quirk? I guarantee she would be an excellent star student."

"Hannah Quirk?" I hear the ruffling of paper until she spoke again.

"Ahh! Hannah Quirk, twenty years old? Pregnant one?" Wait she told them she was pregnant already?

"Yes," I say, I didn't want Hannah to be suspicious.

"Well, we have very high expectations and standards and she didn't reach them, somebody else who was similar aged applied but was willing to pay more money so-"

"How much do you want?"

"This isn't a bidding school,"

"I'll pay double the amount she said she was going to pay."

"We'll go through things, we need some time to discuss this, I'll make sure to call you back and-"

"Please can you call a different number and when she gets accepted you send in one of them big ass texts?"

"Is Hannah as rude as you because we do not tolerent rude students."

"No, no. Sorry, she's much politer than me, believe me... Yeah, so I'll text the number and don't make contact with this phone unless it's the you've been accepted text. Thanks."

"Okay. Have a good day."

I end the call, texting them my number then deleting the messages. I run back downstairs, Hannah arching a brow at me.

"What took you so long?"

"I needed to... shit."

"Too much information!"

"Sorry." I chuckle.

"Yeah, where's my phone?"

"Oh I checked for you, no messages sorry."

"Oh." I couldn't dare look any longer at her dissappointed face.

"Maybe tomorrow?" I suggest, causing a smile to spark onto her face once more.


"Is anybody hungry or is it just me?" Niall asks.

"Just you!" Every one shouts except Hannah who agreed.

Everybody stared at her, a light blush appearing on her cheeks.

"I'm eating for two, go away!" she snapped.


Louis comes towards Hannah, kissing her cheek.

"You're so cute." He chuckled.

"Guys gross!" I say, covering my eyes in a childish manner.

Louis flashed the bird at me, kissing Hannah once more.

"Woah!" I say, hands out in surrender.

"So where are we going to eat?" Niall asked.

"At a pub?!"

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